hmm...will it ever happen? girls preferably?
2009-07-14 20:01:29 UTC
i need real answers here though, its important.

so i have this best friend, who is a girl
shes been the best friend ive ever had and im very happy with that
i really like her alot though
i might just love her
bummer huh?
lets just say shes a little out of my league
shes made me jealous with boyfriends or other guys before
but i can always talk to her about it and we always make up.
i was just wondering if it could ever happen for me, well us.
alot of people swear it will, but sometimes i have second thoughts
i was just looking for other opinions.

shes been my best friend for a year now
ive known her for almost 3.
weve been through everything.
and were extremely close, people swear were dating

anyway, thank you to all those who answer =]
64 answers:
2009-07-14 20:08:51 UTC
I am the exact same way with my friend thats a boy except its the oppisite way around. he has known me for 2 years and we been best friends for 1 year. im the one that has boyfriends and he doesnt really get girlfriends that much. then he asked me out and we went out. but after a little we broke up but we still are best friends. we are real good friends he has always been there for me and cheers me up whenever im sad.

what im saying is if you wanna take a chance and ask her out she might just say yes :)

you will never ever know unless you try. if you dont you might just regret it in the future if she finds a boyfriend she really likes and stays with him. youve already waited three years you shouldnt wait much longer. even if it doesn't last you guys can still be friends.

or you could get a girlfriend and see how she reacts to it. if she seems like jelous then she obviously likes you if it like doesnt really matter to her then sorry to say but she doesnt like you :(

hope that I helped yah :)
2016-05-25 20:11:35 UTC
Awwwe Honey… I am not a teenager, I am 25, but close enough, I was there not too long ago… I cannot imagine why you are having such a hard time. Perhaps you live in a small town?? I would give it time, if you are just 16, there will be lots of other girls for you to meet after high school… Why is it that you want a relationship right now?? Give your school your complete attention, hang out with your friends, have a good time and you might meet someone. Get yourself involved with activities after school, some that involve people from different areas, open yourself up to more people… You might come across as desperate, which is not good. Take it slow, become a friend first… see where it goes. You are too young to have a serious relationship right now. It sounds like your skin is really bothering you…. You should ask your parents to take you to a dermatologist. They really can work wonders, it sounds like on your skin and your self esteem!
Reverend Rory
2009-07-14 20:11:20 UTC
You, my friend, are in 'The Friend Zone', a disturbing place where all relationships are unrequited.

It is occasionally possible to escape the crushing agony of 'The Friend Zone', usually by dropping out of her life for a while and returning with skillz (in a band, workout and get really ripped, getting a high paying job that she respects, etc). OR you might make her re-evaluate the situation by getting a GF and depending less time with her.

That said, it probably won't happen. Move on. Enjoy your friendship - it may blossom into something if you remain friends into your 20's. If you're under 25, you shouldn't be in a serious relationship anyway - relationships are a prelude to marriage and no one under 30 has any business getting married due to a lack of self-knowledge and stable long term career. Plus, sex and dating are the quickest way to ruin a great friendship.

Find a girl who wants to kiss you. Good luck!
2009-07-14 20:11:35 UTC
Well, yes it definitely could happen! But from how I see it, she's the one having fun here. She is getting the boyfriends, all this and that, AND she has you. So whenever she goes through a break-up, she'll always have you to fall back on. For now, that might be okay for you, because you like being there for her, right? So that maybe she'll turn around one day and be like,"Hey this guy has always been around for me, I think I'm just gonna date him." I'm not sure of those possibilities. Look, I know this might sound weird to you, but you might have to spill the beans to her. You might just need to tell her that you like her.Maybe even love her. Because eventually, you're not going to be able to take it. You aren't gonna want to be the fall-back guy, cause you are going to want to be WITH her. And it's unfair to you. So right now, you're waiting for her but she's out there already! She's making the moves! So you can make the moves too! Only tell her you like her, if you are absolutely certain of it. Don't have mixed feelings. That could ruin a friendship. Who knows, maybe she really likes you in the same way and IS trying to make you jealous, but she's not getting any results from that because you haven't told her you like her! Brave up, and I hope it goes well for you.
2009-07-14 20:07:04 UTC
One word: JUST FRIENDS. You are probably a really cool and sweet guy, but It seems like your just in the friend zone.

The friend zone isn't always bad, though. If she is having a extremely hard time, she might not be able to go to any one else but you; and that's something a lot of guys envy. In the future, possibly, she might realize you are the one that she feels she can be the best possible version of herself with and decide to go out with you.

Keep doing what you're doing, and hope for the best!

2009-07-14 20:06:18 UTC
Yes, definitely possible. You just have to make it happen.

I'd say half the time, or more than half the time, the best friend eventually gets the girl.

Having such a strong friendship with the girl works really well because then she trusts you so much more than the average guy, and is more likely to give you a chance because she knows you're a good guy and wouldn't ever want to hurt her.

Good luck man.
2009-07-16 18:20:37 UTC
it might maybe happen. Theres a slight chance of it to happen but if it does happen, it wont last. Sorry but best friends that go on to be in a relationship together doesnt always work and in the end, it might even ruin your friendship and it might be awkward for both of you to talk to each other like you used to. I say that you keep it as only friends. Keep it as "bff's".

If you really really really want her to know how you feel then go for it but the aftermath might be awkward.

This is a complicated situation, you might go on in life wondering "what if".
2009-07-14 20:11:56 UTC
If you want to be her boyfriend maybe tell her about your feelings. Don't get down on one knee and all but maybe if that doesnt work you can make a secret note. All ya need is a lemon paper and a pencil. First write a note like this.



How are you?

Then what you do is write yur real note in the space and after you write your real note squeeze lemon on the "real" letters. Tell her to read the letter in the sunlight maybe alone idc but yeah. Hope she feels the same way! Peace
2009-07-14 20:09:43 UTC would be like a movie if it did happen, but life is not anything like a movie so probably not. Since you have intense feelings for this girl you just need to tell yourself that there are other people out there in this crazy world and maybe try seeing out there people.

On the other hand if you get another girl and start going out with her, maybe you could make her jealous and then see if she feels the same way about you.
2009-07-14 20:17:34 UTC
Does she know that you like her?

How long have you liked her?

You might develope into a bro/ sis friendship in the future if you don't make a move soon from the looks of it.

Just flirt with her, compliment her, tease her with silly things. Or just hangout one on one, it might turn into a date like go 2 the movies and wrap your arm around her or hold her hand see how she reacts. If she lets go of your hand, say sorry, i just wanted to rest my hand or something clever

Though most off, if you two are good friends she'll understand. Maybe be like "could you ever see us more than friends" if she says yes, be like "you have a crush on me?" if she says no, be like okay good that'd be weird cause ur like my sister.

hope this helps a bit.

good luck.
2009-07-17 12:35:11 UTC
i feel for ya, thats tough.. it could go ether way.

good news she could realize ur all she needs since u know each other so well and she feels comftroble around u, she could tell u anything and ur the only one like that in her life. someone that gets her and she can trust. and ull get married after high school and live happily ever after.............


she's so comftrable around you that that there is no spark in ur relationship so its not excitind and she will think of u as JUST a friend like one of her girl friends so she will go looking for some one thats more manly.........

soo idk it could go ether way even tho it sounds cheesy... but true (:

u gotta show her that ur more than jus a sholder to cry on and tell her how u feel.

and if shes "out of ur league" would u think she would still b ur best friend? so i think she really isnt. maybe she acts like she is but inside she really isnt thats why shes friends with who she is cuz she feels they are the ppl best for her. like u.
2009-07-14 20:11:49 UTC
good question

me & my boyfriend where like that b4.

Untill this year everything changed .

idk why but i realized that he was a really nice guy & tht he never stopped liking me , he instided on going out but i was too scared cuz i didnt want to loose him as a friend either if we go out & brake up everything changes. But yea i told him yes and we started going out since new years so we have 7months & strong he is the best thing that has ever happen to me.. and also dont rush since you guys are bestfriends you have apart of her heart that no other guy has.. so yeah sooner or later she is going to know wht a nice guy she is missing out on .. just dont rush into things let things will go into play smoothly just dont worry just do you own things for know try to make her jealous but not in a mean way and she how she reacts or somethinf sooner or later she will catch some feelings for you..

good luck =]

lol thats how i used to be b4 w/ my boyfriend
2009-07-14 20:08:26 UTC
I was in this same situation, i'm not even kidding.

My best friend always helped me out when i went through a break up, or just had a really bad experience with guys in general. He was my very best friend and everyone always asked us if we were dating, but i always laughed and shrugged it off. One day i just realized all the feelings I had for him, and I told him.

We have been dating for a year on the 16th, and he is STILL the best friend that I have ever had.

If you tell her, and she doesn't feel the same way, if she really is your best friend she won't push you away because of your feelings.

It can happen for you, you just have to MAKE it happen :)
2009-07-14 20:12:37 UTC
Aw, my current boyfriend and I started out JUST like that..I swear we like loved eachother the first time we saw eachother & we started out as best friends. No matter what she knows she can always trust you. She can go out with 100 different guys but she knows you'll always be there. Just let her know boldly how you feel & get out of that "friend zone". For example, compliment her more often & more than a friend does. It'll work out.

Best wishes! :)
2009-07-14 20:09:24 UTC
Mmk, heres the deal::

Gradually over the next week start being more flirty. Call her, ask her for help with stuff. Then, be like dang we're really good friends, stress the friend. Flirt, flirt, flirt. If she flirts back? It's a green light! If not, just wait and repeat the steps:D
2009-07-14 20:05:48 UTC
Well unless she acts this way with other friends that are boys I would she likes you. Why else would she try to make you jealous with boyfriends but to get you to say something? Try talking to her about it, if it doesn't work out you can still be friends. The friendship will only be awkward afterwords if you let it. Good luck =]
♥ That is me. ♥ Japanese Cutie ♥
2009-07-14 20:20:16 UTC
I was in the same situation... :-/ Sucks, right? Does she bring the guy's around on intentionally? If so, she just might want to see you get jealous to confirm that you like her (She might not want to say if she likes you.. :-/ Maybe because y'all are so close? Or fear of rejection?). :) I was really afraid to ask my bestfriend out.. :-/ I think it was because i didn't want things to be uncomfortable between us (Just in case the feelings weren't mutual). One day i had my boyfriend (Now ex) meet my bestfriend and it was CONFIRMEND jealousy!! All my bestfriend kept on saying was "He isn't good for you" or "You deserve better" and i told him "HELLO! You just met him!!!" lol. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if you are able to date someone so close :( But, if it's meant to be then so be it :) Y'all do sound realy close and she just may be waiting for the right time to tell you? or you to ask her? Either way, Y'all are good friends and if you admit feelings for her then she will be able to accept them! Even if she doesn't feel the same way.. She is your bestfriend and she will always care :) I think y'all will get together some day...

best of luck!!! :)
2009-07-14 20:06:18 UTC
It's very possible that something could happen between you, but nothing will happen unless you make it happen. If you're just waiting for her to come out and say she likes you, you may be waiting forever. Tell her what you're feeling and where you'd like your relationship to go. You'll know by her response if she feels the same way about you or not.
Carly W
2009-07-14 20:06:00 UTC
I had the same kind of situation, except me and my best friend had been close for almost 5 years. It's so easy to lose hope, as I did. But don't give up! Me and him have been together for 5 months now and they've been the best of my life. If you really want it, go for it and never give in to doubt.
2009-07-14 20:05:13 UTC
I'm not a girl, but I tried something like this before. Don't mess up your friendship. By the looks of it, you are not too old so the chances of your relationship being forever is very slim. Don't ruin your perfectly good friendship with your best friend.
2009-07-14 20:19:50 UTC
I was crazy in love with my best friend of 3 years, and just like you, we shared everything. There was definite chemistry between us and we both knew it. One night one thing lead to another and we ended up having sex. We did it again a few times after that, but as much as i wanted him to be my boyfriend, he gave me a bunch of excuses. I believe it is the worse mistake of my life. I miss him so much and i can't believe that because i wanted to be more than just friends, i've lost him forever.

Trust me, it's not gonna work out. Friends that are that close, usually never end up working out in a relationship. i'm sorry to burst your bubble but i'm only being honest. I have another guy friend that i'm very close with, have known for a long time and i'm very attracted to him, but I've learned from my mistakes, and i'm not gonna make the same mistake again. Trust me, if you don't end up working out, you're gonna loose her forever and you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life.

Good luck!
2009-07-14 20:12:05 UTC
Look kiddo, nothing in life is handed to you. You have to make it happen. What I would do is sometime when you're together, tell her to close her eyes, and listen. Then play her Taylor Swift's song "You Belong With Me". She'll get the message. If you're not brave enough, text her a recording of the song and have your message say "Listen".
2009-07-14 20:10:44 UTC
Mikee, you have spent THREE YEARS avoiding other women other women. Are you nuts? You have to stop hanging out with her, as people CLEARLY think you are dating. That means all other women assume you're crushing on her (doh!) so they won't give you time of day.

Will it happen with her? Nope. Never. Not a chance.


Because you never made it clear that you were an adult, sexual, mature male FROM THE START. Instead. you acted like a girl - asexual - friendly - and because you are acting like a girl she is treating you like a girl. Obviously, she is dating MEN who act like men.

Now, your only hope is to learn what took me 8 years to learn. She will always treat you like a girl. Stop trying with her. Get over her. Drop her. Stop talking to her. Get away from her. Tell her it's nothing personal, but spending so much time with her makes other women avoid you, and you want to start dating. Then get out there and start dating.

If you can re-invent yourself (fully) and become good with women, AND you maintain distance from her 100%, there is a chance you can come back to her and ask her on a date like a mature, sexual being, and she will accept. But you have to give it at least 2-3 years.

Good luck
2009-07-14 20:06:40 UTC
I have the same problem ,but I am a girl with my guy best friend. Yeah it is a bummer I want to know the answer to this question because I just asked the same exact one!
2009-07-14 20:06:50 UTC
It sounds like you really love this girl. Maybe she's waiting for you to make the first move. She's probably been flirting with you and you haven't even noticed. Ask if she has any feelings for you besides friendship. She most likely does... Good question!
2009-07-14 20:10:48 UTC
Aww that's so sweet! But anyways I think yall should go for it. People in love with their best friends never wanna take that chance because they're afraid they'll ruin their friendship. But love is all about risks. Like I said yall should go for it.
2009-07-14 20:06:12 UTC
I think there is definately something there.

Since you are so close maybe you could tell her how you feel? You'll never know unless you try!

Just be careful though not to ruin your friendship. I think that's more important.

I hope everything works out for you! -- Good luck!! :)
2009-07-14 20:07:41 UTC
look all you can do is tell her how you feel. The last thing you want is 20 years from know wondering if she could have been the one. Just be a man and get some *****.
2009-07-14 20:07:29 UTC
YES! if she hangs out with you that much there def some more than just friendship feelings there. I had the same issue, but the guy didnt tell me until it was to late...and i REALLY wish he would have.

So my advice is just to say something like

"would you ever date someone like me?"


"what would you do if i said i really liked you.."

or "...if i asked you out?"

idk something like that, good luck :)
2009-07-14 20:05:45 UTC
Im sure shes thought of you that way but probably still dates other guys because shes not sure if moving past friendship with you will ruin what you two have. she probabaly thinks youll always be there for her and if you break up or something happens it will ruin that. but I think that once shes gone through these guys she will see whos been right in front of her ;) good luck
2009-07-14 20:08:57 UTC
Hmm , well maybe it can but i wouldnt reccomend it becuase if you guys do hook up and end up breaking up it will SOOOO ruin your friendship with her afterwards then thats really gunna be a keep her as a really close friend and try to find another girl as your girlfriend....:)
2009-07-14 20:05:54 UTC
you need to take action or you will just be friends. Ask her if she would want to be in a bf/gf relationship. Ask her out and if she says no then just pretend it never happened and then be just friends again. You cant just sit around and wait for it to happen.
2009-07-14 20:05:40 UTC
It might, but you seem to be in the friend zone now. It's up to you to make a move on her because otherwise you will never know...
2009-07-14 20:10:36 UTC
ive had that problem. you really should take a chance. (a slow chance)

cause' if you try too take it to fast then your gonna end up regretting it in the end so just start slow be nice,give her compliments;then tell her how much you like her and ask her too be your lady hope i helped=]
2009-07-14 20:09:29 UTC
ok so thats kinda tuff..but herre we go/so if you feel you love her than just tell her how you feel......and there is a good chance that she will go 4 it(you)..cause she really knows you and what your about...............but dont be too sure or youself cause sometimes dating your best friend can ruin the friendship...but all and all i think it will work out for you...hope i helped..good luck
2009-07-14 20:05:52 UTC
if u want to date her then ask her out, not as a friend. then ask if there's any possibility of you guys being more than friends. if she says no then you'll have to respect it and find another girl to date, but you can still be bff. if she says yes then your golden! good luck
2009-07-14 20:11:52 UTC
real answer?

if you simply know i like you.. and let her deal....she might say i like you too.......

i think you should have said it a long time ago......

or even sorry i have another boyfriend.....

you said yall talk about stuff then she should understand

dont make her pick or anything just let her know you like her and it will go on from there

in my opinon girl is having cake and eating it too
2009-07-14 20:06:46 UTC
sounds like shes playing hard

to get?

you need to go for it(:

and if she was that far out of your

league she wouldnt be your

best friend hahaha

good luck though!(:
✯♥✯ Summerboy ✯♥✯
2009-07-14 20:06:11 UTC
Im sorry im not a chick but don't risk your friendship if she really a good friend keep it like that you don't want to lose her do you??
Plain Jane
2009-07-14 20:06:11 UTC
I'm about 99.9% sure it will happen. I mean, look at you, man. What girl wouldn't want to date you? And if you two don't end up with each other, then it's her loss.
I think I l♥ve you!!!
2009-07-14 20:05:38 UTC
It sounds like she doesnt feel the same,if she already knows how you feel about her and she still has flaunted relationships in your face, that should tell you your answer.
2009-07-14 20:05:49 UTC
Bite the bullet, and tell her how you feel. Chances are she probably feels the same way. If not, at least you got it off your chest.
2009-07-14 20:16:31 UTC
i wouldn't be very up front. just spend some more time with her

maybe find out if she likes you first,because if you say you have feelings for her and she doesn't feel anything for you your friendship is ruined.=D
2009-07-14 20:10:47 UTC
does she make you jealous on purpose? Cause then I would say just move on. If she is just going to taunt you like that then don't waste your time.
2009-07-14 20:08:26 UTC
im in the SAME situation right now with my besst guy friend.

i day go for it cause you never know, she might like you too
2009-07-14 20:59:01 UTC
i thinks that's really sweet...i think you have a 9.5 chance out of 10.

she is probably a Lucky girl any ways don't give up!

2009-07-14 20:06:58 UTC
well what you could do is give her hints buy or something. i had a good guy friend do that and we dated. so good luck! :)

Have any question email or IM me

Lita Luver
2009-07-14 20:07:03 UTC
Anything is possible :D

And, If you guys have been friends for that long, it probably will happen :]

Don't loose hope :D
2009-07-14 20:05:22 UTC
well u should take ur chance and ask her other wise u will soon regret it alot of guys do
2009-07-14 20:05:20 UTC
You could wait forever for her to ask you, but who wants to wait, Righhtt??

Go for it! just ask her out, your good enough friends that it should jepordize your friendship.
2009-07-14 20:08:16 UTC
YES!!!!!!!!! ITLL SO HAPPEN!!!

I think its best to date ur friends cuz they liked you enough to b ur friend they might like you enough to date...

Girls like bold (but sweet and caring & stuff) Guys so go w/ it!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-07-14 20:05:27 UTC
prolly not once your in the friend zone you cant get out
2009-07-14 20:05:15 UTC
what is wrong with you, just leave her alone, are you obsessed or something

to normal people it's OBVIOUS that you are acting strange with your thoughts and intentions here.
2009-07-14 20:04:57 UTC
Go for it. (:

If you don't, you'll always wonder what WOULD have happened, if you had?

If that makes any sense.
2009-07-14 20:04:16 UTC
Well, I'm sorry to say, but in my experience, it will never happen.

Sucks, man.
2009-07-14 20:06:28 UTC
That only happens in movies.. :(
2009-07-14 20:04:45 UTC
if your that close with her then it's possible.

just try flirting with her rather then being her shoulder to cry on.
2009-07-16 20:14:45 UTC
just tell her.

if its meant to be, it will be!
2009-07-14 20:07:56 UTC
idk! i only knew mi bf personally for maybe 8 months! and we came out just fine! so far! at least give it a shot!
Gage J
2009-07-14 20:06:09 UTC
2009-07-14 20:05:25 UTC
give her some rum and you will get some
2009-07-14 20:04:55 UTC
no , you are now like bro and sis.
keke s
2009-07-14 20:05:15 UTC
it could happen
2009-07-14 20:05:17 UTC
i suggest you ask her (:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.