OK...I'm talking from experience here.
I also found that my ex was involved in several cyber relationships. I was devastated, still I thought that because it was just over the computer, it was innocent.
Boy, was I wrong.
In my case, I learned that a man who cheats is a man who cheats...doesn't matter where, when or with whom..it doesn't matter if its in a hotel room with your best friend or in a chat room with a complete stranger.
By opening a myspace account (which I think will be the death of our society) and claiming to be single and looking, he's already cheating...certainly, he's lying to you without even opening his mouth..without you even being in the same room.
A woman knows in her gut when something is wrong. SHe also knows when the time is right to split. Handle this as you see fit but remember, if you confront him with the fact that you know about his myspace account, then it'll open up a whole new set of problems. He'll accuse you of snooping. And if you say nothing, you're going to become preoccupied with worry and doubt every time he sits down at this computer....every time he leaves the house or apartment.
Honey, as I see it, you're in a no win situation. Let
s be honest here--no matter what you do it'll hurt....if you leave---pain....if you stay, doubt and suspicion and probably even more heartache.
I can't tell you what to do...that's up to you but I can tell you what I did. I left and never looked back.
My ex...married the woman he was seeing behind my back, three weeks after I moved out.
You cannot have a relationship of any kind without trust. Case closed
Good luck....really.