Do you think I should have sex with my boyfriend or wait??
2007-08-28 19:58:35 UTC
Well me and my boyfriend have been together for about 8 mths. and I really love him, and we have talked about sex alot, and we both are only 14.....but I am still a virgin and he's not, and he has been talking about how he wants to have a baby by me, so do you think that I should wait or wat??
56 answers:
Nunya Biznuzz
2007-08-28 20:01:30 UTC
2007-08-28 20:10:09 UTC
U should wait!!!!!!!!!! Especially since ur so young, and especially since he's talking about knocking u up! IT's not as romantic as it sounds. THe cold reality will set in once it's too late. HE'll give u a baBy, then he'll bail. But ur still stuck with a kid, and the responsibility of taking care of it. Ur parents will have more of a burden then too. Plus, adoption and abortion are things u'll have to think about. Plus, what kind of a father would ur man be at fourteen? UR not sure about this at all, so I woulld wait. U'll never get ur virginity back, and most girls ur age end up regretting their first times anyway, because they'll end up with someone they really love and wished they'd waited for them, or someone they really loved.

HE's just saying this to u becaUse he wants sex from u. Boys don't have much to loose, and once u start having sex, it's hard to stop anyhow, so when temptation is there, people usually take it. Being teens, u don't think of the consequences, but if u get an STD, or pregnant, ur life will take a drastic turn, and it'll be put on hold...all because of one night. Girls do get stuff after one time of haVing sex. Then there are the emotional consequences u'll go through. Adult females aren't even ready to face the things i"m describing to u, so I really don't think u or ur boy is ready for this. IF u don't believe any of the answers ppl, look around ur school, and neighborhood. I'm sure there are unwed parents around. HOw many are single teen moms? How many had to drop out of school, or stay in school to raise a kid? HOw many grew up way too fast because sex felt good?

These are all things u need to consider, because sex affects the rest of ur life...and life changing decisions shouldn't be taken lightly. Protection is only 99.9% effective. And everyone remembers their firsts. So make it a good memory, and all good memories take time and planning, so...wait. Good luck.
hello dorito
2007-08-28 20:22:13 UTC
i really think you should wait, your not ready yet. even though you may think so your only 14, and well in my opinion you are not ready for sex or a baby. how would you even support it, think about it, it takes alot of responsibility, more than a 14 year old can handle to raise a baby. and for the sex part of the question, how do you know he doesn't have stds...if in the end you do decide to have sex, (which im recommending you don't) make him use a condom; being a mom or dad seems fun, but in reality when your not ready and prepared it's not. tell him your not ready for sex or the idea of having a baby, and if he pressures you or gets upset then he isn't worth your time, because he would respect you if he really loved you. good luck.
2007-08-28 20:07:13 UTC
WAIT WAIT WAIT you are way to young first off to be having sex and secondly he is lying to you just to have sex with you. You are to young to be having a baby and if he were to get you pregnant he will not help you at all. You need to stop talking to this boy he sounds no good. You dont even understand how hard it is to have a baby, they cost alot of money and your life will change, you cant just get up and go and do whatever you want, a baby totallly depends on you, you almost become there slave, I am 26 and when I had my daughter i thought it was so hard i did not sleep for 2 months because she would sleep all day and be up all night crying, I was so tired and it was just hard and I am alot older than you. This guy sounds like he will say anything just to get you to sleep with him and you do not have to sleep with someone like that and if he loved you he would not try to pressure you or tell you he wants to have a baby with you, because he will be ruining your life by getting you pregnant. your main concern right now should be going to school and then college and becoming something, you have all the time in the world to have a baby or have sex. dont do it please I am giving you the best advice, you will regret it and like i said if he loves you he will wait and if he doesnt then you dont want to be with him anyways.

be smart dont do it
2007-08-28 20:08:45 UTC
wait, you hear all over the place men abandoing women with their child, and he is just trying to get you to do it with him by saying he wants a kid by you! your still a teen there is no way you want to tie down your life to a child yet. and me n my bf have been dating 4 almost 10 months and we are both virgins i am 15 and he is 16. wait n c wat life has to offer. if he is pressuring you than leave him or put your foot down, he prolly told the other chick that he had sex with that he wanted her to have his baby as well, he is desperate to get some. dont do wait till you are older and you are 100% sure you are marrying the guy. i am personally waiting till i get married, sex isnt my life and i dont NEED it, i want to stay in skool go to college become a vet and then think about kids, not you, not now! your only 14 and he is only 14 im only 15 and my bf is only 16, we are all too young, dont be another teenage pregnancy statistic, b/c you are just another point on his score card with the ladies if you do it w/ him. wait it out, and my friends that are 17 and 16 were dating for 4 months and they did it and now they arent even together they didnt even last a month after the fact! DONT DO IT AND BE SMART!!!!!

i hope i saved you n your bf!


2007-08-28 20:08:25 UTC
Definitely wait. In fact, you are too young to be in a serious relationship where you're thinking or talking about having babies with a boyfriend. Most likely he is saying those things just to get you to have sex with him anyway. Too many teens have had an abrupt end to their teen years by becoming pregnant at an early age, and ruining their opportunities to achieve, attend college, and become something.

Make other friends, hang out with girlfriends, socialize, take up hobbies or sports. There will be plenty of time to settle down with the right person later.

Good luck!
2007-08-28 20:06:42 UTC
Having a baby at 14... For the love of God wait. That would scare me away from sex with someone. You're 14 years old. Having sex is one thing, and I'm not going to comment on that, but having a BABY!!! What is this guy thinking??? Don't have sex with someone that... just plain stupid.
2007-08-28 20:11:08 UTC
WAIT!!! Are you kidding me your only 14 and he wants you to have a baby..girl get out of that relationship while you can...first of all you should be proud of your virginity don't just give it away cuz you think you really love some guy..and honestly how do you know your actually in love and its not just lust?? In the end its you that has to decide if your mature enough to handle sex..its not all romance and fireworks like its cracked up to be..and wouldn't it mean more to you if you waited till you were a little bit older and truely in love..I'm not saying wait till your married but don't just give it away because you think your in 14 you still have 4 yrs of school left..and how do you think you could handle a baby and go to school and if you do finish high school how are you going to go to college and make something of yourself so you can support you and your kid? should think about the long term effects of what having a kid means..yeah all babies are cute and sweet at first but those kids grow up and every kid has needs..your only 14 where are you going to get a job? or do you think your parents are just going to support you and your baby..or even have the state support a tax payer i don't want to support a kid that has a kid just because she thought she was in love and couldn't wait till she was mature enough to handle sex and all that it involves..and if your boyfriend says he'll support your "family" how's he going to get a job at 14 by the time your old enough to work your kid will be 2..I know it sounds kinda rude but sometimes the truth i said in the end its up to you but just remember if he won't respect you enough to wait or use a condom at 14 he doesn't deserve you!
2007-08-28 20:09:49 UTC
as much as u love eachother, you are too young to have sex. a baby would Majorly conmlicate both of your lives. you are still a kid. when u r 16 you could think about getting on birth control and if you 2 r still together, could have sex. (i warn you tho, it will HURT the first and second times, no matter what anyone tells u!). 16 is still young, but you are much more mature at that age then 14 and can handle the emotions that come with sex much better.

no, in my opinion, you should not have sex yet. but if you do, PLEASE use protection(condoms, birth control). you will regret it if you dont. and you are much too young to be having a baby at 14. please wait untill you are 18 at least. you will be happy you did
2007-08-28 20:08:49 UTC
Let's look at this logically because you will do what you want to do anyway. You can only lose your virginity once. If you choose to have sex with your boyfriend and you break up, will you regret it? You could get pregnant, but at 14, how would either of you take care of it? You can get part-time jobs, sure, but at your age, the number of hours you can work is seriously limited. What would you do about school?

And to top it off, do you really think you're ready to have sex if you're asking on here if you should?

In my opinion, if you're basing your decision on what people tell you here, you're certainly not ready. Take your time. You're only young once. And your virginity is a precious gift that you can only give once. You need to be sure you're ready before you do.
2007-08-28 20:11:04 UTC
someone on the internet should not make this decision for you. I am MARRIED 30 and have 2 kids of course im going to say wait. for one if you even have a little dault that is your inner self trying to protect you. Here is my life experence take it for what you will. I had sex at 16 I told myself I would not regret it because I was having fun. we'll years latter I do regret it. all thoese guys were out for one thing. they didnt care if my feelings were hurt if I got pregnant or if I died the next day. I have never heard of anyone staying with someone they met at 14. believe it or not 8 months is not a long time. hold off virgininty is a one time shot are you sure you want to lose it to him.
Lisa B
2007-08-28 20:08:59 UTC
First of all, your body is not fully, physically formed to have a healthy baby at age 14. Secondly, he has been around so how many diseases do you think he has? Thirdly, if he really loves you, he will be willing to wait for you no matter what. If he is pushing you then he is thinking of himself no matter what kind words he may use toward you. Guys can be smooth-talkers. They will tell you anything to get you to surrender to them. Then once they've had you, they move on to try to conquer the next woman on their mind. Do you want to be all by yourself as an unwed mother and never get to know what it's like to have a life other than bottles, diapers, crying throughout the night, and all alone without him? Aren't you smarter than that? I think you are!
2007-08-28 20:06:36 UTC
take it from someone who got pregnant at 17, lots of resp. he didn't stay around, would not give up my children for the world but it's been hard...... Your 14 and I hate to say it but stay a virgin,not what you want to hear but real love waites, 8 months is not long enough, trust me I regret my first, but love my kids, just wish same kids, later in life with the man I truly love..... I was 16 not 14 and it was stil toooooo early. Talk to any single teenage girl with a baby they will tell you the same thing....
2007-08-28 20:05:19 UTC
hunny wait....Im 17 and Ive had sex already its rly not woth it at all! Even tho Ive dated this guy a year! you both need to be older and way much more mature...and for the having a baby thing you are ready yet ur only 14 you body hasnt grown enough are much to young plz I beg of you dont have sex yet....its really not worth doing might love him but there will b many more boys in your life besides him you have to make sure hes the right one you wanna lose it too! Dont make this mistake plz!
2007-08-28 20:05:07 UTC
Just wait a few more years because 14 is way to young for you to be a mother and him to be a father. But don't feel pressured to refuse him because remember its your body and your call!!! Sex is a mutual thing so if your not happy then the whole thing is ruined.

It is best to wait a few more years because having a baby that young is a serious mistake.
2007-08-28 20:03:43 UTC
your 14 think about all the responsibilites when it comes to a baby then think about everything youll have to miss out on and then prob get dumped by him and not get child support wait until your really ready you think your ready wait until you have a job and can support a baby you need to be emotionally ready and for everything else so wait! hes prob just after sex and will leave you anway dont give it up itll be a mistake you may think that your first love is your only but wait ok until your legal
2007-08-28 20:12:45 UTC
once you have sex you will never be able to take back what you gave away. Everytime you give something special away (weither that be a kiss or hug) you are giving apart of yourself away. My older sister was 19 when she was married and her and her husband both saved themselves for eachother, and she said that was the most wonderful decision she has ever made. something that she mentioned to me was this; "if you want great sex, then go out and find someone...anyone. But, if you want perfect sex wait till marriage"

i can tell you now that once you have sex outside of marriage it is only going to please you for so long and than you will start feeling a hollow-ness in you. If you truly love him, and he truly loves you than why dont you save yourself for eachother? think about his past relationship, he isnt a virgin so that means that apart of him is with someone else and he cant ever take that, wait till marriage......and make it perfect :) God bless!, kayli
2007-08-28 20:04:56 UTC
That's way too young. I know it seems like you know everything in the world now, but that's a big decision and one you will probably regret 5 or 6 years from now. You should definitely wait. You don't want to be another statistic about a teenage mother.
2007-08-28 20:06:05 UTC
NO NO NO NO NO-do not have sex do not have babies!! Wait-if he loves you he will-if not it is not meant to be-focus on school-you have plenty of time to be worrying about what happens if the condom breaks later in life. And you are too young to be a mom. Don't they give you guys those eggs anymore in home economics to carry around?
2007-08-28 20:03:31 UTC
This is something you'll have to get used to sooner or later... sadly to say.

If you're not having sex, it'll soon become an huge issue. You'll think he's a jerk because that's all he seems to want from you. He'll think you don't love him enough to share intimate moments with him. It's a catch 22.

Best thing to do is... Live for the moment. That's all we really have anyway.
2007-08-28 20:09:45 UTC
for the love of god, WAIT!

always plan a worst situation possible whether is be in regards to sex or anything else.

you're 14, can you imagine having a child right now because you're hypothetically pro-life or can't afford an abortion?

babies shouldn't be having babies!!!
2007-08-28 20:03:12 UTC
i truly believe that as long as you love him, it's okay.

however, 14 is really young.

i had forced sex with my boyfriend at 14 and ended up pregnant.

i had an abortion and there is NOTHING i regret more than that.

14 is too young to have a child. if that's what he wants, he needs to look into what it takes to support a family.

i think you should wait. but it's your decision.

pray about it.
2007-08-28 20:08:31 UTC
wait....i know it might seem like a long time but you both will be happier later when you both feel more ready and mature about you will both know that you REALLY love one another with out sex involved...also it gets a lot more complex or complicated once SEX is involved so becareful, be safe , and be extremely sure you both are ready if you decide to go through with it good luck and have a good night...

2007-08-28 20:22:47 UTC
look I'm not going to judge you for wanting to have sex with him, if you are ready go ahead but you have to be ready to suffer the consequences because he might leave you right after,are you ready to throw your life away or future or when you turn 21 just stay at home and not have any fun and go out.Please trusth on this one I'm 22 and want to go out and I can't I been married seven years.What ever you do used protection and be safe.remenber condoms break. P.S your friend that cares
2007-08-28 20:03:34 UTC
wow you are only 14 and he is already saying he wants to have a baby with you? i would say he is just pressuring you into having sex with him. if he really loved you then he would wait a little longer
Rachelle S
2007-08-28 20:03:14 UTC
Wait you are too young for a baby you need to get some birth control if you are staying with this guy. Enjoy your life while your young.
juanes addicion
2007-08-28 20:19:04 UTC
wait...if you have sex now...and it ends up in pregnancy or STD, was it worth it?

you are only 14...i know that sounds very belittling...but this is an adult decision..AT THE LEAST get your HS diploma..then whatever...but till CAREFUL...

I am 1 of 4 kids...we are all here on earth because the birth control...didn't 2 kids are here for the same reason...
2007-08-28 20:07:47 UTC
Are you kidding me? You? Him? Baby? Slow down. You are only fourteen--still kids. You shouldn't be having sex. He says that now, but is he going to be able to support you or a baby? Nope. He can't even get a job at fourteen. Sweets, do yourself a favor and say no.
2007-08-28 20:06:26 UTC
Why is this 14 year old boy talking about having a baby. RUN, don't walk, from this guy.

Save yourself for someone who loves you and makes you feel special.
Haley F
2007-08-28 20:03:19 UTC
It is most likely you wont be together forever. Tell him your not quite ready for sex, and you would like to wait a little longer. If he really loves you, he will respect that. Hope this helps!
2007-08-28 20:18:34 UTC
Dear Shan,

When my daughter was 13, she chose to have sex with "her baby" as she called him--his name was Maka.

Maka was 14 and I really didn't know him. They had been together about 6 months, and I belive he was not a virgin either. Well, I didn't know until later, but my daughter and Maka did have sex.

The world didn't end, I got up set for a bit when I found out, and life went on. The relationship with my daughter and Maka did not last long after that, and Maka quickly found other GFs.

My daughter went on to love another boy, and probably around the age of 15-16 I found him in her bedroom at 5 am asleep, embraced, and naked. Yes, he's still alive, my daughter was embarrassed, and ran off for a day (in her t shirt with no panties). And life went on!

My daughter then went on to love another boy about the age of 16 or something like that and also probably had sex (who knows) early on. By 18 she had a baby after graduating HS. I am glad she finished. I had cut my daughter off before this.

Around 16 or 17 my daughter was far to assertive and independent and chose to live with a half sister (under difficult family situation at our home). You see my wife, her Mom, had Cancer and we moved to the Mom's home town so she could die. But our daughter had school and wanted to stay with her baby (baby number 3, BF no 3).

I'm not actually her Father, her birth father, who raised her till she was 7 died of pneumonia. But I love her and she is as much my daughter as any of my other children.

My daughter and I get along well, and thigs are good now. While I said she was cut off, I mean once 18, we did not support her anymore. So about the age of 18 1/2 or 19 I went to visit and found her working for little money make maybe 500 a month or something at a mall kiosk trying to raise a baby, while living in her BF's parents house.

In that house are 4 bedrooms, and at the time each bedroom had one child, one GF or BF, and one baby. Like a farm. My daughter really didn't like it. She had no freedom, and was treated like garbage by some of her BF's siblings. There was never privacy, and always comotion.

I offered to send her to college and give her 1,000 a month if she got A's. She agreed. And has been in school since.

I went on to ask her later about her decision to have sex back when she was 13--"Oh God don't remind me", she exclaimed. Of course, you have your own choices in life, and you will get to live it. But darling, you are a special person and to be honest there is little chance the two of you will be able to stick together if you do have a baby.

No matter what you choose, you won't be the first. You won't be the first to won't be the first to feel pain...if it does happen, you won't even be the first to get pregnant.

But, if you do, if you do make a choice, make one that makes sense as an adult. You can't drive, you can't vote, you have homework, and you can't legally drink. Heck, you can't even support yourself, so now is not the time to be thinking about making a baby, but about enjoying life. If he loves you he can wait...but he won't want to. If he pushes you, just tell him to do it by himself. That's what bathrooms and playboys are for.

Every time, just tell him to do it by himself. If he gets up set then you know what he really wants you for anyways. You are not a magazine. You are a sweet 14 year old with your life in front of you. So tell him, "do it without me".
2007-08-28 20:09:43 UTC
wait untill ur sure your 1st is the person u want to spend the rest of ur life with much to young for sex or a baby
2007-08-28 20:02:58 UTC
At 14 you wait!!! You cannot even find a job to pay for the repercussions of not waiting.
2007-08-28 20:02:18 UTC
you are only 14 and he's talking about having kids with you? no way, wait. it's the best thing. heck, i lost my virginity at 18 and i wish i would have waited.
2007-08-28 20:06:34 UTC
too young for sex, unless you want to be pregnant at 15 and a mammy at 16. he wants a baby by you, i can assure he won't be around when that time comes. If you insist in wanting sex be sure he uses a condom.
2007-08-28 20:07:42 UTC
Of course you wait

Do you want a baby when you are 15

I have a lot of teenage students that are also parents, While almost all of them love their kids, 100% wish they had waited
2007-08-28 20:06:03 UTC
well if you do have sex please please please use a condom or get on birth control. it alarms me that he's 14 and talking about babies. i'm 17 and ive watched several of my friends have babies young and they aren't something to take light. you are obligated to this child for 18 years and you legally can't get a job until your 16 so how would you provide for it? babies are extremely expensive diapers alone are 20 bucks. maybe you should hold off just because of the baby talk
2007-08-28 20:18:39 UTC
i think you must wait until you are older to have sex/baby..what and he said he wants to have a baby with that's the worst pick up line i ever heard.hey you are too young i heard that if you have baby before 18.. later you will have health problem so i will definitely advise you to wait till you are older..if he really loves you then why can't wait till you are older...if he says he can't wait then??

and you love him so troublesome i think its best to leave them if he said he can't seems like he's dating you only to have sex with you....

m sorry if i said something that hurts you..but m kinda person who will not care for someone who doesn't care for if my b.f said he can't wai then i will dump him....
2007-08-28 20:14:36 UTC
i strongly advise you to wait! sex complicates relationships alot more than you may think. also, if you do decide to have sex- you should serously consider if this is the person you want to have your first time with. you can only have a first time once.
2007-08-28 20:08:00 UTC
i think u should wait i mean if he gets u pregnant would u like to stay home all day and take care of a child while everyone else are out there enjoyin there self. wait its worth it. plus theres other things u and him can do
2007-08-28 20:03:42 UTC
Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Naw just kidding, DONT HAVE SEX WITH HIM. There are many other problems that sex could lead to. I believe in no sex before marriage AND YOU SHOULD TO. DON'T DO IT. ITS CALLED ABSTINENCE.
Wolf Girl
2007-08-28 20:01:42 UTC
Whenever you feel you're ready. It can change a relationship... and if he's saying he wants a baby with you, he's just trying to convince you to have sex.
2007-08-28 20:02:35 UTC
Well, if you're both ready for the intense relationship after having sex, and you've really talked it over and feel comfortable, then there's nothing wrong with it. I definitely don't suggest getting pregnant just yet though haha, give it 10 years or so.
2007-09-01 01:40:22 UTC
wait till you get married before you have sex. your too young to be thinking about sex anyways
2007-08-28 20:04:28 UTC
I think that you should wait and he doesn't seem to see that you might have second thoughts and he might put pressure on you to have sex....... So personally if i were you I'd wait.
2007-08-28 20:03:31 UTC
i think you should wait until you get marry because statistics show that only 5% of relationship or lower make it past high school when starting freshmen
2007-08-28 20:02:04 UTC
Absolutely wait. You are too young with too much ahead of you.
2007-08-28 20:17:27 UTC
You are too young. Once you are 16, you can re-think the matter.
2007-08-28 20:06:49 UTC
Wait one year and then think about it again.
2007-08-28 20:02:35 UTC
Yeah do it, by the time you're 21 you can have 7 kids and be a welfare queen.
2007-08-28 20:03:48 UTC
You're 14. You are only a kid. Why are you, as a kid, going to have a kid? Please talk to your parents and wait till marriage.
2007-08-28 20:01:57 UTC
wait a couple of YEARS!
2007-08-28 20:03:20 UTC
your to young to be a mommy i would look for a new guy
Lady Riddle
2007-08-28 20:05:37 UTC
maybe wait a few...Oh I don't know, YEARS
2007-08-28 20:04:21 UTC
I know who this is, I will forward this question to your mom and see what she thinks.... ok?
2007-08-28 20:05:25 UTC
DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait at least two years,

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.