I am curious to know why is there a growing number of black brothers dating or marrying white women? I am not prejudice at all, because I am myself black and have a brother who has only dated white women, and the white woman he with now they have a 1year old son, and a newborn daughter just born recently. They both are to get married soon, and my family and I like her a whole lot. We also just adore my nephew and neice. The thing is I have noticed a growing trend of black guys and white young women getting together, as though its a new fashion statement. I know all these guys cannot be dating white girls because they like or love them, it seems like a new trend, a in-thing to do.
My sister and I asked my brother once, why now he only dates white girls, he said because white girls don't talk back or argue as much as black girls do. He says black girls always want to be in control of everything, and always want to argue. My question is why is this going on, or is it a trend?