Truth and Clarity
2010-04-30 11:37:27 UTC
Unfortunately it was a once a week class and it was structured in a way that half of the class would meet at a certain time and the other half of the class would meet at another. So out of the whole 4 month semester I’ve probably only had class with this girl about six times.
Thing is, I know 100% that she likes me (you know, whenever we do have class together we trade glanced a lot etc.) There are even more obvious instances of this that I could write abut but I don’t want to make this too long…..well, basically I ran into her twice outside of campus it was fairly evident that she would have been open to me approaching her, but I wasn’t in a position to do so (working on a project with group members and would’ve been rude to leave just for that).
Anyhoo…I overheard the teacher asking her name (100+ people in the class) and I remembered it found her facebook. I’ve been looking at similar Yahoo questions like this and there seems to be a double standard. If it’s a girl who wants to add a guy she likes most say “go for it” but if it’s a guy trying to do the same most say “don’t do it” and “You may come off as a creep”, like I said I Know she’s interested in me.
So……Should I add her and see where it goes from there?