Should I date the bad boy or the nice guy?
2015-03-15 15:09:23 UTC
Ok ok ok.... This nice boy has been crushing on me for quite sometime. He is really cute!!!! Like he always wears like button downs and ties. He has an eye for fashion lets just say that. He spends a lot of time on his hair and hygiene, i think he calls it "metrosexual". Anyway like he writes poetry about me and gave me severely roses for Valentine's Day. He also always complements me and calls me beautiful and walks me to my class. He's lean but can lose a few pounds. But there is this bad boy who is hot I just met. He is very athletic and he rated me 9/10. And he said he would date me. And he told me to hit him up sometime so I gave him my kik. But the nice guy has my number. I'm not sure which one I should go after?!?!
73 answers:
2015-03-17 13:41:32 UTC
You should date the nice guy. Bad boys seem appealing and fun. In the beginning it could very well be fun, but it wont be fun if he starts cheating on you, it wont be appealing when he starts to tell other girls the same thing he told you, and you wont like it when he stops finding you interesting. It seems like this nice guy likes you for you. Whenever I was younger (and im 22) and a guy would tell me he liked me I would ask him WHY. If all he can say is because you are sexy, you have nice hair, a great body, a nice smile etc. he just likes you because of superficial things. I have met nice guys and have asked them why they like me and they said because you are beautiful, smart, we have good conversations, you have a nice smile, you are a fun person to be around and even more things I didn't know a guy would notice about me. You see the difference in that? So ask the bad boy why he likes you and see what he says, also ask the nice guy. And just notice the way things are worded, only BOYS are bad, whether he calls you sexy/hot or beautiful. He just might need to grow up before he can be what you need.

This bad boy may hurt u and turn you into an insecure woman. While your nice guy will move on and find someone who wants him just as much as he wants them. You will be wishing you didn't date that bad boy.
2015-03-16 16:26:37 UTC
Go with the good guy for goodness sake. I have chosen bad guys more than the nice guys and well... it was horrible to say the least. Plus the nice guy knows you much better, you don't want to date a complete stranger. And lets be real all the bad boys I've went out on a date with are just looking for sex. Trust me, nice guy is the better option by far.
2015-03-17 20:19:27 UTC
I'm going to give you the same advice people gave me a year ago. I was in the same position, there was a really genuinely nice guy who liked me a lot for me, and then there way the popular senior "bad boy" who every girl had a crush on. Everyone warned me against the bad boy, but I chose him because being with him was fun and exciting and it got me a lot of attention. I promise it is not worth it in the end. I ended up head over heels in love with this guy while he got bored of me after 2 months and moved on without a second thought. I ended up hurting the nice boy in the process of all of this so now he doesn't want to give me another chance or eve be friends. My advice is go for the nice guy no matter how exciting the other guy sounds. I promise you, you will end up liking him more than he likes you and your heart will be broken.
2015-09-02 11:08:54 UTC
I know this is an old question but I hope you did pick the nice guy! Trust me, I've been there! Two boys were after me. One was the typical bad boy and one was a nice guy. The nice guy would walk me to the bus stop, tell me I'm beautiful, make me feel good about myself. The bad boy would flirt with me, tell me I'm sexy, say I have a nice body, stare at my chest, and all of that. Who did I go for? Yes the bad boy! do I regret it? YES absolutely! He broke my heart, lied to me, put me down, made me feel worthless. It was really exciting at first but he soon got bored of me and dumped me and moved onto the next. We are just meat for the bad boys. They look at us as sex objects and nothing more. We can never have a lasting relationship with a bad boy. They will shower you with love at the beginning doesn't last!!! It's all an act to get into our pants! Picking the bad boy will only get your heart broken and you will regret it just like I did. The nice boy likes you a lot for you, date him. Trust me, If I could go back in time I would have picked the nice guy! and kicked that bad boy loser to the curb!!!
2015-03-18 06:39:33 UTC
Date the nice guys because usually they are the ones who go to college, and end up president of companies, even president of these United States. On the other hand the bad boys have a future too, and it's usually in jail.
2015-03-17 02:51:49 UTC
Go with what you know not with what you want. The nice guy has been there with you for a while, why throw it away for some guy you just met. Would you rather take the bad boy and have more of a higher risk of being hurt with a unknown or go with a guy that has thought of you as a queen for a while. I would play it safe when it comes to my heart.
2015-03-18 23:51:42 UTC
Date the nice guy bad boy end up losing in the end.
2015-08-29 12:16:41 UTC
dont choose the bad boy and think that if your heart gets broken later on the nice guy will be waiting to start things with u then. that is very insulting just like saying to nice guys u dont deserve my best u are second place. im sure u know whats gonna happen after all tey are called bad for a reason. nice guys and bad boys are the same only difference is how they perceive relate to and treat/handle women. otherwise they both appreciate and want beauty in a woman just that the nice guy takes it further and is intrested in more aspects of your life and not just pu**y
2015-03-17 14:40:42 UTC
I had a choice between the really nice guy who was too afraid to kiss someone because he's never done before or the bad guy who was a ex gang drug dealer and his 'tag' name is young shackes ( basically young shanker shanker=stabber) ( I did not know he was this bad before the relationship though )

The chose the Gangsta.

At the start of relationship, he told me his uncle and the sercuriry guad at college do robberies together and he smokes weed to get away from his problems because one of his friends got stabbed at a party he was at, I decided to ignore because I liked him.

8 days into the relationship, he took me round to his sister friend flat in a dodgy area, about an hour three guys who are they're friends come in to... They all start smoking drugs ( which my boyfriend didn't tell me he had weed on him) after two hours the girls get mad for no reason at me, the girls tell me i'm a slag because i'm wearing high wedges ( when they have kids and are only 16&17 LOL ) and the girls beat me up left a really bad bruise in my eye. The three guys drag my boyfriend to the ground and try to stab him in the heart.

So, basically it's up to you if you want to end up beat up like me, the bad guy may not be as bad as my boyfriend though. Choose the nice guy.
2015-03-18 01:06:11 UTC
I suggest variety when a cute girl checks the guys out, and you have two distinct choices available. The bad boy must do something physical in life regularly, to sustain his virile persona, and athletic build, not to mention his sexual swag. Of course the good boy writes poetry, and makes good conversation, and the rose he gives you, well it's a nice jester for a guy. So, you have the opportunity to try each on for size, and explore the excitement of discovery, and maybe start with your bad boy. He's liable to spark a fire of interest for a beautiful young woman, and he might be far more domestic than expected, meaning he has an intellect that complements his looks. You have his invitation for a date, so take a chance, have some fun, call him.
2015-03-16 14:18:33 UTC
By the way you have described the Nice guy in far more detail than the 'bad guy' go for the nice guy as you know more about him and seem to already like him, (implied) the bad guy will most likely be into drugs, pull you in ruin your life with drugs and throw you out once hes 'done' you.
2015-03-15 23:36:34 UTC
Okay, so I have some friends at my school.One of them is athletic and the guy for every girl and that's the problem. Every time we hangout (we only meet twice or thrice a month) he is texting some other girl and says to me that's his gf and I say what happened to the previous one??

I would say go for the nice guy.

The NICE GUY has given a lot of time to get to you and will be there for you and I am not sure about the bad boy maybe he would be like my friend.
2015-03-16 02:15:27 UTC
Just date the nice guy, since the bad boy is a complete tool.
2015-03-18 11:22:40 UTC
Based on what you provided I say you should date neither because the info you have on them is superficial. Both those guys need to be put in a situation and see how they react. That will be the true test of the actual "good guy". Nice guys aren'talways as nice as they claim and bad boys aren't necessarily as bad as people may think. You need to know who will be there for you hen times get ruff. You need to know who will not cheat on you. Based on the info you gave its impossible to tell which guy is best.
2015-03-16 01:21:05 UTC
Well there's the nice guy, who will not be reluctant to help you and stick up for you, give you a box of chocolates and a shoulder massage for valentines day and make time for you, maybe sit down and watch a movie with you. And then theres the bad guy, maybe have a little fun, pull some pranks, skate everywhere. It just depends on what you prefer. I'd say just go with your gut. Good luck xxx
2015-03-16 13:11:52 UTC
The nice guy... I'm 23 and always had a thing for bad boys and would always end up getting hurt. After being cheated on and lied to one too many times I decided to go for someone who wasn't my "usual" type. He's amazing. It's still kind of new but he shows genuine interest in me and building a future with me. And of course it's not perfect...when we disagree on something we talk through it and apologize when we should instead of placing the blame on the other and/or holding grudges.
2015-03-18 13:00:27 UTC
Go for the nice guy, just notice how much more attractive qualities you have mentioned about him in comparison to the bad boy. As a fellow man who is a nice guy and how much I know about scuz buckets, the bad boy may just want to sleep with you or even abuse you. Go for the nice guy period.
2015-03-17 13:56:17 UTC
The girls I know who are single mothers, sitting in on a Saturday night because they can't afford to go out or no-one can look after their kids; who, when drunk, want to find their ex and scream abuse at him; who don't get enough or any child support from their ex; who were most likely thumped by him because "she made him mad"; these are the women who pursue bad boys. They have failed at life and they will only learn when it is too late, when no-one else wants them. So, if you think bad boys are exciting because they make you feel alive, the buzz only lasts until you split up after three weeks and he gets with someone else, while you spurn every chance of future happiness with other people, until the bad boy, in a drunken night of weakness, gets you pregnant. If you choose that life, try to have more fun with it than the women I know who made the same choice!
2015-03-17 19:51:23 UTC
It all depends where you are at yourself in life.

The Nice guy will provide you with more overall fulfillment and for longer.

But that bad boy Will absorb you fully make you feel alive. That will fizzle out soon and leave you unfulfilled.

You will find appeal in the nice-guys after the wisdom is gained from these unfulfilling relationships.
2015-03-17 18:06:07 UTC
The nice guy. He will treat you like a princess, love you with all his heart, respect you and genuinely care about you. The bad guy will have fun with you, he'll make you feel amazing... because look at him, he's a 10!! But he's not a keeper... They have a lot of girls around them all the time, they get tempted... and yes, eventually, they will cheat. A bad boy knows he's hot and what he can get, he can be cocky and stuck up...

I've been with the "hot guy" and after it, I felt so... he didn't make me feel loved. Wanted, yes, but not loved. And it makes you feel so bad, really, it makes you doubt about everything. I decided to just stop all contact with him and after a couple of weeks, I met a nice guy. It was amazing and everything felt right, he went great lengths to make me happy, we've done things I would have never done with the bad guy... and most of all, he loved me for who I was, he treated me like no one ever did. I felt loved, complete...

But at the end of the day, it's up to you to pick...
2015-03-17 21:24:14 UTC
I'm going to be completely honest and blunt with you. If you date the bad boy then you are an idiot and deserve to be alone and miserable after he cheats on you (and he likely will if he doesn't sleep with you and dump you first). The nice guy will bend over backwards for you and you will never have to question his loyalty. Date the nice guy without a second thought!
2015-03-18 07:59:15 UTC
Women around my age are already regretting the bad guy while the nice ones have moved on already to someone who can see what they can do.

The nice guy usually never cheats, is always honest, wouldn't lay a fist, or any of that.
2015-03-19 04:51:20 UTC
How did you know that he is a bad guy?....Maybe he is good....but you can ask the bad guy(maybe the nice guy) what are you looking in the relationship?...because I am not looking for a fling? (in a nice matter) should never have sex with him unless you find out he really wants you... and be careful the nice guy that you mentioned nice might not be nice...So first talk with the hot guy that what exactly wants in a relationship with you?...and if he says he is not looking for something serious and you want something serious go for the nice guy and second choice.....

Good luck
Phillip G
2015-03-17 14:21:13 UTC
Pick the nice guy and turn him into as much of a bad boy as you want. The bad boys aren't called BAD!! for the HELL of it. Get it.
2015-03-19 01:14:06 UTC
don't date the bad boy he is not interesting just a another athletic idiot with a arrogant attitude why date someone like that the nice guy is the better option
2015-03-18 14:32:45 UTC
Nice guy. Whoever tells you to date the bad boy is a slut!
2015-03-19 22:51:55 UTC
Date the good guy but **** the bad boy on the side
2015-03-16 10:49:07 UTC
I agree with everyone else. Normally I would say the bad boy, because hit damn! I have a thing about those types of books but what Ford_Craney says is correct. I would suggest to go for the 'good boy' as he has proved himself that he is not an absolute tw*t but follow your heart. Going with the 'bad boy' has a higher possibility of hurting you but if you want to risk it then take it. If the 'good boy' is more for you, then perfect! I think everyone else agrees with him...
2015-03-18 18:44:28 UTC
The nice guy
2015-03-18 02:50:17 UTC
Ok, ok, ok.. So don't ask for advice you've no intention of taking. By the sound of it, you've already had loads of opportunity to 'date' Mr nice guy, on the heels of his awful poetry and the Valentine's roses cliche, but you haven't because you don't want cute and hygienic, you want 'wild and dangerous'. Throw yourself at Mr Muscles and enjoy the thrills while they last. Metrosexual can spend the next few weeks sobbing into his moisturiser.
tamika t
2015-03-18 09:22:33 UTC
You deserve the nice guy but you are going to choose the bad guy. Just the way it works
2015-03-18 07:51:18 UTC
Do don't know what you want, so I suggest discovering who you are before choosing a date. Either way no matter who you choose you guys will break up in the end, because you are confused from the beginning.
2015-03-16 22:12:32 UTC
Nice guy
2015-03-17 21:34:38 UTC
nice guy. the bad boys always seem to just not care nd only care on appearance nothing else. theres a nice guy out there. he obviously likes you.
2015-03-18 14:32:35 UTC
Go with the nice guy. He's more likely to have a longer, better relationship with you.
2015-03-15 15:16:08 UTC
You'll go after the bad boy, get your heart broken, then complain all me are the same and are the pigs and jerks. Meanwhile the nice guy is the one you rejected
yahoo user
2015-03-17 18:03:57 UTC
2015-03-15 19:57:59 UTC
The fact that you wrote waaaaaay more about the good boy than the bad one shows that u probably want him more, I would go with the bad one but I mean that is normally a great way to get hurt
2015-03-17 20:31:45 UTC
Date The nice Guy.. They are the ones that are actually going to love and take care of you.. the others are in it for the quick enjoyment.. then they will dispose you...

For your health.. chose the nice guy...
2015-03-15 15:17:18 UTC
Notice how one says boy and one says guy go after the nice guy trust me its the better choice
2015-03-15 15:14:50 UTC
The nice guy, trust me. The nice guy falled in-love with u forever I assume and he tried everything to get into a relationship. So obviously choose him. You just met the bad who the hell cares.
2015-03-17 23:21:24 UTC
Go for the bad boy, you will learn more. Every relationship ends in a marriage or breaking up so if you aren't going to marry either of them, why not have some fun? Variety is the spice of life, so change it up. The good guy is the easy answer, the bad boy will probably be full of passion which can really teach you so much more about life. Why not?
2015-03-18 09:57:01 UTC
either. if the "bad boy" treats you right and doesnt get you in huge trouble but hes just adventurous, why not?? it depends on you too. who you have feelings for. a bad boy can be a nice guy too.
2015-03-15 15:19:28 UTC
The nice guy.
2015-03-18 07:59:12 UTC
stay away from bad boys they are nothing but trouble ,you need a nice guy
2015-03-18 12:24:45 UTC
Bad boys are like milk they have an expiry date don't waste your time with jerks.
2015-03-15 20:13:13 UTC
You did not mention your age. If it is under 17, then I would encourage you to not begin dating as that would be wasting time. Don't think that every girl needs a boyfriend.
2015-03-15 19:54:25 UTC
You should date the 'nice', responsible guy.
2015-03-18 07:37:16 UTC
he rated you 9/10? you say that like its a compliment, you should be offended by someone "rating" you...don't go for the bad boy, once you've had sex with him he'll forget about you and move on to the next girl.
2015-03-15 15:10:34 UTC
Bad guy seems like fun
2015-03-15 19:45:59 UTC
Let me translate what the bad boy means."I think I'd like to bang you til something better comes along then dump you. Are you game?"
2015-03-19 04:37:58 UTC
go with what your heart is telling you. Believe in yourself and your choices. You are the only one that can truly self evaluate your life and happiness. Be one with nature and be spirtual and all will preceed and flourish. Love one another and grow like a blooming daffodil
2015-03-17 21:16:55 UTC
The bad boy doesn't want to date you, he just wants to **** you. But I'm guessing that's what you want.
2015-03-17 00:54:18 UTC
"bad boys" are called bad boys for a reason. Get a clue.
2015-03-16 18:27:12 UTC
them both that's what dating is all about and if one doesn't like it then he's the one you should drop because it shows he has no tolerance or patience and wont last at all!
2015-03-18 11:49:58 UTC
nice guy go for him
2015-03-18 12:05:59 UTC
You see to have things to learn. Please. The nice guy right choice. See most of the answers above which vote "nice guy."
2015-03-18 00:23:24 UTC
nice guy
2015-03-18 08:08:58 UTC
this is like the Marry, fcuk, ki-l question.

marry the nice guy

f the bad guy

k the other guy
2015-03-16 13:47:51 UTC
nice guy
2015-03-15 20:54:45 UTC
Take it from me, go for the good guy
2015-03-17 18:45:49 UTC
It's what you like.
2015-03-19 19:26:12 UTC
go for the nice one.
2015-03-17 10:35:44 UTC
follow your heart. It's not just about looks. He can look like a model, but he can treat you badly.THink about how you feel when you are around him, and how he treats and feels about you.
2015-03-17 09:46:35 UTC
nice guy:) they may not be the hottest ones but they will always be there for you :)
2015-03-18 07:45:16 UTC
bad boys always end up losers....i know from experiance
2015-03-17 15:36:36 UTC



2015-03-15 22:59:29 UTC
the bad boy will break your heart and try to get back together with you when he talks to another girl, i know because im friends with one of them, if i were you i would go with the nice guy. i had this crush on a girl named keisha and we started to talk for a long time and i always was there for her, we went out for about 1 month until a boy came to our school (my friend) ive met him before because he still lived on the same island (hawaii) but he just switched schools and he lived right by me, when he came we automatically became friends because i knew him from before. Im a 7th grader my friend is a 7th grader and keisha is a 8th grader. my friend seen me and keisha together one of the first days of school so of course they met. i was popular at my school because i was athletic, funny and lay back (accourding to my friends and teacher lol) but i dont really get popularity its just that alot of people know who you are, but anyways keisha was popular too and we met trough my other friend in 8th grade (a girl) and yea. back to my friend, he got popular quick acutually b/c he was good in basketball. so anyways they started talking and i didnt know about it then about a 2 weeks after they started talking keisha broke up with me and started dating him..... my heart litterally felt like it spilt in half.. but then i said to myself that im only in the 7th grade and thats gonna happen, i couldnt be mad at keisha b/c that was her decision, i was mad at my fren alot tho, but he is my fren so i couldnt be mad at him either, they broke up after a week b/c he was cheating on her. there going out again tho, he had 6 gf already before they started going out. im over keisha already tho so i dont care im still her fren tho. overall i would go with the good guy, i find my self more like that, and my fren as the oppisite, i try to change him but i cant bc thats just the way he is. (GO WITH THE GOOD/NICE GUY) -thats for all girls btw
2015-03-15 15:12:12 UTC
Which one do you like more? What do you mean by "bad"?
2015-03-18 09:09:06 UTC
If you are unsure, then you are not ready to be steady.

Nor is it compulsory
2015-03-17 10:19:40 UTC
2015-03-18 07:59:41 UTC
the one with the larger penis
2015-03-17 21:42:57 UTC
obviously the nice guy..........................................

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.