2011-12-16 04:25:46 UTC
Me: Well when you come back, I would like to see you again =).
Her; Ok. Get a number and wait in line. Hahaha. jk jk.
Me: Haha so mean. But I wouldn't be surprised after you telling me all those guys from okcupid who want to see you again =P
(here's where it gets confusing)
Her: Is it hard to find a normal girl online or in life?
Me: Well, not just normal but someone who I feel there would be compatibility with. I guess I'm kind of picky too =P
Her: Yes. U r picky! If you set your standards too high, it is hard to see the compatibility!
Me: Hey you're picky too lol! And besides would you want a guy you were with who would settle for anyone?
And then she hasn't texted me back since. Basically, I'm wondering what that last part was all about and why did she bring up a kind of random tangent? Please help!