Just J
2009-10-16 08:17:20 UTC
I guess the real question is: should I dump him?
The sex is good right now, but I really don't see me wanting to hop in bed with him 10, 15, 20 years from now if he seems so freaking dumb to me...there are plenty of other guys out there right now who are equally hot, good in bed, and able to understand a few complex subjects and participate...right?
I am fairly intelligent, confident, and pretty open and accepting. I have been with this guy for 3.5 years now and he refuses to study. He only likes watching TV. A lot. He has way more free time to devote to studying. I have gotten him to read and helped him with some math skills, etc., but it is ultimately up to him...he just won't follow through. I am busy studying and working.
I just feel like we have come to a fork in the road...and I am afraid to continue with him if it is getting less and less satisfying on a regular basis...then I'm afraid I won't find someone who is sensitive and loving and affectionate and sweet to me...packaged in as nice a container as he comes in. He is a "10." On the outside.