2012-06-09 15:58:56 UTC
after that i suppose it damaged me a bit, i didn't let myself like anyone for about a year for fear of me getting hurt. so this new guy comes along. first i wasn't into him, but then he told me he likes me. he's gorgeous so i though no way. we flirted for months, i'm insecure so i didn't go for it, he started flirting with my friend to make me jealous, then he'd switch from being a complete b**** to being amazingly sweet. now we don't talk.
throughout the drama of the last guy there's always been this other one. complete sweetheart. about 2 months ago we started talking way more, every time i see him he'll always have to get my attention etc. calls me beautiful, all sweet.... but nah, i still didn't like him, i don't trust boys at all. so only last week he was flirting with me etc, then the past 3 days he's been putting into statuses about some other girl being his 'chick' now he's put a picture up of him and her? thanks. idiot.
i'm only 16, but this drama with boys is really mentally damaging me. i'm the 'fit' one in my group of friends yet i'm the only virgin? i'm not easy at all, never done anything sexual in my life. i'm not easy to get to know either, i put all my barriers up. so why do i attract all the players? it makes me feel so bad about myself.