2012-04-10 00:18:17 UTC
So Doug knows I like Kyle and tortures me everyday by saying Kyles name over and over, then I turn red. So Doug decides to tell Kyle that I like him, and I turn red whenever someone says his name. So me, Rachel, and Cait were hanging out with kyle, Doug, and mike a few days ago. Well, Kyle likes to show off around me (doing tricks on his bike, etc). So, Doug started saying Kyles name, WHILE KYLE WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE. So I screamed shut up and I turned red. Kyle started laughing and said to Doug "dude, just stop.". Then my necklace got tangled so Kyle offered to untangle it for me, then he got pissed off and was just going to break the chain on my necklace and give me one of his chain to replace mine. Then Doug and Kyles friend mike were bothering me about Kyle. Mike kept saying "you like kyle, you like Kyle." Kyle heard and said "everyone one likes Kyle." then mike kept bothering me and I was flipping out on him, then Kyle asked Doug to hold my necklace and tackled mike.
Later that night Doug called me and asked if I still like Kyle, I wasn't answering him because I knew I was on speaker, then he told me Kyle couldn't hear me anyway cuz he was 'in the shower'. When Kyle screamed in the background "yous are trippin". I knew I was right. Then Doug called the next day and I missed the call, so I called back and Kyle answered and asked why I called, I said Doug called so I was calling back, Kyle then said, "well he's getting his *** kicked cuz he's trying to act like a badass" then I hung up. Doug called back 20 mintues later and said "your a f***ing b**** . Don't ever call this house again, don't talk to me." two days later, i saw Doug at the firehouse dance, and I tried to find out what I did wrong, but he said "Kyle jumped me because of you." so I asked how. He said "cuz I said you were a *****." later that night he forgave me some and finally gave me a hug.Also, when Doug and mike were checking out girls that were walking past, Kyle called them perverts. So does Kyle still like me? Or is he just being really nice? Sorry this was so long.