What are some good date ideas?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are some good date ideas?
469 answers:
2006-06-07 10:51:31 UTC
What do you know about her likes?

flowers?-Take her to an arboretum.

Animals?-Take her to the zoo.

good food? Her favorite restaurant

Movies? A good new release that you both would enjoy.

Dancing? A club that play a good dance variety.

Good luck!
2006-06-07 10:04:30 UTC
dinner in a good restaurant. but dont ask her for sex on the first date. that doesnot look so good
2006-06-08 13:12:31 UTC
My ideal 1st date was a ride to far away beach park. Take a picnic basket with such things as fruit in a can with the pop top. strawberries, grapes, make some hoagie sandwiches or bring everything so the lady can fix her own.

This way you can be very playful push the swing while talkin....

slide walk the beach look in souvenir shops. This is how to find out some of another persons interest. Put her own your back show your strengh and lay on the blanket admiring the qualities of another or eat the snack you both will enjoy. Find out what fruits she likes...Bring or pick a flower. A lil champagne or wine ! Hey you will find a lot to talk about seeing all this. Hope you enjoy. This is not an old time original you people have forgotten about picnics. How cozy.
2006-06-07 10:51:55 UTC
how about a picknick - that's romantic or a nice dinner somewhere? or the classic - movie and then coffee/dinner?
2006-06-07 10:47:33 UTC
ice cream is always good - I've never been on a date but that sounds fun
2006-06-07 23:34:34 UTC
walmart and then to dennys
2006-06-07 21:06:39 UTC
Find a billboard with a ladder, climb up, and go dancing, posing, or just sit down and watch the the traffic together.
mike k
2006-06-07 12:18:29 UTC
friends rule
2006-06-07 10:58:04 UTC
take her to the park and then take her for a walk under the moon light i think thats good
2006-06-07 10:09:15 UTC
Good date ideas?Well if you mean like places to go.Then theres two questions is this your first date with this girl?and the second one if not then what do you plan on doing?

If its the first one(This is your first date with her)

then go with with something casual like a party or a better place like out to dinner.

If its the second one(This insist your first date with her and you plan on making a move on her like making out)dont take her to the friggen movies it is not romantic at all to makeout in the movies i dont know why guys take girls to the movies to do that. Anyhow take her somewhere like the beach thats romantic. That way you can lay and make out while theres quite and you here nothing but the waves plus you can look at the stars.Or take her out to dinner then go to the beach or better afetr dinner take her to like a quite romantic place like a hide outor sumthin.Just go for something that will make her say wow
2016-12-23 09:57:44 UTC
2006-06-07 16:54:29 UTC
What to do depends on how long you and this gurl have known eachother. All gurls like going to the movies. But a nice romantic date takes a little more thought. Don't worry about doing a cliche thing. My recommendation would be a nice dinner at a moderatly fancy restraunt (you pay) and then a walk in the park or at the beach. Always bring a flower. Not necessarly a rose. It could just be something you pick out of the garden. Even a dandelion. A gurl appreciates any thought that is put into the date. Hope this helps!
2006-06-08 09:20:05 UTC
Its good to know there are fellow gentlemen left in this world. I am sure as a gentleman, you already know to open all doors and pull out all chairs and offer to take her coat and rising whenever she enters, those are the basics. First of all, a good first date is all about her. I am assuming that you've talked to her a couple of times before this point and know a little about her. Find out if she likes crowds or small venues. The classic dinner and a movie is great for some, but too cliche for others. I had one that went extremely well when I drove out to the beach with her around sunset with a radio and we danced on the beach as the sun set and moon rose until we got tired and stood for a good hour facing into the sea with her in my arms.

Surprises are always good. If she is the outdoor type, then try to plan a hike somewhere and bring a lunch. Even better if you know the area well and are able to hide the food near where you want to stop to eat so she is more surprises (bonus points for her favorite foods).

To me, a date is a success when the rest of the world stops to exist for her within that time frame.
2006-06-08 06:56:29 UTC
Hi there! Women for the most part are serious dreamers! Dinner and drinks are ALWAYS the romantic and special choice as pampering will be received by both of you and you can enjoy just getting to know each other! Just do something different! If money isn't seriously an issue, I think an evening dinner cruise is fabulous!! Since we have beach and water here, that'd be something I'd enjoy very much! ALSO, if she's more energetic and athletic (talking about ME again, haha), I'd LOVE to go bowling, shoot darts or play pool along with glancing at the tv on the wall for any sporting events playing at the time! Sorry to write you a novel! Hoping you have a wonderful date! Laurie
2015-02-07 22:00:58 UTC
If you have an arcade, they may sound silly, but can offer fun and more entertainment. A movie is a great idea if you don't know what to talk about, the movie iteself will give you subjects. If you are more comfortable with her, consider a laid back coffee-house or cafeteria style restaurant. Someplace that lends itself to chatting. Talking is the best way to spend a first date. Moonlit strolls and picnics can be too romantic for a first date. Getting to know the one you are out with is best for determining if you even have a future together, a near future. If she bores you, or says something that sends up a red flag, move on.
April J
2006-06-08 13:30:27 UTC
Well, since you are a gentleman, this works perfectly if she knows you are a gentleman. Picnics are cool - but what if you live in an area (or its a time of year) where outdoor dates just don't work? Well, bring a picnic inside - your truck. If you fill your truck bed with blankets and pillows (works even better with a Blazer or other SUV), bring a picnic basket or cooler filled with your (or her) favorite beverages (I suggest Sparkling Red Grape Juice and wine glasses), a pizza or sandwiches, and for dessert, candy miniatures (candy bars or gummie burgers, etc). Then, for entertainment, take your laptop (or borrow one from a trusty friend) and two DVD's. Snuggle up, enjoy the movie, and eat some candies. She'll for sure love it - if you make it comfortable enough for her. Make sure you bring a lot of blankets and pillows, and make sure there is enough room for everything to sit comfortably without having to hold anything. The more time you spend in preparation equals the more time you will have for her on the date. Good luck!
home schooling mother
2006-06-08 05:30:03 UTC
I have one idea that could get you off on the right foot every time. Call early to see if your date is ready. (You don't have to ask specifically, as that might seem impatient. Just tell her you are really looking forward to your date.) When she says that she still has to take out the trash and do the dishes, then ask if it would be OK to come early and help her out. Taking some of the stress off of her day to help her begin your date relaxed will help her enjoy her time with you more and will set up a GREAT habit for later on if the two of you should happen to click and marry.

Be prepared... she may not feel comfortable "doing work" while you are there. Many of us ladies feel that way. That's fine. But continue to offer. Couples that work together seem to develop better communication skills and have more peaceful relationships.

Then try some of Rohit S's ideas. (Answerer #11) It's a very good list.
2006-06-07 23:10:14 UTC
I love Miniature golf as a first date, I do believe a movie for a first date is kind of a chicken date, because you dont have to interact, dinner might be too formal for a first date because it adds a lot of presure, especially if you are nervous.Miniature golf (or any similar activity) will help you relax, say funny things, and eventually get closer to her, without losing your gentelmanly charm.

Other similar ideas that come to mind is an amusement park, a fair, hiking. You know, things that are fun, not exhausting, that let you have a conversation, but where you are not face to face all the time like it is a job interview.

I wish you the best.

PS. Bring her flowers or candy, it never fails to make a good impression. And if you get nervous, charmingly let her know that you are, if you play it right it willlet her know that you care
2006-06-07 14:26:44 UTC
BE CREATIVE. Where do you live? The beach, mountains, prarie? Work the surroundings into your date. Have a picnic...pick her favortie foods...hide a bottle of wine (tied with a rock so it doesn't go anywhere) in a creek that you might hike over. Bring her her favorite some research. Really listen to her and try to connect. Tell her you're just looking at her when she asks why. Call her home phone from your cell where she can hear you say that you've had a great time tonight. Roses are great...but buy them on the spur of the moment when you walk by the vendor with her and tell her that it's because she's beautiful or can do tons of romantic stuff. So...if this works, you just have to find a guy that will do it all for ME. ;)
2006-06-07 13:22:53 UTC
You can never go wrong with a movie! For my first date with my boyfriend or 6 1/2 months, we went to see "The Ringer." Almost every date since then has been a movie date! Dinner is also a good idea, but be careful about food allergies and picky dates. I also like just crshing at home. Then you can do whatever you want: watch a movie, have a picnic, prank phone call people. Anything!
2015-10-28 09:38:03 UTC
A movie is a great idea if you don't know what to talk about, the movie iteself will give you subjects. If you are more comfortable with her, consider a laid back coffee-house or cafeteria style restaurant. Someplace that lends itself to chatting. Talking is the best way to spend a first date. Moonlit strolls and picnics can be too romantic for a first date. Getting to know the one you are out with is best for determining if you even have a future together, a near future. If she bores you, or says something that sends up a red flag, move on.
2006-06-08 11:28:01 UTC
The picnic in the park is the best idea, especially when you are very thoughtful,(i.e.: ask a few questions about what she likes). Pack the lunch (1 or 2 sandwiches each, premade salad of some kind, something to drink, cheese and crackers, & fruit) and dont forget to pack disposible plates and plasticware, & napkins or wet wipes. Bring/Plan something to do after eating, (ball gloves, frisbee, kites, bikeride or hike, etc) what ever you decide to do make sure she is prepared (sneaks vs. sandals or shorts vs. skirt) or that you are prepared to adjust the plans...who knows as inexpensive as the picnic date is if you're having a great time it might move into the dinner and/or a movie date in the same day!!!
2006-06-08 10:15:06 UTC
movies are kind of a no no on the first date becuase you don't really get to know anything about a person hence second date is just as hard to plan..... i think you should reserve a table at a middle class restaurant and do a little prep work before the date like beautiful flowers arranged purposefully on the table a short red runner leading to it candles and some other stuff that shows your sensative side

chics love that and you can kind of relax after that cuz the first impression last forever get a girl in your family to help with the details...

if you don't really want to keep dating your still gonna get some love for all your effort garanteed
2006-06-07 21:51:38 UTC
It all depends on what tone you want to set. Do you want to show her a good time then take her dancing, to the beach, a concert, etc...anything she likes to do. Do you want to spend time getting to know her then a nice quiet place where there can be one on one conversation, note....this type of date will require cell phones to be turned off and any buddies that happen to show up need to be sent away, remember this is a time for you to show her your interested in what she has to say, maybe a picnic at a park or the beach would be the perfect place. Is this someone you want to get serious about then treat her like a lady, open doors, yes even the car door, help her sit down at the restaurant, be polite and very attentive. Remember that dates are meant to help two people learn about each other and have fun so its best to find something to do that you both like doing.
2006-06-07 13:42:51 UTC
Keep it light and not to long. Meet in a public place for something like a Pop or Coffee. Visit for a period then access the situation. How do you feel? Uncomfortable? Want to run? Does Your Date want to Run? Does that person Want to be with you longer?

Decide together after 30 minutes to an hour if you should go any longer.

Ask what the other's intentions are. Meaning, Long Term, Just Friends, Sex, Marriage? Might Save u and them a lot of time and Money
miss rose
2006-06-08 13:23:42 UTC
i think that movie dates are lame because it doesn;t give you a chance to get to know the person you are on a date with. i often forget who i see movies with and that has put my foot in my mouth because of it! Eating formal meals on a first date can also be uncomfortable and sometimes embarrasing because of food and talking and what nots.

do something where the two of you can interact together, like a fair or amusement park or maybe some place that has bumper cars/boats or mini golf or batting cages.

for more ideas of where to go and where not to go, check out those lame tv dating shows. they are pretty creative on where the dates take place for the most part.

happy dating!
2006-06-08 10:31:37 UTC
Mini golf is always fun, it gives you something to do while you work up talking. If you have an arcade, they may sound silly, but can offer fun and more entertainment. A movie is a great idea if you don't know what to talk about, the movie iteself will give you subjects. If you are more comfortable with her, consider a laid back coffee-house or cafeteria style restaurant. Someplace that lends itself to chatting. Talking is the best way to spend a first date. Moonlit strolls and picnics can be too romantic for a first date. Getting to know the one you are out with is best for determining if you even have a future together, a near future. If she bores you, or says something that sends up a red flag, move on.
Izen G
2006-06-08 08:50:16 UTC
On a first date... Forget about making impressions or spending money etc! Just be yourself! Mini golf, a long walk in the park... actually talk with (not to) the person and actually LISTEN , get to know them a little, likes dislikes etc. and share the same and be open and honest about it! If that goes well THEN decide together on something you both would like. Either dinner or ??? If theres a connection both will know and everything will flow naturally. If not you've had a nice time no harm done.
2006-06-08 00:57:50 UTC
Meet at 11:00 on a Sunday. Take her to Brunch. Have something like Waffles and Sausage. Or Goat Cheese Salad.

Then go to a Museum and talk about art.

Go to the park, or sit outside the Museum.

Bring a Blanket rolled up. Enjoy the day.

Have some white wine.

Take her home.
Yehudis T
2006-06-07 21:25:51 UTC
If it's a 1st date, make a plan to do a few things... Start with a nice Japanese restaurant, then take her to play pool (in a decent place) and teach her to play by standing behind, holding her hands. At the end, take a romantic walk by the ocean.


1. NO movies

2. NO speeding

3. Make sure to get out of the car to open the door

4. Make sure you have slow, pleasant music in the car

5. Only kiss on the cheek at the end of the date (nothing more)

6. Show confidence and don’t be needy

2006-06-07 12:28:00 UTC
Depends on what whoever your dating likes...if your going out with a someone who likes to have fun and a good time, maybe take them to a restaurant to eat and then an Amusement Park, dance club, Mini Golf, or even teach them something neither of you ever done before that you can both laugh at. As long as you will both have fun! If your out with someone who is a little more serious go with a candlelit dinner and a stroll on a beach or a park and then go do some activity that's a little quieter and more Serene, like a museum or a movie.

Be sure to be polite and Gentlemenly to her (open doors of everything in front of her!)
2006-06-08 13:30:33 UTC
Find her what she likes to see as far as movies and maybe go to see one that she might like. Or rent a video/DVD (now) and watch the movie and enjoy each others company. Maybe after the movie, depending on whose house you are at, go out for some ice cream and just talk. This will break the ice, as you will know what kind of ice cream she likes and what her likes are for movies and you can discuss the movie over the ice cream. Or maybe a nice walk, depending on where you live, enjoying the outdoors. Stop at a park or somewhere if one of you is tired or need a rest/break. Watch people go by and watch children or families at play together. I see that you want some good replies for yourself and person you would be taking on a date. Good luck with all your good times.
2006-06-08 08:36:40 UTC
First dates---and a gentleman. How refreshing, especially on these boards.

First dates need to be in the afternoon--picnic, a bicycle ride in the park, going to the zoo---something that will not put pressure on either one of you to be in the "romance" mode. First dates are an introduction to forming the basis of a strong friendship. You can both see how each other truly communicates--how you relate to people, places, and situations.

For instance: If your first date is an evening dinner date, most people are dressed up, made up, and putting on their "masks" to show good table manners, etc. If your first date is on a picnic, comfortably dressed, sitting under a tree, watching people, and eating with you fingers, you're more likely to be more comfortable, more at ease, and conversation---communication--will be more relaxed.

I commend you, Gentleman. I see there is hope for the male of the species who are wanting to date and not just fall into bed with someone. You rock!
2006-06-07 21:02:35 UTC
Here are a few out of the box ideas:

-go around to local places and take cool pictures and see how they turn at at a 1 hour development place

-paintballing. I have ALWAYS wanted to try but many people never experience it.

-if the person is into reading, go to a bookstore and each buy a book and then read it before your next date.

-set up a movie night at your house with the other person's favorite movie

-drive to dairy queen and have an ice cream cone while watching the sunset, surprisingly fun, yet simple.

-Or just go for a walk around a park and really try to get to know the other person.
2006-06-07 18:10:15 UTC
Buggy ride around town. Picnic. Anything outdoors is nice. Lake, ocean or mountains. Nature makes you relaxed. If she is the indoor type, reserve a private room in a Japanese Restaurant.

Visit a museum. Any setting where you can talk and get to know each other. Even if it is a cup of coffee at an outdoor cafe.

Good Luck. I'm sure whatever you do will be nice especially if she knows you put some thought into your date. That is very considerate of you.
2006-06-07 15:10:29 UTC

Hit the arcade get an ice cream cone, then go bowling…

Artiste Unleashed

Go to an Art Museum - afterward use ideas from the art-fest date - OR buy clay or other materials for creating your own sculptures - or paper mache or paper, fabric, photos for collage.

Radical Reels

As an alternative to regular movies - animation festivals, documentary presentations, foreign and limited-run films can be a blast. Do a little research and check your newspaper's entertainment section. Even museums sometimes run specialty films.

Lunch or coffee is a good start

(If you want to checkout a local spot to meet for lunch, you can go to, enter your zip code and get ratings for restaurants in your area.)

Go to a playground that's not in use and play! Take along a picnic lunch, baseball, bat, Frisbee or outdoor toys (blowing bubbles is fun)… Have a great lunch after playtime.
2006-06-07 11:19:27 UTC
Do something very original and memorable, that shows thought.

Depending on your area and relationship to the woman.. this could be a ride on horseback to a great picnic spot, a sailboat ride, a helicopter ride, how about going up in a hot air balloon and then having lunch.

You could take her to a place to make a pottery creation (something she will then have forever), maybe the two of you could do a cooking class together (the chef shows you but basically you make your own lunch), Museums and art galleries are fabulous if she is interested in those things, but it could be as simple as taking a ferry ride to a small town and exploring it- finding little shops and a great place to have lunch.

I was taken to a Wild Animal park in Oregon- It was really awesome! I've never had a ram try to jam his head in my coat pocket before.

Good Luck!
2006-06-08 14:59:41 UTC
Well, if it's a first date, you should just do something that both you and the girl are comfortable with. Walk in the park or on the beach, take a picnic, whatever - I know that I'd like to do any of that stuff with a guy I liked. It doesn't have to be extremely elaborate or expensive, just as long as you do something nice and fun.

Also, a few things to remember: Compliment the girl and find nice things to say to her. Don't lie to her or anything like that, but just find something nice to say. Always be a gentleman and be chivalrous - most girls love it when guys open doors for them and do little things like that, and we will notice and in most cases appreciate it. Have some sort of plan; it doesn't have to be detailed or complicated, but have some general idea of what you're doing. Don't just ask one of us out on a date and then have no idea what you want to do. DO NOT bring her to McDonalds or Burger King or some place like that - if you're going out to a restaurant, then it should be somewhere nice. It doesn't have to be very fancy or have five-star dining or anything, but it should be at least someplace decent, because I know that I wouldn't want to go on a date to McDonalds. In most cases, take it slowly. Not all girls (myself included) want to be kissed or make out on their first date, and if you keep from doing that it will show us that you respect us and like us for who we are, not so that you can make out with us. And above all, enjoy yourself and make sure that the girl is enjoying herself too.
2006-06-07 21:57:41 UTC
i'v answered so many questions like this one i could give up but u said u were a gentleman....

don't make anything too forward, like an expensive restaurant, because she might not feel that into u, and u'll waste a lot of money

take her at a fun place, where she can feel free to do whatever she wants, not a chique place where u have ta talk in whispers

don't take her to bar or club, she might get drunk

this may sound good to u but she might end the night with another guy instead

if u'v known her for a good while, take her to a place she had mentioned she liked or wished to go, She will kno that u were listening

mayeb a beach restaurant

something ethnic (make sure u kno her allergies)

indian, spanish, french, food

nothing too original like american, (not that its bad or anything but american food is too casual)

...or take her to your place

make ur own meal...something not many guys do

if ur a gent i'm guessing u kno how to cook

make an oven dish, something other then spaghetti

don't make it too formal

instead of champaign, get beer or coke, to loosen her up a bit

don't act like u wanted her to come over coz u wanted to **** her.

when she wants ta leave, let her

i hope i helped

i think u should do the cooking-at-home one...:)

last min tip: no theatre coz the movie might end up bad or too emotional

no concert coz she focuses her attention to the band, not to u or the fact that ur on a date.
Madama Butterfly
2006-06-08 06:41:37 UTC
Try going to a park. If you take a frisbee or just play tag on the playground, it can be hillariously fun. Or if that doesn't float your boat, go to a bookstore like Barnes and Noble and read your favorite children's books to each other. Get together with a few friends and have a game night. Or go to a dollar store and give your date two dollars to find something for you and do the same. Try to do this with dinner at a grocery store. The important thing for a successful date is just to treat her like she's the only girl in the world. Open doors, walk to her door to pick her up, walk her to her door to drop her off. Be courteous. Help her to her seat, ect.
2006-06-07 16:41:43 UTC
Well, I had a 1st date with the guy and we went a played putt-putt golf. Although I am not very athletic and we had lots of laughs. You can always do the classic-dinner and if the date is going well suggest a movie. Bowling, Lyric Theatre,Symphony, do a "day-date if it is good weather go to the lake or park-take a picnic basket. If the person likes sports, or concerts get tickets and go to an event. If the fair is in town take her.
2006-06-07 15:16:18 UTC
how about dinner, just dinner, at a really nice place in town, nothing cheep like Taco Bell or anything. Try Italian, it never fails! Instead of going to a movie afterwords stay a while at the restaurant and get to know each other. Oh and don't forget, meet her parents before hand and give her flowers, it's a nice touch.

P.S. what ever u 2 end up doing, have fun!!! :)
2006-06-07 12:35:55 UTC
Someplace you would actually be able to talk and get to know each other and see if you want to go out again. Also, keep it relaxed and informal. Find out her interests. I would like hiking, or a dance lesson. Maybe a game of golf, if that's what you like. A picnic at the beach or a park is always fun, Dinner and drinks, if you are so inclined, is a given. That should be included in any date. Just keep your wits about you and make sure she doesn't drink too much, too.
2006-06-08 13:06:53 UTC
Some good ideas might be to go out to dinner, then a walk on the beach if it is nice. Another one would be if you can cook make her a nice lunch or dinner out by the stars or in the park with a few candles. Or take her some place that would make her happy. Like an Amusement park and win her some prizes.Ask questions so she knows your interested in her. Make compliments.
2006-06-08 08:29:26 UTC
The first date is hard because u want to do something that fits the other persons personality. But u want to show ur personality just as much. If she is simple do something simple just as a dinner and a walk on the beach or a local park. If she is adventures take to race go carts and then go to a place where u can make ur own ice cream. If there is somewhere that is special to u take her there. Don't be scared to be ur self....
2006-06-08 00:45:19 UTC
I think the best date idea is to go to a picnic. Get together a picnic basket, pick a scenic but quiet location and go there to talk your heart out. Movies don't let you talk, dinner is like this event, and both are self-conscious, and a game or a dance are again activities not conducive to talking. For a first date, you want to get to know each other, a picnic is the best idea. Go to a nearby lake, or a park or even a beach.
2006-06-07 17:32:28 UTC
Choose a lady who got a crush on or someone who you suspect has been staring at you for a long time. Take her to the cheapest restaurant in your area .Treat her nice, make her feel comfortable. Choose meals, desserts and drink that you both like. Then get to know other eg What is your Favorite Artist,colour,how old are you, what is your name, where do you work,where do you live. Take her home and give her a good night kiss take it real slow don't go too far. Give each other cellphone number.
2006-06-07 14:21:26 UTC
From a females' prospective, dinner and movie is always a classic. Taking her to a comedy club is a bad idea, especially if its the first date. If you or even your date has a horrible laugh, it will be a total turn off! I, myself wouldn't mind going to a carnival, amusement park, or even site seeing. The most important thing to remember is that a date is made to get to know one another, so places where you guys can talk but still have fun are great.
Mr. Curious
2006-06-07 13:32:59 UTC
Well first of all a few tips:

1. Have a definite plan. Nothing turns off a quality girl faster than some slack-jawed teenage boy who asks if she wants to go out and then when asked what she will be doing that night gets the response, "Uhhh, I dunno. What do you want to do?'

Any girl with any class will immediately be turned off with that response. If you ask her out, you better have things planned out pretty well.

2. Try to find out what interests her. Is she athletic? Does she love movies, does she like pizza or Mexican food, or Chinese food? Remember if YOU are sold on the date whe will be sold also.

3. Go somewhere you can talk. Often a movie is better for a later date, miniature golf is nice, going to the beach is o.k., hiking on a mountain trail can be fun, bowling is always easy because no one is ever very good at it and it gives you a chance to unwind and be yourself.

4. I wouldn't make the first date too long however. If you find out in the first twenty minutes that she is NOT for you or that you are NOT for her, then a five hour date can last about three days.

5. When on your date DON'T talk about yourself too much. Ask about her and LISTEN to the answers. Few things turn a person off more than some dumbass who asks them a question, doesn't listen to the answer, and then asks the same question again in fifteen minutes. Find out about her family, her classes, her interests, her likes and dislikes. What movies does she like and why? DON'T argue if you don't agree on something.

6. Like you said, be a gentlemen. Open the car door for her (not when the car is moving.) She may say, "Oh that's O.K. I got it...?" That doesn't matter, you still open it for her. She will say that because she has probably only dated assholes up to you. Most guys today don't have ANY sense of manners or gentlemanly behavior. If your date likes being treated like a lady she will appreciate you, if she likes being treated like one of the guys, maybe she is not your type. Allow her to enter buildings first, stand up when she enters a room, tell her she looks nice, her hair smell nice, SHE smells nice, she has a nice smile. Find ANYTHING you can to compliment her on--DON'T lie about things, just look for the positive and point it out. You should do this on your first date and after you've been married 25 years. There never comes a time in your life when you EVER stop complimenting your sweetheart. Guys who don't do this get divorced and resort to a series of meaningless sexual conquests, and generally die alone and drunk somewhere. Guys who DO these things enter into a meaningful, lasting relationship with the same young lady for the rest of their lives.

Good luck and have fun.
2006-06-08 11:24:32 UTC
It depends on what location you live in,, by the beach ,,seeing a nice sunset with dinner and a walk on the beach is nice for a date, in the city ,,dinner with choice of food that matches both and a movie,or of interest many places to see while in the city:D Some like fast food,some like dinning in, some like the outside is always nice. Plan a pinic for a outing is always nice as well for the summer too in the moutains,, by a fireplace it gives you different point of interests,music in a park, there is many places that you both can talk about if you don't (or have lost of words) to see even for yourself;) make it nice for the both of yea to enjoy as well..
2006-06-08 07:54:44 UTC
If you live close to a lake, river, coastline etc. look into a night boat excursion. Most of these have dinner bookings or live music. The entertainment is usually on one deck so you can drink and dance but then you can go to an upper deck and have some quiet time to talk and watch the moonlight on the water. It is the best of both.
2006-06-07 22:12:49 UTC
Hello, m'man,

It is the COOL CAT of Detroit in the house, and to quote my old

time friend, the cowboy, find a place that plays the OLD movies,

maybe a JOHN WAYNE one, then an Italian place, no, not PIZZA,

but a GOOD one, something you can afford, and get her a bouquet of flowers, dude. DON'T push her for a kiss on the first date, baby, but a gentle hug. You gotta make a COOL impression

on your kitten/lady, if you act like a winner, you WILL get true love!

My best to you, and that advice goes for the rest of you!

Lucky at love, and you WILL win, baby!


One more thing, be a winner and don't act like a NFL LION.

2006-06-07 18:32:43 UTC
Take her to a park, and in advance let her know not to wear a dress, (and have somone help you with this) Set up a romantic dinner at the park. Even have it with a candle. Depending on her style is how you will pick the scent and colors. And let her know she is the most beautiful person around.. without being perverted about it. Good luck... she'll apreciate the time you took to make it great. I should know cause im a girl. BYE!!
2006-06-07 18:21:50 UTC
Well.. since it is your first date with HER.. make it notable but yet simple.. (understand???) you want it simple yet something that next week, she will think back and say... that was great.

Unfortunately, I do not know where you live... next to the to a lake...At any rate, I think that a nice quiet dinner(not necessarily a romantic dinner... in fact.. NOT a "romantic dinner parse" but quiet place... in a quiet place... when you have dinner, talk about school or whatever and when the dessert is brought, the waiter will bring her a bouquet of flowers that you had purchased ahead of time and had taken to the restaurant with instructions to deliver the flowers to HER when the dessert is served..... Without knowing much about where you are, that is one suggestion... Do not go to a movie.. so corny!!!
2006-06-08 12:09:56 UTC
I always like going somewhere like a jazz club, or out to see a nice local band. That way someone else is doing the entertaining for you, relieves a bit of pressure. You can still talk and maybe cuddle a little. Stay away from the movies! Its very impersonal, no talking. You can't really get to know each other.
2006-06-08 06:31:09 UTC
well if you want your date to keep seeing you or to enjoy the date start small and gradually expand a bit more on what your date is into and then combine your hobbies with your date's and then try to be more open to what your date would like but not completely if you're too shy but most importantly be yourself and enjoy yourself with your date but if that doesn't help you can always try this guys:complimenting your date does wonders but don't over do it,present yourself as the perfect gentleman and be bold yet confident,keep the conversations fresh don't bore your date to death! make the date fun meaning don't take her to some boring place that revolves arounds sports if she's not into sports but if you want to romance your date you could try my fail proof method cook her dinner and if you can't do that take her to some nice resturant that won't burn a hole in your wallet"remember nice means take her to a place she's never had dinner at before and use your natural gifts and talents things that make who you are um ah yes i did witness magis happening while i was in a blues just the sound of love and romance played through jazz,rythem and blues besides music does wonders so make sure your date is seranated trust me it works.
2006-06-07 17:40:23 UTC
We need more info, like where your located and what your budget is!

Lets see, for first dates we ladies like it when you have a plan. But we don't like it when you distract us on the first date with a bunch of hoopla, we want to enjoy ourselves while we get to know you. I say drinks like one or two at a romantic, nice, classy bar or wine bar. Dinner at a nice restaurant but not too nice or too romantic, keep it friendly at first! Then somewhere like a river walk or a lake cruise if your city has that. Maybe a jazz club. Somewhere that will provide entertainment but that won't take away talking and inner acting time. No movies or loud places.

Good luck!
2006-06-07 13:26:47 UTC
there are many, may things to do on a date. i would stick with tried and true recreational dates like mini golfing, dancing, swimming, rock climbing or bowling if you want to get to know your date better or just have a great time b/c you have the option to be as talkitive or as loud a s you want; whereas opposed to like a movie you don't do much talking but if you been seeing this person for a while movies is also a great date idea. another fun thing to do is double date with your friends. trust me, you'll get twice the laughs. but if your looking for a more romantic type date then a nice dinner with the movies or a luau at night. try to remember what your date likes or dislikes doing and adjust these ideas to their personal preferences.
Guy finder
2006-06-08 10:03:46 UTC
Some good date ideas I know of are bringing your date to a romantic dinner for two, going to a movie that you both might like, or just spending some quality time with her at her house watching some movies there or just sitting down listening to each other and hear how each others day was.
2006-06-08 09:04:46 UTC
Depends on the season, finance, etc..... If you're dealing with cold weather, then maybe a date out to the movies, and dinner would be good, this can also be done in hot weather also. Since I am a "outdoorsy" type person in hot weather I would say maybe a picnic in a park, or to the zoo or aquarium, or maybe go kart racing or miniature golf. Even a theme park would be nice. It just depends on how comfortable you are with eachother, and how much ice you're breaking.
2006-06-08 06:01:38 UTC
It all depends on the other person. You should always get to know a person before taking them out. What they're interested in, what's their favorite food, favorite kind of movie, the list could go on. So it all depends on the other persons likes and dislikes, that's where you can get good date ideas. Just remember don't make a date a place you don't like, so you can also have a fun time!!!
2006-06-08 02:48:10 UTC
good date idea's? ,lol. ok . #1 when setting up date for movies have her meet you on the other side of ticket booth. #2 at snack bar order 1 large coke and ask if you can have two kiddy cups. #3 when taking them to dinner when the check comes go to bathroom and tell her you'll meet her in the car and then leave the check on the table. #4 make sure that when you leave for a date that you have just enough gas to get there but not back so she has to kick in on the gas.# 5 when look for advice on dating never!ever!ask anyone on line. lmao best idea of all is be your self and just have fun!
2006-06-07 15:54:00 UTC
after reading the post on here, there are some really good ideas.

movies are a safe first date, but you really dont get a chance to interact with each other. dinner is safe, but predictable. cooking dinner is a super nice gesture, but in todays day and age, i would not agree to doing that. just because i would not know if you are a gentleman or a pervert. ya know, its too assuming on the first date. but once you get to know her, that is always a charming thing to do.

a nice jazz concert in the park, with a lite picnic is nice. a museum is nice, then you can get each others opinions on things.

or to keep it really simple, a visit to starbucks, and a nice walk around the lake would be ideal.
2006-06-07 13:04:30 UTC
Plan an elaborate treasure hunt. You'll both have fun and she'll be impressed with your creativity.

Go play miniature golf, go to the batting cages or do Grand Prix car racing if she's into sports. Or, you could take her to a ball game. Go whitewater rafting.

Plan a nice picnic.

Go salsa dancing.

Go restaurant hopping; this is where you go to a different place for each course of the meal.

Here's a bunch of different ideas:
2006-06-08 07:23:10 UTC
Depends on what the person likes to do, what her interests are. Depends on where you live?

I live on the west coast of Michigan and there is nothing more relaxing and romantic than a dinner cruise along the coast. Stopping at another port for cocktails and walking along the channel...breeze blowing, music in the back ground, people eating ice cream,....

find out somehow what she likes and go from there.
2006-06-08 04:39:15 UTC
yep.. a comedy club is an awesome idea, but there's one better. Do something you know she would love. For example, I was starting to date this one girl; I knew she was REALLY into animals and wildlife. So, on our second date (it would have been even better on our first date, but it just didn't work out that way) I took her to Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon, since we just happened to be nearby there. It was great! We were able to be close to all kinds of wildlife. And to top it all off, I had arranged ahead of time with the management of the place to feed the lions and bears with the park rangers at the close of business that day. They do stuff like that for extra money, and it only cost me 60 bucks. I surprised her with this, when she thought we were going home after about two hours at the park. Then she got to get SUPER close to these awesome animals, lions and grizzly bears, we fed them and they even roared right in front of us, it was amazing! Pretty much every state has a couple wildlife parks that offer things like this, and most people don't even know they exist.

Believe me, even if she had thought I was butt ugly before that day, I was A-listed after that day.

So, I suggest that you sort of find out what she's REALLY into, and cater to that. Do your research ahead of time, and plan well. Think outside the box, and try to do something with her she's never done before that you KNOW she'll love.
2006-06-08 01:26:53 UTC
Try planning the date on a sunny day and maybe setting up beforehand with a few buddys and getting a picnic together..have them set up stuff ahead of time at a local park and then take your date to the park and walk up on the picnic setting. then maybe push her on a swing for a while and just listen to the birds singin..after you leave the park stop by the dairy queen for a couple blizzards and when you stop to get gas pick up one of those cheesy roses from the gas station ( brownie points anyhow). Make sure you chew alot of gum in case you get to first base!
2016-03-15 05:34:01 UTC
hey! i read all the answers and i think that a picnic would be best. just make the picnic in some place where not many people go, a really pretty place and eat your sandwiches or whatever else you bring. you can call it your own place or your special place. that may sound cheesy but if she's the kinda girl that likes to go walking, it's perfect. i would love to be taken on a picnic. and you can also pick her a little boquet of flowers that just grow on the road or in your garden if you have one. that's really cute and thoughtful. if all these things happen, i think that would be so romantic.
2006-06-08 13:49:08 UTC
Something fun where you two are where something is going on, so when conversation slows down you can watch something, for example, I have taken gals to the zoo, circus, rodeo that type of place. It is fun to watch, allows conversation, but does not mean that you are totally responsible for all the conversation. I would also throw in some kind of a meal at a restaurant that is not too fancy, but not fast food. Good luck and always treat her how you would want your daughter treated.
2006-06-07 17:52:01 UTC
depends on the type of girl. If she is a quiet and romantic one, take your girl to her favorite restaurant, then maybe a nice movie she's wanted to see. even if it is a chick-flick. you could buy her a small little non-obtrussive trinket, like a charm bracelet . If she is a girl who likes to go out for a night on the town, take her to a hot new club and have fun with her. then, take her home, get some drinks, and just start flirting. If she is something other than those two types, I am at a loss for something to tell you

Good Luck!!!!!
2014-04-14 13:53:09 UTC
2014-06-25 17:32:03 UTC
If its the second one(This insist your first date with her and you plan on making a move on her like making out)dont take her to the friggen movies it is not romantic at all to makeout in the movies i dont know why guys take girls to the movies to do that. Anyhow take her somewhere like the beach thats romantic. That way you can lay and make out while theres quite and you here nothing but the waves plus you can look at the stars.Or take her out to dinner then go to the beach or better afetr dinner take her to like a quite romantic place like a hide outor sumthin.Just go for something that will make her say wow
2014-09-24 17:48:01 UTC
The easiest way to learn golf like a pro is by following "The Simple Golf Swing" program. It's primarily a 31 page eBook that teaches golfers how to make solid contact with the ball, how to avoid hitting fat, how to avoid slicing, how get more power, accuracy, and consistency in your swing. Consistency being the number 1 golf skill.

You not only get the eBook though, you also receive a ton of extra material including video, lessons on putting, driving, chipping, sand play etc. Here is their official site:
2006-06-07 23:40:43 UTC
My answer to your ? is this:I am a 68 yr old Christian woman and the answers I give you are from my knowledge of the Bible. If your a boy and Steady Dating then make sure the Girl is treating her Father the same way that you want to be treated, if not then you don't want her for your wife.

If your a girl then make sure the Boy is treating

his Mother the way that you want to be treated,

and if not then he isn't the marring kind.

This is another answer: If a Boy hits a girl before marriage, then don't marry him because

it will continue in to married life, and you will be miserable and unhappy all your married life and it could end in divorce or death.
2006-06-07 19:08:43 UTC
Well, don't go to the movies. You never get to know the person that way! I say coffee shop or something like that, where you guys can just talk and be comfortable.

Or maybe a sporting event! That's always fun. A guy took me to a baseball game for our first date once and it was a ton of fun, I was surprised.
2006-06-07 11:09:50 UTC
If this is your first date, and you dont know much about her, you may want to plan something short, like drinks or coffee after work.

If you know something about her, and youve spoke on the phone a bit, you could plan something longer, like going for an afternoon drive, going to a park, or if your into golfing, go to the driving range.

Try to avoid situations like the movie theater, or a dinner, where you might find yourself struggling to create conversation. If your constatntly moving through a park or in a car, you can at least talk about things your looking at.
2006-06-07 20:58:37 UTC
Dates do not have to be anything elaborate, such as is so common today, Just a walk in the park, dinner at a nice restaurant, a movie, or time pent together is a good start
my brain hurts
2006-06-07 17:47:57 UTC
I'd say an activity, like a carnival, bowling, mini golf, or the zoo. It will show that you are a fun guy, and will help fill the gaps when either of you runs out of things to say. If you seem to get on well, then maybe coffee or drinks afterwards.
2006-06-07 14:07:47 UTC
this is from a ''CUPID SITE''

the first date with her is just for both of you to know each other some better

so both of you usually are a bit stressed ,and you just want to talk a bit and usually to finish the date quickly to go home and think about the next step .

so take her to a nice coffee and a cake ,in a quiet place with a nice music not loud in the surrounding ,and you can talk a bit ,don't need to talk loud ,you will fill relaxed and can enjoy each others company

and it is elegant for a gentleman

we women like a bit of romance
2006-06-08 09:14:47 UTC
Go for a walk. Be it countryside, or beach it will leave a positive memory.

You'll be quiet and on your own. You'll be able to talk about yourselves. It doesn't cost a lot, so your date won't think you want to impress. You show you're not lazy. Half way through, you can pick up a flower or a pebble and give it to your date as a memento.
Maria Abhi
2006-06-07 23:00:14 UTC
Wear a dress tht suits you, which makes u quiet attractive. If possible, buy a bouquet of red roses. On ur date make sure tht you go to a place whr she likes. Talk casually abt ur family, ur interests etc. Apart frm this take along some jokes also, so tht u can use it according to the situations. Afterall gals likes guys with gud sense of humour!!!!! Be careful tht u dont tell or ask somethng tht hurts her. Enjoy ur date!!!!
2006-06-08 09:33:52 UTC
Late afternoon, someplace you can talk, like a park, zoo, coffee house etc. NOT a movie you cant get to know someone if you cant talk to them or see them. Followed by dinner in a nice restaraunt, not Burger King, McDonald's, etc. Then maybe a nice walk home, or a long drive, so that you can still talk if things have gone well.
2006-06-07 21:11:03 UTC
If its a first date I wouldn't do anything fancy like a nice dinner /movie etc.. like some of the others suggested.

I would suggest something simple/quick. Like dessert/coffee.

If you don't get along, at least you can leave. Or do something related to a hobby of interest. Art gallery, zoo, something that is entertaining so that if its boring you can get out having to do conversation.
2006-06-07 18:45:26 UTC
Art museum or gallery followed by dinner or espresso if all goes well. Maybe the zoo or Sea World if she like the outdoors. If she's really into outdoors a hike on a nice trail and a picnic.
2006-06-07 14:54:49 UTC
Well if you already have a date you should take that person some where nice. Like the movies or out to eat. A lady would love for you to give her flowers or jewelry. Maybe if you take her out and show her a good time then maybe there is hope for you.
2006-06-07 12:57:01 UTC
Fun restaraunt where you can chat. Be lively and enjoyable. Maybe a club after dinner. Or if you want something closer and more intimate, take her to your place or a restaraunt (like My Girlfriend's Kitchen) where they let you make your own food and cook with her. Laugh and enjoy the food. Then maybe a moonlit stroll or a theater (movies or play). Something enjoyable. Good luck.
2006-06-08 13:30:51 UTC
There is little fun to be had when playing the gentleman role. Don"t take her out. You will be setting the bar too high, and she'll expect it in the future. Get some beer and Doritos and show her what your Led Zepplin poster looks like with the lights off.
robin p
2006-06-08 11:00:57 UTC
For a nice romantic evening, take her to a nice dinner somewhere,{it doesn't have to be expensive}, then take her to a movie that she has a say in what she would like to see. then top it off whith a drive to the ocean or beach or someplace that you can look out over the town or city at night, when it's so pretty. I think that would be a very nice date. hope this help's you out. robin p.
2006-06-07 16:40:27 UTC
Please be yourself and not some ***. Be a gentleman and open doors for her, don't slam them in her face like my husband does and turns around and says, OH I though that you had that! Ahh no! When she is getting ready to put her coat on help her,

Give eye contact, to let her know that you are intrested in her and not some other girl. I know some guys have that wandering eye but focus on her. OK? I hope that is was some what helpful and useful for ya! Just have fun!
2006-06-07 16:39:31 UTC
Train ride into the city,

Walk and luncheon in the historic district

Purchase flowers for her at the farmers market

Have an ice cream by the bay/river

Go to play/concert but take carriage ride there

Finish night with coffee/latte at cafe

Return home and the rest is up to you ;-)
2006-06-07 11:33:37 UTC
Just do something fun:



band concert

a high school play

walk thro a mall (buy her something like ice cream or pretzel)

try out a new restaurant

p.s. Tell Rohit S we just answer the question, not write

a book.
Rose S
2006-06-08 13:40:25 UTC
A good date to me is when we do something that has meaning, no matter what that is. Know her a bit, then surprise her with something she likes to do.

The first date is very important, so make it meaningful.
Jerry S
2006-06-08 10:05:56 UTC
take her horse back riding at a local stable or miniture golf, bowling, Arcade center, going to a Zoo, Swimming, Movie, a weekend Arts and Crafts show. lok in your local paper under community events and see whats going on over the week end. Or find a Play at a local theatre.
2006-06-08 10:00:58 UTC
Movies, DInner, Party, Walk on the Beach
2006-06-08 02:36:36 UTC
Since you are a gentleman, I recommend you take her to one of those places with the sign that says "Gentleman's Club".

Just kidding.

Why don't you go on a hike? Then take some fruit and maybe a sandwich. I would say to go for one that is a little bit easy since you might not know if she is in good or bad shape.
2006-06-07 19:26:17 UTC
The best date I was ever on was to this free music event at a park: sitting on a blanket, grass around, talking...we didn't even notice when the music stopped. In the end, we were still left at the park talking until the security gaurd came around and tossed us out.

Good luck!
2006-06-07 12:37:44 UTC
A romantic stroll on the beech, candle light dinner with roses in the center of the table, topped off with a movie and a small kiss on the cheek. Things may get hotter! (If you know what I mean!) Try going back to your house.
2006-06-07 12:12:45 UTC
Do something unconventional. Don't do the typical dinner and a movie thing. Take her to a mini golf course or an arcade. Or bowling. Do something fun where both of you can goof off and have a great time!
2006-06-07 11:07:12 UTC
Go for a game of miniature golf!! Its summertime and its nice outside... plus Mini Golf takes away the pressure of being "on stage" the whole date. You can talk while you putt, and then if the date goes well, you can get a bite to eat after the game.
2006-06-08 02:49:12 UTC
Bowling, I always laugh a lot when I go bowling. I'm bad at it but it is so much fun. I think laughter is a good way to break the ice on a first date and you will feel comfortable together. It's good to know gentlemen still exist. Have fun.
2006-06-07 22:41:39 UTC
Be creative. A woman likes it when a man can show that he is original (such as showing her you favorite hobbies, ie pottery, poetry jams, DJ-ing, etc) If you cant think of anything creative that you like to do, just do something considerate and appreciative to her like taking her for a dinner skip the movie and go take a walk under moon light, that is if she is somewhat special to you. basically, just do simple things...if you aren't rich free "romantic" things can make you feel rich.
2006-06-08 11:18:36 UTC
The most romantic dates that I've been on were ones that were planned.. like going up to the mountains and eating at this little restaurant where they had live guitar music -- it was so romantic and we danced and it was cold outside so we huddled up together and stood outside looking at the stars. Anyway, whatever you do, just make sure you've got a plan cause girls like a man with a plan! :-)
2006-06-08 07:37:49 UTC
Go to a baseball game. Minor or Major league. Sitting in the sun with lots of conversation time. Have a few beers and you will both have a blast.
Cassidy R
2006-06-08 06:58:00 UTC
well im engaged and on my first date with my guy he took me for a walk on the beach during the night and hired a smooth jazz band follow way behind us still hearable and we talked then he sat me down at the bach the band got closer to us and we had a picnic on the beach watching the sunset we end up falling a sleep on the beach and waking up around a whole bunch of people in bathing suits
2006-06-08 05:18:37 UTC
Something simple...women don't always have to overwhelmed by all the big stuff. That way if it goes well then when you get to the big stuff she'll respect you more and appreciate you as a real person and not just someone that shows off and possibly put yourself out there as someone that you may not be.
2006-06-08 02:13:55 UTC
Dinner at nice Resturant maybe a walk at the park afterwards, then a movie, coffee or ice cream, then take her home walk her to the door and give her a good night kiss.
2006-06-08 01:26:58 UTC
I want a date close to nature like set up two bench facing the beach. Have some nice easy talks, have something to eat and sip a drink with lots of laugh.
2006-06-07 22:38:29 UTC
well if its summer take her to a beach, walking and holding hands in sunset time and at this time (if you really really really love her) 4:30 o' clock give her a ring in the beach (make sure no one see you so it can be soooo romantic!!!) but if its winter, take her to an ice skating and after that seat in a bench and talk for a while and surprise her!(anything chocolate,flowers etc.) for best result give her a ring but if already gave her a ring just surprise her!if it's rainy season, be like a child play,dance,kiss in the rain or walk in the street without umbrella then stop by at a romantic place but not too crowdy and give her your jacket so she will not feel coldy! but if she don't like to be wet by the rain just stay in youre car and buy some cofee and turn the music on(be sure its romantic) and said this word to her: i love you i can't leave without you and hear my song for you you are the aples of my eyes etc. (anything like that) and give her a ring but if you already gave her a ring just give her a kiss in her cheek (b sure she is in th catchy mode!!!) -pls... if this work right 2 me!
2006-06-07 19:24:43 UTC
A nice date would be a picnic (if the weather is nice) in a park or the botanical gardens (if your city has one). Or you could take your date to a nice dinner in a restaurant that offers private dining. Good luck with whatever you choose!
2006-06-07 17:26:20 UTC
Nice walk along a path way where you will see animals/birds people so that she will not feel intimidated. Maybe find a nice restaurant along the way. (Check out he place before you go)

Maybe arrange to be in a certain place when there are some musicians playing.

Good luck have fun and RELAX.
2006-06-07 14:57:05 UTC
If you are a real gentleman you'd be yourself and let things lead you wherever the may go. As far as a date go I would want a "real gentleman" to take out to the beach while the sun is going down because then it would begin to get cold and you could shiow your date your manly ways. Or you could possibly take her sightseeing.
Carc CowBoy
2006-06-07 14:46:03 UTC
1. You can rent a movie theater all to yourself so you can bring your date.... you can do this cheapily at uncongested theater times, such as saturday morning or sunday mornings. That is very romantic.

2. Another good date is that you both dress western or dress as little kids and go to a park for a picnic and take pictures...
2006-06-07 14:21:25 UTC
What about country date?

Tell her to use jeans, and a tshirt, and tennis.

Take her to some nice town near the citty,where you could see some nice field, and make some sandwiches, and you can have beers or even a nice wine with it.

Take with yo some games, or even a ball, to catch, and even play some run races!
2006-06-07 13:52:13 UTC
Show her who you really are

Not a fake person just Genuine You

She will then see that whatever You do

You both will have fun and enjoy each others company

( My Husband took me to an Old Country town with shops and antiques and we fell in Love there )
2006-06-07 11:04:19 UTC
Great dates are fun dates with lots of talking and laughing. Going to the movies is too quiet and dinner is stuffing your face. I suggest going bowling, mini-golf, or a fun sport outdoors; riding bikes, skating, or a hike. Pack a small picnic lunch and lots of water. The date will be great and she'll be impressed!
2006-06-08 13:36:41 UTC
Dinner and then something that the 2 of you can talk and have fun. I would say NO BARS. Something like golf, bowling, or go and be like a kid video games. Do you have a dave and buster around you?? thats a bar but in this case its o.k. if you go early like 7:00 and they have good food then get her a game card.
comakazi l
2006-06-07 15:49:00 UTC
Something locally exotic and that gives the gal the impression of "rich", "romantic". First find out what she's like before asking her out. Best idea: someplace fun, if she's outgoing.

If it's one of those"oh no! I broke my nail!" girls, a walk in the park and then the path in the park leads to a nice restaurant or theatre!!!!
2006-06-07 12:33:58 UTC
Go to a murder mystery dinner, or a theme greek wedding dinner, those are always fun and keep people interested. Then you have a great experience to talk about with each other and'll be looking forward to the next date.
2015-05-20 19:46:30 UTC
Surprises are always good. If she is the outdoor type, then try to plan a hike somewhere and bring a lunch. Even better if you know the area well and are able to hide the food near where you want to stop to eat so she is more surprises (bonus points for her favorite foods).
2016-04-26 20:15:33 UTC
If you wish to learn how to create deeper ties and build more significant associations with girls, then this is worth checking out.

Tao of Badass is a useful manual if you want a deeper comprehension of why girls are attracted to masculine, confident men.

Tao of Badass covers plenty of the key ideas that are essential to increasing your success with women. Describes important topics such as why women test guys and the significance of sex roles actually well.

It also offer strong home elevators creating rapport and connections with girls and has plenty of added content in the customers area. 
2015-02-15 10:04:11 UTC
Other similar ideas that come to mind is an amusement park, a fair, hiking. You know, things that are fun, not exhausting, that let you have a conversation, but where you are not face to face all the time like it is a job interview.
2006-06-08 11:26:58 UTC
be charming and romantic. listen to her! bring her something for your date. If you know her really well then get her flowers in her fav. colors. don't take her to bk or wendys neither. some place romantic. then maybe someplace under the sunset. and everywhere you were that night doesn't have to cost you a whole lot of cash just make sure she has a great time!!!
2006-06-08 06:21:57 UTC
Take her on a moonlit stroll through the park, followed by a candle lit dinner at your house, ends with a kiss and a night to remember.
2006-06-08 01:22:57 UTC
first date, eat out so u can talk n get 2 knoe one another, then go sumwhere 2 hangout


go 2 a movie , then go 2 a beach. have a nice walk, sit down n watch the sun set n talk 2 each other
2006-06-07 19:48:18 UTC
How about maybe a little dancing, dinner, a movie, if you're close enough maybe go to the beach, then take her home and kiss her good night on the lips! How does that sound?
2006-06-07 19:25:08 UTC
Do something fun; go to an amusement park, or a movie (if you don't want to talk alot, it takes gets rid of potential awkward moments, plus starts good conversation), something both of you enjoy.

I don't know you, so I can't really give GREAT suggestions, but I hope everything works out.
2006-06-07 14:07:47 UTC
Dinner and alot of talking and getting to know the other person if it is the first time. Never choose movies the first time when you dont know her. Walking in the park and feeding ducks is good too.
2006-06-08 13:34:09 UTC
Make sure before you ask a woman out that you listen to everything she; places she likes, foods she especially likes, etc. Then when you're ready to ask her out you'll have the exact idea of what you want to do, and where you want to take her. Remember, the whole key is just listening.....
2006-06-07 15:12:02 UTC
Pick her up in your car and open the door for her. Then take her to a movie--first.Tell her your gonna skip the dinner,in most cases she'll be "okay" with it. Then while watching the coming attratctions start up a conv. and ask her,her favorite food when she anwers remember. After the movie bring her to the resturant with her favorite food,she will be flattered for you remembering,
2006-06-07 14:18:54 UTC
Places to talk: Dinner, a museum, picnic, outdoor street fairs, etc. No movies. No plays, no opera, no concerts. YOu need interaction. Staten Island ferry follwed by Chinatown dinner good.

Zoo is nice too.
2006-06-07 13:04:51 UTC
well, there is several things you can do.. if you both like the outdoors, i would suggest going to a baseball game, an amusement park.. going to a park and feeding the ducks your left over picnic. :D just don't rush into everything quick. when my husband and i went on our first date, we just went to chilli's and shared an order of southwest egg rolls and a two drinks. when we were eating, we just asked questions about each other and just goofed off.

on our second date we went to a lil restaurant and to a hockey game.. :D

good luck
2006-06-07 11:50:33 UTC
A wonderful dinner (not applebee's), and cool movie and a couple games of pool. Akiss on the cheek and an agenda for the next time
2014-09-01 20:44:09 UTC
Hey! We just wrote a whole article all about doing a cooking class for a date night and how to really make the most of it and have it be super romantic! Hope this helps :)

2006-06-08 04:07:01 UTC
i would say a nice dinner and a movie perhaps you could make her dinner and rent a movie for the both of you to watch at home going to the beach is another good idea or going to a favorite park for a picnic
Dawn N
2006-06-07 20:48:28 UTC
A day at the beach..:) Or ask her where she would like to go an never has been.. I had a 1st date take me to New York once.. the best 1st date ever! I will never forget it.

Have fun<3
2006-06-07 20:11:11 UTC
Make sure you bring her flowers and then take her to a nice dinner and a movie if you live close to the lake take her for a walk or the beach, be creative and be original.
2006-06-07 19:02:22 UTC
dinner and a movie, a nice quiet walk whether it be on a beach or down town after the movie then go somewhere so the 2 of you can talk and get to know each other
2006-06-07 14:19:43 UTC
Hey wuts up I think I can help lots of people when they go on there 1st date go to movies and go out to eat but if you want to go all out and all to make your 1st date rock then maybe go out roller skateing and after grab a hambruger that would be cool or do the movie and dinner thing but all ways rember to have and make shure your date is haveing fun and one thing I think could help is act your self I know from going on my first date is never try to be someone your not trust me it dont help! hope your 1st date goes well and I hope this helps!
2006-06-07 23:29:39 UTC
I like Dinner and a movie, and if there is time walk on the Beach or sitting at a coffee shop
Ms. KoolAid
2006-06-08 10:43:45 UTC
if you live next to a beach maybe a long moonlight walk on the beach and maybe a sexy dinner at the most exotic place in the world and a walk home and a kiss goodnight and a late night conversation
2006-06-08 10:01:56 UTC
Picnic at a local park and play frisbee, go to a museum or art gallery or a music concert, maybe dinner theatre.
2006-06-08 09:13:52 UTC
Although the person witht that book of an answer has a good answer. I think that first you should go "informal", like a coffie bar or something. Then, try to think up of something creative (yet, in your budget).

Note: I don't speak from experience.
2006-06-07 17:42:04 UTC
A friend of mine did this, with very good results: Get a bunch of papers shaped as dollars, tie them up with a rubber and on top you put three bills of hundred. Show only the benjamins when you are on date.
2006-06-07 12:15:28 UTC
I think it all depends where you guys have met (school, online, work, etc) and how much you know from each other. There are some places where you can not talk much and you need to avoid these places if you really want to talk about yourselves.

Do whatever both of you feel comfortable doing.
2006-06-07 12:11:42 UTC
I don't think it really matters if your a guy taking a girl out!!! she doesn't really care where your going just as long as your there paying attention and talking to her!!!

ask her what she likes:

if she likes shopping go shopping

if she likes to exercise go on a walk

if she likes roller skating go roller skating with her

I know you wont like everything she likes but you can learn knew things and it will make her happy and most the time if she's happy you'll be happy!

good luck.
2006-06-08 11:52:00 UTC
I love the beach,so I'd have to say a pic on the water front.

Then after dinner we would walk down to water and get are feet wet.There would be talking,laughing,holding hands, and maybe you'll get a kiss.
2006-06-07 17:48:13 UTC
picnic in the park or a movie and ice cream after or before going dancing at a serious dance place like a ball room,,, bowling for fun or billiards or a hike with a nice lunch or dinner out after or fishing at a stream or lake ,, rowing in the lake or pond ,, take her to church with you not the bible school adult evening church,, visit the zoo or go to a museum
2006-06-08 11:48:08 UTC
Depends on the girl. You might want to plan a night out where you treat her like a princess, or you might have a Nike night. You know, Nike... Just Do It!

"There's a lid for every jar!"
2006-06-08 07:19:03 UTC
Take me to Paris in a chartered jet. Since you are a gentleman I expect it will be a nice clean jet. No sex until you have taken me to Rome, Madrid and London as well.
2006-06-07 18:18:52 UTC
I think you cant go wrong with something creative. A well thought out picnic would be great. You don't have to spend a ton of money. Just make it fun and personal.
2006-06-07 15:28:12 UTC
Well my idea of a good date would be a day at the park. Just you and her/him hanging out flirting. Possible walking through the water. If there is water near by.
2006-06-07 10:57:21 UTC
if u live by the beach then a romantic dinner by the beach & maybe a little swimming. If u dont live by the beach then a dinner at a 3-5 star resturant then a nice stroll around the park.
2015-05-15 08:52:46 UTC
My guy took me on a picnic, the rain..we went to a pavilion at a state park in the middle of nowhere. He had everything. Meat, cheese, mustard, mayo, bread, knives, forks, salads, chips, drinks, ice, cups, table cloth..there was a fire pit there, so I started a fire as he set up lunch for was SO romantic.
2006-06-08 03:50:52 UTC
Dinner is a must and then depending on the season will determine what you do. Bowling is fun or if your an outdoor person try horseback riding.
2006-06-07 20:17:20 UTC
Take her out to the beach and have a picnic and a romantic walk in the sunset then take her out for a nice dinner!!
2006-06-07 16:33:03 UTC
there r tons & tons of tips, but if u wanna make ur day very memorable u gotta remember the basic tips & a few creative ideas would be jus, u take her to a casual but not too casual place for lunch or dinner, watever ur mood, then u could have some flowers for her......don't get too flashy gifts coz that's wat mos' gals don like.........then, u hv sum good food....go for a long drive to a cool & lonely place and u might have an interesting chat, that would be an indicator to both of ur likes & dislikes and so on......... so good luck.....
2006-06-07 15:43:00 UTC
if you want to spend money then how about going boating then having lunch, perhaps a pool then dinner or just have a quiet dinner that you prepare and a good movie you both will enjoy like a comedy have fun
2006-06-07 14:29:28 UTC
If you can't go out, a picnic in your living room is so fun. Get a blanket, surround it in candles and put on a cd with nature sounds. Make it romantic with wine. Girls love that stuff. If my boyfriend did this, I'd LOVE it!
2006-06-08 06:44:32 UTC
Walking down the beach holding hands
2006-06-07 22:43:27 UTC
first date... keep things light... go to a bookstore... preferrably one that sells beverages.. forget all that romantic bullsh*t on the first date... you'll scare her off with that, and plus you wanna save that until you KNOW she's in your corner.

The reason i say bookstore is because first dates are meant for TALKING and getting to know one another... how can you get to know a person when you're watching a movie, or taking saaay.. a cooking class together or something?
2006-06-07 18:28:37 UTC
I think dinner and a movie sounds perfect. Anything you think you and your date would enjoy. (tip: make sure not to pick a movie too romantic. Probably not a good idea for a first date.)
2006-06-07 16:00:17 UTC
If you live near the water a nice candle light dinner on the shore is always nice. If not make the food yourself that is always really sweet! :) Good Luck
2006-06-08 10:09:51 UTC
wazzup dowboy.this is kei-kei.when u go on a date stay calm and B no sighns of doors,pull out chairs.Try not 2 brag about urself sighns of interests by asking questions about ur date.oh!and don't put 2 much colonge on.
2006-06-08 06:38:47 UTC
picnick by the beach or in a park.

dinner at romantic restaruant

try catching a graet movie that will give you alot to talk about

go hiking

try a concert u both will love espcially her

but most importanly be yourself if she dosent like it then it wasnt ment to be.
2006-06-08 05:54:29 UTC
The zoo is fun. Amusment parks and carnivals. Walks in the park. Walks on the beach.
Henn L
2006-06-08 05:42:22 UTC
Dinner at a winery.... Followed by a walk in the vineyards and a take home bottle of her favorite wine.
2006-06-08 04:37:37 UTC
Always open doors,pull chairs in and out for your lady, let her order first and let her know you charish women . A the end of the date kiss her on the cheek.
2006-06-07 15:37:42 UTC
The back of your caddy.

Miniature golf

Rollar Skating



Riding ATV's

Motor cycle ride in the mountains, hills or flats depending on where you live.
2006-06-07 12:28:08 UTC
Asking someone on a date is the first step. Next you need some good ideas to make your date a success. ...
2006-06-08 09:38:34 UTC
take her to a fancy resturant and give her a rose. the dinner should be your treat and you should also be very polite. If you go to a movie have it be her choose and your treat. Go for ice cream (your treat) or a walk (maybe on the beach) after the movie.
2006-06-08 08:12:48 UTC
August 9, October 18

those are my date ideas
2006-06-07 12:32:15 UTC
Maybe if a carnival or a picnic at the park if she gets sleepy let len on ur sholder or ur lap or the other way around :D or bring her to a fun place. oh :O and compolment her most girls like that. :l
2006-06-08 08:20:08 UTC
something thats decided thoughtfully and with the person in mind. But what never goes wrong is a candle light dinner.
2006-06-07 20:14:45 UTC
A nice dinner , out to a movie, and probably out to a cetral park if its a good night!

Just pay for her and don't answer ur cellphone and don't bee rude then she'll respect you
2006-06-07 15:41:42 UTC
Go to McDonald's then eat it like a picnic at the beach. I think that would be cool and something you'd never forget.
2006-06-07 12:04:01 UTC
Take the lady to do something like a picnic or go to a lake and feed ducks or go do something outside
2006-06-07 11:05:30 UTC
take her rock climbing or to the go karts, then a place where you can both do some thing like potery or arts & craft. End it with a nice dinner and a stroll at the beach
2006-06-08 11:37:17 UTC
Have a nice dinner and maybe go for a nice stroll or some mini golf and perhaps go-cart racing.
2006-06-08 09:32:58 UTC
Rohit S pretty much answerd you question in every way possiable.

The most important thing is that you have fun and make sure she has a good time.
hotrod luvin princess
2006-06-08 07:44:53 UTC
Take her somewhere diff. maybe where you have to interact with an art class or find out what she likes...something educational. And then somewhere you'll be alone so you can reflect on the date...and maybe discuss where sh'd like to go next time.
2006-06-08 07:02:02 UTC
probably a candlelight dinner at your house. Prepare a clean tablecloth and make sure the lights are dim (or candles are on wit tha light off)
Nancy S
2006-06-07 23:59:00 UTC
Getting in a convertible if you got one and taking a looonnggg drive up the coast...then have lunch/dinner and end it with a romantic kiss..
2006-06-07 11:59:10 UTC
Cook for her...I find that very impressive when a man cooks a really nice meal with candles maybe a little wine.
2006-06-07 11:53:40 UTC
A nice quiet night alone w/ a very special person w/ maybe a little music playing.
2006-06-08 02:18:42 UTC
Try to find out what your date is interested in talking about, and swoop ideas in that area.

Be willing to take your time.

Good luck with your date!
2006-06-07 16:46:25 UTC
Take her out to a romantic dinner...(if cheap)... if not able to then set up dinner for her...and have some candles and maybe some some slow jazz
2006-06-07 16:11:05 UTC
If you watch "My Fair Brady" on Vh1, Chris set up a very very romantic dinner for Adrianne, if you watch that try to mimmic that concept.
2006-06-07 14:48:30 UTC
yeah uh....

step 1candlit dinner

step 2 movie

step 3 stroll in a moonlit park

step 4 take 'er home or n e where else you need to go?
2006-06-07 13:22:48 UTC
go out for a movie and maybe a nice dinner at a restaursnt and be sure to impress the folk w/ good manners.
2006-06-08 09:59:42 UTC
Hiking is always fun, in a nice park. You can talk and get to know each other. Then have a picnic!
2006-06-08 05:00:53 UTC
well since your a gentleman i assume you want a relationship or just have some fun and getting to first base is ok but if you dont thats ok too.why not ask your date what she would like to do?
2006-06-08 00:02:53 UTC
Fukk her. Make her take you out. Or at least help you think about somewhere to go. Why is it always assumed that a man must choose, and PAY, for a damn date? Oh I know why, Men are superior to women. They need us for EVERYTHING. Sorry for asking.
Stacy L
2006-06-07 21:42:55 UTC

2006-06-07 19:55:45 UTC
hi ive been on ,, ill say a few dates so ive made a few impressions

ladys like dates that are taken care of ,, so they dont have to make decsions. so onto a date.night cruise,wine tour,limo ride,move and dinner you want to take her out so that her evening is full of exitment
Lucky Furby
2006-06-07 19:23:23 UTC
if you're a good cook..fix her up a home made meal :)..and have her help in the process, that would be fun and romantic..if she's a smarty, then maybe a museum or something..i hear they are more popular for dates that most people think, good luck :)
2006-06-07 14:03:00 UTC
Dress nice complement her at lest one time and take her some place nice not some fast food place.You can try taking her someplace like dinner and a movie.And just be yourself cause you want her to like you for you not who your trying to be.
2006-06-07 11:26:50 UTC
First of need someone to take on a date lol..then-find out what kind of things she likes to do and try to find a way to do it. If she likes horses-find a place to do that.
2006-06-08 10:28:04 UTC
Well if you are a good cook than make a picnic with candles dollar candles but don't let her know that maybe some wine.
2006-06-08 05:00:44 UTC
I walk in the park or a drive on a pretty road. And picnics are nice, too.
Muslim by choice
2006-06-07 12:47:49 UTC
take her to a park or beach w/ a blanket sit watch the sun set and sped time to get to know one another

or take her to a nice movie, and a cup of coffee/tea after
2006-06-07 11:24:06 UTC
A romantic picnic in the woods with the sun shining not raining!!! good luck!!!!!<3
2006-06-08 10:37:37 UTC
If this is your first date, make sure that you go somewhere that your able to talk to one a coffee shop, try a bookstore or lunch at a park.
2006-06-08 07:54:38 UTC
Try something unique and special. Walk on the beach, special dinner, moonlight dance.
2006-06-07 20:52:40 UTC
be spontanious! go somewhere fun like the beach or park or an amusement park. don't do somethin boring like a dinner or a movie. go somewhere where you can talk and have fun at the same time.
2006-06-07 18:29:15 UTC
Dinner at a nice restauraunt


Watch a play/show

Make her dinner and invite her to your place

Picnic on a beach

Dancing at a club
Quad M!
2006-06-07 15:08:43 UTC
act like a gentman open the door to the car push the chair out for her to sit give flower or geurley hope it works
2006-06-07 13:11:23 UTC
well if you really like this person you should just try to be your self and it helps to make them laugh and try to find out what they like and what thy would like to do for the date. but I guess the big Questions is how much are you willing to spend and what kinda of things you think will really turn your date on. but first impressions are very important.
2006-06-07 11:09:13 UTC
Dinner, or a walk in the park. Some place where you can talk and get to know each other.
2017-03-09 01:13:25 UTC
2006-06-07 13:47:59 UTC
bowling, walk on the beach (if you live near one), putt putt golf,,, don't do movies-no chance to talk and get to know one another,,, dinner is nice, go play in the park with a picnic, frisbee, and cooler of ice cold drinks,,,, amusement park if nearby,,
2006-06-07 13:20:59 UTC
Setting up a pic-nic outside I think be a good date. You can talk to get and know each other. Plus she will think that you are sweet and can really understand her.
2006-06-07 12:54:48 UTC
Find out what interests her ... if thats something similar to ur interests ..explore 'em together.

If u have no idea... go out for a walk,talk to her... know each other n yea... in between dnt forget to go out of ur way to get something if she asks for something ..even if its kinda casual... for all other time.. be urself !
2006-06-08 13:09:40 UTC
Go to the best 5 star restaurant you know...if you're a gentleman AND you're rich. Let her buy anything she wants
2006-06-08 14:11:41 UTC

that site has some good ideas.
2006-06-08 06:37:58 UTC
My husband took me to a medieval/renassaince faire on our first date. We shared our mutual love of reading fantasy novels. It was a lot of fun. He bought me a circle of flowers and ribbons for my hair.
2006-06-08 05:44:08 UTC
A romantic movie or a resort for a sweet movement's.
2006-06-07 22:43:36 UTC
take her to a french or italian resturant then after that if you live by a beach walk by it at like 9:00pm or at like a lace swimming not local unless no ppl would be there.
2006-06-08 12:26:36 UTC
im not sure but i will tell NOT TO DO. This person i know (nerdish) said that he thinks the best date would go to the park and play hid n go seek. LOL yea rite!
2006-06-08 11:55:41 UTC
Dinner and a movie are always a nice date.
jessica c
2006-06-08 11:01:37 UTC
If its a first date and you are tying to impress her the bring her flowers, and do a candle lite dinner
2006-06-08 03:24:49 UTC
Hi If you're a married guy date your wife and keep on dating her as if it is your first date
2006-06-07 14:14:39 UTC
looking at your questions, and if you're 21, you're looking for special first date plans; this time of year is great for dinner by the water and live music.
2006-06-07 11:08:34 UTC
It really does not matter where you take her the best Idea that anyone can give you is for you to be considerate,respectful, and responsible that will insure you future dates. and believe me when I say the word will get out. lol
2006-06-08 10:40:25 UTC
take ure date on a drive to a place which has a great vantage a great view...put some nice music on (in ure car) and ask her for a dance....take something to drink or eat for later
2006-06-08 10:21:53 UTC
How old are you? Do you live in the city or in a small town?
2006-06-08 09:04:28 UTC
I think stanez up there has NEVER gone on a date or hasn't even impressed on girl enough to have them like her! Don't go all expensive but it depends on the girl most girls like romantic nights or afternoons if she really likes you if it's just you and her NOT AT A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT!!!! she'll like it!

Just Asking?!?!
2006-06-08 08:55:15 UTC
1. Dinner cruise

2. You cook and rent movies

3. A play, musical & dinner/ lunch
2006-06-08 07:03:54 UTC
A fast food resturant and a drive in movie.
Elva M
2006-06-07 15:52:55 UTC
A nice motorcyle ride, romantic dinner, and lots of talking.
hottie 101
2006-06-08 12:44:18 UTC
Going on a short road trip!
2006-06-08 11:46:49 UTC
Well if you are a gentle man you might take her out danceing or even to dinner with her family.
2006-06-08 09:09:20 UTC
Go to wal-mart and play fugitive inside the store. Its way fun because you get to know your date very well and plus its fun, cheap, and something original to do.
2006-06-07 17:51:50 UTC
Keep her laughing, not with cheesy jokes, but with witty comments. Also, try not to over-flatter her constantly with stupid compliments such as, "You're so beautiful, even your hands are beautiful. You're hot. Your body is hot." Be charming, but not desperate.
2006-06-07 13:49:56 UTC
e mail me on my profile how much mony u got? i got lots of tips im sort of a stud. lol. ladies love me seriusly

dont forget theres always the can u wait out side for me and do a dine-n-dash
2006-06-07 13:00:56 UTC
take that person to a nice resturaunt and buy her a dozen of whatever her favorite flower is when you go pick her up, give them to her and kiss her on the cheek. goood luck and have fun.
Ms. Wood
2006-06-07 11:38:38 UTC
since you said you are a gentleman, hold the door open, open the car door for her, be a listener instead of the main talker. make her laugh. i love a guy that can make me laugh!
Albert m
2006-06-07 20:25:06 UTC
Picnic on a scenic overlook
2006-06-07 17:37:32 UTC
it depends on what you think he/she likes...

movies are always good just don't get too close its just a first date...

dinner is also really nice cause you can really get to know each other which is really important

don't do something too romantic cause that could make it look like you're too into her or really really serious or something
2006-06-08 13:52:10 UTC
i think dinner and a movie bring her flowers and don't put your arm around her inles you think she wants you to or she asks open the door for her and every other girl. cuase you'll get a lot of girl for that.
2006-06-08 10:23:58 UTC
dinner at a nice restaurant..followed by a moonlit stroll to a spot where you guys can lie down and watch the stars....or if the sunset.
2006-06-08 06:39:58 UTC
I would maybe suggest making the date about her, ask what she likes to do for fun. And if time and the weather will allow it, do what she likes.
2006-06-08 01:38:17 UTC
Dress comfortably so not a fidget a-s-s, and be yourself

Maybe even arrange where to go and what to do between you rather choose for her

Just don't be fake
2006-06-08 01:34:38 UTC
depends on what shes wearing. if its jeans and a tank top try the monster truck races. if its a dress and high heels go somewhere nicer
jeff p
2006-06-07 21:40:59 UTC


2006-06-07 14:13:43 UTC
Go to the mall, go ice skating, eat some food, get ice cream
2006-06-07 13:27:13 UTC
some good dates are taking her to a romantic dinner,take her places that you think wont be boring for example:to the movies to an arcade,and etc;
2006-06-07 13:15:31 UTC
always keep this in mind that may be u r nt a princess bt u need to make ur date feel that she is a pricessess
2006-06-07 10:01:34 UTC
Can't go wrong with a clean movie and ice cream or frozen yogurt. Get some exercise with a walk in the park.
2006-06-08 12:16:29 UTC
first of all be sure that u walk out that door with good hygiene if i spelled it right .and most important treat her with respect.a good date idea would be to take her out to dine and walk the nite off that is really romantic.
2006-06-08 10:04:01 UTC
First date.. Dinner and a movie. It's perfect and it doesn't say too much.
2006-06-08 09:43:58 UTC
Nothing says great first date like matching tattoos!
2006-06-07 18:35:13 UTC
Take her out to the movies
2006-06-07 15:06:37 UTC
A theme park may be a good idea
2006-06-07 14:59:00 UTC
Plays are fun, movies, outdoor concerts, going for walks, getting ice cream, picnics, ...
Baller B
2006-06-07 11:49:17 UTC
Make her dinner...that show that you put effort into the date. Then maybe a moon night stroll.
Sara L.
2006-06-08 13:05:22 UTC
first write a romantic poem for her. then take her on a candlelight dinner on the beach. Order wine and lobster.
zach p
2006-06-08 12:44:32 UTC
Look for a girl that matches your personality and you wouldn't mind spending time with.
Name here 234567
2006-06-08 11:35:14 UTC
one very good tip, since anybody you date will eventually find out if you date them long enough.

BE YOUR SELF! if you dont and pretend to be somebody else, and they fall for that "other person" then once they find out you are not "you" .....well you get the picture.

just be your self and somebody whom appreciates you for you, and not a false you will eventually come around.
2006-06-08 10:01:04 UTC
Good Date ideas is going out to eat!

You know all of the romantic stuff

To tell you the truth i dont give a crap!!!!!!!!
2006-06-08 00:34:01 UTC
Well i think if you like this pearson enough for you then spoil her on the date walk her home hold her hand ETC
Humming Bird
2006-06-07 23:16:02 UTC
Go to the movies and see a friendly show!
2006-06-07 22:43:32 UTC
dinner and walk at the beach or a nice park with good scenery and cool breeze.
Dreamy Girl
2006-06-08 07:35:43 UTC
go to a romantic restaurant and then a walk on the beach something like that!
exec 1
2006-06-08 04:32:06 UTC
First of all stay calm,take her somewhere quiet where there are no distractions,dont over do it on the cologne,pay attention,listen, and compliment.whatever you do dont forget the candles.
2006-06-07 21:51:33 UTC
Find out what she likes and plan the date around that. That will show that you care about her interests. (Hint: That's a good thing.)
2006-06-07 17:43:19 UTC
volunteer at a pet shelter.... you get to hang out with animals and spend time together

or you can go to an amusement park or carnival.
2006-06-07 14:53:33 UTC
You could go out to eat at a nice restaurant.
2006-06-07 11:07:47 UTC
Picnic in the park, or ballroom dancing lessons.
jan jan
2006-06-08 11:32:02 UTC
take a women out ot the movies and dinner
2006-06-08 07:37:54 UTC
the beach,red lobster,picnic,home with candles rose peedles and a romantic bath
2006-06-07 17:40:59 UTC
Planetarium! Maybe the Zoo! But the planetarium would be awesome or an imax flim........
2006-06-07 12:12:23 UTC
take her 2 c a good movie
2006-06-07 12:09:41 UTC
call her, ask her what she wants to do:)

Putt putt golf, Starbucks or cinnobon, some place where she doesn't have to eat much, laser tag, where do you live (i live near DC so monuments and museums would be fun)


The one that won my heart was an ice-cream place :) lol
valerie g
2006-06-07 11:04:41 UTC
if you were taking me on a date i would love to pack a pic nic lunch, go up to the mountain, (mont-royal, montreal quebec, canada) and spend the afternoon there, after words stay sitting on the blankett and just enjoy one anothers company, ya it sounds lame, but it saves you cash you get to know your date alittle more then you would at the movies and if you pick a quite enough spot you never know what can really happened there. you just might get the chance to play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-08 13:26:50 UTC
ok you can do the orginal. it all depends on the girl. you can do cinner, movie, beach stuff like that you know. if she likes to be active you can roller skate, bowl, i like to go to a baseball game and watch it with someone lol. every girl is different it depends on what she likes and doesnt like i guess. just get to know her likes and follow your heart.
2006-06-07 11:43:10 UTC
Movies and maybe ice skating. A guy tooke me there one time, and we had a blast!
2006-06-07 22:55:28 UTC
Miniature golf.

It's fun and silly and gives you something to do while you talk and get to know one another.

Don't keep score, just goof around.
2006-06-07 21:53:41 UTC
whereever u go jst try 2 keep her smily all de day vth U and make her feel awesom vth U .........and try 2 choose lonely places and a silent place
2006-06-07 21:43:30 UTC
find out her birthday and zodiac sign, trust me zodiac signs gives a lot of ideas to know abt someone, his likes dislikes, it'll help u to her heart away, search by "how to date a cancerian", zodiac sign romance etc good luck!
2006-06-07 12:25:23 UTC
a candle light dinner by a romantic spot
2006-06-08 06:33:54 UTC
gentleman - I like it......How about put put golf? Ice cream is good too....maybe just a good old fashioned dinner and a movie.....Think about what she likes.
2006-06-08 05:33:05 UTC
be straight farward and dont hesitate.

ask about where will she like to go.

have a dinner, in moon light.

and say whatever is in ur heart.
2006-06-07 21:41:27 UTC
It really depends on what your date likes..some like romantic crap some like to go out and have fun
2006-06-07 20:03:56 UTC
take her out some where nice for dinner then mabe go home and watch some movies together!
2006-06-07 17:49:18 UTC
if you have the time take the girl to a nice movie and have a picnic
Filicity S
2006-06-07 17:17:57 UTC
movies,dinner, drive around, horsebackriding, ice skating, roller blading, vaction something fancy, scary movies if she is scared she will move closer2 u srry no more ideas
2006-06-07 16:36:08 UTC
Expensive dinner and bowling is a fun time for me. You can laugh at how "good" you are at bowling. Unless you really are good at bowling.
2006-06-07 15:44:10 UTC

romantic picknet on the beach or grass with candles
2006-06-07 11:55:42 UTC
do something adventerous something that will set a great impression and be remeberable.... i think you better make sure she is the adventerous type first. but the romantic date is great for a 2nd date.....
2006-06-08 13:37:28 UTC
24th September is a really cool date in my books ;^)

Yep, c'est mon anniversaire ;^)

Merci pour tous les cadeaux ... d'avance :^)))))
2006-06-08 12:10:57 UTC
Going to discos(if u like)or have a get together with your friends.
samantha wilson
2006-06-08 08:11:40 UTC
What they said, use a search engine and you find a site that lists all that.
2006-06-07 21:02:30 UTC
invite her over to watch a movie and get a blanket for when she gets cold and cuddle her and kiss her..make her dinner and then watch the movie..
2006-06-07 19:50:02 UTC
OPERA! Show your sensitive side first. The Phantom of the Opera is my first choice. A Muny Opera, It will depend on where you live.....
2006-06-07 19:44:12 UTC
It all depends on your date.Say you are a boy, you talk to your girlfriend and see what she likes to do , and turn what she likes to do into a date.
2006-06-07 11:20:17 UTC
dinner at a fancy resturant is a good place to have a date.
2006-06-07 23:27:52 UTC
lean on the door and at the top of your lungs just before you kiss her good night ask her if she goes all the way on the first date..Lol, Lol..
2006-06-07 21:11:32 UTC
the theatre a concert a live play
2006-06-07 21:01:22 UTC
A little food shack by your house
Takyla A
2006-06-07 14:33:24 UTC
You could take her to a hotel or take her to your house and cook her a romantic dinner.
Big hands Big feet
2006-06-08 14:01:14 UTC
Try a planetarium, Informal and informitive, they are the forgotten entertainment, plus you are under the stars!
2006-06-08 04:33:30 UTC
Rohin S definitely deserves the best answer. . .
2006-06-07 21:26:49 UTC
find out things shes loves and live a little. do things she likes and keep her happy. it depends what type of girl she is, to make your date a big hit. she could be romantic,skater,rock-girl,etc... do things she enjoys.
santana w
2006-06-07 20:32:48 UTC
buy her a rose at first give it to her...then take her to a romantic restaurant or find out from a friend of hers what her fav. restaurant is and take her there
2006-06-07 14:55:30 UTC
Take them to the movies.
2006-06-07 14:30:05 UTC
movies are a great place to start. putt-putt golf is also a great option! do something fun so you can laugh while you get to know each other
sexmaster AJ
2006-06-07 13:40:39 UTC
warm beach spot with a sun set
kiki Dee
2006-06-07 12:00:47 UTC
Dinner, movies, walks, or just doing something you two have in common.
2006-06-07 11:51:46 UTC
take a girl to the movies and then after wards take her out to eat
2006-06-08 12:38:25 UTC
i small picnic at the beach and maybe laugh a lil bit
2006-06-08 03:16:59 UTC
if you know what she like the most then its easy.

suppose if she is reserved then you can take her to a silent place just offer her to come with you.if she likes music then create situations to impress her..thus it is very easy.


Best of luck.
2006-06-07 20:24:04 UTC
sports game....rollerskating...hiking up in the mountains....dinner & a movie usually work for a first date....or a concert.
2006-06-07 13:27:13 UTC
Go to a local carnival or fair.
2006-06-07 12:04:56 UTC
bring them somewhere they would want to go do things they would want kiss thema t the end only if they seem as if they want to if they delay at the door kiss them if they hurry dont
2006-06-08 06:04:14 UTC
dinner...walks on the beach in the night...n wuteva happens up 2 ya'll
2006-06-07 13:13:03 UTC
A pinic would be nice or a street fair,
2006-06-08 11:29:01 UTC
go to a restaurant then maybe for desert go get some ice cream
2006-06-08 08:51:49 UTC
what is your budget?

well, if you got money to spare make reservations in some fancy greek or spanish resto then dancing after
2006-06-07 21:02:26 UTC
Walking on the beach..........

Under the moon and see the shooting star

soooo Romantic
2006-06-07 20:56:59 UTC
Something simple. It seems to have the most effect.
2006-06-07 20:12:18 UTC
Pick a good looking woman.
Lãzý Šmû®ƒ
2006-06-07 19:08:24 UTC
Cinema, but don't do what I did and watch Brokeback Mountain
2006-06-07 13:24:13 UTC
Can't go wrong with dinner and a movie.
Saltwater Pirate
2006-06-07 11:04:09 UTC
COOK her dinner. Don't taker her out. It makes it better. Then go pick her up and take her back to your house.

Then, take her to a play or a concert...not a rowdy concert, but classical or something like the Eagles or Beach Boys...find out what band she likes.
2006-06-08 09:48:56 UTC
you can go out to the movies or out to dinner and remember to giver flowers she would love that

i hope this helps you
2006-06-08 08:36:09 UTC
hmmmm let's see ..... somewhere under the moon .....if you know what i mean.Like a nite picnic on the beach. With the moonlight on you guys and the fresh night know ..... dark,..moonlight..fresh your lover..... now that's how i spell ROMANTIC!!!!!
2006-06-07 17:13:59 UTC
dinner than ice cream than a walk
2006-06-07 16:38:29 UTC
i'm a lady and i know what i like

- movie

- dinner

- beach

in that order is good

if it is an outdorsy type.......

- take-out

- rock climbing

- a baseball game?
2006-06-07 19:31:30 UTC
movies, rent or go out to them - always makes the best date
2006-06-07 18:51:56 UTC
stargazing, cooking her diner then going on a picnic, horseback riding, volleyball game!, funny shop shopping!
2006-06-07 18:16:00 UTC
take her out for dinner or a movie dats kool
2006-06-07 15:10:52 UTC
Movies, dinner, karaoke.
anna c
2006-06-07 15:01:47 UTC
hang out at a park at sunset
jessica u
2006-06-07 12:35:12 UTC
go out to a nice dinner place. or go to the movies.
2006-06-07 14:29:24 UTC
Easy Dave & Busters. It's relaxed good food good drinks and a good time.
2006-06-08 08:50:14 UTC
horse back riding! Just have fun! It doens't matter where you go.. just so she's with you she'll have a great time! good luck.
saheli m
2006-06-08 07:30:13 UTC
if u know her well give her a surprise visiting the place she likes the most
Very hard to guessed ^-^
2006-06-07 12:15:12 UTC
somewhere that u and the girl love or where u guys first met^-^

I know my ideas are dumb but u just say any ideas. lol
2006-06-08 13:14:03 UTC
A romantic picnic on the beach!
2006-06-08 11:07:41 UTC
dinner and a movie

dinner and a show (ballet, play, concert, comic performance, orchestra)
Allene R
2006-06-08 11:02:21 UTC
its according to your age and dont forget to include something she is interested in,remember its a first date for both of you..
lyndell v
2006-06-08 05:48:43 UTC
date scones, date bread there are lots of things u can do with dates lol
2006-06-07 12:37:03 UTC
bowling, movies, going to the park, going to a restaurant, etc.
Randie G
2006-06-07 12:16:06 UTC
A reaally good job is if your 14 is a job at dairy queen.
Picard Facepalm
2006-06-08 13:35:30 UTC
Ooh, skating rink!
2006-06-08 11:58:26 UTC
take a viagra about an hour into the date
2006-06-08 11:29:07 UTC
2006-06-08 10:55:24 UTC
dinner at a restrunt and then i walk on the beach
2006-06-07 16:36:02 UTC
go to a beach or movie theaters
2006-06-07 16:20:08 UTC
omg omg just go to like mc donalds and say nice and curtious things, like u meen it! lol
playa babe
2006-06-07 15:23:25 UTC
well it depends what she likes. i would like a wallk at a park then go to eat at a reateraunt.
2006-06-07 12:33:00 UTC
horse riding on the coast at sunset
Latinlicious r
2006-06-07 10:51:58 UTC
Dinner and a movie sounds good to me buddy, don't forget to open doors for the lady.
2006-06-08 11:35:14 UTC
going to a fancy restraunt and then going to the moveys
2006-06-07 18:28:19 UTC
dinner, a movie, and watching the sunset
kim h
2006-06-08 08:46:50 UTC
someplace quiet to talk romantic picnic
2006-06-07 21:41:20 UTC
Just remember that most girls LOVE romantic stuff
2006-06-07 16:36:36 UTC
Bowling... It's goofy fun!
2006-06-07 15:45:44 UTC
take her to your place fix dinner. watch a movie. take her home early / there is always tomorrow.
2006-06-07 15:38:45 UTC
classic dinner and a movie
2006-06-07 15:36:46 UTC
bring flowers find out what it is shes really in to and go with that.
2006-06-07 15:27:15 UTC
go to the place ur date likes!
2006-06-07 11:55:25 UTC
keep on smiling and act nice. also remember to BE YOURSELF

don't try to act cool and stuff. Trust me it doesn't work
Gray Matter
2006-06-07 18:15:39 UTC
Visit the zoo

See an aquarium

Go to a play

Visit an art gallery

Play board games

Go to a drive-in movie

Go to a car show

Go see fireworks

Go to a movie

Go to an ice skating show

Go to a concert

Visit garage sales

Go to an air show

Play card games

Make your own video


See a musical

Go to a concert

Go out for a cultural dinner

Visit a children's hospital

Go to the symphony

Visit each other's grandparents

Volunteer together

Go camping

Go horseback riding

Go miniature golfing

Go whitewater rafting

Go dancing

Rake leaves & play in them

Play a game of tag


Climb trees together

Take a riverboat cruise

Play broomball

Play kick the can

Ride a ferry or steamboat


Go swimming

Go moped riding

Go to the driving range

Play touch football

Jet ski

Go sledding

Work out together

Build a snowman

Make snow angels

Sunbathe together

Run together in the rain

Play racquetball


Ride go-carts

Beach volleyball

Catch fire flies

Snowball fights

Go for a country drive

Go stargazing

Rent a movie

Have a picnic at home

Look at Christmas lights

Go to a museum

Watch the sunset

Bake cookies together

Do laundry together

Make ice cream

Go for a sunset walk

Cook dinner for each other

Go grocery shopping

Build ice cream sundaes

Color in coloring books

Go to an arcade

Visit a city that is the name of a state

Take a sleigh ride

Go snowmobiling

Play frisbee

Park and star watch

Visit a pet store

Rent a limo for the evening

Walk on the beach at midnight

Roast marshmallows over a campfire

Visit favorite childhood places

Vegas Show Tickets

Celine Dion Tickets

Elton John Tickets

Cirque KA Tickets

Theater Tickets

Odd Couple Tickets

Spamalot Tickets

Gwen Stefani Tickets

Finger paint

Snuggle up in front of the fireplace

Go to the beach

Visit a city park

Pillow fight

Go kayaking

Walk your dog

Play hide and seek

Go ice skating

Go roller blading

Build models

Pick colorful fall leaves

Go for a moonlit walk

Watch TV together

Decorate a Christmas tree

Feed ducks at a pond

Go on a hay ride


Carve a jack-o-lantern

Watch the sunrise

Go shell searching on the beach

Visit an orchard

Watch little league games

Watch planes take off

See a midnight movie

Go to a wedding together

Look for 4-leaf clovers

Fruit tree picking /orchard

Go window shopping

Read tabloids & laugh together

Thumb wrestle

Puddle jump in the rain

Play tennis

Play volleyball

Hot air balloon ride

Ride a bike built for two

Go water-skiing

Go sailing

Go to a playground

Go to the horse races

Go to an amusement park

Play laser tag

Learn to rock climb

Go bowling

Play basketball (1 on 1)

Cook out

Visit caves

Fly a kite

Give each other backrubs

Take a helicopter ride

Go deep sea fishing

Go scuba diving

Go on a hayride

Walk through a mall

Have a small party

Go to church together

Go to a boating show/race

Take a hobby class

Visit a haunted house

Go to a circus

Go out for coffee

Visit a flea market

Cruise in a convertible

Go to an all you can eat buffet

Go to a ballet

Play bingo

Help at a soup kitchen

Go to an opera

Go to a bookstore

Visit another city

Go hear jazz or reggae

Visit a nursing home

Do yard work

Have shaving cream fight


Go Snowboarding

Go Skiing

Listen to music

Go snorkeling

Visit shops in a nearby small town

Go to a football game
Mr. Guy
2006-06-07 13:01:25 UTC
Amusement park, you cant help but to have fun.
2006-06-08 13:55:58 UTC
Well date me im a good kisser!! email me a well talk sexy!!
2006-06-08 08:49:55 UTC
movie and dinner, a walk on the beach, whatever she likes...a concert...
William W
2006-06-08 02:07:54 UTC
be a gentleman but try not to touch her, they will be surprised (can be scared too), but you will impress them anyway!!
2006-06-07 21:48:16 UTC
I think it would be cool if you take her to a casino, gamble, have a few drinks, dinner, dancing and stay at a nice motel, since you're a gentleman, than separate rooms. But if you're ready for the next level, one room.
2006-06-07 19:42:02 UTC
iwould say a movie and dinner
2006-06-07 19:32:07 UTC
well if you both are religious, what about going to church together and then lunch after?

(hey i can be a punk and still be religious.)
2006-06-07 17:40:00 UTC
strip club
2006-06-07 12:40:54 UTC
dinner, movies, day at the beach, club
2006-06-08 13:53:30 UTC
take her to ur place and cook her dinner and maybe some wine
2006-06-08 10:54:19 UTC
Go apple picking or strawberry picking etc...
2006-06-08 08:13:24 UTC
The smartest thing to do is to ask her what she likes to do and if you can afford it do that.
2006-06-07 23:19:22 UTC
FISHING:D You're a gentleman? Where do you live?
Dan B
2006-06-07 11:26:35 UTC
Bowling is always a good idea.
2006-06-08 12:45:34 UTC
involve rope & duct tape, or some shackles
2006-06-08 09:07:44 UTC
for a man to give me one rose,would surely melt my heart.
2006-06-07 23:30:35 UTC
do not try to prepare any thing let every thing goes normal
2006-06-07 22:07:45 UTC
picnic and cuddling!!

haha, kidding.

go play paintball. it's loads of fun!
2006-06-07 11:55:21 UTC
Take her to a few bars, then a basketball/baseball game, then to a fun nice resturaunt.
2006-06-07 11:16:50 UTC

walk on the beach
2006-06-07 10:01:39 UTC
Drinks, coffee, dinner. Dont go to movies or anything like that because then you cant talk. For me there is nothing worse than sitting in a movie theater for 2 hrs with someone I dont know.
2006-06-08 11:22:25 UTC
Take her to a comedy club...
2006-06-08 08:16:29 UTC
dinner, good movie, guy buys the pop corn soda etc. lol
2006-06-07 22:47:19 UTC
dinner and a movie
Ride Or Die Chick
2006-06-07 16:09:40 UTC
take her some wear you like to go
2006-06-07 10:01:32 UTC
Movies, Dinner, Drinks, Putt-Putt, the beach at sunset (romantic)
2006-06-08 10:12:10 UTC
i think u ve got the higgest no of answer,what can i suggest u?i'll say DONT PLAN ANYTHING JUST GO &ENJOY!!
2006-06-07 20:05:11 UTC
romantic dinner
2006-06-07 18:25:06 UTC
2006-06-07 14:08:21 UTC
2006-06-07 13:54:25 UTC
2006-06-08 08:46:13 UTC
I would suggest you look at this site
2006-06-07 18:11:12 UTC
picnic or nice dinner
2006-06-07 17:25:11 UTC
the beach and dinner
2006-06-07 12:05:39 UTC
see my answer
2006-06-08 12:07:42 UTC
hanging out
2006-06-07 22:37:03 UTC
grind them up and make them into cookies MMM
2006-06-07 13:51:02 UTC
Take her bowling, that is always a fun first!!!

A concert could be fun too!
nichea h
2006-06-08 06:02:07 UTC
just play it cool be ur self. ok thats my advice. don't tell anyone. lol
2006-06-07 16:04:32 UTC
711 on broadway ....lmfao
2006-06-07 15:28:58 UTC
romantic on beach
animal alan
2006-06-07 14:14:19 UTC
do not pick her up late.

if she wants something do not hesitate to say yes.
2006-06-07 13:22:36 UTC
burger king
John F
2006-06-07 10:42:16 UTC
Most important, always have back up plans in case the restaurant you want to go to is randomly closed, or the movie theater is closed.
2006-06-08 13:10:25 UTC
just follow your heart. if you do other than that your not being true to neather you nor her.
2006-06-08 05:22:22 UTC
fancy restaurant
2006-06-07 19:32:09 UTC
dont make eye contact wit utter girls
J norm
2006-06-07 17:44:26 UTC
go skating and then have a coffe or something
2006-06-07 11:49:20 UTC

you'll impress her


2006-06-08 08:23:30 UTC
el cangri
2006-06-08 11:51:46 UTC
dinner & movie
2006-06-07 20:57:39 UTC
havin good breaqth is the key ;)
2006-06-08 12:41:24 UTC
2006-06-07 20:24:16 UTC
just get a b.l.o.w.job and a pizza and you'll be just fine.....dont forget the beer
2006-06-07 15:10:10 UTC
2006-06-07 16:39:22 UTC
mini golf .. its classic and fun ! you'll have a great time .. =)
2006-06-07 12:51:05 UTC
take her on a picnic in a park. bring a lot of food cuz u don't no wat she likes. also bring a blanket and just talk
2006-06-07 12:12:23 UTC
smile i the best thing
2006-06-07 11:37:04 UTC
2006-06-08 10:45:22 UTC
movies, restraunt,going to church together,the
2006-06-08 08:32:50 UTC
good luck
2006-06-08 10:04:16 UTC
Be Yourself!!!
2006-06-07 20:22:55 UTC
2006-06-08 12:44:57 UTC
here is the answer
2006-06-08 08:19:38 UTC
you stole my avatar! but my eyes are cooler!
2006-06-08 04:57:48 UTC
which are ripe & sweet and gives you sweat.
2006-06-07 10:05:53 UTC
A comedy club and dinner; then, maybe a little go kart racing.
2006-06-07 10:03:30 UTC
Coffee and then 4 long drive....
all u guys daddy
2006-06-07 12:10:58 UTC
movie you can both enjoy.
Th3 badd3st
2006-06-07 15:21:16 UTC
2006-06-07 16:02:13 UTC
romantic dinner or movie!!!!
2006-06-07 11:25:28 UTC
a picnic.
2006-06-08 11:48:47 UTC
don't know I haven't ever been on one.
2006-06-07 20:57:14 UTC
asking her and see what she would like ...
2006-06-07 10:48:34 UTC
ice cream and ice skating
scott j
2006-06-08 12:06:23 UTC



be yourself
2006-06-07 13:02:02 UTC
2006-06-07 10:02:29 UTC
i like the zoo or do something where you can make something together like a pottery place
2006-06-07 10:01:02 UTC
candlelit dinner

Moonlight stroll

picnic in the sun
2006-06-08 08:45:36 UTC
just u and her
2006-06-08 06:55:25 UTC
Ofcourse sex.
2006-06-08 01:27:52 UTC
how about an abortion clinic?
2006-06-07 19:42:14 UTC
2006-06-07 18:02:41 UTC
vote for karen!!!
Yesenia L
2006-06-07 17:15:27 UTC
the beach!!!
sloppy dan
2006-06-07 10:01:17 UTC
If you're in N. America, I would say not so much the place, but the time is essential. Sunset is a great time to have a date outside. That way there's plenty of time to play once you get home =)
?nĽ ?
2006-06-07 20:03:56 UTC
you can go to go there
Ashley Tisdale Fan
2006-06-07 11:45:35 UTC
u look hot dowboy!!!
2006-06-07 10:44:30 UTC
yes they are you need to look and serched, for what you want, if you, need,

to live and find new things, in life, how to be more thin your, self, people,

will look at you and say what is he on he might on some thing. i want him,

to be my friend. women love some black men in the world, have some,

rich men out in the comeing world, as you might see, it for your self... ps.

send me some email on my site, if you have time...
2006-06-07 09:59:51 UTC
dinner at a restaurant by the beach

comedy club -- laugh a little
2006-06-07 18:55:18 UTC
go out eat maybe.......
2006-06-07 16:23:18 UTC
italian and chinese.
2006-06-08 05:06:34 UTC
2006-06-07 22:44:47 UTC
take her some where she's goint to like it
2006-06-07 15:48:23 UTC
lol........ McDonalds
2006-06-07 13:00:39 UTC
get her drunk
2006-06-07 10:01:13 UTC
Depends on where you live and how much you want to spend!
2006-06-07 19:24:38 UTC
2006-06-07 11:18:32 UTC
2006-06-07 11:01:33 UTC




2006-06-08 13:45:43 UTC
dunno I'm 9
2006-06-08 04:08:42 UTC
long drive...........................
2006-06-07 15:52:19 UTC
2006-06-07 11:05:49 UTC
say what????????????????????????????????????????
2006-06-07 10:00:38 UTC
burger king

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.