Why is it OK for Women to Call Each other Promiscuous (Explicit Names) But not Ugly?
2009-06-02 15:25:03 UTC
An aquaintance and I got into a political argument when I posted my opinion on a political issue on my Facebook. She then left comment aruging against my idea. I then returned her comment on her Facebook wall. It then turned ugly when she posted "Amber Saber is a blank blank blank (explicit terms insinuating I was promiscuous). I'm not promiscuous and the thing is we don't even know each other. The most I have said to her is "hi how are you" in passing.

I am good looking.. to be be conceited but I am just averagely good looking to wear women never attack my looks....but resort to calling me promiscuous names. I don't sleep around.

I then attacked her back and called her ugly...And she said "I won't stoop to your level"

How come its okay for another woman to call another a w h o r e but its not okay to call her ugly?

Fourteen answers:
2009-06-02 15:30:48 UTC
It's really offensive to be called either, but I think it's mostly because she thought she had a good reason to call you that, but you had no right to call her ugly, which is ridiculous.

She also might be extremely self consious about her looks. She might feel that it's ok to call someone something they can change in a short amount of time. She just sounds like a jerk and had no right calling you names.
Kirin Kat
2009-06-02 23:04:58 UTC
Well all this name calling really originated back in the Elizebethian days around 1500. Women would call names to gain control. The number one insult even then was calling another woman a wh.or.e. It was close to another name calling some had V.D. This whole name calling is a power trip. Someone will eventually call a name until one of the women will stop it, like she did. Only because she couldn't come up with anything better. That's why she said "I won't stoop to your level" which in her head is a much more critical one than that of yours. Last year there actually was a man stabbed for calling a woman ugly in New York. On another note, a Teacher is being sued for calling her student ugly, she wanted to be a part of a group singing Valentine grams and asked for permission of her teacher to do so, the teacher's response was calling her ugly,a brat, and then kicking her in the rear and ordering her to leave the room. That doesn't sound like any of the teachers I ever had in school! The fourteen-year-old's claims are being taken seriously by school officials. It's personal, and it effects family. That's a pretty strong whop of criticism. Ok, so put downs are things that people say when they feel bad inside and want you to feel bad too. I really try not to put myself in a predicament where someone would have to call me names, or I would have to return the favor. But here is what my mother taught me when I was little:

Stop, stop, don't you see

No put downs for you or me!

I won't call you ugly names

No bad words can ever hurt me!

People are going to have disagreements, but name calling has really never gotten anyone anywhere.

I'd be the stronger person and let it drop, oh and boot her off your facebook thingie.
2009-06-02 22:38:05 UTC
Personally? I think the fact that you expressing a "political viewpoint" turned into a name calling fest such as this shows the maturity level of both of you. You shouldn't have stooped to her level and responded in the first place.
2009-06-02 22:30:08 UTC
Neither one is OK. Drop the drama and don't get involved. You are both responsible for creating and/or escalating the situation if you choose to exchange comments in that manner.
2009-06-02 22:31:56 UTC
Well, she knows you're not promiscious... so i guess she knows you wouldn't take serious offense to it? Haha. I think being called ugly is a worse insult. But, she probably just said "i wont stoop to your level, because she knows shes ugly?" Im not sure.
Teddy Bear
2009-06-02 22:30:28 UTC
When you attack her looks you are also attacking her parents. You can choose whether or not to be promiscuous, it's not so easy to change your looks.
marie b
2009-06-02 22:30:19 UTC
If you said ugly and she called you a wh.ore you weren't exactly mature, but you didn't go down to her level. Calling someone a wh.ore is really mean.. It can really hurt someones feelings, a friend of mines friend killed herself cause of it.

Calling someone ugly is not worse than calling someone a wh.ore. (though calling someone ugly isn't exactly a nice thing to say (:).
Joe F
2009-06-02 22:31:04 UTC
Tell her she is ugly and her mama dresses her funny and she'd have to take a plane just so she could SEE your level.
2009-06-02 22:31:00 UTC
because ugly is based on personal preference and perception.. and women who are straight are not even attracted to women so to call her ugly is trying to make yourself feel better when in fact it doesnt cause its not like you would date her even if you thought she was pretty.. and even if you thought she was pretty that doesnt mean you wouldnt think she is ugly if her personality is ugly..

i dunno im confusing myself but i hipe you get my point =)

god bless <3

please answer my question and return the favor =)
2009-06-02 22:34:01 UTC
because being a whore is something about your personality like something you can change.

being ugly is something you can't help and have no control over.
2009-06-02 22:30:32 UTC
This whole situation sounds very childish.
2009-06-02 22:32:01 UTC
i think its not ok to say either. just say sorry because then ur being the bigger person even if she doesn't say it back.
2009-06-02 22:34:31 UTC
neither is ok, its just stupid drama and it just gotta be dropped..its all just plain stupidity
2009-06-02 22:31:49 UTC

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