2009-12-03 11:23:12 UTC
Please answer this question please am i bi or confused?
I just think that i am just confused because i never had a girl friend and i wanted one for like ever and i don't know because i don't have one i have these thoughts and **** that i might be bi or confused because i really want a girl friend should i just wait until i get a girl friend will that change make my mind right because i don't get it at all i wanted a girl forever know because i likedf girls so much and i am confused and **** because my aunt said i am confused because i never had a girl friend before and i want one so bad and now i think that guys are attractive because i think the only reason i think that they aRE BECAUSE I NEVER HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH A GIRL AND I AM GOING TO THE OPPSITE DIRECTION ON LIKING GUYS AND ANOTHER THING YOU WILL READ IT WHEN YOU GO DOWN A LITTLE BIT FURTHER I HAVE SEX IN MY DREAMS ABOUT GIRLS ONLY NEVER EVER GUYS I THINK ABOUT ***** IN MY DREAMS SO I STILL LIKE GIRLS BECAUSE IF I WAS HAVING DREAMS ABOUT BOTH THEN I WOULD BE BI OR IF I WAS JUST HAVING SEX WITH A GUY IN MY DREAMS I WOULD BE GAY BUT I AM TELLING THE TRUTH I SWEAR ON MY MOMS LIFE AND EVERYBODY'S LIFE THAT I REALLY HAVING SEX WITH ONLY GIRLS IN MY DREAMS I JUST THINK THAT I AM CONFUSED BECAUSE I NEVER EVER HAD A GIRLFRIEND EVER IN MY LIFE YOU JUST TELL ME IF I AM OR NOT THANKS
Please answer this question please am i bi or confused? ok this is what i want you to rate me a 10 for confused or 1 for bi thanks
Does'nt dream means of what your thinking of so am a confused or not?
Am i bi or just confused only people that is'nt mean?