can my parents file a restraining order to keep my boyfriend (love of my life) away from me?
2006-05-12 10:30:34 UTC
I am only 15 and my boyfriend is 18. My parents dont like me being with because of some trouble we got into. now there trying to file a restraining order against him to keep him away from me. As of right now the police said he isnt allowd to have any sort of physical contact with me until i am 16. This boy is the love of my life. I am not kidding you may think i am too young but honest i am a smart girl and i know what i am doing ive been through alot and this boy is the last thing i want to be taken away from. I am worried that they will be able to file the order against him and i wont be able to see him for awhile. Although we are gonna stick this out no matter what i want to be able to talk to him. Can my parents file the order? please help me ....if you want more info just ask
38 answers:
2006-05-12 10:39:03 UTC
If you are under 18, they can do whatever they like! You are their daughter,they love you, and they are only trying to protect you, and do what is best for you. Try really talking to them. Make them sit down and listen to what you have to say. I have a 15 yr. old son, and I do not doubt you love your boyfriend(my son has a girlfriend, and I really think they love each other). Don't yell or scream at them when you talk to them. Explain to them how you feel. What kind of trouble did the 2 of you get into???
2006-05-12 10:35:40 UTC
Let's just back up a minute. Your parents don't want you seeing this 18-yr old because they are looking out for your best interest. He is apparently not good enough for you or they think that he is a bad influence. I have no doubt that you are in love with him, but you need to step back and look at the situation objectively, which is really really hard when you love someone. Maybe you need to ask yourself if the reason you want this boy so bad is because your mom and dad are trying to separate you two. This is what is known as "Psych 101". People always want most what they can't have. Your parents can file the restraining order because he has caused trouble in your family and you are not yet 16. Maybe you should take a break from this guy for a while and just sit on things and think them over. Write a list of all his wonderful attributes and some of his bad points too. Look it over and try to see it from your parents' view point too.
Loss Leader
2006-05-12 10:37:26 UTC
Chances are, your parents will be able to have an order keeping him from seeing or contacting you. This seems especially likely because, as you say, you and he got into "some trouble." While you may not believe this, an 18 year-old is a muh different person from a 15 year-old. He has confidence and independence. Heck, he has a driver's license. I understand why you'd be attracted to someone older and independent. But why would he be attracted to a little kid?

The answer is that he shouldn't be. If he is incapable of forming relationships with girls his own age, there is something gravely wrong with him. And since he has already gotten you into trouble, it seems like he is not the greatest person to be spending time with in any case.

Take this time to learn more about who you are and what you want out of life. If it's true love, he'll still be there when you turn 18. Of course, he won't be. He'll have moved on to a little girl of 15 because that's all that he can handle.

Good luck.
2006-05-12 10:37:17 UTC
Sweetie, I know you say he is the love of your life, but I'm 24 (which is still considered very young in our society) and 15 was such a freakin long time ago! I have changed so much since then. If your parents think he is trouble, they are way older and smarter than you are and are probably right. Especially if the two of you got into some trouble. If you want to be an adult, earn the trust and respect of your parents and don't get into any kind of trouble. Don't go out with boys who will get you into trouble. If your life has been horrible, you are only 15 and most likely have many, many more years ahead of you.
2006-05-12 10:36:30 UTC
Sweet heart until you are of age he can get into a lot of trouble by being with you. And yes they can file the order. I'm sorry that this is so hard for you. I wish that you could understand now that things will get better. I have been where you are and its hard but life does go on. I married a man that I fell in love with and we have two beautiful baby boys. I'm only 22 but i know how it is when you are so young and people try to get in the way of your happiness. Your parents are only doing what they think is best for you, you may think that there wrong and that they don't love you but they are doing this because they love you and don't want to see you get hurt. Good luck honey.
2006-05-12 10:35:16 UTC
Yes your parents can file for the order, but the judge will not issue it unless there is sufficient need for it. So basically if the judge issues the order, he feels that there is enough reason to keep the two of you apart, and if this is the judges findings you might want to really think about it. The judge has no reason to want to keep you two apart, so he will only do so if he thinks that your boyfriend is a bad influence etc. on you.
2006-05-12 10:33:37 UTC
They can file for a restraining order but they have to have good reason in order for the judge to approve it. If the judge approves it, then your parents may have good reason and you should really think about where they are coming from. they are obviously looking out for your best interest and though it may be hard to accept and understand that, someday you will know why they do what they do. If you still feel they are wrong, wait it out until you are 16 when it will be legal for him to come around you and have physical contact. If he loves you he will wait for you. Good luck!
2006-05-12 10:39:09 UTC
Yes, they can. They are your parents and you are underage. As your legal gaurdians, they can do what they feel is right for you and unless your state laws say otherwise, there isn't much you can do about it. Another issue is the fact your boyfriend is 18 and you are 15. You didn't say you were sexually active, but if you are - even if you consent to it - your parents can take him to court for statutory rape. Bottom line is, your parents are thinking he's not a good guy, and I would maybe sit down with your parents and without getting emotional (i.e, don't yell or burst in tears) try to talk to them about why they feel the way they do. Maybe you can compromise with them in some sort of way so that you are still allowed to see him.
Just wondering
2006-05-12 10:42:39 UTC
Yes Sweetie they can. You are a minor in the eyes of the law, so yes, your parents have the right to do so. Sweetie, You are so young. You have your life ahead of you. Your parent's love you and want the best for you. I know, I know you have heard this before and right now you think your parents are the worst thing ever and they have no right. Well, they are just trying to protect you the best way they know how. You will be in there shoes one day and you will be faced with things like this from your children and you are going to do what is right no matter what your child thinks about you right? Give your parents a with them...ask them why and really listen to them. I know your heart will say something different but maybe you need to listen to your head and your parent's point of view. Have you really sat down and LISTENED to your parents. I know you think I am just like everyone else who is trying to keep him away, but I hope you will take the time to listen and HEAR what they are saying. If you two are meant to be, there is plenty of time for you two. Don't grow up too fast enjoy your teenage life. YOu will only be there once in your life..adulthood is coming and it will be there for the rest of your life.......Please try to sit down and talk with your parents. I hope you will try this. I know it hurts right now and I know you don't understand but know that your parents love you.
2016-09-27 22:57:34 UTC
you at the instant are not allowed to have the affection of your existence till you have been an grownup long sufficient to have had diverse loves. many times around age 50. If he's pleasing in against the regulation, jointly with assisting you be an incorrigible toddler via refusing to obey your mothers and dads, then a court docket can enjoin him from committing that crime.
2006-05-12 10:37:16 UTC
Yes they can because you're a minor. If you really want to keep seeing him, wait until your old enough because if they really don't like him they can have him arrested and then you really won't see him for a long time. But the real advice is, you're 15 and we've all been there. Wait til you're 18 and you'll realize what a fool you were. It won't last.
2006-05-12 10:33:51 UTC
Yes, they can do this and stop you from having any contact with him until your 16. If they do this then you need to obey that court order so he doesn't get put in jail. Some times love has to be patient.
2006-05-12 10:36:10 UTC
unless he is some sort of criminal or has a bad record or any thing,Your parents can not keep u from seeing him. it is true that if u have sex b4 u r 16 and u complain to the cops about it, it can result in him being charged with rape. so,u can have sex,but be careful. but, no ur parents can not legally force u from seeing each other.
2006-05-12 10:34:54 UTC
if you are only 15 - he isnt the love of your life - he is the cool 18 year old that you think makes you look cool too... your parents can do almost anything they want if it is in your best interest... too bad for you - wait to be a rebel until you move out and then you can date anyone you want - although when you are mature enough to support yourself most people's opinions change and they actually end up dating the type of guy their parents like - so you are just double screwed
2006-05-12 10:34:53 UTC
Yes they can. If you really care for this boy, and you don't want to get him into trouble, listen to your parents and stay apart. If you care for each other you will be able to wait until you are of legal age in a couple of years time. Also, the separation will be a good test of how you really feel about each other.
2006-05-12 10:33:46 UTC
Since you are a minor - then the answer is YES, plain and simple.

If you are as responsible as you say, then you might want to ask yourself just WHAT you did that makes your parents not want you to be together ...

If you, in good conscience, can say it wasn't as serious as they think - sit down and talk to them.

If it was a big problem, they probably know best.
anderson b
2006-05-12 10:52:04 UTC
OK the law says that you only can have and take self decision only when turn 18 so I'm sorry but i think your parents are going take him away from you for a while if you find a job maybe you can fig it
LITTLE 1 :o)
2006-05-12 10:34:52 UTC
Yep!!! You are still a minor and he is an adult!!! As far as I am concerned I hope your parents get him arrested for being with you!!! You are too young to date or know what love is at your age!!!

Parents: If you are reading this, File the restraining order and arrest this guy!!! Good for you!!! :o)
Chessie's having a GIRL!
2006-05-12 10:39:12 UTC
since you are under 18 you're parents can put a restraining order on him because they feel it is in your best instrest to keep you two apart. it sucks because even though you are just as much a citizen as your parents they have more legal ground than you because of the legal age of adulthood. if you and this young man are having sex becareful, you're parents could charge statitory (sp?) rape because he is 18 and you are underage quite a bit. this does carry jail time, and if youre parents are going to put on this restraining order..they might even go as fair as to press rape charges as well. best thing to do. sit your parents down, ask them how you can earn their trust back, try asking them to go to family counseling with you to work out this matter OUT OF COURT.
2006-05-12 10:35:02 UTC
yes they can file one olny because u are under the age of 18 and he is 18. becareful if you are having intercourse with him because they could file a rape charge against him, if they have thought about it. i have been in that same situation just try to stay awy from him even though it is going to be hard i know but you dont want him to go to jail for it!!tke care, keep ur head up
2006-05-12 10:34:16 UTC
okay tell ur parents that u love him and he loves u and if they dont understand u then tell them to deal with it cause everybody falls in love al;l the time but if u love him that much just for ur parents to put u on a restraining order than u must really be in love with him:)
2006-05-12 10:39:04 UTC
Yes, since you are a minor they can get a restraining order against him. If the police believe he had sex with you, he will go to jail.
2006-05-12 10:36:12 UTC
Yes they most certainly can and I would highly suggest that they do! Did you know what you were doing when you got into trouble, Miss. Smart Girl? Maybe this boy should and will be kept away so you do not go through any more!
2006-05-12 10:35:26 UTC
They can file the order its just legal. And the love of your life well i would like to hear from you in four years to c if he is still the love of your life. you are just 15 and life is way more than that.i have been there and i know believe me you feel that without him you will die. i know iknow. but unfortunately its not will pass believe me.
2006-05-12 10:33:13 UTC
since you are only 15 and hes 18 they probably can, but im not 100% sure on that
2006-05-12 10:33:32 UTC
If they feel that there is some sort of risk with you being with him..then yes they can..

Sorry to let you know that they can have one on the love of your life..Life is so unfair..

My parents have done it to me before..too..
2006-05-12 10:34:52 UTC
Yep they sure can. Until you are 18 they make your desicions. And really as long as you are under their roof they have most of the control.
2006-05-12 10:35:48 UTC
yes, and they can get him into a lot of trouble if he is caught violating. (the restraining order that is)
Cherry Girl
2006-05-12 10:33:03 UTC
yes honey and the cops will take it serously and put you in the d home for being with him and violating the order
2006-05-12 10:35:04 UTC
Yes they can until you reach the age of adulthood
2006-05-12 10:34:40 UTC
2006-05-12 10:33:01 UTC
hell yeah they can u r 15 an u r a minor
2006-05-12 10:40:40 UTC
Yes because you a minor and he is legal adult age.
2006-05-12 10:34:27 UTC
Yep! They have the money, they can spend it!
Lala C
2006-05-12 10:32:48 UTC
um no i dont think so

go to this website:
2006-05-12 10:32:46 UTC
yes they can
2006-05-12 10:34:22 UTC
yes !
2006-05-12 10:33:00 UTC
they can , and they should.

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