Well.....I have two things I wanna tell you, and they sorta contradict themselves. So make of it what you will. The first story Im YOU, the second story...Im HIM.
First story - same as yours, only I was over the moon attracted to him and I "think" he felt the same (you can kinda tell, right). So heres my story - first date, awesome, kissing at end. Texts on his way home, big time flirty, I go to bed with butterflies in my tummy for sure!!! Up next....LONG PAUSE. Im not the kinda girl who texts a guy, I wait for him to come to me. But, he wasn't, and I was like...what in the world??? Then when I was about to give up on him (very sadly mind you), he sends an AWESOME text asking if he could make me dinner that night. I seriously thought of not responding right away, but I didn't have it in me. I waited 5 mins, wrote back, sounds nice...Ill bring the wine. We have an amazing evening, one for the highlight reel for sure. The next day, sends flowers to work. Again, I was crazy about this guy...but I was NOT crazy about the fact that he was married to his job (confirmed bc I worked there too) and the gym (I hated it and LOVED it..haha), which made his availability less than desirable. He would text me back HOURS later and say he was in a negotiation meeting (and he wasn't lying...which Im not sure if that made it better, or worse). Then...hed work 16 hours, go to the gym (God bless his sweet @$$...sorry!!), and then...could call me, exhausted, and sweetly say hed see me tomorrow. This could be happening to you - where hes just a "busy" guy - because it seems like hes interested and nothing big happened to change that right??? Unless you've given him the VERY clear indication that youre not sleeping with him until marriage or something, then I dont see why he wouldn't want to pursue the part of the relationship (the beginning) that most men enjoy the best (its us ladies who like the pizza sweatpants phase, they like the chase). That's where I WOULD be with that, if the 2nd story had not happened, which changed everything. At first I thought, hey I didn't do anything wrong, hes totally into me, the timing just isn't right...Now, I feel differently - stay tuned...
Story 2 (the quick version). I have a chance meeting with a really good looking guy, instant attraction. Hes seriously my "soul mate". I dont say that bc I believe in those, I mean it was literally ME, but a guy. It was creepy how darn similar we were. We loved the same tv shows, both went to law school, hated the same foods, we darn near dressed the same - two peas in a pod. It goes without saying that there would be a connection there. It starts out hot and heavy (not sex, but conversation, meeting up, etc). Weirdest relationship of my life, on our 2nd "date", I helped him study for the Bar, in his bed, in sweats, drinking coffee, we met at his place at like 4am - neither of us intended on anything sexual, and we really just hit the books all day long. I felt like I had known him a million years and we had just met. I thought there might really be something here. We would text ALL night long, like where you fall asleep with your phone in your hand and halfa message on the screen. As soon as my phone would JING, Id respond, same with him. This shows that were important to each other. AND it shows that no matter how busy you are...if you WANT to make time for someone, then you DO, period. That was the first thing that changed my thought process. I mean, even in relationship 1, I was always able to respond, he wasn't and yet we were equally busy - that's a big sign I didn't see at first. Heres the 2nd thing I learned...nothing big has to happen for it to be over. One day I get a text from this guy and I just wasn't excited about it any more. I didn't even reply (rude, I know), this started happening all the time. Hed ask me out or say hi, or say, just checkin in, you ok - all sweet stuff - and I wouldn't even reply. If I would, short answers like "k". It was just gone, no explanation. Nothing "happened", I was just over it. This is also what coulda happened in your case. I didn't know this was an option bc it had never happened to ME before...but looking back, it absolutely coulda happened to guy number 1. I guess things just work out like that sometimes. My advice (and I dated quite a bit before marriage), DONT EVER let a guy think youre THAT interested - dont show em your cards early on. Make em work for it...bc then they actually DO. They will treat you how you allow them to treat you. Guy #1 knew I was in his backpocket - if I had played it cool, we mighta really been something.
Bottom line, let them come to you (always!)...and if they dont...well there it is....