be honest.... am i a loser?
2008-09-08 01:26:38 UTC
i am 20 years old and have never kissed a guy besides on the cheek. i have dated a little, but not anything serious. i just guess i want my first kiss to be actually special for it to be with someone i care about. is that completely lame? does it make me a loser? cause one of my close friends teases me about it and tells me my expectations are too high.. but i don't want to settle for someone i'm not going to be happy with. i just wanted some opinions, please. thanks. :)
53 answers:
2008-09-08 01:32:28 UTC
Yes, your expectations are a little high. BUT that doesn't make you a loser or lame!

Your first kiss should be special, but it doesn't have to be under absolutely perfect circumstances - no matter how or where it happens, you'll never forget it. Just try to enjoy the way things go and relax!
2008-09-08 02:16:24 UTC
You would be a loser if you settled for anything less than what you feel you deserve. If your so called "close friend" mocks you by telling you that your expectations are too high, it's only because that person has failed to obtain any self worth of their own. People like that habitually aim rather low and settle for very little in life and try to drag others down to their own diminished level. Try not to be influenced by people who tell you stuff like that especially when you know very well what lies in your own true self. Whatever you do in life be true to what you believe and don't feel you need to have to defend or explain yourself to someone who obviously can't appreciate the true value in having a meaningful and worthwhile relationship. In the scheme of things, there are no winners or losers. There are people who are either happy or unhappy in the choices they make and having the right attitude, like you seem to posses, will ensure that you will make those right choices that will give you what you desire. Keep aiming high and try not to laugh too hard at your friend who grovels for Penny's when you are going for the gold.
2008-09-08 01:37:05 UTC
Yes dear you are absolutely right....

Dont worry about others..

ts your life so you have decide that how it will go. Its you and you the only person has to decide what sort of love life you need to lead.

Not the others. See loosers will always lead to their way. So dont bother about the people arround you.

I will personaly tell you that age is not a barrier to find the true love so wait until you get a true guy.

Its not a big deal that you didnt kiss at the age of 20 rather it is very important that the guy you first kiss is there for your till the end of your life. So belive in true love.

More wait more sweeter it is

All the very best- You will find your love soon
2008-09-08 01:32:39 UTC
Hey dear,

I personally feel that you are amazing. You are kind of girl that a guy could dream of... So don't ever think you are a loser. I would say a gal who kisses just for the sake of kissing or fun is a "Big LOSER"

You are doing really good. Your waiting will be rewarded. I'll pray the god that you must get a handsome prince & your first kiss will be the most special event in your life...

Keep smiling...
2008-09-08 01:34:54 UTC
Of course you're not a loser. I have friends who tease me about boyfriends, because I always end up ditching them within a week when I don't feel a real connection with them. Its good that you want to wait until there is some sort of connection, rather than simply making out with the next guy who walks in off the street. Better one deep and meaningful relationship than a dozen shallow get-together's.
Spring is Awesome
2008-09-08 01:34:09 UTC
your not a loser!

you sound like a girl i'd definitely want to go out with =). your expectations are normal, some people who kiss for the first time, feel nothing special, and regret it, same goes for sex, it can just go by so fast, and end up being just a quick sloppy mess of an experience.

I'm almost 18, never kissed a girl, not even on the cheek. never dated either.
Erica T
2008-09-08 01:33:37 UTC
Not a loser, just precocious and there's nothing wrong with that! Good for you! That's actually a very refreshing things these days, and you should not be made to feel weird for it. When you finally find the one you want to be with, it will be so much better for you. So no, NOT a loser. I wish you happiness, your great guy will come soon, and there will probably be a line of them to choose from.
Instant Rice
2008-09-08 01:33:02 UTC
I was a virgin until I was married.

I chose to kiss at a younger age, but you're not a loser.

Although I will say your first kiss won't be what you think it is. It sucks. It's not like how you imagine it, but then you practice and make it better. I was my wife's first kiss and I never thought of her as a loser.
Yummy cookies
2008-09-08 01:32:28 UTC
No, if you have never kissed someone because you don't want to, you are definitely not a loser for not kissing yet.

Frankly, I like people who never kiss much better than those who make out in public places, like school in front of all the teachers and classmates... What are they trying to prove??

What's the point of dating someone if you don't like him? It's just another necessary evil, that we have too many of already.

[edit]As far as I see it people who have dated name it necessary and than keep trying to date because of their own trap that they laid for others. People can be so stupid sometimes.
2008-09-08 01:35:55 UTC
I am 24 and just had my very first kiss with the guy I ADORE. You can wait as long as u want and that only makes u a person that has a huge sense of self respect

good luck
2008-09-08 01:51:08 UTC
No! You're not a loser.

In fact you're kind of like me!

But there are a few details that I add.

I mean I as well have never been kissed but I've never dated either.

God will bring you that perfect person for you when he feels that you are ultimately ready to meet him.

So what if you're "waiting around", which you're not. If you were really waiting around you'd be sitting in your home waiting for Mr.Right to know on your door. You're in action, you're just not in the same type of action that other women partake in.
2008-09-08 01:34:08 UTC
Its good to have good values like that, it makes people respect you.

I dont think your a loser and hopefully your friend is just teasing or shes not a true friend.

Wait for that someone special, it will be amazing:)
2008-09-08 01:34:13 UTC
no not at all. I lost my kissing 'virginity' at 17 when i was drunk, the kiss meant nothing, didnt know the guy and ended up with a really bad flu for the week. I think its special that when you have that one kiss that it will be perfect. I admire you for doing that. Its kinda like that movie where drew barrymore is waiting for that perfect kiss (i know she has been kissed already but you know what o mean with her waiting for that perfect one). All the best!
2008-09-08 01:34:51 UTC
your not a loser it sounds like your friends EASY!

i get you but maybe u should make ur expections a little bit lower.

age in my books dosent matter and people are different and your one of those people who likes things to be special and i get that.

im just trying to say a kiss is a kiss one day it will be with the special one and just becuse you havent found them dont matter ur not a loser and as i said ur friends very very EASY!
baby g
2008-09-08 01:36:12 UTC
I think you know what you want and won't settle for less. Good for you. Who would want their first kiss to be with someone they didn't care about and only with someone that they just wanted to kiss for the sake of it. Stand your ground and don't back down.
2008-09-08 01:33:21 UTC
ha ha, seems your a little shy and you waiting for 'the right one' heaps of people do that, they make a decision that they don't want to forget, if you keep dating heaps of random people then thats something you don't want to remember in 10 years or so. What i think is that your making a right decision by waiting, the right person will come to you eventually, and you won't have regret it. Good luck! ;]
2008-09-08 01:36:02 UTC
You are most definitely not a loser... keep your expectations high and wait for what you want. The reward can only be sweet.
2008-09-08 01:35:40 UTC
no you are not a loser. you are just a sincere person and being picky about who you kiss is a good thing. why would you kiss somone anyway whom you do not have any warm and special feelings for???

you are good and don't le tanyone pressure you into something you are not comfortable into doing. anyone who does is not a real friend!
2008-09-08 01:33:01 UTC
OH MAN...were on the same page. except u've actually dated 20, ive never kissed or dated a guy. i feel like there are no good guys left in this world...its true wat they say...THE GOOD ONES ARE ALL TAKEN...theres only a few left and u really have to search for em, i mean REALLY search...

ur not lame or a loser...its a good thing that ur waiting for a great guy..WHY SHOULD U SETTLE FOR LESS????

my friends always tell me my expectations are high, but its just cause they have no expectations!

theres a GOOD SAYING:

"Never settle for less than you deserve, because you'll get less than wat u settled for".... i really believe it
2008-09-08 01:37:38 UTC
What makes you think that a kiss is the only key that will lead you to happiness? At best it will open a few doors that can lead you to some semblance of happiness. So, keep opening those doors, while you can, and see which one leads you to what you want. Happy kissing!
2008-09-08 01:33:45 UTC
Let me ask you a question...

If I wanted to be the world's best surfer but I never tried it because I just stood on the beach waiting my whole life for the "perfect wave", would I ever accomplish my goal?

I just hope you come down off your pedestal before you're too fat and your boobs are too saggy to get a guy at all.
2008-09-08 01:32:06 UTC
Your thinking on this is good. Just use good sense and choose a guy with excellent character and not someone who wants to use you for his own pleasure---there are too many like this.

Friends can sometimes be maddening too and unencouraging, so don't take her seriously.
2008-09-08 01:31:26 UTC
how does that make you a loser? just keep in mind that all the dumb teenage girls that have sex with stupid horny guys will probably either get an STD or get pregnant. what you're doing is SMART and doesn't make you a loser.
Sam S
2008-09-08 01:33:04 UTC
You sound like a sweet girl, the right person will come along soon, maybe a close friend.
2008-09-08 01:32:55 UTC
of course you're not a loser. your special person will come! just wait.

tnx for the 2 points by the way
Jimmie T
2008-09-08 01:31:04 UTC
Just remember, good things come to those who wait. It could happen any time soon, or not for awhile, but when it does it's worth the wait!
2008-09-08 01:30:45 UTC
honesty, I don’t think you are a loser… everyones time comes when it is right for them. G-O-O-D for you if you don’t wanna kiss the first guy that gives you a compliment.
2008-09-08 01:40:36 UTC
nope your not a loser, far from it you have principles good on you. you keep waiting for mr right to come along. and when he does and when you do it will be very special.
2008-09-08 01:31:29 UTC
You're not a loser, but your friend is for making fun of you like that.

I would kiss as many people as possible, and if i wanted to save something special for the right person, I'd save the further stuff. :)

That way, you're enjoying life, having fun, and getting a bit of experience.

But being true to yourself and what you want is important. :D
2008-09-08 01:32:55 UTC
no, you're not a loser.

if you got your first kiss with 20+ age. then you should be proud of it. For me, it means you're somewhat decent. [;

your friend is giving you some low self-esteem.
2008-09-08 01:32:39 UTC
who says it makes you a loser? at least you have the selfrespect to not do something until it feels right. unless you are totally comfortable, hold off.. and in your situation it'll happen when it happens. promise.
Mr. Goodkat
2008-09-08 01:30:05 UTC
Honey that makes you special and a rare gem today, where 14 year old girls dont even think twice about having sex.

I hope you find your someone special soon.
2008-09-08 01:30:17 UTC
No, you're not. Live life the way you want. Better than being easy and giving it up to every guy you meet.
2008-09-08 01:29:47 UTC
No,you are not a loser! You are in the right to wait for someone on your accordance.I admire that!! =)
2008-09-08 01:30:46 UTC
there's nothing wrong with it. although most people would recommend exploring and choosing the right person. and o yeah , not a loser. but conservative.
2008-09-08 01:29:38 UTC
yes its not average, but doesn't make you a loser. hold your values strong, but have some fun once in a while. There's never a perfect situation so just enjoy what you have.
2008-09-08 01:30:09 UTC
I am not reading you question but ,You are not a loser terrible descibing yourself like that. be who you want to be an to hell with everyone else

Omg you people 3 thumbs down HELLO THE GIRL ISNT A LOSER REGARDLESS TO WHAT SHE HAS DONE HASNET DONE OR W/E jeez u people ok i read it but she isnt a loser
2008-09-08 01:30:04 UTC
It shouldn't matter what everyone else thinks, but what should matter is what is important to you. Everybody is different and believes in different things.. thats what been an individual is about! good luck!
2008-09-08 01:30:24 UTC
No i think its swell that you are doing this. You are not a loser in my eyes. it just tells me you are a person who knows what you want.

And if anyone callse you a loser, look I rather be a loser than a full blown slut. HAHAHAHAHAHAHha
2008-09-08 01:39:10 UTC
i wish i was you because i've kissed& regret more than once..i shouldve waited for the right guy
2008-09-08 01:31:54 UTC
Nooooo u not loser!!! but u r minner.don't follow what they said..ok?
2008-09-08 01:31:54 UTC
No, you are an ideal woman. You respect yourself, keep being awesome.
2008-09-08 01:30:02 UTC
not at all

you're being true to yourself and not settling

you deserve to have what you want when you are ready and when you know.... never settle for less
2008-09-08 01:31:50 UTC
You are not a loser.just someone who knows what they want.
2008-09-08 01:29:59 UTC
If you really want your first kiss with that special someone, go ahead and pursue it. But know that you can't always keep waiting forever. Nothing is perfect and I hope you'll realize that someday.
2008-09-08 01:30:15 UTC
No, you're not a loser. Keep up what you're doing :)
2008-09-08 01:36:51 UTC
No, good for you. You might be missing out though.
Fergie S
2008-09-08 01:30:33 UTC
not a loser!!!!!!!!!!

2008-09-08 01:29:41 UTC
No because you have self respect and honor
2008-09-08 01:29:45 UTC
I wish I could have been like that.
2008-09-08 01:30:29 UTC
naw im like you!! wanna experiment together??
2008-09-08 01:29:16 UTC
i think its sweet! the right person will come !! good luck
2008-09-08 01:31:19 UTC

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