2009-05-10 14:02:18 UTC
Been talking to this guy online for a couple of months now.We're really close, and we tell each other everything.
About 6 weeks ago we were on the phone, and we were just about to go to bed and he came out with "i don't know what to do", so i responded with "about what?"
He didn't respond to that, he just said "i've got so much work to do and i cant concentrate"
I said "what are you getting at?" And he responded with "its you... you've taken over... i dunno" I said "well, taken over what??" and he said "well... you've not officially taken over...!" and i asked him to start making sense and he kept avoiding it and said goodnight to me (after practically crying down the phone caus' he didn't want me to go!)
And he keeps giving me lovely compliments, calling me "wonderful" and "lovely" and saying how much I mean to him and saying how much he misses me if we don't speak for a day...
he also wrote me a song and sent it to me as a gift.:) and sent 'lean on me" to me (the lyrics and the music video)
we used to sit up and talk for hours, and hours, hes asked me to go on holiday with him, he helps me plan easter egg hunts for the kids at a childrens centre i run, he helped me write my fundraising speech for my charity and we were even planning on studying together for our exams. not only that, we talked every day, without fail. He even said "You know I love you." (after I said he hated me, as a joke! we do it all the time.) i replied with "lies!" and he said "only when there's a Q in the month!" so I said "well... i love you too!" and he said "good to know!"
I uploaded some pictures of a day out me and my ex had, and then i uploaded some pictures of a night out me and my friend went on where i'd took some pictures of the random men we met. Then, all of a sudden, though, he seemed to stop talking to me.
The day after uploading the pictures of my ex, i text him like normal and he was barely even there. He stopped texting me halfway through the conversation, which isnt like him. It waslike he didn't even want to talk to me.
Then, he didnt speak to.me the day after. Or the day after. Then I text him, wondering if he was okay... and he didnt respond.
Then we didn't talk again for about 6 days, but then he spoke to me on Facebook chat. I asked him why i got no response and he said he'd responded (which is unusual, since ive never *not received* anything he sent me before. But not only that, he was really clipped and cut off... not his usual self.
I sent him a joke yesterday and he didn't reply for 5 and a half hours, and even then it was barely anything, and when i replied he didn't reply to that, either. Then, I found out (from his facebook profile, no less) that he had a new girlfriend (7 years younger than him), that he'd met in a bar and known for a week. He didnt tell me about her (even though i was his 'best friend' (or so he said) and i was so upset, so i messaged him and told him i loved him but had to delete him and not talk to him for a while, to get over him.
I blocked him everywhere so he had no chance to reply.
I don't understand why he's done this - i'm devastated.