my boyfriend and i have been together sence march, so about 6 months now. hes mexican, im american. when we talk or text he always saids hola nena (hey baby) and t amo (I love u). I would leave him comments on facebook saying t amo (I love u) or post a picture or video of something about love on his facebook wall, and he would "comment" and "like" it saying something sweet, like t amo nena (I love u baby) or something like that. He would text me all the time saying buenas dias (good morning). But now I dont think hes the same person. He usally only text me when i text him. now when i post something on his facebook wall about love, he just "like"s it and doesnt comment it. like the other day I put in spanish that i was so in love with him and he put a heart. i told him that i thought he would of said something more then a heart. like i love u maybe or something. he said he didnt know wat to say. and I always leave him comments saying t amo (I love u) and he just "like"s it and doesnt comment. He adds other girls on facebook and saids they add him. his actions are making me loose my feelings for him. I always talk to him about how i feel but he consideres them problems and doesnt like to talk about it because he just wants to be happy. we where talking on facebook last night and is aid be right back, when i got back he was gone so i said awww u left me, he came back saying sorry and we talked some more but he left again not replying to wat i said. sometimes when i text him, he doesnt reply back but he goes on facebook and i tell him all the time not to not reply back and go on facebook, but he doesnt listen. am i over reacting?