2009-10-12 11:18:45 UTC
This boy and I met last year and sort of jumped into things pretty fast we met one day and were hanging out the next week. We would hang out all the time alone and we would have so much fun together. Then I got a different boyfriend because I felt like he didn't like me the way I liked him, a few months later when I broke up with that boyfriend I had it was because I felt like I wasn't being fair to him because I was always thinking of the other boy. Shortly after we broke up the other boy started dating this other girl. While they were together he would do flirty things to me at school ... I ended up telling him to stop because he had a girlfriend and I was taking it the wrong way. I told him i like him and he said it was too late, that he liked me before he and his girlfriend were together. We stopped talking and a couple months later started talking again, he would say things were rocky between he and his girlfriend and that he wanted to hang out we never hung out then but kept in touch. His girlfriend was going away to college and broke up with him. A little over a week later we hung out nothing really happened then but then about another week later we hung out again we had been talking about having sex for awhile and we decided to do it.. it was my first time and he was so nice about it and made me feel totally comfortable. We kept talking and hanging out but nothing else would happen between us. Then we started hanging out more and more and we ended up having sex again when we see each other in school he hugs me and stuff like that so i don't think he's embarrassed about it like i thought he was. It's been about 2 or 3 months since we started hanging out again and he hasn't asked me out or anything yet... is he using me?