Do women who show clevage or pants that say"juicy"on their butt have the right to complain about men stareing?
2006-08-16 10:43:58 UTC
Cause I mean come on! You have WRITING on your butt. Your obviously wanting people (men or women) to read it. And the love to look at breasts, and the more you show, the more our eyes tend to drift. So can you honestly say that you have a right to complain when a guy stares if your just given him all this stuff to stare at?
101 answers:
Gennie Goose
2006-08-16 11:04:45 UTC
I really don't think women who dress provocatively, or wear those word-on-the-butt pants have much of a leg to stand on if they complained that guys were staring. Although most ladies that dress in that manner don't really mind the attention and wouldn't complain. Those that do complain probably only want certain ATTRACTIVE men to stare, and will only complain about uglier guys. Because, you see, these chicks are shallow, conceited, and are taking the entirely WRONG approach to feeling/looking attractive.

And if you think about it, these girls that are complaining are probably just doing it for the extra attention. They may be saying, "Ew, can that guy PLEASE quit staring at my boobs?" but what they're really saying is, "I want everyone else to hear about how I'm getting stared at, because it gives me an even bigger head to tell people about it." They may act like they hate it, but they love to take the opportunity to shine the spotlight on themselves at those moments.

I, naturally, have very big "assets" on my otherwise thin frame and I get stared at enough without wearing low-cut or tight tops. I don't like the looks I get from men sometimes, but the only time I'd start complaining is if I actually felt unsafe. If you're attractive to a guy, you'll get stared at even if you're wearing a snow-suit. Or maybe that's just because snow-suits are ridiculous.
2006-08-16 10:51:55 UTC
Half of the woman who wear pants with 'juicy' on them aren't by no means juicy. People who wear pants like that are screaming for some kind of attention. They should expect that. As far as wearing clevage, it's okay for a man to glance but they do not have to stare as if the have never seen a pair.
amanda b
2006-08-16 10:52:21 UTC
Personally, being big busted, I do not get offended but it is hard to find clothing that doesn't let it all hang out. Tank tops on hot days and women look at you like your a sleaze and men forget you have a head. As for the writing on the rear to me that is asking for attention. Although my 8 year old has those types of clothes that say brat or angel or princess. So be very careful yur wandering eye could get you busted by a 13 year old's mother.
2006-08-16 10:51:34 UTC
I am a woman and i do not feel that women who show off their breasts or have comments on their behinds have any right to complain. If they chose to wear those types of clothing then they are just asking for the attention that they will get from it and if the attention is not what they want then maybe they should shop somewhere else for their clothes
Game lover
2006-08-17 21:46:54 UTC
One thing I learned. Women don't want all men to look, they just want to make sure that the right guy looks. I know it sounds crazy but hey, they're women! So guys do us and them a favor. If you're going to look at least give them a respectful compliment so that the women won't get mad at us and start to cover them up. Say " that houlter top is a good Color for you" or "that's so cute that you have "Juicy" written on your pants, you come up with the funniest things"! They'll respect you for it and than show you more!

I have to say though, that some guys should have better control. You shouldn't stare at the women and say "AMG look at that". There is nothing wrong for a women to feel sexy and want attention. There is something wrong with giving negative attention. Too be honest men will look at women no matter what she wears, but more likely men who don't respect women are going to give more negative attention with women who dress provocative. As soon as we say that what someone else does make us act a certain way than we really not in control over who we are.

I know one thing that makes me sick though. Parents that make their kids who are 15 and under wear pants with "juicy" written on them. That's just asking for molester to come over and give their kid a hug!
2006-08-16 10:49:35 UTC
Whoever wears that on their butt does not have ANY RIGHT to complain about men staring. If they don't want men to stare they should dress more conservatively or at least not have 'juicy' writen across their butt. Otherwise, it is just an invitation that the girl wants them to look. Plain and simple.
2006-08-16 10:58:10 UTC
Well I think that a person has every right to dress and decorate their skin in what ever means they want. However if it is displayed then it becomes something to notice that is not normally so decorated...So by this token they would not have a reason to complain.

As for displays of cleavage, its a known erogenous zone, so if displayed It would probably mean they are trying to draw attention to it, so attention given cannot be complained about.
2006-08-16 10:56:30 UTC
Absolutely not! C'mon! You're answering your own Q!

Women who do that only want to feel they have some kind of power over the men who comply or take the bait. It gives them the opportunity to say, "Whach you lookin' at a**hole or dumb a**, just fill in the blank. These women, more likely than not, are low class, insecure, or have low self esteem issues. I confess that I, too, look and when confronted I simply respond; "An obviously unsophisticated, uneducated, public tramp!" They usually go quietly.
2006-08-16 10:51:12 UTC
Honestly I don't understand why someone would have writing on there butt, or why people would want to show some cleavage. But to answer your question no the girls should not be complaining about the guys staring, they brought it upon themselves.
Juniper C
2006-08-16 10:49:40 UTC
I went shopping for a bathing suit last month. Nearly every suit I saw was a string bikini with "Juicy" or some such thing written across the butt in bright pink. UGH! I seem to either have the choice of wearing grannie clothes or slutty clothes, they have stopped making anything in between.
2006-08-16 10:54:40 UTC
I don't think so, not at all, and I don't think anyone would take them seriously if they did complain. That's assuming that by staring you mean with your eyes, and not your hands. And if a person is stalking them all over town to stare, then it could be a problem. I think people looking is the desired effect.
mack j
2006-08-16 10:54:48 UTC
complaining is part of the fun of it.,its better to have jerks stareing than never have anyone stare at all,movie stars complain all the time about not being left alone by the media but if the media never followed them they would complain they dont get enough attention.
Ha Ha Charade You Are...................
2006-08-16 10:50:37 UTC
Women are stupid about alot of things like wearing low cut tops and the type pants that you just described. Alot of them get offended if some one looks or makes a comment. I mean get real. If you don't want any attention wear the appropriate clothes.

P.S. I'm a woman, so women out there, don't give me any sh*t.
2006-08-16 10:50:30 UTC
The female body is a beautiful form. Women have the right to look and feel sexy without having men stare at them like some kind of ape in heat. You can causually glance at a woman's beauty without being insulting or making her feel uncomfortable. To do otherwise is immoral and wrong.
2006-08-16 10:53:43 UTC
No. You're completely right. To show stuff you don't want people looking at is an invitation, and to complain about leering guys when you're half naked is typical of lots of girls. It is very inconsiderate. I mean, if you want to be a sl*t, ok, wear the skimpy "sexy" stuff, but don't pretend you're innocent by faking modesty and complaining about guys leering.
2006-08-16 10:49:29 UTC
If you want to complain about the staring then maybe thats a sign your showing too much.
2006-08-16 10:49:26 UTC
Well women have the RIGHT to complain but I get your point. I mean they know it's going to draw attention. However sometimes a woman wants to know you're really listening to her and not just thinking about how nice it would be to grab that. You know?
2006-08-16 10:50:01 UTC
I have no right to complain cause they have rights to stare just how i have rights to show my twins off. Now if they cross the line then i could complain.
Dum Spiro Spero
2006-08-16 10:50:55 UTC
no they don't have a right to get mad but people shouldn't make it obvious but still they should be OK with it especially when it is a long small type sentence and i hate the ones that are small but you can see it so you try to read it and it says if you can read this you are to close or not close enough then they get annoyed because you are reading it god where is the diplomacy in that?
2006-08-16 10:52:45 UTC
If you show it off .. and you know the ones that do .. I don't think they should get upset for people looking at them .. there's a reason why they put it on in the first place ... !

As far as rude gestures and rude remarks from men ... ie ... whistles, yells, hoots, throws stuff ... you know cat calls .. I think that's very rude and disrespectful ... !

If you want to acknowledge my beauty .. please walk up to me and tell me you think I'm pretty ... don't just yell across the mall while I'm shopping ... !
2006-08-16 10:50:49 UTC
That's an oxy-moron. If a store doesn't want any customers they wouldn't put out the sale sign. Those who wear them, more power to ya, but don't complain that he never "looks into your eyes"
2006-08-16 10:51:33 UTC
No they have no right to complain. They are wearing an advertisement for goodness sakes and ads are meant to be looked at.
2006-08-16 10:49:00 UTC
Part of the game, bro. The best way to avoid it is to get a reputation for spousal abuse or pedophilia and they'll cover up a little better.
2006-08-16 10:48:51 UTC
They can say what they want,

easy access means easy access,

They only want certain people to enjoy it,

kind of like prositution,

In other words they will not complain when it is to their advantage but will if you are not able to offer some help to them possibly in the form of money or martial gift.
2006-08-16 16:32:27 UTC
No, but when fat chicks do the same thing, men should complain to them for putting that disgusting image on our minds.
2006-08-16 10:50:11 UTC
i agree with you... women who strut their stuff ARE trying to get attention and if they complain about the attention then maybe they should tone it done a bit...i think that they complain just so that they don't look like sluts who love the attention
Jen S
2006-08-16 10:49:56 UTC
LOL, ur right we don't need to complain, but in our defense maybe some of us have huge chests and no matter what kind of top we wear we have cleavage.
2006-08-16 10:49:08 UTC
I don't believe they have the right to get mad- but they're not really mad

Pepole where outrageous clothes whether it be hooker clothes or punk get-ups to get a reaction no matter what they say.

They get the reaction they want so they make statements about it to get more reactions.
2006-08-16 10:52:27 UTC
Their whole purpose in wearing such dress is taht they want to be stared at.So they should not complain.They should complain if not stared at.
2006-08-16 10:50:02 UTC
nope they dont...but its also the fashion of today so maybe some women dont think about getting stared at when they buy clothes. they just think 'ill look just like that chick i saw in Cosmo!' you know?
Stacy W
2006-08-16 10:48:00 UTC
NO they shouldn't complain, that's the reason they are wearing that crap after all right? Cover your junk up if you don't want guys staring at you!!
rakshit k
2006-08-16 11:02:58 UTC
Obviously the answer will be NO.....

But the thing is girls want guys to stare at them nd catch attraction..... I mean who dosn't wants to be the center of attraction....
2006-08-16 10:52:11 UTC
Women ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, have the right to complain about men who act like drooling apes. Get that through your skull. It doesn't matter if we walk around naked, if you can't control your eyes, that is the defect in your genes. It is our right as women to complain. It is a man's right to apologize for being a drooling ape.
2006-08-16 10:48:58 UTC
They shouldn't complain about it. Why would you wear that sort of thing if you didn't want the attention that it would bring?
2006-08-16 10:48:36 UTC
No, they should not complain. They are asking for the attention, I say give it to them.
2006-08-16 10:48:34 UTC
i agree!! I don't think they should complain. I like to dress cute like that and i understand that guys will look and it's fine by me. If you don't want a guy to look: cover up!
2006-08-16 10:49:08 UTC
No, you have no right to. When you make yourself a center of attention, you can't complain when people are drawn to it.
2006-08-16 10:49:14 UTC
I think its shown to be looked at but not to be disrespected in any way. Everyone loved to be admired to some degree.
2006-08-16 10:49:34 UTC
if they have something written across their butt, they better be perpared for people stareing and trying to read it. showing cleavage is just asking for it
2006-08-16 10:48:47 UTC
she should not complain ...... come on now like u said she has Juicy on her Butt !!!!!!!!! im a girl and i would stare
2006-08-16 10:50:00 UTC
i think that there should be no reason to complain. they are obviously wanting you to stare
2006-08-16 10:49:40 UTC
the worst part is that we're in the "dunghouse" if we don't compliment them at all. They'll be like: "why don't you hit on me, you gay or somethun???"

Girls are smart in that they make up the rules while they're going along.
Private Account
2006-08-16 10:48:50 UTC
My pants have writing on my "penis" area so girls can look all they want. It's also in a different language, so they stare at it longer.

Rock Goddess
2006-08-16 10:48:47 UTC
Nope. No right to complain.

I know a woman who dressed like a prostitute... and when she was called out on it, she cried for days. Um, hello? You are what you are........
2006-08-16 10:50:30 UTC
if you can`t stand the heat! get out of the kichren.girls dress to show,so learn to play the game.
2006-08-16 10:48:45 UTC
nope. if they flaunt it they know theyll get stared at and whether they admit it or not, theyre looking for the attention
2006-08-16 10:50:05 UTC
noooooo they do not have the right to complain if you wear it to flaunt it then dont be offended when someones looking at the flaunt.
2006-08-16 10:47:51 UTC
no i dont think so if they want it all to hang out then they need to relize that men are going to stare
2006-08-16 10:48:07 UTC
Bo Beeta
2006-08-16 10:48:33 UTC
I wouldnt think so..But We will complain as much as we like.
2006-08-16 10:50:09 UTC
My favorite is when it says princess! Yeah your a princess cause princess' want you to stare at their ****
Matt Beezy
2006-08-16 10:47:30 UTC
no. If you show it, men will stare. They may possibly follow you home.
Mama R
2006-08-16 10:48:59 UTC
Well, they want you to look but not STARE. Just enjoy without looking like a psycho. :)
2006-08-16 10:48:24 UTC
of course not.

They're probably only complaining so that they can get more attention.
2006-08-16 10:48:03 UTC
Nope, they're asking to be looked at...they want the attention.
2006-08-16 10:47:35 UTC
They want attention, but only from the right guy! weired but true!
2006-08-16 10:49:00 UTC
Haha, I agree...But a lot of pants have that and shirts that say "sexy" on them..yeah they are all new wear!
2006-08-16 10:48:38 UTC
They are allowed to stare, as long as thats all they do.
2006-08-16 10:54:37 UTC
NO, thay are asking to be stared at
khalid himmo
2006-08-16 10:51:20 UTC
they asked for it but everything in moderation look but don't stare or make a stupid remark
2006-08-16 10:54:21 UTC
If you've got it and are showing it, then be prepared for the consecquences.
2006-08-16 10:48:08 UTC
nope, they want the attention. I mean come on you get what you ask for.
2006-08-16 10:47:46 UTC
they have no right to complain. i hate it when people do that, its just to get attention
2006-08-16 10:48:53 UTC
The one who complain is stupid. its nice if you have something to show and men notice it!!!!
2006-08-16 10:47:41 UTC
no not all if you are drawing attention to yourself expect staring thats what you wanted right?
2006-08-18 18:53:55 UTC
if girls complain when they do that they have sumthin wrong with them im mean i think they do it on purpose cuz i no i do
2006-08-16 10:50:08 UTC
of course u will look if u put a sign on it
2006-08-16 10:53:59 UTC
no... why would they complain? they should expect men (and women, gays and lesbian) to stare at them.
Rich Z
2006-08-16 10:48:13 UTC
NO. That is what you are advertising so you are getting the expected response.
2006-08-16 10:47:24 UTC
If a woman advertises her goodies, she should be prepared to be oogled.

And I'm a woman!
2006-08-16 10:54:16 UTC
No - they're just teases who act like they're offended
2006-08-16 10:48:54 UTC
Tell me about it! Complete inconsistancy!!
2006-08-16 10:49:40 UTC
nope...its kinda like stripping naked and then refusing sex. if you're gonna hang it out there, you're gonna get looked at. sorry, that's how it is.
2006-08-16 10:48:32 UTC
nope its advertising....they just want 'certain' people to notice and not others....either that or they think that declaring themselves to be skanks annd whatnot is cool
2006-08-17 07:00:56 UTC
they definately shouldn't but i dont see many complaining.
2006-08-16 10:47:54 UTC
I think,Butt, id the reason!
Eric D
2006-08-16 10:48:09 UTC
no they are asking for it!!!

they should take it as a return on thier investment
2006-08-16 10:49:21 UTC
Sometimes you get what you ask for.
2006-08-16 10:47:54 UTC
not at all. by doing that they are just asking for attention.
2006-08-16 10:49:46 UTC
sure they do!! woman enjoy men looking at them!!!
stick man
2006-08-16 10:49:02 UTC
That's the women paradox, look at me, but if you do, slap. touch me, but if you do,. slap.
2006-08-16 10:47:48 UTC
No they cannot complain.
2006-08-16 10:50:45 UTC
Nope, their asking for it.
Free & Sassy
2006-08-16 10:48:04 UTC
Ummm....well when you ask ye shall recieve...It is pretty black and white
carla h
2006-08-16 10:47:20 UTC
2006-08-16 10:57:16 UTC
nope not at all they are just asking for it
2006-08-16 10:53:27 UTC
nope they but it on they should know people will look.
2006-08-16 10:49:36 UTC
They do it for the attention!
2006-08-16 10:47:37 UTC
they have no right to ***** if they indeed are getting what they did the advertising for :)
2006-08-16 10:52:22 UTC
i agree they should know what they are doing and accept it
2006-08-16 11:25:01 UTC
im a girl, but i agree with u..
2006-08-16 10:49:59 UTC
I'm with you on that one!
2006-08-16 10:48:58 UTC
Learn to spell, or at least to use the spell checker.



2006-08-16 10:47:15 UTC
Not really.
Judas Rabbi
2006-08-17 00:20:19 UTC
No they don't.
2006-08-18 22:20:24 UTC
2006-08-17 05:21:00 UTC
2006-08-16 10:48:16 UTC
2006-08-16 10:48:21 UTC
2006-08-16 10:48:00 UTC
no they dont,
2006-08-16 10:47:43 UTC
hell no

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