I NEED HELP PLEASE I think im going to cry! please answer!!!?
2009-10-24 20:56:58 UTC
ok please this is very important ok so this guy i only went out with for 2 days asked me to send him a pic of me with my underwear on. so I did but its only by butt and legs. like u cnt see my face or anything. now hes telling me that he wants to do it with me. and i say no. so he says fine do it or ill put it on the internet. what do i do? Of course i said no i cursed him out like not kidding. but please what do I do? can people notice that thats me? like if its only legs and but? and its in balck and white. but please help im so scared i know it was so freaking stupid im only 15 and hes freaking 17 i hate him with alll my heart. pllease help? please? im seriously im crying my but off please!
69 answers:
2009-10-24 21:05:29 UTC
aw sweety

please dont cry : (

every girl has fallin in love with a jerk

dont have sex with him

dont ever give up your body because someone is blackmailing you

let him put it on the internet

theres no way anyone would recognize its you

also, even if he says its you, just deny it, he cant prove it

be more careful next time sweety : (

youll be okay, if you need to talk, feel free to message me, kay?
2009-10-24 21:08:08 UTC
Ahh I don't think I need to lecture you because you now know from experience what you shouldn't do. I personally think that long repetitive lectures are only effective on people who have not experienced it yet.

I'm not 100% sure what to do either, but here is what ~I~ would do.

1. Calm down. Stop crying. You made a mistake and you can't reverse it.

2. Tell the school officials (and then tell the police). I know you might be too embarrassed to tell your parents, but YOU MUST. This is absolutely essential. If you receive any sort of help at all, your parents are bound to find out (the school calls, or the police tells them). So just break the news to them. TELL THEM YOU KNOW YOU WERE ACTING IN AN IMMATURE FASHION! and that it will never happen again. <---very important

3. Take his cellphone while you guys are talking, and delete the picture. Be careful with this step. I don't know if your guy is a violent type of person.

4. NEVER agree to do it with him. He can use this against you, legally and psychologically.

5. It's a mistake. Don't make it a bigger deal than it already is. It's a mistake that you learned from. At least it wasn't a full on naked picture!
2009-10-24 21:05:08 UTC
If your face is not showing no one will know it is you so tell him to go right ahead. Don't tell him that you will deny that it is you because he may keep the e mail to prove that it is you so don't say anything to him that will indicate that it is you in the picture. In other words don't talk to him again. If he brings up the subject say something like " I don't know what you are talking about, thats not me, I would never undress for anyone." Please let this be a learning lesson to you and never fall for that trick again.He probably does that to all the girls.Might I suggest that if you had on a certain kind of underware and bra on the picture get rid of them as soon as possible just in case someone might recoginize them when you are dressing for P.E. or having a sleep over.
2009-10-24 21:10:39 UTC
Hey, you made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes, as a human being your subject to them. It's done, you already know what went wrong, you've already been forgiven now forgive yourself. Don't let him scare you , there's no proof that your in the pic, tell him to do it prove to him your not scared, in the end all he did was put a bottom half pic on the internet and you still maintained your innocents. Good job for saying no, and leave that immature guy to his own games, there will be guy who is for you and he will respect you for your choice. I hope this helps ;)

Edit: Just untag yourself, and if anyone ask that you trust, tell them the truth, but if you don't feel it is necessary for them to know, ignore them and delete the message, also if its on facebook,report the pic, honestly it sounds like he is blowing smoke, he is no threat to you especially when you let him know by your actions that he is no threat to you
the squirrel
2009-10-24 21:05:35 UTC
Seriously calm down. Its a butt and leg shot. Unless ur face is on ur butt....don't sweat it. If anyone asks....deny it. This guy can put it up and talk all the crap he wants but just deny even knowing him. Its really not a big deal. Get a new bf and move on. The next guy will protect u.
2009-10-24 21:09:53 UTC
First, I am normally polite when answering questions, but you must have experienced a brain lapse to send him the pictures he wanted at all.

That being said, he is obviously a dangerous person and used to getting his way. He is trying to blackmail you, so you should feel morally justified in "discouraging" that behavior. Google him. Facebook or myspace are excellent sources of information that can be turned against this person.
2009-10-24 21:12:26 UTC
OMG!! that sucks soo bad im really sorry but dont cry anymore.. if you cant see your face then you shouldnt be super worried... like whose going to look you up and say hey thats this persons butt? you know and if you ever do find it you can report it as know?

uhm guys these days are jerks and losers and next time wait a lil longer before you send someone something...that is a serious sign of him not being respectful. no guy should force you to do something you dont want...remember that my friend.
2009-10-24 21:06:03 UTC
ok so id tell u to tell ur parents but its probably not an option for u

so if its only ur legs then its fine dnt worry..

and wow that guy is a ******* *****! wow if i was ur friend and knew u well and ud tell me i would seriously beat the crap out of him..

im 16 btw... and thatt guy is a d!ck head! wow im pis$ed off right now.. how can some1 be such a cold hearted freak.. that guy made me angry..

wait untill he's 18 and u can put him in jail for that for a long time.. he deserves it.
2009-10-24 21:06:16 UTC
it's very unlikely that anyone could tell it was you, and you could always deni it, and say he's a stupid jerk lol which he is. And there's so much stuff on the internet anyways no one would probably find it..

But don't send dirty pics to people unless you really know and trust them, and even than it's not smart. Any relationship could go bad and they could use it against you.
2009-10-24 21:06:02 UTC
there are guys who have ***** and there are guys who are *****. im sorry your first bf had to be the one who is a dick. if your face isnt visible in the pic then no one will know its you. he could easily pull a pic off the internet and say its you and thats what you can say. dont ever have sex with a guy because of a stupid threat like this.
2009-10-24 21:05:22 UTC
never send pics that you don't want everyone to see over the internet. You're 15. Tell him that it's illegal for him to post that picture and if he tries to, you'll simply point the FBI in his direction and he'll be arrested for child pornography. I doubt he's smart enough to realize it's an empty threat.

Deny Deny deny and Don't take any more pictures!
2009-10-24 21:06:25 UTC
ok first off this boy is seriously immature and a jerk so stay away from him...for 2 i dont think anyone would be able to tell its you sooo if he does do it just deny it...and lastly dont EVER do anything like that again...nowadays anything can end up on the internet and really screw up your reputation...and DO NOT have sex with this boy because hes threatening to do that..thats what hes wanting and a boy like that doesnt deserve really glad you told him no...nice to know some girls nowdays respects themselves and their bodies so good for you...
2009-10-24 21:03:16 UTC
if you can't see your face then you should be okay and i'm 16 and i feel for you i hate when other guys think that this is alright to do especially since he was the first guy you've dated i know if i was him i wouldn't have even asked for the pictures yet i wouldn't have even asked for pictures anyways i would've waited a while and then asked for in person i'm sorry that this happened to you and you should be okay because they can't see your face...please don't cry anymore there are people that care for you.
2009-10-24 21:19:00 UTC
well alot of people would say tell your parents but you probably won't so my opinion don't do anything with him an if he says hes gonna put it on the net don't believe him an tell him that's bullshit an that's a very immature way of trying to get a girl to have sex with him an if he does post it so what. no one will know its you an if they do so what, the only reason they would think its you is if he tells people, which he won't but if does just tell them he's a liar
2009-10-24 21:08:03 UTC
what a creep. man if he has to blackmail a girl, hes in for a troubled life. You did make a mistake and hopefully learned from it. Dont worry no one will know its you. if he posts it with your name on it, tell whoever approaches you , that he wishes it was. and move on. the less said the better. Good luck babe, and please never do that again. Nothing is worth that. He is a loser.Find someone that appreciates YOU !
2009-10-24 21:10:20 UTC
Tell an adult you trust (parent, youth leader, school counselor), they can take the appropriate actions that can result in a positive outcome for you!

Plus, if he actually posts them he could be arrested (you're a minor); and he's attempting to use them to exploit you (also a crime).

Don't feel stupid. Collect yourself and tell the adult you trust most, we all make mistakes and he's making much bigger one's than you did.
2009-10-24 21:04:15 UTC
You should tell him, all calm and careless, "I dont care. You have nothing on me, It's only my ***. Have fun with it on the internet." and walk away.

Dont panic, no big deal, no ones going to see it and know its you.

If he tells someone its you and they ask, just deny it, because its no proof.

And get rid of the underwear you were wearing.

Never date that much of an older guy, and never talk to him again. If it gets serious, tell an adult.

And if you tell one, dont say, "he has a pic of me in my underwear." say "he said he'll get a fake pic of me in my underwear and put it on the internet." Just deny it.

Wtvr you do, dont do it with him. It would be rape.

ANd dont cry, dont panic. No need.
2009-10-24 21:09:33 UTC
if the picture was in black and white, and you wernt showing your face, you shouldnt worry... unless he would tell his friends about it.. but even though dont trip. everyone makes mistakes to regret it just LEARN FROM IT.. okay next time make sure what type of guy your dealing with. i understand this was your first boyfriends.. btw AM glad that you didnt have sex with him. try not to grow up so fast.. life is fun so enjoy it while you can!! =]
2009-10-24 21:08:27 UTC
awww darling :( dont cry, everything will be okay, hes obviously just being a total dick, excuse my language, but itll all be fine, tell your parents, trust me i know its hard to do at this age (im 16 and i cant tell them anything so i just go to my brother) but believe me they will understand and help you, he cant do this because as all these lovely people above me have said already is sexualy harrassment, so just dry your eyes, tell your parents, or siblings if you have any, and they will help get all this all sorted out and so that prick gets what he deserves :)

and im sorry to hear this is your first but believe me we're not all like that :)
2009-10-24 21:05:54 UTC
Tell parents, they will forgive you and they will solve this. Try not to get too into it at age 15, just say no next time. No criticism here, I know how you were feeling. Good luck with this.
super star
2009-10-24 21:05:01 UTC
come down. we all do stupid things all the time. if its just your butt and legs, then no, no one will recognize its you. this guy sounds creepy, stay away from him and don't send any pictures of yourself unless you know them and are comfortable with that person. that jerk just wants to get into your pants and u r only 15. if things get worse, get an adult involved.
2009-10-24 21:03:15 UTC
This guy is a complete douche! If he puts your picture on the internet, you are a minor and that is illegal. He could get into a lot of trouble if you were to report him. Plus if he's threatening you like this to have sex with him, that is a form of blackmail, and if you do have sex with him because of this, it's rape. Ditch this as$hole. He's no good.
2009-10-24 21:26:04 UTC
just don't worry about him, if he does put you pic over the internet, police that he's black mailing you...actually you have the power not him b/c you are 2 years younger then him, since he's almost 18... yea...he'll be a lot of trouble. just you know, don't worry about it. H'es not going to do it. I swear just say if you do, i call the police...
2009-10-24 21:07:34 UTC
I don't think anyone can see that it was you. He probably won't put it on the internet. DON'T sleep with him ( I know you said you didn't want to but just telling you again). The guy is an asshole. Dump him and don't go near him.
2009-10-24 21:07:05 UTC
Ok first, relax. Second, you know better than to do this! Even if it is your legs and butt! Third, no one will notice you, because EVERYONE does it on Facebook, MySpace, etc
Sad Panda
2009-10-24 21:03:27 UTC
Let him post it pfft you know how many people do stupid crap like that. Just deny the picture is yours. Also good luck on finding a BF that isn't a complete asshole who should be castrated.
2009-10-24 21:10:53 UTC
If you didn't show your face in the picture, then that would be less damaging to you. Save all your conversation, if things get out of hand, sue him.
2009-10-24 21:10:41 UTC
You did the wrong thing.

You just met him and you are sexting him?

You sould be ashmaded.

Tell him that it's over and if he does that, you will tell the police for sexual harrasment.
2009-10-24 21:02:21 UTC
Report him. He is making sexual harassment threats to you and you are only a minor. He can get into HUGE trouble.

Tell your parents about it as well. You might get into trouble, but its better than having yourself exposed on the internet.

And please remember this next time someone asks for a pic, okay? :(
2009-10-26 04:26:33 UTC
a lesson that you've learnt. never exposed such photo especially to online guys. you don't even know him and hell, you won't know what he is capable on doing.. since that photo doesn't have your face, it's quite alright. he may probably edit that photo with a face on it and may say that photo is you. well, nothing you can do but just to pray
2009-10-24 21:04:34 UTC
First of all this guy is a pedophile you need to call the police and tell them what happened and you will be fine and it will make his family see what a asshole is.
2009-10-26 15:37:47 UTC
just let him put it on it and if anyone asks say its not you and that you got the pic off the internet and that its not really you
Orochi X
2009-10-24 21:04:33 UTC
hey wats up?

Dont cry, if it was only a picture of your lower body, then you should be fine. You can also press charges against your bf for violating your privacy too.
2009-10-24 21:02:47 UTC
Woooooooooooow he' was only using you for "you know what"

let him put it up ! who cares. if anyone asks tell them that its not you

and that its a fake picture. & its not like people are gonna make fun of you ?

and trust me dont have sex with him .

he'll only use you for that.

as a matter of fact , you can call cops on him .
2009-10-26 20:11:00 UTC
this is probly one of the resons your mom doesnt want you to date. right now, you could get into trouble and probably even get hurt for now i suggest you cut off all relations with him. that way he cant manipulate you anymore.
2009-10-26 12:03:00 UTC
You shouldn't let his threats scare you. If its black and white no one can really tell who it is,especially by just your legs and butt.
2009-10-24 21:06:18 UTC
someone told me to do tht..... I didnt give in.... Just stay strong..... Ok wut u need to do 1. tell parents.....2. or call cops if u dont want parents involved.3. call his parents. 4. Blackmail him abck, make him think u kno exactly tht ur alll right and blakc mail him of something u kno is or isnt true.5. NEVER DO THT AGAIN..

2009-10-24 21:03:05 UTC
First off, dont send pictures of yourself like that to anyone. You can't trust anyone. Stop flipping out. Don't let him bribe you, eff it. let him post it. Deny it like a mother ******. your face isn't in it, so there is no proof that it is you.
2009-10-24 21:06:26 UTC
the same thing happened to me, he could be lyeing. you never know, just ignore him and forget it. lets say he decides to be an *** and tells people, its just your legs and butt. if he shows ppl the text and it says your number ? say that it was your cousin who did it, it was her body.
2009-10-24 21:07:22 UTC
well hun, if you cant see your face in the picture it should be alrightt.. nobody will know its you.. and he might have just been threatening you and he might not even put it on the internet so i woulnt worry about it (:
2009-10-24 21:03:17 UTC
tell your parents it might not sound like a good idea but in a situation like this it is the best thing to do because what he is doing probably isnt legal.... ;)
2009-10-24 21:01:20 UTC
well you should have never sent it to him in the first place..but since ur face isn't in it u should be pretty safe...ill beat him up if u want me too. lol just stop crying. i hate when i know that there is a girl crying over some jerk..

help me?
2009-10-24 21:01:50 UTC
Go to your parents. I know you dont want to, but you need to. Plus you should know that sending pictures like that is called sexting, and it is Illegal, you are not 18 nor is he. But seriously I know going to your parents is going to be hard, but they will help
2009-10-24 21:07:32 UTC
will every thing will be ok as long as it don't show your face don't have any more to do with him don't answer his e mail anymore just for get him
2009-10-24 21:03:40 UTC
It's only your legs and butt! No one will be able to tell!
2009-10-24 21:02:07 UTC
is there anyway you can get the picture back??

i dont think anyone will know if its only legs and in black and white
2009-10-24 21:09:19 UTC
he sounds like a jerk it will be ok dont let him make u cry if its just your legs and but dont worry no one will know its you
2009-10-24 21:04:33 UTC
2009-10-24 21:03:25 UTC
if u cant see ur face dont care if he puts it on the internet also hes prob bluffing
2009-10-24 21:01:39 UTC
Hes jsut trying to sleep with you, hate him with all your heart, I know I would, oh, and the pic you sent him wasnt real?
2009-10-27 04:34:26 UTC
Tell your parents and they can call hi sdon't cry
ruba k
2009-10-26 12:53:09 UTC
its ok its ok .. relax if ur face wasnt in it then no one will know dont let him threat u like this
2009-10-24 21:02:12 UTC
okay unlike JELLYBEAN here i can help you

what you need to do is get one of your friends to hang out with him, then be like hey can i see your phone and then delete it when he doesnt know it.
2009-10-24 21:04:08 UTC
No offense, but you sound too dumb to be worrying about dating. Go back to school; do well. Ignore the photos.
I <3 ATL
2009-10-24 21:12:29 UTC
your both wrong.

you shouldn't have taken it.

he shouldn't have asked for it.

and he shouldn't ask for sex

...and then threaten to put it online.
2009-10-24 21:02:33 UTC
well i think youve learned your lesson,and i doubt that ppl will recongnize you unless they have aready seen what your behind looks like.And please keep away from boys like that,and calm down everything will be okay.
2009-10-24 21:01:56 UTC
make a joke telling him he's a creeper or a pev or whatever, dont make it sound like you're crying]: and hopefully he'll leave you alone
twisted me
2009-10-24 21:03:56 UTC
tell an adult or someone! please dont cry. what he did im pretty sure is illegal so tell someone cause then u can get the satisfaction of his *** in jail. please please please go tell an adult. what he did was wrong. but also never give a guy a pic of urself in underwear ever again.
2009-10-24 21:06:05 UTC
I put a pic of me with revealing shirt on and my boobs showing and its still on internet so i know wat your going threw
2009-10-24 21:03:32 UTC
dont cry ever thing going to be ok
2009-10-24 21:01:03 UTC
is your face on the picture? in no then no, nobody will recognize you. next time dont send pictures of yourself halfway naked.

2009-10-24 21:02:49 UTC
i know this sounds lame but tell his parents that he pressured you and now he is threatening you. then dump him.
2009-10-25 15:24:31 UTC
press charges on him all you want.

you'll be in trouble too.

F*cking kids...
2009-10-24 21:02:26 UTC
its just your legs and butt no face don't worry..
2009-10-24 21:01:03 UTC
You can sue him for sexual harassment if he does.
2009-10-24 21:01:43 UTC
let him post what? You gave him the picture, you must be proud of it
2009-10-24 21:01:33 UTC
why would you even send him a pic of your butt in the 1st place? your fault
2009-10-24 21:00:59 UTC
oh guess is to tell your parents...and they can call his...or you could ask the school counselor about it...

answer mine?
2009-10-24 21:00:30 UTC
dont cry please

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