God gave you the ability and free will to LIVE YOUR LIFE. What you Do or Don't do with it is up to YOU.
Your biggest FEARS are NOT knowing What to SAY or How to do Something. It's like taking a test. It's NOT so scary, once you know the answers. Driving is NOT so scary, once you're behind the wheel a few times. Same with the Opposite Sex.
Practice and Experience equals, PIECE OF CAKE.
PRACTICE is just a way to LEARN to get better.
(High School / College / New Town / New Job)
Women have the Power of Seduction. You can do what guys do, to Flirt and Hit On someone… with less effort and better results.
Always use Smiles, Humor and Compliments to approach people.
USE SMILES (to make them relax),
USE HUMOR (to make them Smile or Laugh),
USE COMPLIMENTS (to make them feel good about themselves
when they are around you)
Wouldn't you want to be around someone
that made you feel good about yourself?
All this may sound scary to you,
but aren't you already scared anyway…
And probably sick of being YOU. (the way you are)
CHANGE will Always Be Uncomfortable…
until it becomes the way you do things.
Start by NOT making a big deal out of it. You'll only worry yourself.
SMILE at all the Guys.
"ALL" the guys. Say "Hi" to some or as many as possible. Don't pick and choose, because some of them have other friends that you will like and they could do the introductions for you at some point. Just like Sports... PRACTICE being popular. Smile. Say "Hi". Tell them your name, ask them theirs, BUT compliment them on something you like about Them,
before you let them say their name.
You introduce yourself and compliment (the stranger) right away without letting them say their name. In case They were considering rejecting you, They now have a smile on Their face because of the compliment. You just need to keep the Smile there. Then say...
"I'm sorry, what was your name?" while still smiling.
Keep in mind and REMEMBER--Handsome, Beautiful or Butt Ugly has
"NOTHING" to do with PRACTICE and
Because its only practice... it doesn't matter if you strike out
over and over again.
PRACTICE is just a way to LEARN to get Better.
Also, if you get rejected 100,000 times.
There is still a BILLION guys you haven't met... YET!!!!!
and Visa Versa. Guys that haven't met You... YET!!!!!
So… Conversations are pretty easy, once you break the ice. If there is a GUY, you would like to MAKE talk to you… Just make this comment out of the blue "You know what I don't get… Why do people DRIVE on Parkways and PARK in Drive ways?? Also, if PRO means to Favor, Support and Move Forward and CON is Deception, Deceiving or Trickery. Then what is the opposite of PROGRESS??" (Are you entertaining this thought? See how that works?)
You don't have ask/talk to him directly. Just make the comment in ear shot of him. When he responds… Just SMILE at Him. He is pretty much yours, just keep smiling and asking questions (even if you know the answer to your questions)
He doesn't know that you do and he doesn't know that you like him or tricked him into GIVING YOU HIS ATTENTION. All He sees/knows is that a girls is smiling and enjoying his company.
Ask simple questions, he can answer.
Like "Is it true that guys who say "WHAT" love me?"
He'll say "What?" You SMILE BIG and say: "So it's true."
Learn to Joke with people. It shows a sense of humor as they smile in your company. Example: "I heard the other day that TIME IS MONEY. Would you like to spend some with me?" If they ask "Time or Money?" You SMILE and say. "YES."
It's only scary the first 3 or 4 times.
Be NICE and CONVERSATIONAL to ALL the Guys. Even plain guys have feelings and attractive friends, neighbors or cousins.
Be Respectful, you'll be remembered better.
"Sometimes" Date guys that don't interest you, BUT THAT LIKE YOU, It's the same chance you would like from someone you liked,
that wasn't interested in you.
Also… its A Good Practice TO MEET other types of personalities and BE TREATED BY SOMEONE "TRULY" INTERESTED IN YOU. They will treat you better/different from those YOU like or want.
If you don't start PRACTICING this now, you will lose out on many other opportunities (Guys) in the future.
The Players call it "Having Game."
If You or Them is the "SHY TYPE" tell them, they make you Nervous.
If they are Nervous, THEY won't be. If you're Nervous, YOU won't be.
By saying it to the other person, it disappears for both of you.
Also… The idea for Dating is to find out if there is anything between two people. Attraction is based on looks, but personality will let you know if you are worth each other's while. Muscles and Make Up attract guys and girls to each other, but if the personalities SUCK, you have nothing.
If you are not sure about a person, THAT IS WHY YOU DATE THEM.
To find out and be SURE and not worry or guess.
You DO NOT have to be in a relationship to DATE.
You Date to see "IF" you want to be in a RELATIONSHIP.
Just TALK. Get to know each other.
You NEVER have to Spend a Penny or Pay to have a Date.
Although, You do have to Spend TIME and PAY Attention.
(Most people can work this into their budget).
It doesn't matter if the guy asked the girl or girl asked the guy.
In every couple that you see together,
ONE OF THEM, had to make the First Move.