Kaylee jefferson
2008-06-03 01:24:11 UTC
For the last 4month me and my boyf have been on and off.. hes put me through alot emotionally, letting me down and being with other girls, when i had made plans with me. After a year relationship, he "just wants to be single" what a rubbish excus. He tells me how much i loves me, but he can't have a relationship with me anymore. And i've just find out why, he was going to move away and not tell me, so that i had no choice to get over him. I confronted him about it but he told me not to contact him again n he'd be gone in 2weeks, with everything hes put me through i flipped and told him how much i wish he'd die..i know i shouldnt have and iv tried saying sorry but he still wont talk to me. I'd me lost without him..
I have family problems, and when i thought i lost him before i ended up selfharming, and tryin to OD.i cant live without him hes means so much to me
Please help im falling apart, he means the world to me and i cant handle him not being around.