How can I get my girlfriend to stop cheating on me?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How can I get my girlfriend to stop cheating on me?
727 answers:
Greggory Rich
2015-07-13 13:23:57 UTC
She's into playing. She's not Into settling. You can't make her stop. It's just not going to happen. Sadly she is a cheater. It could always be like that. My suggestion if love her that much. Is go to couples consoling or something as that. Or have a heart to heart of how you feel. You two need to talk it out. Talk your feelings out. An try to see what your relationship is going. Where you stand. Honestly if she's going to continue your best off leaving before you get way to hurt. An too played. You can't stop a player. An if she's doing this an you know she is an she's just don't care that you see her doing so. It maybe means that she don't care about you that way. An she's exploring all her other options. If don't like it. Like said have the heart to heart. You both go to couples stuff. An see if it helps. If not. I'd leave an break up. Sadly no one can make someone stop being a player. Or playing fields or make them love you. You can't make her like an love you. So it's best off to do that. An or break up let her grow up. You shouldn't feel that kind of hurt an all from someone. It can cause depression an many other things.
Lily Ross
2015-07-14 09:04:01 UTC
Honey there is only one way and it is to break up with her. Don't u get it she don't give a dam about your feelings and sorry I'm saying this but your girlfriend is a slut and trust me one day she be having sex with another guy in front of you. So you need o break up because you sound like a really amazing guy who deserve more than what your girlfriend is giving you so move on. I'm pretty sure you will find a girl who is more self controlled than your current girlfriend. Also you don't want your friends coming up to you asking you if they could have sex with your girl. In my opinion if a girl is in a relationship she should only shon her body parts to her partner not other people and she should only kiss that guy and share her love. So go break up with your girlfriend before she hurt you more. Good luck. Hope I helped.
Do You Really Need To Know My Name
2015-07-13 01:50:15 UTC
Dude just stop it. Stop letting her do this to you. Leave her. If your significant other cannot even keep the most basic term of your agreement then it just goes to show that they're the worthless one in this relationship. Not you.

Move on dude. Otherwise it'll destroy you like it did me. It'll make you question every other person that comes into your life and you'll reach a point in your life when you start to question if being with someone is even worth it anymore.
2015-07-18 03:55:53 UTC
You cannot get upset with her for crossing boundaries that you never set. But I wonder why your self - esteem is so low where you would allow such behavior and say that you would never leave her. Trust is a tenet of a good relationship.

Let me tell you my story. I never dated a guy before ever. In fact, I always wanted to be married, but guys didn't think that I was very pretty so I hardly ever turned a guy's head when walking by. Then along came Steve (fake name). I was just so enamored with the fact that he liked me and I also liked using phrases like 'my boyfriend', 'we're dating', and 'we're in love'. I felt like I was in an exclusive club that I had been waiting almost 30 years to join.

However, to remain in that club meant sacrificing my good common sense, my spirituality, and my peace of mind. I chose to ignore his bad temper, that he had a hard time finding work because he was a felon and had a hard time keeping a job for some reason, was sucking me dry financially (literally went through all my savings and ruined my credit), blamed others for his problems, and lied all the time about things large and small but expected me to be okay with that and pick up the pieces. I bought my own engagement and wedding rings along with everything else and he never even properly proposed. Now that we're married and the light bulb has gone off I realize how extremely foolish I have been. I absolutely caused all of my current problems and misery by not letting him go when I should have. Our first year of marriage was by far the hardest more so than for your average couple. We went through every problem you can think of short of infidelity.

These days I am doing what I can to make the most of my situation. Excepting responsibility for picking him and restructuring my priorities are a big help. Also, I have found that the love I should have been seeking is that of God, not men. - Matthew 22:37, 38.

I don't want you to be me. Maybe you are staying with her for the same reason I stuck with Steve, or maybe she helped you through some hard time and you convinced yourself that you must be loyal to her by not leaving her. Whatever your reasons, know that you are better than this. No one deserves to be cheated on, especially by someone who is amoral enough to do it right in front of you. I'm not one to tell others what to do, but I know that you will never have peace in your life or feel safe and confident as a man until you let her go. You will hate yourself if you don't.
2015-07-20 00:29:47 UTC
Wel if you never break up with her she'll never stop cheating. You could be the most loyal person to someone , give them the entire world but some people will ask for you to also give them the stars. Put your feelings aside — regardless of how you feel you need to let go. You can't say that was true love or love that was meant to be. Stop investing time into negativity. Once someone cheats there's no going back. The trust is broken. You'll remember forever. Don't let that be a problem. You could find someone new. That would be the best but if you're happy with her than go for it. But you know what she does and who she is. Maybe soon she'll realize and soon you'll be in a coffin when she does. Chose wisely.
2015-07-15 15:03:40 UTC
You throw down the hammer. Don't let a kanye west type get into your social circle. Cut her off. Don't even booty call them.

Shame is the only thing psychopaths understand and you don't deserve to be treated like a second class citizen.

For all you know, some other dude is actually dating her and set you up for repeated gang stalking situations.

If a guy cheats on your girl in front of you, you should violently assault them with a hammer or something. You have permission from nature.

So you should save some lives and get away or stand up for your self and leave some bodies as examples.
2015-07-14 03:23:29 UTC
Cheating has become a natural and basic part of her life .Such a trait cannot be corrected at all . You have fallen in love with her blindly . Tell her that you are going to break the affair because she has cheated you so many times . If she does not repond to it take it for granted that she is not in love with you . This is a good indication that you should put an end to the affair and seek a girl who will respect you .
2015-07-15 20:35:14 UTC
Why would you want to be with a someone like that? Maybe you like her because she is good looking or something, but looks fade away. You might think you like her now and everything, but if she is kissing other people in front of your FACE imagine what she will do when you really aren't looking. There is probably someone out there that actually wants to be with you. Someone who won't cheat on you. Well, on for your question, How can you get her to stop? Something you can do it try and talk to her and clear things up or something. If you want to be kinda mean, you can kinda talk to another girl and text her and invite her to things with you and your girlfriend or you can "accidentally" run into this girl. Thats pretty evil, but it might work.
2015-07-13 18:12:07 UTC
Wow. For one, she's a whore. Second, you need to grow a pair. For real. If you're cowardly enough to let your girl do that right in front of you, NO WOMAN will ever respect you. Man up
2015-07-13 17:26:59 UTC
I think you're crazy to stay with her! I understand being comfortable in a situation or relationship, and not wanting to change it, but this girl is toxic! No matter who you are, you deserve better than that. You have to leave to trust your instincts. I promise you'll be 100% happier after you get away from that poison, then where you are now. Take a leap of faith and put her in her place!
2015-07-16 14:23:21 UTC
Cheating is only a thing a person can claim in a marriage if someone is going out on the other person for sex. Since you have nothing binding between the two of you (like a marriage certificate) then there is no such thing as the word cheating.

If you didn't want her to go out on you or find another then you would have called it to her attention the first time it happened. She is still trying to attract other guys to make you jealous but you aren't responding to her so she continues to do it. Why wouldn't you break up with her? There's something wrong with your attitude, and you will never stop her from doing that. Get your brain on straight and walk away from her and find someone who loves you and wants you, wants to keep you around. You're asking for something that's never going to be, seriously.
2015-08-03 03:11:34 UTC
Cheating is only a thing a person can claim in a marriage if someone is going out on the other person for sex. Since you have nothing binding between the two of you (like a marriage certificate) then there is no such thing as the word cheating.

If you didn't want her to go out on you or find another then you would have called it to her attention the first time it happened. She is still trying to attract other guys to make you jealous but you aren't responding to her so she continues to do it. Why wouldn't you break up with her? There's something wrong with your attitude, and you will never stop her from doing that. Get your brain on straight and walk away from her and find someone who loves you and wants you, wants to keep you around. You're asking for something that's never going to be, seriously.
2015-07-24 21:46:08 UTC
So the easiest and first answer that comes to my mind is not be with her, because she's cheating, and you're NOT okay with that. BUT you say you love her, and want to keep her, so I strongly suggest if you want to keep her, you need to talk to her. Have you ever heard of Polygamy? (I think that's what it's called) This is where the person has multiple relationships, and it isn't cheating. It's where, let's say hypothetically, your girlfriend is not the kind of person to commit. So she has multiple lovers. BUT it is okay with each and every one of her lovers that she has more than one. It's not cheating because everyone is okay with it, she has talked with each and every one of her lovers so that she's sure they are okay with everything. Right now what your girlfriend is doing ISN'T polygamy, because she is with/kissing or whatever with other people without it being okay with you. She is in a monogamist type relationship. I suggest you talk to her. If you love her, and she loves you, (even if she also loves others,) Then I'm sure you two can come to an agreement of what she can and can't do and what you two are both okay with. Like for example, maybe you ARE okay with her kissing other people and maybe even sleeping with them, but not being in a relationship with them beyond that. Talk it through. Learn more about Polygamy, because I don't really know a lot about it. But whatever you do, stop ignoring it. And if worse comes to worse, you may have to stop being with her. Good luck!!!


This is a new subject for me, I just found out about Polygamy relationships and stuff a few months ago without reading into it so if I get my facts wrong that's why.
2015-07-18 00:37:24 UTC
She's not 'cheating on you'.

She is a cheater.

This really isn't personal for her, at least not anymore.

One clue - is that you found out.

Feeling for your emotional well-being is not something someone can do honestly after they've been able to


ignore=STRONGLY not care in any single way

about you for however many seconds to hours they cheated.

It's not about what they did to you.

It's about how they didn't care about anything you'd think, say, do, or FEEL.

You were and still are - worthless to this person.

Don't give more effort for them.

?? They don't care about you AT ALL.

They managed to not care for all those texts, calls, meet ups, and physical encounters.

Rant over dude,

I just can't stand knowing I'm being humored. Every smile and caring word from them? That one time they're too tired to fake that smile -

It's not enough.

Thanks for readin,

One girl that will never cheat and will probably always be alone:) Fusho!
Mike A
2015-07-31 23:25:46 UTC
Your girlfriend has no respect for you. She has cheated on you time and time again, and she figures you don't care. She probably even considers this relationship an open one. She literally has no consequence to fear from you, because she knows you'll just eek your way through it.

So, what can you do? The short answer is nothing. She is going to be like this for the rest of your relationship. She has no respect for monogamy anyway, why would you expect her to change now? You really need to break up with her. This is not the way to have a relationship.

And that's the best advice I can give.
2015-07-20 06:07:56 UTC
Here is the answer You THINK you love her, and she obviously doesn't love you. Shes a slut and will never give the kind of effort into the relationship as you may. She cheats on you right in front of your face, which means she does NOT care about you, she doesn't respect you, she doesn't know what a relationship is and does not care for it either. Trust me, she will be nothing but a slut and girls like her deserve to be used and hurt by other horrible guys out there.

Break up with her and there shouldn't be any sadness or regret towards leaving. Why care for and break yourself down over someone who doesn't give 2 s**** about you. Trust me on this.

There are many other girls out there who would NEVER do such a thing. There are others who will respect and truly care for you as you do back for them. I would leave this person quicker than a heartbeat and not even care to ever look back.
2015-07-16 13:16:20 UTC
You can make her stop cheating by Making her wear a chastity belt. If that doesn't seem possible and you don't want an open relationship, break up with her. Love is not a one way street. If you are attached/obsessed that's different. Don't kid yourself that it is love.

Be a man and give yourself another chance at life. Plenty of fish and she wasn't worth it anyway.

Remember this

Women chase you the more you confuse them or walk away from them and secondly

If she wants you out of her life she will give you hints like what you have gotten.
Alan T
2015-07-28 13:53:10 UTC
Its obvious and i'm surprised no one had been upfront with you and said the reason your girlfriend won't stop cheating on you is b/c your a sucker with no RESPECT for himself as a MAN. How can you expect someone to respect you if you don't respect YOURSELF? Grow up and be a man, grow some balls. How do you continue to let a girl control you like this is pathetic and that's why she cheats on you. BE A MAN and you will have a girlfriend who wont cheat on you.
2015-07-26 03:20:41 UTC
Awwww :(

I know you're saying that you love her stuff but I do think you should leave her. I know that it sounds hard but she needs to learn. If you stay with her she's just going to do it over and over and take you for a mug. By you staying with her you're honestly telling her you can do whatever the f*ck you want & YOU deserve better than her to. The truth is you can't stop her from cheating only she can make that decision. I suggest that you go and sit down with her and tell her that she needs to stop cheating or you'll leave, if she doesn't seem to care leave her anyway. If she cares and does it again, leave her. That sort of person can't change
2015-07-17 15:59:02 UTC
Well since you stated you wouldn't leave her and she doesn't even care to hide the fact she's cheating anymore says everything. What it says is you won't stop her and she knows this due to the fact she doesn't even care to hide it anymore. She knows you won't leave her and so therefore she knows she doesn't have to hide it. Why stop doing it if there are no consequences??

Sounds to me like you have self esteem issues if you want to stay with someone who continually does this. Drop this girl and work on you, seriously. Then after you are good everything else will work itself out and when you get into another relationship odds are it will be a healthier one and if there are signs it isn't you can handle it better without enabling those behaviors.
2015-07-19 19:35:12 UTC
i can't really put it into a better way than this:

GTFO of the relationship.

The day that she cheated on you showed that she does not give a f*ck about you, you deserve someone better and she doesn't deserve anyone at all, and if you don't get out then the cycle will continue. Actually, it will probably still continue even if you leave her, but that's what will make her a lost cause. Hate to say it, but it's the truth.
2015-07-17 08:49:56 UTC
It's possible that your girlfriend doesn't see your relationship with her as serious, and that is why she is spending time with other guys. However, from your description of her behavior, she appears to be inconsiderate, because even though some men/women DO date around, they are honest (they tell the people they are dating that they aren't looking for anything serious) and at the same they try to be discreet about it (they don't flaunt their other relationships in front of someone they are dating).

There are a few truly mean people in the world who enjoy mistreating others--they derive actual pleasure from doing hurtful things to other people. Think of it the same way you take pleasure from your favorite food or activity: even if someone asked, you would not stop doing those things because you enjoy them...similarly, you will be unable to prevent your girlfriend from cheating, if she is the kind of person who is inclined to do so.

Sometimes love expresses itself in sacrifice: if you really do love her, you need to love her enough to let her go so that she can enjoy being with other people. It's going to be difficult, but if you focus more on taking care of yourself and being a better all-around person (at school, at work, in your personal life, etc.), eventually you're going to attract someone else who admires you and actually cares for you as well.

I wish you the very best of love and luck.
2015-07-17 00:44:45 UTC
My best mate is in exactly the same position as you! Wow kissing someone else in front of you that is wrong. You can't control what they do and it think its best if you got over her and broke up! Once a cheater always a cheater it will never stop. You don't wanna be beside something like that for the rest of your life do you? Your better than that, you deserve a lot more than that don't you think? You need to move on, i do know its hard and it won't be easy but just try! You deserve much much much more! Hope i helped x
2015-10-28 06:19:44 UTC
However, to remain in that club meant sacrificing my good common sense, my spirituality, and my peace of mind. I chose to ignore his bad temper, that he had a hard time finding work because he was a felon and had a hard time keeping a job for some reason, was sucking me dry financially (literally went through all my savings and ruined my credit), blamed others for his problems, and lied all the time about things large and small but expected me to be okay with that and pick up the pieces. I bought my own engagement and wedding rings along with everything else and he never even properly proposed. Now that we're married and the light bulb has gone off I realize how extremely foolish I have been. I absolutely caused all of my current problems and misery by not letting him go when I should have. Our first year of marriage was by far the hardest more so than for your average couple. We went through every problem you can think of short of infidelity.
2015-07-28 14:55:14 UTC
I've had this. I, too, loved her,, & eventually I realized I loved me, too, & deserved to be fairly loved by the one I love, so I finally grew the balls to tell her to hit the road.

Best thing I ever did. I've had some wonderful relationships since.

The only qway it could have worked out with thatr one was if I decided we'd have an open & slutty relationship, but that's not me. I'm a one-woman man & I want a one-man woman.

Some guys would be cool with their girl having this need, & define the relationship to include couples' play with another couple they both trust/like. Not for me.

If she's of super low self esteem & craves multiple men validating her worth physically, like mine was, it'll never stop. The best you can hope for is that she'll go secret with it, &, one day, give you HIV, HPV, &/or Herpies sdhe got from the other guy(s).

Your best bet is to dump her & hold out for a GOOD woman aas your partner/girlfriend. They ARE out there.

You need 3 things to be worthy of & get a decent woman:

1) be single(no wife, no girlfriend, AND no friends with benefits)

2) be heterosexual

3) don't live with your parents

4) have a job (ANY job, even a menial part-time one)
2015-07-22 17:40:18 UTC
Usually I would say handle it by being stone cold at heart and cheat on her but cheating is never the answer. If she does it literally right in front of you then you really need to ask yourself how much does she honestly care about you? Not to sound rude or anything but honestly... You can either go through this relationship feeling like **** every day because she cheats on you or you can talk to her and fix things or move on because she shouldn't be treating you like that at all and you don't deserve to feel like that.
Paul R
2015-07-16 01:40:55 UTC
I used to have a girl who looked li a million dollars, a tall slim redhead with beautiful long legs. She was fabulous in the sack and didn't really cost that much to maintain. The down side was that she used to have sex with other guys. I could tolerate it when I didn't know but my pals used to tell me so in the end I felt humiliated.

Then I moved overseas and married a girl who ticked lots of boxes but he wasn't really suitable especially in the sack department.

I have always regretted it. I think I'd have had a better life if I had married the wayward redhead. She settled down later in life and so far as I know she stayed, more or less, on the rails.

All women cheat, some just have less guile than others.
2015-10-24 08:51:55 UTC
However, to remain in that club meant sacrificing my good common sense, my spirituality, and my peace of mind. I chose to ignore his bad temper, that he had a hard time finding work because he was a felon and had a hard time keeping a job for some reason, was sucking me dry financially (literally went through all my savings and ruined my credit), blamed others for his problems, and lied all the time about things large and small but expected me to be okay with that and pick up the pieces. I bought my own engagement and wedding rings along with everything else and he never even properly proposed. Now that we're married and the light bulb has gone off I realize how extremely foolish I have been. I absolutely caused all of my current problems and misery by not letting him go when I should have. Our first year of marriage was by far the hardest more so than for your average couple. We went through every problem you can think of short of infidelity.
2015-08-02 19:55:13 UTC
However, to remain in that club meant sacrificing my good common sense, my spirituality, and my peace of mind. I chose to ignore his bad temper, that he had a hard time finding work because he was a felon and had a hard time keeping a job for some reason, was sucking me dry financially (literally went through all my savings and ruined my credit), blamed others for his problems, and lied all the time about things large and small but expected me to be okay with that and pick up the pieces. I bought my own engagement and wedding rings along with everything else and he never even properly proposed. Now that we're married and the light bulb has gone off I realize how extremely foolish I have been. I absolutely caused all of my current problems and misery by not letting him go when I should have. Our first year of marriage was by far the hardest more so than for your average couple. We went through every problem you can think of short of infidelity.
2015-07-27 02:14:55 UTC
First off, you are a pussy. Stand up for yourself and be a man. If you are okay with getting walked on by a bimbo then so be it. If you want it to stop, you need to leave her. Be with someone that wants the same things as you out of a relationship. Also, cheating is not for the married only. I'm pretty sure everyone gets their heart broken before they are married. That's because we love... if you get hurt because of someone cheating, the only difference between married and unmarried couples, you feel the same shitty void eating you alive. With marriage you have lawyers and a lot of paperwork. No ring, tell that selfish ***************** to get ******
2015-07-28 16:44:35 UTC
You can't. She's her own person, if you allow it and don't say nothing about it, she's going to do it. I hate to tell you this, but she doesn't care about you much at all, let alone your time and feelings. Otherwise she wouldn't have time to mess around with no one else and she would give her love and time to you, not some other guy(s). She doesn't have much self respect either, by making out with another man right in front of her boyfriend. She's giving herself a bad rep and you'll soon get one too if you don't leave that worthless piece of ****. You sound like a good guy, time to invest your all into a good WOMAN who only loves you and respects you enough not to sleep or hook up with other people, get rid of that silly little hoe.
2015-07-18 03:52:53 UTC
I love my boyfriend of two years greatly and id take a bullet for him.

But if he constantly cheated none the less to my face and made out with people when I'm right beside him, I don't care how strong our love is, he's out. And what she's doing is unforgivable and you need to leave her. If you love her, let her go and let her do what she does. It's obvious she doesn't care anymore. I think she knows she has you wrapped around her finger, and that's why she is doing what she wants. She knows you won't leave her and will forgive her so she sees no wrong in it. Set her straight or get out. Preferably get out. She's not the one dude.
2015-07-28 21:06:03 UTC
She won't stop ... You've allowed her to get away with it and she'll continue to cheat on you until you're strong enough to tell her you've had enough!

Everyone is talking about how "she's a cheater - she's not cheating ON you!" Well you know what brother, that's bullshit - because she IS cheating on you! You're letting her get away with it, and she knows she can get away with it because she knows you're not going to leave her!

The reason she's cheating on you is because she doesn't respect you. You're available to her and you're desperate for her to part of your life - so she's not going anywhere and she's NOT going to stop cheating on you. The only way she'll stop, is if you grow the nuts to tell her you don't want her anymore! Stop being weak man ... Grow some balls and tell her that her behaviour is unacceptable - and then get rid of her!
2015-07-23 07:56:54 UTC
Dump her ***. There are other fish in the sea. She is a home wrecker and doesn't care if she's with you. She probably uses you (I'm sorry to say I know it hurts) but I would get rid of her. There are other girls out there that would love to be your girlfriend this girl is totally not worth your time and if she can't take the decency of settling down with you and can't stay faithful in a relationship she isn't someone you'd want to marry and have kids with, (that's the whole point of dating people.) trust me drop the slut focus on you and look for someone more mature and who can be in a serious relationship because she definitely can't!
2015-07-31 11:54:59 UTC
For some reason, she needs to make you feel insecure. That's more a reflection of her own insecurity than of yours. I hate to take a hard line on this, but every time she acts that way and you permit it, you both think a little less of yourself. Tell her you won't tolerate such behavior anymore or you're going to end things. Then stick to your guns. If she's serious enough about getting back together, insist that you go to couples counseling and that will give you a chance to understand why she acts as she does, and establish some boundaries for behavior for her. If she persists, end it. If she doesn't care about your feelings now, it will only get worse as time goes on. You can do so much better!
2015-07-28 00:16:33 UTC
There is only one sure fire way of stopping a girlfriend from cheating.

If she suddenly becomes NOT girlfriend, then she won't be cheating.

So... make her a NOT girlfriend.

Love or not, be smart to yourself.
2015-07-15 14:44:32 UTC
Sorry man but you can't make her stop cheating on you she's a cheater and always will be sadly cheaters never change :( if my gf were to cheat on me I'd break up with her STRAIGHT AWAY ‼ you don't deserve to be cheated on like that ya know? You need to get the HELL out of there ASAP ‼ you deserve way better than that slut :) good luck bro stay strong :) that slut is gonna get what's coming to her in the end :) I never stay with girls who cheat yo
2015-07-24 14:44:39 UTC
You looked the other way? You would never break up with her regardless of how crappy of a girlfriend she is to you? No doubt she's the problem. But you're just as much of a problem by not confronting her about it--and also not leaving her after the first time she cheated on you.
Standard Human
2015-07-15 21:00:40 UTC
I'm sorry but I'm going to be straight up with you. I don't feel a single bit sorry for you infact I find you ridiculous. She cheated on you once, you should have broken up with her then. If she is doing it flat out in your face it means she knows you can't do sh*t about it and you are just her little used toy. You are being played for a fool. A massive fool.

Move on. Or become a miserable used up toy that she thinks you are (and which you are acting like).
2015-07-24 04:55:59 UTC
Give hints that you know how she is cheating you. If she is a good (1%) will understand you and maintain good relation further if not leave her from your heart for some days. Go get some interest on some sports or activity you like. Friend I am sure once you come out from this she will back to you realizing the how she dumped you earlier.
2015-07-20 15:51:46 UTC
She does not care about you at all. Actions speak much louder than words my dear, I don't ,mean to sound condescending but you need to know that you are worth much more than she is giving you. As a person who has been in the type of relationship where I have kept taking the person back, I understand how hard it is to break up with someone but you have to realize your worth and that there will be another person in your life later on that will make her seem irrelevant, no matter how much you think you love her right now. She is trash if she is going to treat you like that, you deserve so much more.
2015-07-16 07:48:53 UTC
sad but you can't make her stop, and not to offend you but you have to have a backbone, IF she kissed a guy right in front of you (in the same circle) then i should have acknowledged it, not necessarily make a scene but tell her hey wtf??? am i not sitting right here. The problem is if she feels that comfortable to do that right in front of you means she could care less about you, If you asserted yourself more in the past with her she wouldn't have even pulled that move unless she is just that bold. The end really is you deserve better, i'm assuming you're a good person to have to put up with someone like this. Cheaters always end up alone in the end, they just want to satisfy their self pleasure and lack selflesness. When they get older that **** will backfire thanks to good ol' karma. My ex g/f i loved her so much, took her out, treated her well, she was cheating like 8 months into the relationship, i found out by someone else, she actually had broke up with me when it happened but i had no idea. We split, later down the road she got with some guy, he started physically and mentally abusing her, she got pregs and he left her, crazy right? the cheater never wins in the end usually, good luck my friend
2015-08-03 17:50:15 UTC
If she keeps cheating on you and even does it in front of you then she's never going to stop hun. You can find a girl that will love you and be as loyal to you as you are to her instead of you being treated like just another fling. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but let her go so you can find a girl that you won't be wasting your time and emotions on.
2015-07-16 06:03:03 UTC
How can you get your girlfriend to stop cheating on you? That's easy. Break up with her. She'll still be sleeping around, but at least she won't be your girlfriend while she does it.
2015-07-30 05:16:03 UTC
Why are you still even with her. She has no respect for your or herself or for the relationship. Break up with her or do you enjoy getting publicly humiliated and hurt? You're worth more than this. Not to mention the diseases she could contract you with. People don't change or stop. Can't turn a hoe into a house wife. She's just not girlfriend material.
2015-07-17 23:49:30 UTC
Drop her like a bad habit. Because that's what she is. She doesn't show you enough respect to even lie to you about her activities and apparently doesn't love you as you do her. Your best bet is to break up with her. It's possible that if she already dows this much, she thinks you'll never leave her and she can do whatever she likes with no repercussions as you need her more than she needs you, which will soon lead to even more problems. She's not worth your time, let her go.
Taylor Ford
2015-07-17 18:06:54 UTC
1. ask yourself: are you sure you're in a relationship? i don't know many people in a serious, exclusive relationship that would make out with someone who is not their significant other-- in front of their significant other.

2. a chick who refuses to stop cheating on you is not a person worth asking such a question as yours.

3. the question should be: "where can i get tested for std's because my girlfriend is irresponsible?" or "how do i drop this chick?"
2015-07-21 13:17:32 UTC
You need to show her that it hurts you! you were just watching ?! how can you do that !? i would freak out and leave right in that moment !

The reason why she carries on is because she knows that you'll still be there even after all the bad stuff she will do. You cant let her think stuff like that so you need to give her a warning. Stop speaking to her until she realises that your the one who actually cares for her and that theres no better person than you to look after her. She'll soon realise that if shes a good person and truly loves you too. If not then move on mate. I know love is powerful because right now im struggling with my own issues with my boyfriend but sometimes you need to put yourself first and walk away so they realise on their own how **** they've treated you.

I wish i have the strength to do this soon because its getting really bad. But dont worry, there are many people out there and one girl will definitely appreciate you more than this girl.
Steven Ewing
2015-07-16 14:19:21 UTC
Peter, you have a weird sense of semantics, almost childish like. To that extent, nothing any of us say will be interpreted in it's intended meaning. So, as the child you are, in child language, try to understand, she stopped playing your game quite sometime ago. There is no girlfriend, so she isn't cheating.
Roni Avanesian
2015-07-20 22:43:04 UTC
Its simple: break up with her. She has no respect for you if you know what she's doing and she's kissing a dude right in front of you. Right now your giving her the message that she can do whatever she wants. If you want any resolution let her know you won't tolerate her cheating anymore. And break up with her until she gets her act strate. You ever hear of the expression tough love? Thats what this is.
2015-07-14 01:13:12 UTC
Are you sure she knows that you guys are actually a thing? It seems to me like she likes to have a bit of fun and isn't the settling type. If that's the case then there's not much you can do about except either have sex (just sex) with her knowing she's been with other guys, or cut her loose completely. I recommend the second one, it will be tough but you deserve better than being cheated on.
2015-07-16 15:11:44 UTC
If you really love her then you should be able to accept the situation. If you can be cool and just let her cheat then she'll know just how special you are. Your friends obviously already know she cheating and I doubt any of them have stopped hanging out with you because of it. So just relax. For some guys, this is just how relationships go.
2015-07-21 08:36:07 UTC
First calm down. Next ask her to come over or you to come over to talk about something very important. And as hard as it may seem, do whatever you can to stay calm and do not react negatively. Be as mature as you can, sit with her on the coach in the privacy of one's home.

Here's an example you could say.

"Listen, I have something very important that I'd like to talk about. The state of our relationship. Do you feel that it's working out between us or do you want to see other people ? The reason why I ask is that I noticed you like flirting with other people and are they just friends or are you upset with me over something ? "

What can be very difficult in any social situation is when someone you think you knew suddenly acts strange and you don't understand and perhaps it even feels very painful, especially when they suddenly blame something to you that you didn't even do.

Never ever argue back, people don't listen to reason. Some people are just interested in themselves. People are different.

A relationship I feel is all about the appreciation for one another and both members of a relationship is never responsible for how one feels, their feelings are their own.

I had a friend who was going out with a friend who they knew for about a year or two and they split because they kind of rushed their relationship out of desperation and only found each other attractive psychically and not emotionally. They never argued but they both felt that they just found out that they aren't the people they once thought they were. One was too afraid and worried what the other one thought and had ideas on cheating and the other felt the same way talking to their therapist about it. Eventually one meet up and talked about it. So interestingly enough they both felt the same way.

Now sometimes one person loves the other but one doesn't feel that same way.

Remember, there's always someone for everybody and in life we make mistakes but it's learning. If she's not the one, then there's someone better just waiting for you.

So if you have thoughts of breaking up, like any commitment make sure that the other person understands how you feel and you understand how they feel even it's ridiculous.

People are people, some are like minded and others are just strange and not worth your time and energy.

Just my opinion, and good luck with everything.
2015-08-01 11:31:57 UTC
Boy, you best DUMP that U-Haul truck! She's an unnecessary package that you've been neglecting to ship, you feel me? Basically, she has no respect for you. She might even be trying to get rid of you. She is NASTY and a cheater to the core. Don't sit back and let her use you, my man. Cut her off and go find another girl, one that deserves you. Cause you seem like a good catch, and it'd be a shame to waste your 'potential' on a hoe like her. And remember, she's just one girl out of billions. You got a wholeeeee crap ton of ladies in line for you. Some of which may be worthy of you. Good luck, homie!
2016-04-06 04:19:29 UTC
You need to leave her that is not a good relationship. You will never trust her. You can say that you do but you may be at work one night and you will always wonder if see may be cheating on you while you were at work or wherever you are. If she loved you she wouldnt have cheated on you in the first place.
2015-07-30 20:33:30 UTC
Honestly, cheaters never stop. I know you do not want to hear this, and it may hurt to know, but the only thing you can do is leave her if you do not want to be cheated on. You deserve someone that loves you enough to be faithful to you. What if she brought a disease to you?? It may already be too late for that, God forbid, but it is possible. Not only that, but if she became pregnant, how would you deal with the child not being yours? Can you see yourself even five years from now being hurt every day knowing she is still cheating on you? No one deserves to live that way.
2015-07-16 18:58:23 UTC
You deserve respect and should give yourself self-respect. When someone cheats, that action alone just says that there's something in the relationship that isn't working/missing. I wouldn't even put that much stress and thought into the relationship anymore. A relationship should make you happy, and since it's giving you happiness, it's time to let go and find someone who will respect and love you the way you deserve to be.
2015-07-28 16:25:59 UTC
Bro seriously #1 she cheated on you because she has a problem with being committed to you. #2 you never set the boundaries so she does not take you seriously. #3 Personally I think you should break up with her, find someone who actually respect you and would never cheat on you and don't let people take advantage of you, learn to be strong. Trust me I used to be in similar position and had to learn the hard way. Good luck bro
2015-07-30 23:24:45 UTC
Well first of all how much does she love you and how much do you love her? is my question to you. Second of all ask her why she does this and talk to her about it. Third of all she doesn't listen and continues to do it then it's best to leave the relationship because you deserve a girl that will respect you and that is trustworthy because when you're in a relationship two of the things that matter is love and trust there are others but there's to many of them. But at the end of the day the decision making is all on you no pressure but you deserve to be happy
2015-07-15 15:25:31 UTC
You really need to leave her. She don't respect you and it will only get worse from there. You, to her are whats called a security blanket. When other guys wont have nothing to do with her she is reassured to the fact that she can always come running back to you. Don't let her do you this way. There are a million fish in the sea that will treat you the way you deserve and not run off
2015-08-03 21:45:05 UTC
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. It's horrible that your girlfriend is putting you through this, and I can't imagine how you feel. I've never dated a girl who's done anything like this to me. I mean seriously, kissing another guy RIGHT IN FRONT of you is not cool! It's one thing to cheat but another when it's right in your face. I don't know why she thinks it's okay to do things like that because it obviously only hurts you and puts stress on your relationship with her. You don't deserve to be treated like this. And I'm not saying you should breakup with her, because I know how difficult it is to do, especially if you love her. But I think that you should talk to her and try to tell her how you feel. I know it's difficult especially if you're a closed off person like I am, but she has to know what she's doing wrong and how you want to fix things. I mean if all else fails obviously you're going to need to breakup with her, but I hope you work things out because you said you don't want to breakup with her. Best wishes.
2015-08-01 06:07:50 UTC
You may think that you'll never find someone you'll love as much as her, but that's what so many people say!! Honestly, just have a conversation with her and say you don't like her kissing other boys and stuff... have you told her you love her?? If she continues cheating after the conversation (and perhaps confession of love), then you need to leave her and move on... you will find someone else! It might not seem like it, but you will!
2015-07-23 14:30:00 UTC
Easy leave her if she misses you when you leave tell her she has to stop cheating. If she continues to cheat after that find another girl. And why take her back so many times I could tell u love her but you will live and soon forget about her..don't waste your time on someone who does not care for u
2015-07-29 05:15:43 UTC
At this point it s not going to work. If she s really openly cheating on you and making out with other boys in front of you, there s no longer any reason to stay with her unless you have agreed to have an open relationship. You could enjoy the freedom and start having sex with and kissing other girls in front of her to see how she responds.

However, at the end of the day, if monogamy is what you crave, it s time to say goodbye to her. She s clearly not interested in you anymore, so if anything, it s selfish to keep calling her your girlfriend. You both need to end the relationship and move on.
2015-07-26 09:08:13 UTC
The only possible way of getting her to stop is if you break up with her. She will realise that she wants you and will regret what shes done and will want you back, and will know not to do this again.

If she doesnt and just lets you leave her and doesnt put any effort in the **** her, shes selfish and obviously doesnt care as much as you care about her and you deserve so much better.

The fact she does that infront of you is disgusting and so disrepectful. she is not girlfriend material.
2015-07-30 08:54:40 UTC
She's cheating on you right in front of your face?!

That is LOW. You may love her, and not want to break up with her, but you need to define your relationship/conclude where you are.

Cheating hurts, and although I've never experienced it, I've had friends who have been cheated on before, one of whom is destroyed now. I suggest you don't let it overcome you, but if it keeps getting worse, you need to have evidence that she was so that she does not deny it, and then prove to her she keeps doing ti. This girl obviously isn't a loyal person.
2015-08-01 12:48:05 UTC
If you want your girlfriend to stop cheating on you then break up with her that was its impossible because she won't be cheating and won't be your girlfriend. You deserve better then someone
2015-07-29 00:14:42 UTC
She's a ******* gutter slut. I don't give a **** if you love her or not she is a piece of ****. Dump that ***** dude. It's ******* pathetic. Actually what's really pathetic is you just sat there next to her and let some dude make out with her right in front of you. Not to sound like a cruel bastard cause I'm not but come on buddy grow a set
2015-07-25 05:09:48 UTC
This isn't a relationship that will be conducive to your happiness. The basis of any successful relationship should be to complement each other the best you can, respect each other, etc. She obviously has very little interest in respecting you and your space, and probably has much less interest in you altogether. Sadly, people generally don't change, and she likely won't either. Your best bet is to communicate your issue with her first, let her know how it makes you feel, how you would like things to be different for the sake of your relationship and out of respect for you. If this doesn't change the fact that she keeps making out with everyone in front of you, it would be best for you to break up with her. Seeing as how you two could be on different pages with regard to your relationship, you should date somebody else.

Stand up for yourself, nobody else will.
2015-07-25 18:29:28 UTC
I can tell you two things you can do. It's up to you if you are willing to do it. After all you did come here for advise. You can either dump her. Even though you love her. You dont deserve for someone to be so disrespectful to you. Or you can date others. Give her a bit of her own medicine. Make her jealous maybe then she'll appreciate you more. I know you love the girl, but sometimes you need to think more about you since its obvious that your feelings do not matter to her. I hope my suggestions help you.
2015-07-18 01:16:46 UTC
Unfortunately she is not your girlfriend. In order for you to have her stop cheating on you; you must leave her. This girl didn't even respect you enough to tell you she is no longer interested. Man up and tell her PEACE!
2015-07-27 20:35:44 UTC
Look , you cant stop her unless you make her feel the same way , like cheat on her once or two infront of her , if it doesn't make anything , just talk to her . If it doesn't work , then you'll have to break up and love any other girl , she can feel very sorry and come back for you , if she doesnt , then she doesnt love you..!!!
2015-07-31 02:16:26 UTC
Firstly, start working on your self-esteem issues. Secondly, cheating, once, twice or n number of times, is always an individual's choice. She chose to do it, repeatedly. Let her go man. She is not worth your attention. Someone else, who respects your love and care, deserves it. It is usually hard to break up with someone even when you know its the only thing that will make things right. But its gotta be done mate. Move on.
2015-07-13 02:10:35 UTC
Sorry for your luck but I have been there done that. First off your not going to make or get someone to quit doing something they don't want to. Even if she did you would never be able to trust her. My old saying is " Once a cheater always a cheater " just be glad your not married and asking this about your wife. Move on and enjoy the company of someone else.
2015-07-31 07:41:56 UTC
You need to break up with her. She's bad news to you. I'm so sorry to tell you this, but you cannot be in a relationship like that. I don't care about what you had before or what you think you have now, it's not real. None of it is real. Until you leave this realm you're living in, you're just going to constantly get hurt. You deserve better, bro. Trust me. You'll be glad you did it.
2015-07-16 09:31:45 UTC
In all honesty, as most people said. You need to end the relationship with her. She has proven to you that she is not faithful and is not at all concerned about your feelings. Relationships, dating or friendswise, requires both people to be equally involved and commited. It seems that you are way more committed to making it work than she is.

She may be trying to get a reaction out of you, but don't play along. The longer you continue, the higher the chance other girls will think negatively of you. Chances are, those are the girls who want committment and fidelity.

End it soon.

Best of luck.
2015-07-18 17:53:18 UTC
you can't make someone feel or do something they don't want. if you established an open relationship this is okay. if u did not - this is crossing the boundaries. if she knows she hurt u and she still does it, why do u even care anymore? why do u love her? cos of her personality or cos u feel insecure or scared of losing her? don't be scared thing happen for a reason! if it hurts u why don't u stop this torture and love urself enough to walk away from something that doesnt satisfy u! it will hurt first but when u move on and look back at this u wont even understand how u could even put up with that! good luck :)
2015-07-20 13:41:31 UTC
You can not MAKE another person do something they don't want to do - or stop doing.

It sounds like at this point in her life she IS NOT READY TO SETTLE DOWN TO ONE PERSON. So whether or not you remain her friend or boy friend she will carry on this behavior but by breaking up you are free to date others and you might find someone you loive even more and who actually loves you back if not then wait until she IS READY TO SETTLE DOWN otherwise your going to live with a broken heart forever

she might want to break up but not to be the one to actually do it so just because you "have dibs" on her doesn't' mean you'll end up with her
2015-07-24 09:49:48 UTC
Wake up! She is not going to stop cheating. She clearly has no respect for your feelings and no regards, so YOU have to have some self respect and walk away. No one plays Russian Roulette with things they value, and she i showing you that she doesn't value your relationship. Don't get mad, don't get even, just walk and find someone who deserves you. SHE IS OUT THERE. but you'll miss her if you keep messing with people who don't care about the wonderful thing I am sure you bring to the table.
2015-07-20 07:36:30 UTC

u need to leave her ..u know ppl like u (and me) need to realise that we are good people and stop being treated like garbage.

Let me tell u that I am seeing this guy who wont commit to me ..i dont know if he is cheating (or if he is , i dont know if i can call it cheating coz he s not committed..u see?) he calls himself the player , I have put in a lot of effort for him, (visited him in his town , lying to my parents, where we got physical )

and yet he wont commit ...i dont even know what to do.

So i read ur question i feel terrible, u should not be putting up with this sh!t all.

U are a good person for not doing anything etc (but u have been foolish enough to let her treat u like this) ..its about time ..

She is a cheater and a player ..who wont stop especially since u said he cheated right in front of you..

Dump her sorry As$.
2015-07-29 07:47:33 UTC
I am sorry to say, but she will never change if you just act like it doesn't bother you. You need to stand up and take charge of your life. You love her, yes. But that does not mean you need to accept the harsh things she is doing to you. It is rude that she would make out with another person in front of you. Rude and unacceptable. I am sorry for what you have gone through. She will not change though unless you make it clear how you feel about this situation. Go to counseling if she is willing, try to talk one on one. If she doesn't put in any effort to change or listen to your views, then its already over and its been over for a while. You deserve a person who respects you.
2015-07-14 06:47:30 UTC
It seems like she is some one who is not able to commit herself to one person. Sadly in this case it is you who is the victim as you are her supposadly meant to be her boyfriend. This is a very difficult situation to be in, because you seem to be emotionally commited to her, but the problem is she dosent appear to show or demonstrate this as she is giving attention to another man. You have to understand this is not how strong and sincere relationships are meant to work, it requires commitment and sincerity from both partners to have a long trusting relationship. This type of problem is only going to drain you emotionally and mentally and that is not what a realtionship is all about. May be you just need to be honest with yourself and accept that she is unlikley going to be around you in the long run if she displays this kind of selfish attitude. So its better you just break it off with her to avoid further problems. There is a saying, does a leopard change its spots??
2015-07-18 00:17:41 UTC
If you want to be with her for the long run, just give her an ultimatum - stop the cheating or ta ta.

If she chooses ta ta, you're better off sweetheart. The issue's probably her, not you, that she's cheating so much for no apparent reason. Time to use your brain, not your heart, to make the decisions :)
2015-08-02 18:24:36 UTC
Face it, she knows you won't break up with her so she'll continue to play around in your presence. YOU are the one with the problem. Any guy with a shred of self-respect would have dumped her long ago. So when you marry her one day is she going to have your children or some other guy's? Who will support her children by other men? YOU??? And if you do have children with her the children will know that their mother plays around? Sit down and think about this. What kind of future will you have with this slut? How will your children deal with this at school? What do your co-workers/colleagues/neighbors/relatives think about this situation, about her, and about you? Are you a wimp? You can't find somebody who is modest and decent? What is it about this slut that you love so much? Did she donate a kidney to you?
2015-07-20 13:26:26 UTC
That girl is not going to stop cheating on you. I went through this kind of thing years ago and you need to get over it and her and find a girl that is faithful. Believe me, if she is doing that kind of stuff in front of your face, it would blow your mind to know what she is doing behind your back. Kick this dime store tramp to the curb and get some self esteem. This tramp is only treating you this way because you are allowing it and she isn't going to stop doing it.
2015-08-03 12:24:56 UTC
If she always do that again. You can do nothing.

Why ? Because its up to her if she will stop or not.

Better yet to accept the truth and choose if you are willing to accept her even though she cheated you a lot of time. But I rather accept and move on. Chance is not free. You can give chance to those people who worth it.
2015-07-29 18:57:46 UTC
Okay, so you say that you love her, but it looks like she doesn't. I think that you should break up with her because it is you that feels hurt and not her. I am a girl, trust : ) good luck try telling her that if she doesnt stop cheating on you you will break up then see how she responds to that.
2015-07-24 03:52:08 UTC
I'm so sorry for what she is putting you through. That is sooo disrespectful and ignorant of her. She is NOT treating you like you deserve and I hate to say it but you would be better off breaking up with her. I had a boyfriend who cheated and said sorry but it never stopped. I caught him in lies after liesIt was tough at first when I broke up with him but after I felt so much better because I totally got rid of him and didn't want to talk to him so changed my number...don't look at any of her social networking sites and just keep to yourself so whatever she does afterwards won't hurt you still. But I had no more worrying and anxiety over him cheating or lying once I rid myself of him. It's hard but you sound like a good man so trust me you deserve a good woman who respects you and herself and her body. Good luck and I will pray for you. But breaking up is hard but you can meet someone who is willing to treat you like you deserve to be treated. Cheaters normally don't stop. She may be addicted to sex and need help. Plus you don't want to get any std from her or if she got pregnant with another man that would be very painful so for your mental wellbeing do what is right for yourself. God bless you. I pray that you find a wonderful trustworthy and faithful beautiful woman. 😊
2015-07-17 08:36:15 UTC
You'll never stop her. If she's cheating in front of you she clearly doesn't care. At least if she did it behind your back it would show she at least cares for you somewhat because she doesn't want to get caught and lose you. Break it off and find someone different. She don't love ya mah dude.
2015-07-16 19:08:57 UTC
The only way to get her to stop cheating is to dump her. You say you love her, but it can't be mutual if she's looking elsewhere. You deserve better. Save yourself from anymore embarrassment and walk away. You'll find someone that truly respects and loves you, but I doubt this girl is the one!
2015-07-27 11:57:18 UTC
Peter, love is tricky game. If you are involved with a person who cheats. She has no respect for you. She obviously doesn't love you. And this is just a guess, but it appears to me if she is kissing some guy in front of you like she is, she is trying to get your attention. Maybe she wants you to step up. You love her and you will never break up with her? You said that, right? Obviously she knows that as well and either wants you to break up with her because she can't do that herself or she wants you to "man up".

Peter, you need to start loving you, who you are, man. Nobody deserves that type of belittlement and treatment from another individual. I obviously don't know you, but what I do know is you deserve better.

There is no future with this person. There are plenty of very nice & beautiful women out there who detest cheating and desire a man who commits to a long term relationship. Please, do yourself a favor and break up with her and find your ideal mate. You deserve to be treated with dignity, respect & love.

Wishing you the best of what life has to offer you, my friend.

God Bless

Jark Mann
Infinity Fusion Art
2015-07-18 14:40:58 UTC
You have two options:

!/. Dump her *** and show some respect for yourself. Anyone that would tolerate that has no respect for themselves and no right to ask someone else to respect them. You let this continue and its going to be a defining character trait, your boss will walk all over you, your friends will walk all over you... you may as well change your name to 'Doormat'.

2/. Tell her it's an open relationship since she cant commit. Let her see you making out with other girls a few times and see how she feels.
2015-07-27 11:56:02 UTC
You cannot complain about her actions, if you continue to forgive her and put up with it. From past experience, I can honestly say that because she can get away with it so easily, she'll continue to cheat regardless of how well you treat her or your feelings, unless you put a stop to it which may possibly be breaking up with her. You deserve to be happy and I truly doubt your happy with her when she does this to you. Know your worth.
2015-07-23 17:10:19 UTC
Why would you even try to get someone to stop cheating on you? How about you dump them. You're way better off without them.
2015-07-23 19:38:55 UTC
Well, obviously you like being treated the way you are being treated. Let's face it if you didn't like, you would leave her and if she really does love you, she would understand your value and come back. It's like being a parent, the kids don't really care for them until they lose them or understand the trouble they go through to keep the family together. You don't NEED a girlfriend to keep on living and certainly not a girlfriend like that.
2015-07-18 06:42:31 UTC
Don't be with someone who is cheating. It is the most disrespecting tjing a person can do. Just break up. It's harder to be in such a relationship, than to break up. You'll find a new one, regarding your apperance or

2015-07-15 14:43:38 UTC
She's not going to stop cheating, especially if you just let it happen like that.

You just need to dump her. She obviously does not love you as much as you love her, and breaking up with her will save you some pain.
2015-08-01 14:42:42 UTC
I think you should break up with this girl. Even though you love her you deserve someone better than her who be committed to you and not cheat on you and I don't think this girl will stop cheating on you.
2015-07-17 12:16:05 UTC
Either tell her exactly how you feel and do it in a way where she knows you're dead *** serious or just dump the ***** dude. I've had multiple girls try to do this to me and once you put them in their place, most of the time it will work, sometimes it doesn't. Some girls like to be put in their place when needed so just do it and see if it works. If it doesn't then stop going back to her.
2015-07-16 09:10:07 UTC
Unfortunately the power in the relationship lies with the person who cares the least. its sad but hey. If you want to stick it out with her (god knows why but I'm sure you have your reasons) you are going to have to adapt to her lifestyle. do the same thing she is and openly in front of her. Either she will resent it and stop doing it herself (unlikely) or you will have a new dynamic, namely an open relationship. if you are not comfortable doing this, then, as hard as it may be, end it and move on. whatever you do, keep a level head and don't do anything that will land you in trouble.
2015-07-18 15:17:12 UTC
Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but if she has cheated on you so much, she's not good for you. You need to find someone who will actually care for you. She's not good enough for you. You'll have to let her go. It'll hurt at first, but you'll feel so much better if you don't have to worry about her being so unfaithful. I'm really sorry. I hope you find the right girl soon. Good luck.
2015-07-22 18:07:09 UTC
honestly, once a cheater always a cheater.

I'm sorry but the only way is to break up with her. She needs to know how it feels to lose someone important, and clearly if she is cheating on you and yet making out with someone right in front of you, it clearly shows that she isn't one to commit ot a relationship, and devote all of herself to you.

You can try to talk to her,lay down the laws, and show her that you are not one to be tossed to the side when she gets bored of you.

I honestly think that the only way to get her to stop is to "take a break" or break up with her so she knows how it feels to lose someone important.
2015-07-21 06:50:48 UTC
You need to let her go. It's known that if you leave her and she somewhat into you that can be used as a scare tactic for her to mature or just talk to her, tell her it hurts your feelings and as a partner she shouldn't do that or just simply leave her because if she has the audacity to cheat she obviously doesn't have feelings and that is not the girl for you.
2015-07-20 10:28:56 UTC
Find a girlfriend that doesn't cheat on you. You deserve better.
2015-07-27 17:03:24 UTC
WHAT????? You can't do anything to make your girlfriend STOP cheating on you. The question is -- how do I grow a set to walk away from her?
2015-07-22 12:35:39 UTC
if person has a moral code to do that instead of facing you telling you what she is needing or lacking out of a relationship -then lose her thats how u stop it.<<<<< DO NOT TAKE THIS BEHAVIOR it is Unacceptable she is lacking fulfillment. or is to young to settle ith one person just yet. in any case she should of told you im not into commitment if she can spell this amazing.. otherwise move on this goes for any sex some ppl just dont openly ask in fear or lack and they dont even know why they stray. in any case one should have class and maturity to be open and by the way are you nice guy and let her know if anything isnt up too [par lets talk open door policy no fits of rage or insults sometimes we all need helpful criticism but because of issues we might keep silent from fear or losing you entirely as a friend. I let my bf know if im not happy but i suggest not DIKtate and this is good.I mean no one is a mind reader ad those who are silent OMG who knows if your doing ok or just drifting to drift to have someone top drift with .. one need to COMMUNICATE then decide .. before you step into something deep like going steady../

MaturITY OBVIOUSLY SHE DONT HAVE and has a bad pattern starting up if you lert it slide let her know now it aint happening top you 10 yrs later a kid comes your working giving up school and shes out and about nope she needs to fix herself you cannot sorry
2015-07-14 00:49:13 UTC
you need to stop this, she is hurting you and she doesn't even care anymore. Do yourself a favour and leave this relationship. You can't make her stop cheating on you, she has to make herself. And by the sounds of it she isn't. Love is blind and in sure if somebody else was in this position, one of your friends you would tell them to do the exact same thing that I've told you here. Good luck.
2015-07-13 17:12:41 UTC
Do you really want to be with someone that behaves like that? You love her now, but if you end the relationship you can find someone else, someone that treats you with the respect and love you deserve. She clearly has no feelings for you so your just wasting you time and wasting your feelings on someone that isn't worth it. Sure it won't be easy ending it, but look on the bright side, when you find the one you will be a lot happy and won't need to write things on Yahoo answers.
2015-08-04 07:10:09 UTC
I think you need to stop clinging and stop letting yourself be strung along by a slut. Sluts are not sane and don't deserve you. Go find a real woman or mature monogamous woman that doesn't string you along so that you can have a real relationship and if you want marriage and kids, a slut will just waste your time and will not let you have those things! Sluts are just like unpaid prostitutes and are not worthwhile.
2015-07-13 21:49:22 UTC
The only way to get her to stop cheating is for her not to be your girlfriend anymore. Sorry.
2015-07-17 10:15:23 UTC
I am sorry, but your girlfriend is a player, a cheater. She seems to have no intention of stopping either. The best thing to do is to call it quits, dump her and move on. There are good women out there. I am sure that you can find one. You deserve better.
2015-07-13 01:48:52 UTC
Seriously you're in love with a person who keep cheating on you? Damn that P must be so good even after all those D.
2015-07-19 01:14:45 UTC
You can get her to stop cheating on you by breaking up with her, and it's really the only way.
2015-07-16 17:35:12 UTC
You cannot make her stopped. She needs to know that it isn't ok to do that when you're in a relationship. Dump her here and now. Cheaters do not get a second chance. Don't take her back. Ever.
2015-07-14 06:57:44 UTC
Cheater always a cheater. You're such a good guy because you still love your girlfriend after all. But I think, you deserve someone else that will love you back. Stop being blind and accept the truth that you can't make her stop.
2015-07-29 10:48:47 UTC
Im gonna be forward here.

If you voice your unhappiness about her doing it, then she is consciously making that decision to break whatever bond you two have or once had. If you are quiet about it and don t tell her what you are thinking, she can justify doing it by saying you never told me not to. I feel bad for you because it seems like you really like her. Cheating is cheating whether your married or not, and people who do it are scumbags.
2015-07-24 11:58:05 UTC
Just leave her don't suffer for her anymore. I am on the same page with my girlfriend and I am for sure dumping her I can't handle the stress. Like if you're gonna be with me you better settle down. Don't worry you will find someone better. Best of luck!
2015-07-28 13:28:39 UTC
she's either into making you jealous or she doesn't consider your feelings. I would have a long talk to her about this, otherwise, if she keeps it up, the best thing to do if dump her. I mean if you don't, down the line it might be worse, she might do something illegal as in stealing your money to help other men or to emasculating you in your sleep and throwing your junk out the window. Be careful.
2015-07-16 07:11:22 UTC
Simple. Step 1: Dump her. Step 2: There is no step 2. Step 3: When you are ready, find a girlfriend that WON'T be such a whore.
2015-07-22 21:39:53 UTC
Cheat on her. if you don't like her cheating on you cheat on her. or you can just reason with her. Also if you do reason with her sneak a desnination follower on her phone or something if you cant trust her. Shes a cheater why would you want a cheater to date
2015-07-14 10:37:24 UTC
As a woman you can never change a person who is a complete cheater people like that don't commit to anything , for the sake of your happiness i suggest you move on and hopefully you find someone who gives a sh_t , if you refuse to listen I find it pointless that you even ask us for help in the first place .
2015-07-13 21:35:46 UTC
easy if you want your girlfriend to stop cheating on you. Break up with her then she wont be your girlfriend anymore and you can go find a loyal girl
2015-07-13 01:42:22 UTC
Leave her. I understand you love her, but would you love her if you coped her doing other stuff with a bloke? Leave there are so many other good loyal girlfriends out there who won't cheat
2015-07-23 20:50:44 UTC
LOL... Bro... Once a whore, always a whore. Dump her, move on, find someone else. Always more fish in the sea, obviously you just don't do it for her. Sorry. Either that, or shes just a whore as I've said above.

Break up with her, and say "well, I still got some from her".
2015-07-28 21:01:39 UTC
I would suggest moving on. Being in a situation like that is not good and nobody deserves to be treated like that. If you don't want to move on talk to her and say if you want to be with me prove it to me and not cheat on my right infront of my face. If she doesn't do anything after you say that, I don't think she's worth it. Best of luck!
2015-07-29 18:21:59 UTC
oh no poor guy! i feel sorry for you, your sound like a good man, if your girlfriend cheating on you, and you even see it, why not give up lot's of women will appreciate you, love change, move on you will forget her she doesn't deserve you, she doesn't even feel sorry for you just think of that soon you will forget about her, it take couple months, if you just think that she is not worth your love! because she will not stop doing what she do...find something that keep you busy..
2015-07-14 07:13:58 UTC
Find a new girlfriend who does not cheat.
2015-07-15 18:41:29 UTC
she is not that in you, why you sacrifice your dignity to her? And finally you will get nothing but break up, you should tell her that you will end this relationship unless she stop cheating on you. Pretending you don't see and know is the worst way to keep this relationship.
2015-07-22 16:42:46 UTC
You can't change her and who she is with you. The only thing you can do is remove yourself from the picture and she'll stop cheating on you. If you love someone you shouldn't have to suffer heartbreak and disappointment on a regular basis. Don't give yourself a choice... be your own best friend and tell yourself to walk. PLEASE. It really doesn't get better. Sorry.... (︶︹︺)
2015-07-16 14:36:43 UTC
Um, why wouldn't you want to breakup with her? She's not going to stop now because you allow her to continue to do it. Sounds like

A) She wants you to join in ... or

B) She wants to do what she wants, and clearly you haven't made the move to care, so why should see change her ways?

Once you move on, I bet she'll try to come back once you seem happy with someone else.
2015-07-17 14:31:01 UTC
Honestly, considering you're like me and are terrible with cutting things off. I know i will be hard.. But, you need to realize that this girl is a waste of your time. The amount of disrespect and the simple fact that she is going out and kissing other guys right IN FRONT of you is pathetic and trashy. Drop her immediately. You seem like a cool guy and you deserve someone who appreciates you. Not this slut bag.
2015-08-04 09:31:58 UTC
You can't make anyone do anything. If she's not serious, then you know that she's not the one for you. If she cheats on you before you are married, she will continue after you are married. Find someone else to date.
2015-07-20 08:08:44 UTC
Maybe you should dump her. If you know what she is doing why are you still with her...I mean if you think she could change or something try to bring a spark into the relationship. Maybe bring up some good memories from the past. I don't think she will change though.
2015-08-03 16:49:51 UTC
Sorry but.. you can't stop her from cheating on you. She obviously doesn't care that you find out meaning she doesn't care. She has no respect for you at all. I'm sorry and i understand that you love her, but it's time to face the truth.
2015-07-16 17:22:33 UTC
You can't. If you are not doing that to her then you deserve better. Yes, you love her but you need to love yourself more.

How can you sit there with friends and see her kissing someone else other than you? You need to

re - evaluate who you are and what you truly want. Don't be a door mate.

Try going to church to find someone.

Take care and be safe.
2015-07-17 13:28:59 UTC
When someone start cheating on you ,especially when she is cheating in front of you,she is saying in bold letters "i don't want to be with you no mo"take a hint get out ,start a new relationship!!
2015-07-23 12:46:24 UTC
#1. you're not interesting anymore

#2. she probably thinks your boring under the sheets

#3. she knows you'll always be there to buy her things


#5. make out with one of her friends infront of her

#6. ignore the S#!T out of her. No calls, No texts. You'll be surprised how long it will take for her to show up at your door.

#7. When she does show up, slam the door in her face

#8. Find someone who cares about you
2015-07-17 20:12:05 UTC
You girlfriend is either in need of a lot of attention, or feels like you're not man enough for her, or a Nymphomaniac. In either case the end don't look good. Google Nymphomaniac.
2015-07-25 18:36:20 UTC
Do what you need to do. At this point she does not seem like she cares at all so you need to do what is best and take some time for yourself. Maybe take a break and if she wants to work things out and swears to be faithful then follow your heart. You sound like a nice guy and needs a nice girl in return
2015-07-28 04:37:19 UTC
you should realize as a person you deserve someone better. someone who who understands the concept of loyalty.

btw cheaters don't change and whats worse is that she doesn't even feel bad or neither guilty about it!

it's better to break up and move on. what do you love about her? do you enjoy the fact that she cheats on you?!

sorry for the bad english still learning!
2015-07-13 22:16:18 UTC
she sucks so you need to play this right. don't just dump her. start cheating with others, then move on to her friends, to a sister and if her mom is hot do it also. start taping sex with her and get increasing vile, as sick as she will let you. get a few friends in for a gangbang bukakke fisting, toys, everything. let her thing it is the best thing ever. buy photo shop and start to refine the videos. shop them online and start posting. make sure you videoed sex with her sister/mom/cousins and allow her to find it, but only after getting all of your **** out of the house. wipe all computers clean with a destructive restore just in case there is something she can use against you. adding sugar to her gas tank might be going overboard. forward links to videos without you to everyone she knows, her boss, everyone. Now no one will ever cheat on you again.
2015-07-29 00:41:24 UTC
You don't. You move on and a faithful lady who truly loves you will come your way when you least expect it.

This girl should not be trusted by you anymore and sure as hell doesn't deserve you. Once a cheater always a cheater!
2015-07-26 20:45:52 UTC
take her head and the other kids head and bash them together repetitively when they wake up, tell them that they belong with each other. That's what someone I know did. Sure hitting women is wrong, but if they put you through hell, then they themselves should be ready for the consequences. Sometimes only physical pain will teach lessons, but I am sure many that read this will comment and differ on that.
2015-07-28 12:10:50 UTC
If she's cheating break up with her you'll catch an STD like genital warts or AIDS the guys who've been putting their cocks in her have been putting it in many ******* and possibly prostitutes who **** tons of guys a day.

Think about it don't risk your life!
2015-07-28 19:22:23 UTC
A whore will never change. Be happy that you are not married to her. She's feeding those same lies to them that she tells you. She's has the tongue of a smooth flattering LIAR. There are so many other girls out in this world that would like to have a nice guy. Be that nice guy
2015-07-16 14:10:07 UTC
You can't get her to stop.....she has no respect for you.....and is never likely to be the loyal person you need. Find yourself a girl who will not make you so unhappy......people treat us how we allow them to.....and she is not treating you like a bf.....more a doormat. It will hurt for a while but in the long run but will be better for you. Get it over with.....Most of us have had such an experience, I certainly did, but now how a loving, loyal man. You deserve that you. Good brave.....Mo
2015-07-17 13:50:06 UTC
I use my authentic and sacred psychic abilities to tap into ALL energies surrounding yourself & others. Using your name and date of birth I am instantly able to connect to your spiritual side & let you know if there are any spiritual messages waiting for you...

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2015-07-18 06:41:22 UTC
I would not bother she knows that you love her and is really taking the mickey,cheaters never change she will always cheat because she knows you will not do anything about it,remember leopards never change their spots;you face a life of humiliation by her,I would put my mans cap on and tell her to shove off,you will find someone better their always is,best of luck.
I Have Issues./KoЯn - BEEFPIE
2015-07-13 18:04:59 UTC
She doesn't respect you. She walks all over you, because she knows she can. Give a small: "F*ck you b*tch, I'm leaving." speech, screw other girls, and never make contact with her again. You know what? No speech. Just kick her out/leave the relationship.

My ex told me: "You can't change mind mind." That is very true. Move on, brother. Have better luck next time.

2015-07-17 12:51:37 UTC
She doesn't love you at all! Trust me when i say this , shes making you look like a fool. If i were you i would just end it bc while you are being emotionally damaged, she is out there doing who knows what with other guys. Dont do this to yourself, find a girl who is completely committed to you.
2015-07-21 17:16:38 UTC
Dump her cheating A$$
2015-08-02 06:40:43 UTC
She cheats because you allow her to. Rest assured, you have options.

1. Dump her.

2. Beat her ***.

3. Show up to school with a gun and shoot her until she's dead.

Remember, each choice has it's own unique set of consequences.
2015-07-14 09:03:12 UTC
it doesn't sound like she is your girlfriend.

she may be a girl and you may be attached to her but she is not your friend.

a girlfriend doesn't behave in this way nor does a friend.

Dump her and find some real friends who treat you well, and maybe you'll find the right girl who wants to be your girlfriend.
2015-07-16 01:21:15 UTC
you need to let her go.I know it's hard because you are worried about being lonely. all it take is two day to get over her , a week if you don't move on with your life. dress yourself to your best and go out . there is other girls that will treat you the way you need to be treated. it's hard to love someone that cannot be loved . She is not worth it, trust me that's one love that need to be in your pass ,Enjoy life brother ,your number one, Don't even fight no one for her, if they want her ,let them have her. Sit back and see them loose the fight without lifting a finger.
2015-07-14 02:49:31 UTC
Get used to it. She isn't going to change so I would look for a better girlfriend. She does not respect you and never will. Some girls are just sluts and you are just the sucker who takes her places. There are plenty of decent girls out there so why are you hanging around this loser.
jackie frost
2015-07-17 18:03:43 UTC
You can't get her to stop cheating on you. You just have to decide whether or not you want to be with someone who cheats on you. If you decide to stay with her you could risk getting herpes, aids, gonorrhea, trichinosis, syphyllis. You are risking your life for a cheater.
2015-07-17 05:25:13 UTC
Stay calm. You need to accept loss. But you also need to be careful with your feeling, because you can't turn to violence. That will harm you badly, no matter you win or lose. Slowly back out of the relationship and make sure you're ready.
2015-08-02 16:33:55 UTC
First of all if she loved you back would she cheat? You have to think for yourself about that and just break up with her if she doesnt stop
2015-08-04 16:44:04 UTC
Look. If you aren't enough then you definetly don't deserve her! You sound so kind but you don't deserve someone who won't love you back. As the saying goes, once a theif, always a theirf. You can't make her change. I know it will hurt but move on. I'm bob the builder. I can fix it. We can fix it!!!
2015-08-04 15:51:24 UTC
you'd never break up with her?

then you're either a moron or this is the first girl you really like

how old are you?

you want people to walk all over you for the rest of your like

you betta man up!

listen theres plenty and i mean PLENTY of girls out there.

dont settle with the girl who peaked in highschool

and dont settle with ANY girl who doesnt give you the respect you command.

and if you dont command respect you betta start.

my guess is a year from now she's gonna trick you into raising a kid who's not yours and you're gonna still be a damn igit.

2015-07-17 19:37:36 UTC
You can't.

Either make it an open relationship or break up. I'd recommend the latter.

It doesn't sound like she respects you and idc how much you love her, you should never be in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect you.
2015-07-16 07:56:39 UTC
The only way to get her stop is talk to her about it and let her know how you feel or break up with her. Either way it's going to hurt. But it'll hurt worse if you stay with her and let it happen.
2015-07-30 23:27:19 UTC
you're prob in highschool so consider the following 5 things

1. do you seriously like her or is it just a thing to show off to you're friends

2. do you wish she was something she isnt right now?

3. do you feel like she cares about you even the slightest bit does she care about your feelings or is for the popularity

4 . does she just want to make you jealous or is she a player

5. now from the answers to the questions above ask yourself is it worth my time my money my emotional pain and my effort
2015-07-14 06:49:05 UTC
i don't think she's as serious as u r into the relationship other wise she wouldn't do that 2 u.dump her while u still can ,u can love a person but they don't feel the same way towards can't let this happen when ur older and have kids with someone and have them cheat on u!ur kids 'll look up 2 u.
2015-07-16 15:13:29 UTC
Right how can you be a man and tolerate cheating, especially all the time till shes not even bothered doing it near you? mate shes realised your a softie with a vagina ******* take your tampons out and handle your business, in other words delete her number and every contact to her, completely erase her from your life and keep it moving
2015-07-21 14:19:05 UTC
You can't make someone stop cheating. You don't cheat on someone you don't love. If she doesn't love you then leave because you obviously deserve someone who loves you just as much as you love them! For someone to be faithful they have to want to be faithful.
2015-07-14 04:30:20 UTC
Are you nuts? She's already cheating on you and yet you want her to stay with you. Let her go, this is the only way to stop her foolishness.
2015-07-17 14:49:50 UTC
to get her to stop cheating on you is simple. remove yourself from the equation and leave her, you deserve better than a girl like her, she wont stop cheating because she knows you will keep taking her back.
2015-07-16 18:48:29 UTC
you sound of a bit of a pushover to be honest. i wouldnt stand for cheating after the first time. and if she was kissing a guy right next to me i'd probably plan something sinister. if someone takes one of my eyes out, i usually make sure i take both of theres out sort of thing. get rid of her dude, and dont ever let this happen again.
2015-07-29 16:59:56 UTC
Are you sure she even realizes she is in a relationship with you? lol. And seriously, looking the other way, what nonsense!!!! You are young, go and simply find someone else and stop hanging onto a person who will continuously break your heart. Live, Love, Laugh........
2015-07-16 11:30:04 UTC
She's not into anymore, and apparently doesn't understand how to break up with you.. but you guys aren't in a relationship anymore in her eyes. she's trying to get you to break up with her. Why would you want to be someone's doormat like that? Find someone that won't treat you like garbage.
2015-07-22 03:16:56 UTC
To be a man then you should be act like a man.

For me, you should try to talk to your girl friend and state that you don't like what she did (kissing other guy, etc) and ask her why she did it. May be she wants to make you jealous.

You should be brave enough to break her once she did it again. You know guys, there are many good girld out there so why wasting your time to be with this bad girls. There a wise word: "Good woman only for good man. Bad woman only for bad man."
2015-07-16 13:03:44 UTC
Dude, if she has cheated then she does not value the relationship. How could you love someone that has no value for what you two are supposed to be. I have no idea how old you are, but being naive will only cause you misery.
2015-07-17 16:56:59 UTC
You are not in a relationship with this girl. She is not aware that you think she's with you. She probably sees you as her homie. If you want to be with her tell her that. If she rejects, you don't need to worry about leaving her because you're NOT with her.
2015-07-16 03:56:17 UTC
Jeremy Kyle or Jerry Springer
2015-07-13 13:21:36 UTC
Dude this girl is WORTHLESS if she's doing that to you. She is a sleezy piece of human trash. Literally humiliate her in front of everyone and call her a whore and a cheater. Make sure she feels just as much pain as she caused you.
2015-07-18 05:37:43 UTC
Life finds a way, you know. It is better for to just break up with her and let her be. Probably, it seems to you that you can't live without her or something. But, you will somehow get over it.

(used one of my fav quotes - Life finds a way) :)
2015-07-22 22:49:27 UTC
You shouldn't make yourself settle for JUST her. There's plenty of girls out there that would be glad to be with such a loyal person like you. It's time to leave her and search for someone who wants a serious relationship like you do.
2015-07-17 05:10:09 UTC
If she's kissing a person next to you, fully knowing how you feel and that you guys are together her, then, well... She doesn't love you. That's not how it works, if she loved you, she'd be with only you. And you should dump her before you get hurt more...
2015-07-16 20:04:44 UTC
Lemme tell u something, ive dated enough girls to understand that when they dont want anything to do with you, just break up with them, because if shes doing this, then it probably means she doesnt want to break up with u in the case, maybe that she may have a possibility of not getting one of the other guys shes currently taking an interest with or whatever, but alot of the times girls just like having a boyfriend and they HAVE TO HAVE ONE, for what ever reason:/, but anyway, break up with her, shes obviously not worth your time
2015-07-16 19:19:30 UTC
Dude, it's time to get a new girlfriend.
2015-07-24 18:30:59 UTC
listen honey.

the moment she cheated the trust between you guys has been deteriorated, dump her ***. she doesnt love you and her actions prove that. you dont love her either, youre attached to her learn the difference. you look weak and whipped as if youre her little dog if you watch her kiss other boys and say nothing about it..

save yourself the pain and get your *** out of this relationship, you do not deserve this kind of treatment. theres always someone who will love you more and is willing to give you more than this cheating hoe.
2015-07-18 14:20:11 UTC
If she is FLATOUT cheating on yoj, then you need to let her go bro. That is not a true relationship. Have some self respect and dknt let her do what she wants and get away with it.
2015-08-04 06:14:19 UTC
just tell her how u feel and ask her how she feels about u as it might have been fun at the start and may be she doesnt feel the heat from u no more as some women like to know how the male feel or likes their sex life a bit spiced up a little bit or it could mean alot spiced u in her case as she is cheating in front of u
2015-07-26 21:02:55 UTC
Leave her. Then she can't cheat on you anymore. You cannot make her stop cheating. She's a whore. That's it.
2015-07-22 06:51:51 UTC
Leave her to cheat as much as she wants and move on with your life. If you love her and she got no one is better than you for her and got back to you, then think if you like to accept her or not.
2015-07-30 16:14:56 UTC
There's not much you can do to make her stop. The best advice is to leave. You dont deserve to be treated like that and apparently she could care less about how you feel. Its best to suck it up and walk away... the longer you stay, the more it will hurt.
2015-07-16 21:40:48 UTC
Leave her. I know its hard to hear but you will never be able to get over the fact that she cheated and when she keeps going it constantly it only makes it worse. You deserve someone better.
2015-07-17 14:39:20 UTC
She clearly doesn't respect you :( if I were you I would leave her... Cheating is so disrespectful and you deserve so much better than to be cheated on.
2015-07-21 16:41:03 UTC
once a cheater always a cheater. You need to have a very serious talk with her, but if she's affectionate with other men right by you get rid of her. there's plenty of loyal women out there. or sit her *** down and tell her how you feel be aggressive. I doubt she will like to see you with other woman.
2015-07-17 01:42:15 UTC
EASY way to stop your girlfriend cheating on you. stop her being your girlfriend. grow some balls and dump her ***.

tell her your right hand is much better in bed :)
2015-07-13 01:37:49 UTC
Warn her to stop and move on if she doesn't.if you don't like it then move on without giving her a second chance.find someone who will be a better girlfriend and don't cheat on you.
2015-07-22 04:31:23 UTC
Once a cheater always a cheater, if she does it all the time there's no hope in changing her. I'm sorry but you need to move on. You deserve better. You may love her but you'll eventually move on.
2015-07-15 19:11:55 UTC
I'm sorry man. Just be strong and break up with her. You do not deserve to be treated like that. You sound like a compassionate person so you should find a girl who is also like that.
2015-07-17 16:27:09 UTC
She obviously isn't interested in being loyal to you,and doesnt care how it affects you. Do you really want to be with someone like that? I understand you don't want to leave her,but if you stay you are going to continue to get hurt. Sorry,bruh.
2015-07-21 11:56:50 UTC
Sweet Pea you need to move on. She doesn't care if she's hurting you and whatever it is you love about her it's not worth the pain and humiliation she is fine with doling out to you. You need to focus on yourself and figure out why you would want to stay with someone who has no regard for your feelings. You have to be willing to walk away and work on you, be willing to stand up to her and for yourself. Unless you have agreed to an open relationship.....?
2015-08-01 16:21:08 UTC
You should never stay with someone that can't be faithful to you. She obviously doesn't care about you at all, this is going to sound blunt but.... Grow a set of balls and dump the whore.
2015-07-26 22:11:09 UTC
dude don't mind but its very simple u should split up,leave your girlfriend because when in life you trust someone and that person cheated on you its simple you move forward because that person is not worth the trust anymore
2015-07-26 00:07:43 UTC
Are you lying...? Or do you have that much of low self esteem that you are still with her? If this is true, she isn't **** at all and you need to break up with her!!! C'mon and have some respect for yourself!! You deserve better.
2015-07-31 17:58:54 UTC
DUMP her and get over her... OTHERWISE, continue to put up with it, and if you marry her... you'll have a few children and will wonder which ones YOU fathered and which ones were fathered by other men. She's already showing that she can cuckold you and you accept it... why should she change?
Art G
2015-07-22 09:41:14 UTC
get a new girlfriend or start cheating on this one.
2015-07-24 12:30:59 UTC
Its obvious she doesn't care to be with you anymore. You can do better than her. Please break up. You shouldn't have to deal with her. If a girl isn't willing to love you and only you dont be with her. You seem like such a nice guy for staying with her, and you shouldn't have to deal with this bullsh*t. Let her know how you feel.
2015-07-30 17:59:03 UTC
You cannot stop her from cheating on you. The only thing you can do is leave
2015-07-14 01:30:08 UTC
This girl is obviousy a c u n t. And you are enabling her. Pack your things, take anything of hers thats valuable, tell her you hink shes a dreadful person and leave. Never talk to her again. You may think robbing her is bad, but if shes behaving like that she deserves to be robbbed. F u c i, if my gf behaved like that id give her a broken nose, and no, i do not beat her, but i think hat type of behaviour would drive me to it. You deserve better. She probably gets a kick out of upsetting you
2015-07-13 19:59:36 UTC
You're honestly an idiot for claiming to still love someone who lacks SO much respect for you. You're most likely just another guy to suck off to her, nothing special in her book at all.
2015-07-17 02:14:28 UTC
You are what we call in England a 'softlad'.

Stop being a wet blanket and break up with her. Jeeez.
2015-07-15 23:14:06 UTC
I think that if she would do something like and what's more in front of you she doesn't respect you enough. Maybe you should talk with her about it, that's in case you really want to stay with her.
2015-07-30 17:48:35 UTC
Leave her she will not change until years go by and she learns if she keeps doing this she will wind up alone forever. Also if you stay with her cheat on her show her how it feels!
John S
2015-07-21 09:51:12 UTC
Dump her. If you are not in a relationship with her, she can't cheat on you.
2015-07-23 07:45:45 UTC
Bro.. if she cheats leave her ***.

You say she was kissing a dude when you sat next to her? That disrespectfull piece of ****.. leave her now, she is not worth it. If i was you i would've knocked both their asses out.. dont be someones side *****, just be with a girl that loves you and respects you!
2015-07-27 20:25:06 UTC
What I think is that she's trying to end your relationship indirectly. She doesn't want to be the bad guy and break up with you, when she already is the bad guy. So what you're going to do next is really up to you. End it, or wait for her to end it. Just being honest.
2015-07-16 16:35:53 UTC
The only way to stop someone from philandering- is to leave.

You can also accept an open relationship where your skanky girlfriend

flaunts her indiscretions right in your face.
2015-07-15 16:23:40 UTC
You let her walk, then she won't be your girlfriend. Don't worry, she'll cheat on the next guy, too.
2015-07-28 00:50:25 UTC
dont let a slut ruin your feelings if i were you i would break up with he but you like her so much so you can at least talk to her about it and if she does it again or refuses you should totally think about breaking up with her cause u seem like a nice guy or maybe a girl i dont know but keep in mind you are really sweet that you dont want to leave her and shes an asshole cause she is doing that infront of you goodluck man or girl or whatever you are but stay strong and dont let her play with your feelings
2015-07-31 19:01:43 UTC
You're lacking in something she craves, be it personality, looks, money, or knowledge of what she likes in the bedroom.

Or she's just trying to get into Guinness for the most number of dongs.
2015-08-02 21:39:01 UTC
You are not her so you can't change her mind, sadly. The best bet is to break up with her because it's a waste of time for you to be suffering throug her mistakes.
2015-07-22 08:30:19 UTC
You should be with her only if she loves you, and you can verify that by pretending to cheat her. You should make her realize that you are cheating on her, if she really loves you she will come back to you. Dnt cheat actually, juz do it to make her realize her mistake.
2015-07-23 11:50:44 UTC
Find another girl. I deal with cheating desperate women. They are ignored by guys.
2015-07-13 23:07:38 UTC
Uhmmm??? WHY are you letting her do this to you? Do you know how many diseases you can catch just from kissing....mononucleosis, gonorrhea, syphillis, hepatitis, aids, why are you letting her do this to you. Have some self respect and LET HER GO. It will hurt for a little while but you can get someone else.
2015-07-13 18:43:55 UTC
Straight up dump her ***.... Also try kissing a girl or two infront of her and see how she likes it. She's obviously a player that doesn't care about your feelings
2015-07-19 01:55:02 UTC
Get rid of her.

You don't need any kind of life, or risks that cheating brings in.
2015-07-30 12:18:22 UTC
Im sorry but you cant get her to stop. The only thing that I would try is asking her if she still loves you and have a serious conversation with her. Im sorry this is happening
2015-07-29 22:11:03 UTC
threaten to fill her lungs with tomato sauce if she does not stop cheating on you

If she stops, leave tomatoes in strange places (her washing basket, for example) to ensure she always remembers the threat

All the best,

Italian Heirlooms are succulent this time of year :D
2015-08-02 19:31:25 UTC
It all comes down to what you are willing to tolerate in life. This is setting healthy standards and boundaries in life. It all starts internal and having a talk with yourself. Seeing what you like and dislike and having the courage to follow through with your thoughts. The follow through is talking with your significant other with these topics that you have established.

Its hard but it comes down to you first then others.
2015-07-13 01:34:23 UTC
Wow.. You sound so sweet and forgiving, why hurt yourself like this? Girls like her destroy good guys like you, please don't keep putting up with this.. I can't believe that something like this really happens. Ugh reading that pisses me off. I feel so bad for you... If I were you, please, find someone to take good care of your heart. I can't imagine the pain you are going through and how heartbroken you are. If you REALLY REALLY want to keep putting up with it, talk to her. Tell her how badly it hurts. If she doesn't stop, then the only thing I would do, is leave. Save yourself before she completely ruins the sweet guy you are. I am so sorry you are going through that :/
2015-07-17 15:46:31 UTC
She obviously doesn't respect you and doesn't care about hurting you... so why allow yourself to be put through that? Leave her alone, for your benefit. Yes it's hard to get over someone you love, but time heals .
2015-07-30 16:36:15 UTC
End it. Please. If you keep letting this slide, it will destroy you even more. There is someone out there that is so much better than her, don't keep her waiting. Don't be with someone that hurts you this much and doesn't even care. You need someone that is loyal and honest, and cares about you deeply and truly loves you. End it with her, please. She is a toxic person in your life, and you deserve to be happy and worry free. Find someone that can make that feeling even stronger.
2015-07-18 03:41:25 UTC
Simple. Find a new girlfriend. You shouldnt have to put up with that nor do you deserve that. No man deserves that. Do yourself a favor and find someone new. I promise you there are thousands of girls who arent cheaters. You just have to find them.
2015-07-13 12:24:01 UTC
Leave her, no one deserves to be cheated on, I'm sorry your going through this.
2015-07-15 22:43:12 UTC
I don't think she respects you or your relationship. Why are you with someone like that? You're undermining your own values. Who knows what sort of stis/stds she'll give you/bring to the table?!
2015-08-01 16:43:44 UTC
It's not love brother, I know what love is. She just doesn't love you man, you got to get over it. I know it's hard but you cant keep living like this. Leave her and find someone who really loves you and who you can really love
2015-07-14 09:57:18 UTC
You need to move on from her she is hurting you too much you can't make her stop the best thing todo is leave her making her wish what she messed up
2015-07-16 05:33:37 UTC
Stop calling her your girlfriend and get someone who really is your girlfriend.
2015-07-30 18:59:35 UTC
IF she is that rude to you, it is time to move on. Believe me, there are lots of other people who are desirable and you would probably fall in love with if you knew them. She is treating you in a very rude way. Continuing to be with her is doing nothing for either of you, so only YOU can break this cycle of rudeness.
2015-07-17 23:02:06 UTC
Dude you deserve better. She could be hot and give good sex. But what really matters is loyalty. Dump her ***. Find someone better. Show her you don't need her to be happy. Bitches like her don't deserve good guys but a asshole
2015-07-28 21:54:59 UTC
Girls aren't nornaly like that she is just a plain and simple cheater. My only advise is to break up with her . Sorry if u can't but if she does it in ur face then she is just using u.
2015-07-13 14:27:10 UTC
You deserve so much better than a dirty hoe bag that will treat you like ****. i say dump the *****. find someone who will love and take care of you just as much as you'll love and take care of them. I'm sorry for how difficult this must be. i hope you will find someone who is better and more loving
2015-07-16 06:46:43 UTC
Watch the Chronicles of Riddick

to learn the necessary language.

Me ? I'm just passing through.
2015-07-27 17:11:59 UTC
you cant. The fact that she is doing this shows that she does not love you or respect you. Do you really want to keep showing your love towards someone who feels that way towards you. You sound like a good guy and honestly deserve much much better than this girl. Break up with her. Please. In the long term you will feel MUCH BETTER.
2015-07-17 10:27:17 UTC
once a cheater always a cheater. Even if you did get her to stop you wont ever be able to trust her again, maybe you need to end it. its hard to earn trust back and its even harder to keep it after being cheated on.
2015-07-26 19:55:30 UTC
I honestly don't think there's any other way to handle a situation like this other than to break up with her. Sorry! :(
2015-07-27 20:31:24 UTC
This may be a hard decision but either

- give her more, put more in the plate, if you really really like then take her out every weekend, bring her flowers, chocolates, take her out to fun places and make memories!

- play her game flirt with her good friends

- ask her the big question, if she likes you, are we a couple

hope it helps
2015-07-20 12:45:16 UTC
Well you said she isn't hiding it anymore therefor you cant make her stop. you need to just call it quits. may be hard but do you want it to keep happening or do you what happiness with someone who respects you and themselves? good luck! Hope you figure it out.
2015-07-28 07:26:34 UTC
she is a cheater, and you cannot help it out. if she dares kissing in front of u then ugh! LEAVE HER! she is just not worth it! you have such a beautiful life ahead, give yourself another chance! go for it, don't get stuck with some girl who will never change! its hard, and i know it is, but just get hold onto yourself and go. go and never turn back to her! she is just not worth it! you are worth better than that!
2015-07-18 07:22:08 UTC
well since breaking up is not an option your other options are 1. keep her chained up in the basement with no phone or computer. 2.Learn to share her with the community.Unless you learn to have some self respect,this is your only options she is not going to change and you cannot change or fix her son.It is time to realize she is a whore and you need to dump her before you end up with aids.
2015-08-03 04:18:22 UTC
Umm of course break up with her.. She's obviously a cheater and doesn't respect you. Why are you still with her
2015-07-17 09:44:39 UTC
She's not going to stop. Shes rubbing it in your face because she knows that you wont leave her. Im sorry because i know that this isnt what you want to hear but the thing to do is end the relationship.
2015-07-16 17:29:02 UTC
Easy, Cheat back.
2015-07-17 11:01:38 UTC
Hopefully she try to check ur reaction on this.may be she try to check trust on her.or any other reason behind it..i should talk to her clearly atleast one time..any try to collect real information..u will be sure after conversation with ur gf.sometimes people dont realise and broke therir relationships witout knowing truth
2015-07-13 20:04:17 UTC
She obviously knows she can have her cake and eat it too. She must know u have low self esteem and she can do whatever she wants and you won't care. Just let her go she's no good for you.
2015-07-23 14:14:47 UTC
You can't make her stop. If that is something that she is into and it's something you don't agree with it's better to part ways.
2015-07-14 02:23:55 UTC
i d love a girl like that..This just gives you the green light to bang other chicks which is amazing..Go and f the brains out of her bro... cause some mega destruction to all the chicks out there..DO NOT BREAK UP..just have sex and fvk the brains outta her but don`t worry about her that much..treat her well when you want it..but use a condom always..she might give you herpes

pros - no need to worry about what she think , you don`t have to call her all day , you can other bches

cons - you have to wear a condom
2015-07-13 19:57:36 UTC
You need to stop being weak. Leave her, get some self esteem and then get another girl. Why are you letting her treat you that way??
Happy Angel
2015-07-27 21:25:44 UTC
stop giving her preference , show her that many other girls are waiting for you , and you don't need this relationship now , you are tired of her , She will surely come towards you if she have a good heart or she knows your importance .
2015-07-14 02:22:46 UTC
If she forgets about you for even a split second and decides somebody else is worth it more than you are, it's not love. Find someone else, she doesn't want you as much as you want her.
2015-07-17 10:40:18 UTC
you can't make other people behave the way you want them to. you either accept them as they are or you move on.

the price of being with your GF is sharing her with other men. If you're going to stay with her then you'll have to accept that.

if that isn't the life you want then she isn't the right woman for you.

you are in the process of finding out that love isn't enough.
2015-07-24 02:34:50 UTC
STOP STOP STOP now do this LEAVE HER NOW!! find your self respect and LEAVE HER!!!

that is all you need to do to stop her cheating on YOU! let her cheat on someone else.
2015-07-13 10:06:04 UTC
She wont stop cheeting on you untill she knows that you can and will break up with you. If she is doing this maybe she is trying to get you to breakup with her. It doesnt really mater either way she doesnt deserve you.
2015-07-16 06:16:35 UTC
What the heck, just tell her what the FK you think you're doing?!!? then say why are you even with me you're a BCH. Then say fk you and leave her before she leaves you so you can be the one laughing and her and not the other way round!
2015-07-30 15:54:04 UTC
Cheat on her with a big titty, blonde haired slut, make a sex tape of her sucking your dick, and leave laying around somewhere for your Gf to find
2015-08-04 01:05:28 UTC
i dont think so she is in deep and serious with your love to her. I think its better for you to stop relation with her and find a good girl for your personality and start a new life. I know it will be hard for you to forget and break up with her, but you will be thankful to god to make such a decision. But its still up to you whether wants to continue or break up.
2015-07-14 02:23:12 UTC
Get a new girlfriend. You deserve better.
2015-08-01 04:56:20 UTC
You're away from your girlfriend. She comes back to you if he loves you, then you'll understand. She does not come back on, but you never understand if you do not love.
2015-07-25 22:35:25 UTC
Its sadly just as much your fault Asher's, because your allowing it. She obviously doesn't love you or she wouldn't do that. So move on and expect more out of someone who says they love you.
2015-08-03 19:34:57 UTC
Break up with her, that's how you make her stop.

As women say: once a cheater always a cheater break up with her now.
2015-07-13 01:32:44 UTC
Once a cheater always a cheater. She knows she can get away with it so why would she stop? Why would you love someone who doesnt love you back? Or does that? Thats just pathetic.
2015-07-13 20:52:57 UTC
Trust is the foundation of any lasting relationship - and unfortunately she can't be trusted.

Could you possibly be confusing having the feeling of being "in love" and true love?

Here's some information about love from the books True Love Lasts, Straight Talk About Teen Dating, and Straight Talk About Dating:

“Unfortunately, lots of people don’t know what true love is and that’s a big reason why a large number of marriage relationships are unhappy. Many people think that true love is just a feeling. You know, the wonderful head spinning feeling of being “in love.”

If true love is just a feeling, feelings come and go. But true love doesn't come and go. True love is patient and kind. It isn’t jealous, rude, selfish, controlling, or easily angered. It forgives. It’s supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.

Unlike the feeling of being “in love” which is relatively easy to get especially during dating, true love usually develops slowly over a significant period of time (often years). True love is so much more than just the feeling of being “in love” - it’s supposed to be a mutual lifelong commitment. When you say that you love your significant other, you’re saying that you’re committed to loving them for the rest of your life - for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, until death do you part. True love lasts - it almost never fails.

Think of it this way, if a person has true love for another person, it’s like the sun - it’s always there no matter what (remember that even at night, the sun is still there, it’s just shining on the other side of the earth - and when it’s cloudy outside the sun is also still there, it’s just behind the clouds).

On the other hand, the feeling of being “in love” is like sunshine - even though we’d like it to be sunny every day, the truth is that the amount of sunshine changes regularly. Some days it’s nice and sunny and the feeling of being “in love” is strong, on others it’s partly cloudy and the feeling of being “in love” is there but it’s not very strong, and on other days it’s cloudy and the feeling of being “in love” is barely there at all. I’m hoping that this explanation is helping you to see that it’s possible for a person to have true love for another person and not have a strong intense feeling of being “in love” with that person at a particular moment. (If you talk with married couples, I think they’ll tell you that the strength of their feelings of being “in love” changes regularly.)

So when you hear someone say, “I don't love him or her anymore” - take it for what it usually is. It’s usually someone saying that they’ve lost the feeling of being “in love”, that they don’t know how or they’re not willing to make the effort required to get the feeling back, and that they probably never had true love for their significant other to begin with because true love almost never fails.

Many times I’ve heard young women say, “my boyfriend loves me.” Unfortunately, most of these women have been fooled. How could their boyfriend possibly have true love for them if their boyfriend doesn’t even know what true love is? Sadly many people marry when one or both people don't have true love for the other - and the result is usually divorce because it's hard to keep a marriage together when it's based only on the feeling of being "in love."

My first suggestion is that you put in the effort necessary to become a strong person (if you’re not already). A strong person has good character (honesty, integrity, trustworthiness), a positive attitude (cheerful, caring, friendly, forgiving, helpful, and respectful), fulfills their responsibilities (for handling pains in a positive way, for always trying to make a good choice, for taking care of themselves, for serving others), puts forth their best effort, and displays self-control (of their body, anger, tongue and money).

It’s going to be tough, but my second suggestion is that you break up with this girl in a kind way because she's not a strong person, and eventually look for this type of girl (otherwise you are setting yourself up for a broken heart). Unfortunately this type of woman is difficult to find – but save yourself the heartache and don’t settle for less.

(Please remember that you eventually want a 50 or 60 year marriage - not a 5 or 10 year marriage.)

Hope this helps!

PS You may need some professional counseling to help you through this. It's often available for little or no fee through health insurance. Almost everyone needs counseling at some point in their lives.
2015-07-17 11:10:49 UTC
You can't really stop her if she isn't even afraid of doing it in front of you. The best option is breaking up with her.
2015-07-17 17:31:46 UTC

Dump her. Just don't even let her in your life anymore. Just dump her like a sack of flour.
Juju bean
2015-07-29 10:04:02 UTC
Sweetie look and take this from me because I have been through it. Don't keep hurting yourself with someone who will do this because your just allowing them to keep hurting you and not caring. Best advice is end it now before she leaves you.
2015-07-13 21:44:44 UTC
Break up with her. She obviously doesn't love or value you so it's pointless to continue this relationship.
2015-07-14 06:57:13 UTC
Dump her! She clearly doesn't value your feelings, and you as a person, and by dumping her, technically, she would no longer be cheating. Please find yourself someone who loves and respects you. Also, please respect yourself a little bit more. Staying with someone who does that to you honestly comes off as you don't value yourself as much as you should, and that you don't believe you can find someone better. Believe me, you can. Best of luck!
2015-07-16 10:41:34 UTC
Kick her in the Cun*! Sorry did I say Cun*,? I ment Twaat. Cuz she's a whore or a hoe. Tell her to screw That's how
2015-07-14 11:31:04 UTC
Give her 10 years after she done ******* all those guys and used up with kids then she will come back too you and yall can live happily ever after. Till then it aint easy being green!
2015-08-03 07:34:45 UTC
Well you have to break up with her. Sorry to hear you love her, cause she sure as hell does not love you. You deserve better than that. Let her go. Trust me someone new and much better will come along.
2015-07-18 02:06:09 UTC
She's doing it on purpose to make you jealous. She's not worth it. Break up with her.
2015-07-22 07:40:15 UTC
If she does it right in front of you, she doesn't care about your feelings at all. Don't be a doormat. You say you'd never brak up with her, she apparently knows it, and doesn't care.
2015-07-26 13:31:42 UTC
Why would you want to be with someone that you know chose someone over you. If I where you I would break up with her and find someone that really loves you and won't use you,
2015-07-26 19:04:58 UTC
I could give you a long answer about commitment, trust, ect. But it basically can be summed up into this- She doesn't deserve you. If you want commitment, you need to find someone who can give it to you.
2015-07-28 14:46:19 UTC
You deserve better! She doesn't care for you the way you care for her! Break up with her and go find a girl who appreciates you!
2015-07-16 20:32:54 UTC
Dude, just remember " true love has to be from both side" . Even if you will marry her, she will not stop, because she does not love you.

Just move on, otherwise you are asking for the trouble.
2015-07-18 11:15:05 UTC
Try to confront her, and even though you may not want need to have one of those long, deep conversations. And if she still doesn't stop...if she keeps hurting you.....put your foot down and deserve better.
2015-07-14 11:21:30 UTC
She has no respect for you man. You need to call it off, if you don't want to look like a fool.
2015-07-17 12:29:26 UTC
would just leave the jerk and free yourself while still young and beautiful and not waste time on him. Your NOT married Wake UP. If he cheats on you not married he will dusrespect you even when MARRIED. You will get older and he will be less attracted and cheat even more so................
2015-07-23 01:44:08 UTC
talk to her about it. Tell her how you feel about it. If things don't get better, break it off. Especially if she doesn't even try to stop.
2015-07-21 14:48:28 UTC
Get another girlfriend. Simple as that. Are you so blind and naive not to see she is playing silly games with your emotions.
2015-07-20 12:23:00 UTC
You can't make her stop! That has to be her choice.. You deserve better!! Move on.. Good luck!
2015-07-18 01:06:55 UTC
If u really want her to stop cheating on you, you're going to have to please her the way she wants to be pleased. Then she will be satisfied and not cheat on you.
Mild Mind
2015-07-17 11:29:26 UTC
I suggest you to talk to your mother about learning to share. It isn't cheating from her point of view. It is sharing. You can do it too.
2015-07-30 02:23:11 UTC
You love her and would never break up with her? Then keep living this life. You are the problem here, you're not treating yourself right.
2015-07-13 23:08:23 UTC
They say LOVE is blind but it doesn't have to be stupid too .You've already lost her and if you don't want to catch an STD from her then drop her ASAP

& move on.
2015-07-21 16:34:44 UTC
dump her ***. she's a filthy whore. I understand you've been together for awhile, but obviously she doesn't respect you enough to only be faithful to you rather than other guys. You deserve better.
2015-08-02 22:22:57 UTC
Bro, YOU need guidance. This no longer has anything to do with her cheating. YOU need to go find some answers concerning YOURSELF.
2015-07-15 19:07:06 UTC
If u ask me you should just leave her if she's cheating on you, but don't worry I bet you'll find the one, one day ;)
2015-07-22 11:06:24 UTC
Dump her. If she's cheating, then she simply doesn't deserve you.
answer boy
2015-07-19 13:43:21 UTC
She really ain't your girlfriend anymore and won't change, send her packing for your own self-worth.
2015-07-31 22:29:35 UTC
If shes cheating, you should just let her go, shes not worth it if shes going to cheat
2015-07-22 10:17:52 UTC
Why is she still your GF it totally appears to me that she has no respect for you or the relationship your in so time to dump her and find someone new who can actually be faithful.
2015-07-14 09:52:34 UTC
You should just dump her because she's not going to stop even if you ask.
2015-07-26 07:11:23 UTC
Stop being a pussy and dump that bitcch. It's just going tohurt you more the longer you stay with her. She's nver going to change, and she wont respect you for staying. she's probably thinking wtf is wrong with this guy what a loser. dump her *** man. you desere way better than hoe like that
2015-07-25 17:07:00 UTC
If you tolerate it, you haven t a prayer. You are announcing to her and to the rest of the world, "I do not respect myself enough to demand fidelity!" You ve already burned this one down by tolerating it; best to move on and find a way to hold yourself and those around you to a higher standard.
Happy Dude
2015-07-15 03:59:13 UTC
She has noticed and discovered that you are a dumb *** so she can therefore cheat you in front of you! Poor you! I'm calling you dumb ***, because you should be a dumb *** to let her, and even watch her do it in front of you, and also for coming here to ask what you should do.... since the answer would be obvious for someone who is not a dumb ***!
2015-07-15 01:51:07 UTC
you cant find a way to stop her cheating on you. i guess what you have to do is to let her know that hwo you feel and how you gonna do if she keeps cheating on you
2015-07-15 01:29:37 UTC
im sorry buddy i really hope you can gather your self up enough to leave her and i hope to god that you will find a girl that will give you all the love you need and deserve. untill then how about saying something when she kisses other guys like mhhm or hello i am still here, i know it will be hard but it will show her your sticking up for yourself. you are loved, remember that mabee not by the people you want to love you but by people you may not even know
2015-07-14 19:13:09 UTC
Drop Her NOW and never go near Her again ever. Whats Your problem? Can't you find another Woman? What She's doing to You NO Woman would ever do to Me and have Me take Her back. What You call love I call Stupidity.
2015-07-14 19:10:54 UTC
Serial cheaters like this usually CANNOT be stopped. I'm sorry to say this, but you are living in a fool's paradise if you believe you can change her. We always think we can change the ones we love, but sometimes, we have to let them go.

I get it. My boyfriend cheated on me many times. It took me YEARS to realize that he wasn't going to change.

You owe it to yourself and your dignity to move on. There are better girls out there who won't cheat on you.
2015-07-14 15:45:57 UTC
Dump that *****. Serousily you are better than that. You can find someone who you will live more and will also love you. Please it upsets me that you let her do this to you. Its wrong.
2015-07-14 15:18:41 UTC
You really cant. Woman are just like that
2015-07-14 14:11:53 UTC
you can't get her to do anything. sorry.
2015-07-14 12:57:49 UTC
You cannot ,it is running in the blood,what you can do is not being her bf anymore
2015-07-15 11:35:17 UTC
Barbara T
2015-07-15 06:28:04 UTC
She isn't ready for a real relationship, and this is going to be hard. But, you have to lay down the law and said," Hey, I know about you cheating on me and I can't handle it anymore. Either you stop or were through." I know, I know you said that you would never break up with her, well, if she wants other men then she doesn't care. There are plenty of other girls out there. Also, if you don't want to break up with her, cheat on her and see how she feels. Hey, she deserves it.
2015-07-15 06:21:26 UTC
Leave her
2015-07-15 04:56:14 UTC
Hahahaha you small dick
Angel of Death
2015-07-15 02:31:21 UTC
My friend, you are living in a toxic relationship. Stop punishing and beating yourself up. All you have to do is telling her what your intentions are, in her face directly. I see a huge lack of manhood from your part. She's doing this because you let her doing this. Start taking some responsability here man.

Tell her exactly what you feel about it. If you feel like going crazy about this situation, make her understand that you didin't entered in this relationship to see infidelity results. More clearly, you didin't sign up for this ****.

Just talk with her face to face, leave her a facebook message, tweet her, make a video of you and send her, whatever you want and tell her that you are fed up by her behaviour, that you want something serious in your life and that she can cheat herself up for life and you don't give a **** about that.

Your problem is that you are too attached by her. What you want is unconditional love, what you have is pain. So cut the poison from it's roots or you will pay a price bigger that you can afford to handle.

2015-07-14 22:44:10 UTC
you should cheat on her
2015-07-14 19:13:50 UTC
By dumping her can you imagine her Pregnant and you asking is it mine ? ? ?
2015-07-14 19:10:17 UTC
Break up with her. She's worthless trash
2015-07-14 18:46:13 UTC
Dump her and move on..

You deserve better..
2015-07-14 17:39:43 UTC
start flirting with other girls and cheat back :)

I can help you with that :)))
2015-07-14 16:54:24 UTC
:( i feel so bad for you. I'm sorry..

You deserve so much better!!!! Seriously. Why would you want to be with someone thats hurting you and doesn't even respect you. It's horrible. I don't know who she is or what you guys have but I would never do that to my boyfriend. She's obviously not serious about your relationship. I really think you have to leave her. Move on even if its hard. It's gonna be better for you. Find yourself a girl that really loves you. Honestly dude. Good luck
2015-07-14 16:53:42 UTC
Really? You just let her disrespect you and kiss another guy in front of you? What a loser? Even if you break up with this girl your future girlfriends would still cheat on you because you have no balls.
2015-07-14 16:19:38 UTC
you need some self esteem
U Wish
2015-07-14 16:18:37 UTC
You can't. She is a ho. Leave her immediately. It would be wrong, but completely understandable, if you slugged her in the gut two or three times on your way out the door. Then laugh at her pain.
2015-07-14 15:27:12 UTC
Drag that *****! How does she have the audacity to cheat right in front of you? Clearly she s a manipulative girl who is taking advantage of your love for her and using that power to break you. Don t let her hut you anymore. Take revenge. Do something that will humiliate her. Dump her like a bag of trash in front of everyone. Thats how you deal with shitty people like this.
2015-07-14 14:33:13 UTC
Blind blanf
2015-07-14 12:53:46 UTC
break upp
2015-07-14 12:46:57 UTC
tell her to pee off
2015-07-14 12:38:12 UTC
If it came to that point, it's about time to end it or man up and beat that guy up.
2015-07-14 12:20:28 UTC
2015-07-15 12:18:06 UTC
dude your a bit shocking. The mildest guy I know would have flipped at that and you just sat there and took it. Dude grow some balls, dump that *****, go and fu ck some other ***** and get in a fight (it doesn't matter if you win or lose just be fierce)
That Wife
2015-07-15 12:18:00 UTC
Are you controlling her because you think love is blind.
Mireya L
2015-07-15 11:49:10 UTC
It is after you, if you are happy with her, suck up, but you want a girlfriend focus in you... I suggested to look someone that it is focus in you...
2015-07-15 11:39:58 UTC
its ok, take it easy.
2015-07-15 08:16:35 UTC
make her your ex girlfriend
2015-07-15 04:43:16 UTC
Well that's what happen to me I never knew that.
2015-07-15 03:31:45 UTC
Break up with her , you can look for better one.
2015-07-15 03:20:46 UTC
tough question.
2015-07-14 20:33:15 UTC
Please please pleeeeeae leave her asap & never ever EVER look back, call back, text back, fax back, go back, or fly back to her! Go fall in love with a woman that won't do this to you or hurt you. It may be hard but let her go!!! Staying will just lead to your heart broken! Be happy...pleeease!
2015-07-14 20:16:51 UTC
As long as you are a fool and stay she wont change. Time to bounce.
2015-07-14 19:50:10 UTC
She is trying to make you jealous.

You need to be honest with her.

Be away from your friends and see what happens.

Start spend time with her more than with friends

Find a hobbies you both like

Together you can go to the park, movies, dance practice, and so on...
2015-07-14 18:31:26 UTC
what you need to do is...

grab da booty. She will love you forever

2015-07-14 17:47:48 UTC
These are your choices - put up with it and be humiliated for many more years until you finally realise she isn't going to change (if she doesn't dump you first), then spend many more years feeling bad about how she treated you and you let her. Possibly you will stay together and you will get an STD or several, a child that is someone else's and have a very complicated life for a very long time.

Or, move on, find someone who does love you, someone you can love too. You will look back and thank yourself for maturing and doing what's right for you.

YES, dump her! She simply is not worth it.
2015-07-14 16:29:35 UTC
Hahaha.... just leave her
2015-07-14 15:45:17 UTC
Stop seeing her!!
2015-07-14 14:23:58 UTC
kick her to curb
2015-07-14 14:11:27 UTC
I think you have to break up with her, if she doesn't care about you then why should you care about her? If you break up then for sure you will stop loving her.
Ken Milby
2015-07-14 14:02:54 UTC
Trust me we cannot change cheaters hearts, so just move on !
2015-07-14 13:21:41 UTC
lol you cant. grow a pair and leave her or suck it up
2015-07-14 11:33:09 UTC
Woah! Ok, I'm sorry this is happening to you, it really sucks, but why are you still with her? You deserve someone who will invest all their love in you, not you and 10 others! Maybe suggest a break so you can see other people and find out how amazing it is to be in a fully committed relationship when you find the right person. Unfortunately, I don't think it's with your current girlfriend. Good luck! You'll be fine!
2015-07-15 08:10:12 UTC
Break up with the female dog. No one deserves what she's doing. She doesn't love you
2015-07-15 07:25:50 UTC
You break up - NO one should stay with someone who is a cheater. She is totally disrespecting you and you don't care. That is sad.
2015-07-15 05:35:40 UTC
Just leave know your worth and you deserve better, the longer you stay the more she will disrespect you and it will only effect your man hood physically, mentally and emotionally. Hope everything works out for you.
2015-07-15 05:09:26 UTC
She is cheating you. You cannot make her change. Just leave her and find the one who loves you truly
2015-07-15 03:34:18 UTC
she is a slut.what kind of girls do you think people call slut,and she is a slut of the worst kind.she is not going to have a happy life,and you shouldn't let her make your life miserable by standing with her.think deeply,she has NOTHING for you to love about will just realize it,i hope you realize it soon enough so you still can have a chance to be happy.
Groove doctor
2015-07-15 01:52:03 UTC
Whoa wtf? She kisses people next to you??

Dude, seriously, can you not see the problem???

The problem ISN'T that she's cheating on you. The problem is ENTIRELY that you've accepted a low standard to the point that is mugging you off whilst SITTING NEXT TO YOU. You know what I would do? I would dump her *** in a heartbeat and I would then find a mirror, looks straight at myself, and ask "why the hell did I allow myself to put up with this **** for ONE second??"

Lemme ask you this. Would she like you kissing other girls whilst sitting next to you? If not, you're getting totally dicked on by a girl with no physical dick. Seriously, why are you letting yourself be dicked on like this? There are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of girls your age in the world, why settle with one who ***** on you? I dread to think how else she controls or disrespects you...

P.s. I had a casual relationship with a girl once, no strings attached and therefore no reason we could ever justifiable be annoyed with each other and STILL we had enough respect for each other to openly discuss and agree we wouldn't kiss other people in front of each other if we happened to be in the same social group. This was to save the other's person's feelings and sense of dignity. Yet, this girl is your girlfriend and she still does it? Lemme ask you this, how far would she have to go - blowjobs, sex, gangbang - before you put your foot down and dropped her? If never, again, the problem is yours.
2015-07-15 01:09:15 UTC
She will NEVER stop cheating, especially if she doesn't even care if you are sitting beside her. In my perspective if she literally kissed someone else in front of you she is looking to break up. Some people just need the attention. No one deserves to feel the way you do. I know it hurts right now and you don't want to break up with her, but it gets worse before it gets better. You just need to stay strong, chin up, shoulders back, and move on.
2015-07-14 23:16:25 UTC
Dump her sorry ***.
2015-07-14 22:21:32 UTC
Dude, BE A MAN. You don't need her. Break up with her, and NEVER EVER EVER get back together with her. Cut off all ties with her. There are plenty of girls that won't treat you like that.
Elsa Zavala
2015-07-14 22:20:47 UTC
a cheater..she doesn't care about you..leave her..if you wont, it will get worst
2015-07-14 19:38:00 UTC
break up with her
2015-07-14 19:08:54 UTC
Sorry dude but life is cruel. Tell her that if she continues then you will dump her! You cant just continue like that! Dude even if you like her and you are together its not OK for her to do that! Usually people do that when they are not happy with their current relationship. Talk to her and find out!
That Guy
2015-07-14 17:12:28 UTC
Break up with her, that's a horrible way to be treated.
2015-07-14 17:07:39 UTC
You have to break up with her, she doesn't respect you and she doesnt treat you properly, break up with her, you can find someone that does truly love you because she doesn't, don't put up with that
2015-07-14 15:19:48 UTC
You can't do anything. Best advice is dump her.
2015-07-14 15:16:58 UTC
I bet you are under 15. Then what she does comes with teenage territory. If you are 20 plus, she needs to respect you enough not to embarrass you like that. Leave her.
2015-07-14 15:11:55 UTC
There seems to be some miscommunication going on here. Does she know that she's with you like that? How long have you been "together?" If she's fooling around with another guy right in front of you then what's really going on? Has she ever claimed you as her boyfriend? Love is reciprocated. You can't stop her from cheating. Don't waste your emotions on someone who doesn't value them. Look deep down and ask yourself, "am I happy?" You can either control the situation by leaving her. Or, you can let the situation control you, by staying. The median between those two options lies in drawing a line. Let her know that you want a committed relationship. And if she wants something else she's welcome to leave.
2015-07-14 14:35:55 UTC
leave her. there are plenty of woman out here who would treat you right
Mahboob Malik
2015-07-14 11:56:52 UTC
dude pretend to be into someone else asap!! she ll start running after you for a change
2015-07-14 11:51:54 UTC
Dump her.

You can't cheat on someone you're not dating.
2015-07-15 10:52:19 UTC
Your question should have been, how do I dump this tramp of a gf not How can I get my girlfriend to stop cheating on me? She knows that you a really doormat and will continue to embarrass you until you dump her cheating a%&.
2015-07-15 09:18:11 UTC
If she is cheating on you, especially repeatedly, then she is not your girlfriend nor does she love you. That is the opposite of love. I am sorry to say but you, sticking around, waiting for any kind of change, makes you weak and a target. Get out while you have a chance. Learn to love yourself.
2015-07-15 07:02:20 UTC
The only way to stop her from cheating on you is to cut ties with her completely. Apparently, she does not care about you so why stay with a person who doesn't care about you?
2015-07-15 06:52:09 UTC
Get a new girlfriend. She clearly doesn't like or respect you that much and you deserve better. Don't be her doormat.
2015-07-15 06:46:20 UTC
stop being a lil *****
2015-07-15 05:26:58 UTC
You can't make her stop. Dump her over text.
2015-07-15 03:54:03 UTC
Give her some head.
2015-07-14 19:19:10 UTC
Leave her. No shame in dumping a girl who couldn't give a **** about how you feel.
2015-07-14 18:43:37 UTC
Break up with her, dummy.
2015-07-14 16:48:46 UTC
Just let her, make lot of money and go back to her..than she will get back to you.
2015-07-14 16:25:55 UTC
Start cheating on her.
2015-07-14 15:34:01 UTC
I'm sorry hun, but if she is willing to make out with another guy literally right in front of you, she either doesn't love you at all and is only with you for the satisfaction of being in a relationship and having someone she can fall back on if she doesn't have anyone else to mess around with atm, or you never made it clear that you guys were even dating and she doesn't even think she's in a legitimate relationship with you. Either way, she is being highly disrespectful and hurtful towards you and clearly doesn't give a ****. You need to get out. You might not want to, but you have to. It's hurtful towards yourself and actually very immature of you to not get out.
2015-07-14 15:31:47 UTC
Do you want a cuckhold? Tell her you will leave her.
2015-07-14 15:14:48 UTC
You're Whoop. She is not YOUR PROBLEM... You are.

I recommend you don't marry her.

Chances are she wants a MAN with a BACKBONE and a VOICE,

who will stand his ground with her.

Right now she has a "WELCOME" mat.
2015-07-14 14:27:05 UTC
Leave her
She Dances With Love
2015-07-14 14:05:54 UTC
Some words which touched my heart... and mind had a real impact, caused me to rethink many a situation. I hope they help you as well come to a good decision... review what it is you yearn for in life, then follow this by listing those things you need to do to make them happen... in our Valley of Decisions, we begin to be aware that life offers us many choice moments to do better... with practice and a reaffirmation of goals... Ask yourself what kind of woman you want in your life: if someone doesn't measure up let them go... in a loving way... and please consider Eleanor's words.. ((hugs))

Eleanor Roosevelt: 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.'
2015-07-14 13:58:26 UTC
and why are you still with her when she continues to cheat on you? There will be no future with her if she cannot stay loyal to you. End it..
2015-07-14 13:51:29 UTC
I'm really, very sorry about her. I understand that you love her, but she clearly doesn't love you/ care about you. Have you tried speaking with her? Maybe, you guys should practice communication. If you have tried communication and she still does this, time for either her or you to go. Cheating is an option and if she keeps choosing that option she's not worth you or your time. And let her cheat, the person you cheat with is the one you cheat on. Spend some time away from her, I guarantee you 74% she's gonna get with the same guy she's cheating on you with. And then cheat on him. It's called 'karma' for a reason, :)
2015-07-14 13:41:57 UTC
cheay on her too
Kiss Me Kate
2015-07-14 11:57:59 UTC
This is not love--this is masochism. Have some respect for yourself. Where are your boundaries? This girl has no love for you--she has no respect for you. You have a bigger problem than her cheating on you...why would you let someone treat you this way? Why do you feel so poorly about yourself? I would suggest some counseling for yourself so that you will develop the strength and self esteem to walk away from this situation-and to not go find the same situation again! good luck!
2015-07-15 10:59:11 UTC
She is a cheater just ditch her
2015-07-15 06:12:16 UTC
Fake post.
2015-07-15 04:19:57 UTC
by just leave her??
Prateek Rakesh
2015-07-15 03:13:03 UTC
Dude... just flirt with other girls. Totally works.
2015-07-14 22:40:26 UTC
Firstly you need to think really hard about what you want. Second there are a couple of reasons for cheating

1: She's trying to make you jealous

2: She's trying to make you break up with her

3: It's how she deals with her issues

If 1 then she want's you to be more dominate and rough, important fact is that there are two kinds of jealousy 1 is where you become controlling (bad) 2 is where you become protective (good). If you let her cheat that means you don't really care about her because you don't show you care about her being with others.

If 2 then asking straight out should be enough and end it cause she doesn't care.

If 3 then talking also helps. I cheated on my BF when my friend died in a car accident because he wasn't there and I was hurting. I needed someone to make the pain stop and that stuff shuts off your brain so I went for it.

It will be a long road to get her to change; I use to be a player (for the fact that I love messing with people's head) and my boyfriend has to be patient because habits don't change easily. But we've been together for about 2 years after that incident and are very happy.

All in all you may be too nice and she want's something rougher and more demanding. People cheat for a reason. You simply may not be enough to satisfy her, if not ask what you can do to please her more.
2015-07-14 22:26:47 UTC
pretend like you have moved on get an app called fake a text update it it will cost like about 2 or one dollar ask her a question like what should I text ............ make up a name for your fake girlfriend or get a girl that's your friend and pretend your a couple this will make her jeaulous or just simply leave the realationship and live the single live bruh!!! hope this lil pep talk helped!!!
2015-07-14 21:22:05 UTC
You know the line in the movie perks of being a wallflower ?: we accept the love we think we deserve. I think you know deep in yourself that you deserve better but something is holding you back. I suggest finding something to better yourself like reading books so that you find yourself and as you become stronger emotionally or mentally or spiritually, you ll start to love yourself more and when that happens your standard for yourself will go up too. You deserve better, you just don t believe in it more yet. Good luck!
2015-07-14 21:07:14 UTC
Get a new girlfriend.
2015-07-14 19:29:37 UTC
Why is she your girlfriend in the first place? My advice to you is to find somebody else! Believe it or not there are actually people who are faithful to their "mates" and value a relationship. That will come along, until then, however, you re better off being alone (rather than with a person like that!). Dump her like a hot potato, before you get overly-burned.
2015-07-14 19:27:51 UTC sound like an idiot !! Stop being her doormat.

She does not love you, she is probably incapable of loving anyone.

Get your backbone UP, and get GONE.

Get some self respect...don't except that kind of treatment from anyone !

Repeat this over and over until you believe it...."I am worthy of way better"
2015-07-14 17:38:52 UTC
Your not her boyfriend your her girlfriend cause that's what your acting like. Like a little girl. You let you own girlfriend sit there and talk about cheating on you? Theirs nothing you can do. She knows you'll never break up with her. And knows ur insecure. You can either stay with her and be cheated on and look like acomplete moron. Or be a man. That's all you.
2015-07-14 17:27:50 UTC
threaten to leave her.
2015-07-14 17:20:21 UTC
Dude... This is absolutely depressing. Please break up with her. She's a slut with nothing better to do. You don't need that **** in your life. Drop her. I don't care how much it hurts. She won't ever stop because YOU'RE letting her keep doing it. As long as you stay with her and just turn the other cheek, she's gonna think it's okay to do it. You can't stop her. Break it off, man. It's the best thing you can do.
2015-07-14 16:43:29 UTC
You cannot stop her, you need to leave her. You don't deserve to be treated like that
2015-07-14 15:55:13 UTC
I would cheat on her back because I'm evil like that message me ;)
2015-07-14 15:54:12 UTC
Invite her to your bed with her new boyfriends, you can both do her together and she will love you even more for caring so much about her feelings.
2015-07-14 15:09:44 UTC
Are you kidding?? If your girlfriend is cheating on you right in front of you... break up with her! She clearly doesn't care about you at all. Sorry!
2015-07-14 13:55:35 UTC
once a cheater always a cheater. She will never stop. You mean nothing to her if she is doing this in front of you over and over. She has no morals. She is unable to commit.. Drop her ASAP Best of luck with some one who will really care about you.
2015-07-14 12:47:31 UTC
Break up with her then it's not cheating anymore. No offense but you're being an idiot right now and you obviously should leave her. She clearly doesn't give a crap about you, and there's no reason to stay in a pointless relationship like this.
2015-07-14 12:33:29 UTC
Is she is doing that beside you she obvs don't love you and like you so the only way is to break up with her or you could sit down have a chat with her about it or you could tell your friends if she tries to make out with one of them then just say to your friends to tell her no she is with you. But if not then just break up with her because that's not fair on you.
2015-07-14 19:37:32 UTC
You can't. Please, and I mean this with no disrespect, attempt to see a therapist. Allowing this kind of relationship to continue means you must have incredible self esteem issues. You may also have the personality disorder I have a slight case of -- It leads you to be incredibly attached to someone or something and can lead to MANY suicidal tenancies after this connection has been severed or other self harming effects. Explain your relationship and level of connection you feel with her to a doctor and tell him a friend believes something may be wrong. If you are under 18 do NOT be concerned about your parents involvement, this is a real mental issue. If everything checks out you should get free therapy from medical insurance. This is something far beyond your relationship, please please attempt to seek help, you'll feel so much better afterwards.
2015-07-14 15:31:23 UTC
kick her in the front butt then twist her dirty chest pillows
2015-07-14 12:51:06 UTC
2015-07-14 07:03:31 UTC
You might not be able to,

some women just love

all the men they can touch.

even threw marrage.

she will do this, because

once she can do this

before marrage later

she will do this after marrage.

I know I see it happen before.

she would drive to the store

then drive to her boyfriends.

we have to let her go now.

sorry this fish needs freedom.


bless everyone


Jesus loving name AMen.
2015-07-14 10:29:36 UTC
I believe you should move on and leave this relationship because it show she doesn't really care about you or ya relationship in general.
Jcorvette 72
2015-07-27 04:08:54 UTC
break up with her

if shes not your girlfriend she cant cheat on you anymore.
2015-07-16 06:03:02 UTC
by getting a new girlfriend
2015-07-25 05:47:32 UTC
Sorry, but I cannot understand what are you doing in that relationship...she is clearly yelling to you that she does not love you and that she is not committed to the relationship...You deserve better, but sadly you are feeding her behavior because what you permit is going to increase...and she is doing it in front of you! Leave your relationship because you don´t have one!!! you are with someone that clearly does not have respect for you!
2015-07-16 21:45:37 UTC
2015-07-30 19:18:49 UTC
To put it simply, it is not love that you are sharing. You will find another girl out there, and she will find you, and you will be so much happier and better for each other. It is time to move on
2015-07-19 16:19:44 UTC
You can't, break up, that relationship is hopeless mate. Girls like that are only worth a trash can anyway.
2015-07-17 08:33:02 UTC
Put up surveillance cameras in her purse or something. Like cut it open and camo it. Then put it on youtube and humiliate her. Put some message at the end.
2015-07-17 09:00:22 UTC
Simple kick her *** out and get a new one. Who will not cheat.
2015-07-16 12:05:05 UTC
Just break up with her! You don't need someone like that in your life!
2015-07-15 17:11:04 UTC
You can't.
2015-08-03 04:03:15 UTC
She is making a joke of you. she doesnt like you or she wouldnt do that/ Cheat on her back and move on!
2015-07-16 18:09:22 UTC
you have to break up with her. grow a backbone and some self respect, jesus christ. i've never met anyone who lets their partner cheat on them endlessly to the point where their partner is completely unashamed of it...
2015-07-15 21:36:04 UTC
you need to put her *** in check. Don't kill her but shake the hoe up a little bit. Let her know yoiu aint having that bullsht.
J. C.
2015-07-13 21:50:48 UTC
You can't.
Slim Baby
2015-07-20 22:17:16 UTC
Pussy much? Your girlfriends kisses another guy in front of you. Um hello. She is not your girlfriend.
2015-07-31 03:05:47 UTC
You are one stupid douchebag. Why are you even trying to be with this girl? Work on your self esteem because you are in a serious mental state.
2015-07-13 18:31:29 UTC
Damn bro your girl sounds like a slut no offense, cut her off and move to on to a better chick because she isnt going to change.
2015-07-23 09:38:37 UTC
I would dump the gal. If she cheats on you, she does not respect you. Grow a back bone and dump her.
2015-07-16 15:42:20 UTC
Bro, coming from another guy, this sucks. I am sorry. The best thing to do would to break off with her! She is not worth it. She is a cheater!
2015-08-02 23:08:38 UTC
Leave her she dont respect you that's disrespectful and embarrassing you can find a better woman
2015-07-15 18:00:34 UTC
everyone has value but apparently she is not going to have just one good boyfriend (you) so you need to let her go. i don't know about the future but there are other females interested in a decent noncheating boyfriend.
2015-08-03 09:00:48 UTC
I would tell her that you get to take a stand for yourself, because you deserve better and tell her that it's over!
2015-07-14 09:59:09 UTC
Confront her. Maybe ask her questions about why she kissed the guy. I would just break up with her. She isn't worth it.
2015-08-02 14:43:03 UTC
Once a cheater always a cheater, shes not worth your time. If so tell her to stop
2015-07-31 07:50:20 UTC
Hey Just ignore her and get another girl friend she might get jealous post pics on insta with you and another girl or kissing another girls cheek shell get mad and jealous and dress cuiter and do hairstyles and act cool
2015-07-28 19:59:18 UTC
Break up with her. You deserve better. It will hurt but you'll be ok
2015-07-16 11:05:21 UTC
if she is that disrespectful why would you want to stay with her. she is telling you that she don't want you, let her go with whoever she was kissing. and find someone else that will give you respect. don't lose your self respect and self esteem by letting her use you she is not worth it.
2015-07-20 09:48:21 UTC
Obviously shes childish, If u break up with her then she cant cheat on you anymore because your not with her.
2015-07-26 15:25:19 UTC
Men like you don't diserve something better in life.Your destiny is to suffer.
2015-07-13 01:40:10 UTC
Throw her in the trash. Don't care about her and find another girl.
2015-07-16 09:27:05 UTC
Do the exact same to her, snog someone in front of her, make sure she feels the same pain. It might just make her change her behaviour and stop?
2015-07-22 16:21:59 UTC
It's too late.

Tolerate it until you can't.

Then dump her.
2015-07-19 22:52:54 UTC
What are you still doing with that girl? Let her go...she will never change. You need to find some self esteem.
Cherry May
2015-07-14 10:40:14 UTC
The only way you can STOP experiencing that is to DUMP her and find someone who is loyal and faithful. Once a cheater always a cheater! Please save yourself from future heartbreaks... RUN as fast as you can!
2015-07-27 22:52:22 UTC
Oh god. Go far far away. If you're too dumb to walk away.. then you're in for a lifetime of heartbreaks my friend
2015-07-20 15:54:14 UTC
either break up with her or stop contacting her until she contacts you then you can tell her, that you think y'all should start seeing other people.
2015-07-17 15:05:36 UTC
You are in love with a SL(UT) who is going to ruin your life once and for all. LEAVE her before it's too late. Ask God for guidance...
2015-07-16 00:59:48 UTC
You must grow some man balls and tell her whats up in a way that lets her know that your serious
2015-07-24 14:39:36 UTC
You can't. Move ON.
2015-07-14 06:08:21 UTC
She can kiss someone infront of you, you can imagine what does she do behind you? Why you wanna be with someone who just wanna play around. She obviously doesnt love you neither respect you. Just dump her! She doesnt worth your love.
2015-07-29 20:10:48 UTC
Love is a sad joke. Just drop out of the deal.
2015-07-27 08:02:08 UTC
break up with her,there will be another girl waiting for U who doesnt never cheat on you
2015-08-03 11:35:58 UTC
Her behavior could mean that you should find a new girl... you could possibly win her over and help her but that seems quite unlikely.
2015-07-17 17:57:42 UTC
trust! thats is the most important thing in a relationship.If you really wanted to stay in the relationship....stop complaining and continue in love....intense love and care will make changes...if..urs is a true bond
Wow thanksgreatanswers
2015-08-02 10:49:04 UTC
Maybe she though this was a open relationship you guys need to talk and see where you stand and take it from there
2015-07-24 13:48:26 UTC
first of all you have to stop call her your girlfriend.if she is your girlfriend she have to understand your feelings and she have to total loyal with you.i say just dump her and start finding to perfect partner for you.i hope somewhere you found her..........
2015-07-13 20:23:46 UTC
Shes a hoe stop messing with her nasty self
2015-08-01 16:08:54 UTC
you don't deserve to settle for that. Instead of waiting for her to be better person to you be a better person to yourself first by leaving
2015-07-17 07:12:02 UTC
You cant she dont give af about u and you won't break up with her so why would she stop?
2015-07-18 05:07:52 UTC
She playing you like a GameBoy man, leave that alone and find something better
2015-07-15 22:46:46 UTC
I understand.Talk to her and ask if there was something you were not doing. If she's really not interested.(not trying to hurt feelings!!!)dude.SOrry,but ditchher
2015-07-16 22:38:59 UTC
She sees the word sucker written in big letters across your forehead. She is well aware that you're an idiot.
Orla C
2015-07-14 02:19:56 UTC
Oh come on, seriously?

Dude, she does not respect you, never mind like you. Just end the relationship already, and move on.
2015-07-29 19:16:55 UTC
It's time for you to leave.
2015-07-18 17:23:37 UTC
You cant. She has to respect you enough to not cheat on you with other people. If not, even if it hurts, you have to let her go.

Answer mine?
2015-07-16 12:14:57 UTC
She's a pig,take her back to the farm and forget her
Latf La
2015-07-17 19:22:29 UTC
I feel so sorry for what she did, kissing right in front of you.

Does her facebook status say she is in a relationship with you.
john p
2015-07-19 05:15:08 UTC
best way to stop someone cheating is to leave them...
2015-07-30 12:20:12 UTC
She doesn't respect you and she doesn't fear losing you so why should she stop? You have to either accept it or dump her.
2015-07-22 09:54:26 UTC
Break up, no matter how much you loves her, to be blunt, she'll never truly love you back
2015-07-31 15:24:17 UTC
Either she's trying to dump you or she's just really insensitive
2015-07-20 13:18:27 UTC
No. Just stop. She has no respect for you. Save yourself now!!!!! Don't just walk away. RUN!!!!
2015-07-16 04:45:33 UTC
I don't think you can stop her to cheating on you. Please find better woman unless you get hurt.
2015-07-13 21:22:58 UTC
OK well theres two ways... You need a sharp knife and somewhere dark and gloomy or option b is to beat her everytime she talks to another man....

Patrick Kelly
2015-07-16 19:23:06 UTC
the answer is very simple find a different girlfriend. your current one obviously does not care about you.
2015-07-24 12:13:05 UTC
Bro, this kind of girl. It's time to " Let It Go ". Seriously, let her go man
2015-07-17 13:14:07 UTC
Dump her find a good girl
2015-08-02 04:57:32 UTC
Next time u see her cheating, knock that guy out and rape her
2015-07-29 12:43:53 UTC
Simply drop her then she will not officially be cheating on you.
2015-08-02 18:07:21 UTC
Try a threesome with her you find a hotter girl than her and let her have a guy and see how she feels
2015-07-17 19:14:08 UTC
How to stop her from cheating on you?... lmao dump that *****
2015-07-22 19:30:08 UTC
You need to tell her you love her, you want to make it work, and she's always welcome in your life. but if she does it again she is no longer welcome. Then if she does it again put your foot down and do not go back to her. My significant other gave me this ultimatum and it really helped us get passed things.
2015-07-25 11:50:24 UTC
idiot. Go find a real chick that loves you. Just tell her to stop talking to you.
2015-07-28 07:08:23 UTC
Maybe letting go of her is the only choice.

Sometimes we can be so blinded by our infatuation that we think there is no one else for us.
2015-07-14 05:26:34 UTC
Two words: DUMP HER. She's just going to cause you more heartache.
2015-07-16 07:29:44 UTC
Hahahahahhahahahahahahaahahaahahaahah, cuck.
2015-07-29 16:08:55 UTC
She don't love you anymore if she doing that in front you. Its time to move on...
2015-08-01 05:35:20 UTC
Dude. Find a girl that you KNOW she's loyal.
2015-07-22 20:13:07 UTC
I think you need to end things off with her. You sound like you deserve better.
2015-07-16 12:10:43 UTC
sounds like she's just nasty dude.... that ain't no good woman can't turn a whore into a housewife bro.... and you ....well you sound kind of pathetic I must say.... grow some balls
2015-07-17 15:19:45 UTC
Nobody deserves that type of treatment you should leave her shes not worth your time
2015-07-28 08:27:21 UTC
does she think she's in open relationship or something ? I would have dumped her
2015-07-23 08:41:54 UTC
you can break up with her, why would you want to stay with someone who cheats
2015-07-31 13:21:49 UTC
Dump her on the side of the road and go get another girl
2015-07-13 23:34:13 UTC
Have some self-respect and break up with her. Problem solved.
2015-07-19 09:52:24 UTC
go a set of balls and leave her she obviously doesnt want you let alone love you. just get over it, shes going to do whatever she wants and your not going to stop her. leave her.
2015-07-24 09:04:55 UTC
By calling her single.
2015-07-29 18:48:02 UTC
You love her but obviously she doesn't love you. Break up with her. Period. She is a slut.
2015-07-17 20:24:39 UTC
You ''would never break up with her'' lol ok
2015-07-16 22:25:03 UTC
Break up with her. She doesn't love you. She is using you.
2015-07-16 02:26:19 UTC
she found a big pendejo she will never stop cheating
2015-07-19 17:12:35 UTC
Tell her how you feel and if she doesn't care, leave her. She's not worth your time.
2015-07-20 00:41:30 UTC
if shes cheating break up with her - done
2015-07-29 21:34:27 UTC
Get a sausage pump, I mean yeah.
2015-07-15 23:35:34 UTC
DOOD she's your soulmate this is true love she your BAE don't end the relationship she OBVIOUSLY luvs u
Md mainul Islam
2015-07-27 01:36:56 UTC
At first u talk with her clearly. And they have to understand that u love him so much. U say her That u love her and would never break up with her.
2015-07-18 19:28:51 UTC
You can't turn a whore into a housewife
2015-07-27 15:09:49 UTC
Teach her a lesson
2015-07-30 07:43:45 UTC
She is playing with you... you cant stop her... try to get another one... this is the only way
2015-07-27 15:33:58 UTC
DUMP HER!!! This isn't rocket science dude
2015-08-01 13:04:11 UTC
come on guy! Stop that.. Are you joking? Fins another girl
2015-07-17 15:33:11 UTC
Have some self respect and leave!
Chica Irani
2015-08-04 02:28:18 UTC
Dont cheat then she wouldnt cheat :)
2015-07-14 00:38:41 UTC
Its simple if you want something better than you should chose something better. Maybe you two are perfect for eachother.
2015-07-15 21:31:04 UTC
Just dump her. Have some self-respect.
2015-07-28 18:27:02 UTC
Please leave her. You deserve better and she'll never stop. She's very disrespectful and you need a nice girl.
2015-07-31 17:21:18 UTC
break up w her you dont need her in ur life if shes that kind of person ur so much better and deserve better
2015-07-22 23:13:46 UTC
Honey, she isnt worth it. Once might be a horrible mistake... not several
2015-07-20 16:50:12 UTC
BREAK UP!! She is not worth it in the long run. Find someone who is devoted to you
2015-07-14 01:19:35 UTC
You don't stop her. You find someone BETTER!
2015-07-16 11:55:58 UTC
Hit up her best friend! Then hit up the girl she hates more than anyone else!
2015-08-01 22:04:14 UTC
well. to be honest. nothing you can do. only her. she has to either realize shes hurting you or you have to leave her. odds are she already knows she is hurting you. and you shoulnt keep hurting yourself like this. its not worth it . everyone deserves to love them like their meant to be
2015-08-03 17:30:31 UTC
just dump her, why do you want to keep yourself in the same position with someone who obviously doesn't appreciate you.
2015-07-13 22:19:43 UTC
You can t stop her. You have to leave her. Have some respect for yourself.
2015-07-18 18:26:24 UTC
Wear a rubber or break up.
2015-07-13 21:26:40 UTC
By leaving her and moving on.
2015-07-30 07:53:39 UTC
Break up with her. You deserve someone better
2015-07-21 21:35:05 UTC
You tell her like it is and if she still does it then its time to move on
2015-07-17 13:15:47 UTC
girls like that never can be fixed.

sorry but you can't do anything.

breaking up with her is the best choise.
2015-07-16 06:59:42 UTC
she won´t stop you can not make her stop is that simple ,sorry but for your own good move on
2015-07-17 12:54:34 UTC
You can't just leave her
2015-07-17 15:01:21 UTC
Dump her
2015-07-23 06:43:33 UTC
What makes you think you can make her stop? you deserve better, move on
2015-07-13 01:46:14 UTC
u shouldnt give her no more chances she doesnt deserve them. u should find a new gf that wont cheat on u
2015-07-14 00:41:41 UTC
Why put up with that. Leave the ***** even if you love her. Women can be cruel.
2015-07-25 09:54:06 UTC
Grow a set of balls and leave
Immune to Bieber Fever
2015-07-24 04:46:35 UTC
keep your self respect and find another girlfriend!
2015-07-24 10:13:08 UTC
If you have to go to such drastic measures, you need to rethink your relationship.
2015-07-24 22:02:31 UTC
Dump her
2015-07-17 16:09:33 UTC
You need to break up with her, she sounds like a slut more than anything.
2015-07-20 12:29:59 UTC
Dump her
2015-07-13 23:55:11 UTC
Nah shes a hoeeee dumb that ***** now! You deserve better
2015-07-14 03:55:05 UTC
i think either become the biggest player out there and give her a taste of her own medicene or give up.
2015-07-16 03:03:26 UTC
she doesn't love you anymore!move on dude! stop playing like that...u can find better.!!!
2015-07-17 20:15:04 UTC
dump her in a heartbeat and get you a good girl
2015-07-31 23:52:02 UTC
OMG you may love her but she obviously has no respect for you!! Break up!
2015-07-17 10:05:48 UTC
kissing another guy is not cheating
2015-07-19 18:04:16 UTC
Break up with her because you deserve better
2015-07-19 16:19:16 UTC
You can't fix it, you need to leave her
2015-07-16 22:33:21 UTC
dude break up with her once a cheater always a cheater
2015-07-16 20:27:31 UTC
lool I can not believe you can keep dating with one since she keeps cheating you!! fool !!
2015-07-28 20:34:04 UTC
Dump her. You deserve better.
2015-07-13 14:43:53 UTC
Dump her
2015-07-21 11:48:07 UTC
Are you a cuckold? Grow some balls and move on.
2015-07-15 19:28:07 UTC
I can NOT believe you are still with a cheater. Answer, DUMP her NOW!
2015-07-19 16:40:37 UTC
Why would u want to even be with someone like that . You deserve better !!
2015-07-20 12:11:00 UTC
You don't.
2015-07-16 01:11:10 UTC
Threaten to break up with her
2015-07-24 14:32:46 UTC
She doesn't love you... Leave her... Thats the thing she wants.
2015-07-26 01:03:28 UTC
dump her. she doesn t care about you period. no matter what she says she doesn t love you, she doesn t even care, she s just a skank. anybody who cheats doesn t deserve a decent relationship.
2015-08-01 14:08:27 UTC
if she is not honest in her relation then leave her she does nt deserve any thing she just wants sex not love
2015-08-04 01:25:22 UTC
say her don't cheat you can have sex with any one.....i dont say any thing i will get some of my friend they will also **** you.........
2015-07-15 14:23:27 UTC
do the same thing back and now ya can have 4 sum
2015-07-17 08:43:04 UTC
Give her some ultimatums, and stick to them.
Frederick Bingenheimer
2015-07-25 10:51:00 UTC
You cant. She doesnt respect you and you dont trust her..Time to move on.
2015-07-16 23:42:17 UTC
move on that is very disrespectful and no one deserve to be treated like that
2015-07-15 14:56:08 UTC
easy. stop her being your girlfriend

she is trash.
2015-07-16 00:05:11 UTC
What the hell are you even doing in this relationship?? Like seriously!
The Saint
2015-07-19 09:54:25 UTC
Clearly you need to leave her! She already left you!
2015-07-14 08:21:32 UTC
Are you sure she knows she's your gf?
2015-07-17 19:05:42 UTC
Leave her
2015-07-29 13:40:04 UTC
break up with her, she doesn't deserve you if she is fooling around!
2015-07-28 12:53:48 UTC
sounds like she has total control over you, get that control back or jog her on. simple.
2015-08-03 06:14:06 UTC
if she cheats on you then I think you should reconsider your choices
2015-08-03 14:58:46 UTC
2015-07-17 09:19:56 UTC
Where is your self-respect, son?

Grow some balls and dump her.
2015-07-21 05:36:13 UTC
Yes you throw down the hammer.
2015-07-25 01:27:36 UTC
stop bitchin leave her whore *** n **** her best friend not for revenge but cuz yu know she looks better anyway
2015-07-31 09:22:26 UTC
Leave her
2015-07-17 10:26:02 UTC
Find other girl
2015-07-21 02:15:50 UTC
you should break up with her cause maybe she has fell in love with another guy
2015-07-22 08:14:32 UTC
Move on.
2015-07-29 15:14:55 UTC
People only treat you the way you let them
Eugene D
2015-07-16 04:25:37 UTC
you don't. just leave. find a new girl.
2015-07-17 18:48:03 UTC
you can't make her stop.. just leave her
2015-07-28 01:29:11 UTC
id say just break up with her. if its been happening that long, and she doesnt even hide it anymore, you deserve better. break it off...
2015-07-21 06:31:26 UTC
Are you for really or what? What kind of man are you? get rid of that whore
2015-07-20 18:18:19 UTC
You don't, you leave her.
2015-07-14 00:11:51 UTC
Leave her
2015-07-28 21:15:43 UTC
how about find a new girlfriend.ur a man right.self respect kid
2015-07-29 10:04:56 UTC
Break up with her
2015-07-19 08:23:56 UTC
Dump her and get a new one !
2015-07-24 10:27:25 UTC
Maybe you need to end things.
2015-07-21 15:20:45 UTC
leave her *** she got no respect find someone that'll make you happy
2015-07-17 07:36:46 UTC
The only chance you have is to leave her, she might realise she wants you.
2015-07-30 21:46:24 UTC
if you breakup with her she is no longer cheating on you
2015-07-28 16:15:46 UTC
cheat on her or dump her!
Alan H
2015-07-17 00:51:15 UTC
You cannot change her behaviour...but you can change your girlfriend
2015-07-18 16:18:29 UTC
Drop her
2015-07-20 12:49:00 UTC
you break up and move on...there a lot of women in the world
2015-07-30 14:27:27 UTC
find a anew gf
2015-07-13 19:59:17 UTC
can't you see she isn't in to this relationship just leave her ***
2015-07-29 06:55:21 UTC
dude leave her. you dont deserve the feeling you have. you a faithful man can do better!
2015-07-29 07:10:18 UTC
break it off. because she'll just keep doing it.
2015-08-04 11:19:26 UTC
run man,run fast.girls like that don't change
2015-07-15 15:28:47 UTC
Beat her
2015-07-18 10:12:14 UTC
Leave her dufus
2015-07-16 19:41:20 UTC
Give her an ultimatum.
2015-07-25 03:12:35 UTC
You dump her... that's how.
2015-07-19 18:00:55 UTC
Give her a good sh@g and try An@l sex
2015-07-29 23:32:35 UTC
Break up with her
2015-07-24 07:26:29 UTC
you stay right with her..................and marry her......and when the babies are born in your marriage, they probably wont look like you at all....

but can support them and take care of them while the other men take your wife to bed

your childhood dream marriage?
2015-07-14 02:47:49 UTC
omg she don't respect you, give her ultimatum and dump her
2015-07-21 14:16:46 UTC
you cant stop her. why would you even put up with that? thats bullshit. i would dump he rright on the spot.
2015-07-17 10:59:30 UTC
please just leave her she obviously doesnt care shes kissing other guys for **** sake! Id leave asap but that s on you cause that s your gf
2015-07-17 16:05:13 UTC
She not ur girlfriend just go out with someone else and make her jealous but find someone better for you duh she not worth it
2015-08-04 04:13:58 UTC
just be honest with her. Girls like to be mentally stimulated :)
2015-07-31 20:22:28 UTC
Love love and love.
2015-07-17 01:57:24 UTC
Ask her kidly
2015-07-31 20:17:28 UTC
grab her best friend and kiss her till she cant breathe
2015-07-21 15:20:46 UTC
Ew dump her *** u deserve better
2015-07-18 17:22:58 UTC
start cheating on the s l u t
2015-07-31 23:18:14 UTC
Get a new GF.
Tony Stark
2015-07-18 11:22:34 UTC
are you a man, leave that girl
2015-07-17 00:10:21 UTC
by not having her as a gf
2015-07-21 06:37:54 UTC
Give her that D the right way, or leave her ***
2015-07-15 17:17:48 UTC
Break up with her
2015-07-13 21:49:40 UTC
Dump her.
2015-07-17 19:43:52 UTC
Dumping her?
2015-07-16 12:51:14 UTC
break up with her. she is a slut who likes other guys to *** inside her
2015-07-19 13:35:31 UTC
By dumping the **** out of her
2015-07-27 16:49:23 UTC
F U C K her right in the P U S S Y
2015-07-29 11:08:49 UTC
dump the ****** out of her while you can. she's gonna rek your heart.
Mir Quasem
2015-07-27 21:49:57 UTC
Be cautious and rude.
2015-07-27 13:42:20 UTC
dont hurt yourself... leave, ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! Its hers. You deserve better
2015-07-23 11:00:02 UTC
she wont stop if you are not gonna do anything about it
Flying Spaghetti Monster
2015-07-17 11:01:19 UTC
why don't you dump her and lose the stress
2015-08-02 09:39:59 UTC
This one is simple. Drop that hooker.
2015-08-03 19:18:53 UTC
There is 713 answers god damn.
2015-07-21 09:57:45 UTC
2015-07-29 04:23:03 UTC
Dump her.
2015-07-19 05:29:21 UTC
Break up with her; simple!!! why are you with someone that does this???
2015-07-15 13:20:57 UTC
Find someone better.
2015-07-17 15:33:28 UTC
If she does that. you should find some one else.
2015-07-18 23:42:19 UTC
grow a pair..
2015-07-19 22:18:43 UTC
Leave her. these hoes ain't loyal.
2015-08-02 18:13:35 UTC
shank her and if this doesn't work i find killing works well.
2015-07-18 08:23:11 UTC
I feel sorry for you.
Your Daddy
2015-07-13 01:50:45 UTC
Dump her , you fool
2015-07-30 20:45:25 UTC
i suggest killing the president of the united states
2015-07-18 11:04:36 UTC
Break up with her.
2015-07-30 01:08:04 UTC
Break up dude!!!!

Get over it!!!!
2015-07-21 11:09:39 UTC
2015-07-17 09:27:29 UTC
you're dumb. everyone else is right, dump her before she dumps you.
2015-07-14 00:59:20 UTC
Talk to her about it.
2015-07-27 09:02:00 UTC
Leave her.
2015-07-16 02:46:05 UTC
no way to do that...find another girl
2015-08-03 21:00:47 UTC
Screw the other guy in the *** and establish dominance
2015-07-19 20:01:17 UTC
boii dump her
2015-08-03 07:23:12 UTC
Leave her. She is not monogamous.
2015-07-21 22:06:33 UTC
dump her
josh m
2015-07-23 20:59:50 UTC
get rid of her
2015-07-14 06:36:53 UTC
leavr her alrdy
2015-07-26 21:08:32 UTC
Talk to her.
2015-07-16 04:21:24 UTC
damp herz n *** her muder
2015-07-27 19:08:46 UTC
break up
2015-08-02 07:13:11 UTC
Dump the ***** she dont deserve you.
2015-08-03 20:47:50 UTC
change is not growth, take it or leave it
2015-07-17 11:09:52 UTC
Sow up her pussy
2015-07-31 14:44:19 UTC
You should BREAK UP with her
2015-07-18 06:25:21 UTC
dump her
2015-08-03 02:00:41 UTC
dump her nd get over her -_-
2015-07-13 16:23:16 UTC
Cut your ties before your drown..........
2015-07-28 23:07:49 UTC
ignore and let him go
Tony C
2015-07-15 17:11:41 UTC
Dump her stupid
2015-07-15 14:34:56 UTC
leave bro its for the best
2015-07-21 09:43:15 UTC
break up of course!!
2015-07-24 05:43:06 UTC
break up with her easy?
2015-08-02 05:46:08 UTC
WHERE IS YOUR SELF-RESPECT? Drop her and move on.
Jimmy Jones
2015-07-31 15:46:34 UTC
im in the same situation
2015-07-26 02:42:41 UTC
Try Ana*l with her
2015-07-17 08:44:44 UTC
break up with her
2015-07-15 15:41:14 UTC
Do what the comedian did
2015-07-28 11:58:49 UTC
forget her name really.
2015-07-22 16:32:49 UTC
Beat her ****
2015-07-23 06:29:19 UTC
u are a low life ball-less retard.
2015-07-30 11:16:34 UTC
show her you are the man
2015-07-17 14:25:33 UTC
Break up with her...
2015-07-16 14:40:16 UTC
ask her nicely
2015-07-14 04:14:35 UTC
leave her NOW
2015-07-31 14:48:38 UTC
you should break up with her
2015-07-30 20:59:41 UTC
leave her
2015-08-04 03:51:10 UTC
Give her no sex
2015-07-15 21:31:35 UTC
leave her
2015-07-22 20:55:09 UTC
just break up!
2015-07-17 17:25:45 UTC
How old are you? :o
2015-07-24 08:46:44 UTC
dump her.
2015-07-17 04:23:33 UTC
put her in her place... the kitchen
2015-07-16 21:27:37 UTC
Leave her ***
2015-07-14 01:24:48 UTC
well you can sew her vagina shut.
pretty girl
2015-07-15 23:07:17 UTC
I feel for you, that is terrible she is not worth it please realize that
2015-07-24 10:31:25 UTC
2015-08-01 14:15:30 UTC
I would leave her...
2015-07-27 14:23:59 UTC
dump her!
2015-07-29 10:20:51 UTC
she is not inlove with you sweety, ,,,
2015-07-29 20:45:15 UTC
you cant
2015-07-25 00:46:10 UTC
2015-08-01 05:19:50 UTC
2015-07-22 06:00:34 UTC
leave her.
2015-07-13 10:50:02 UTC
2015-07-13 22:09:56 UTC
DO the same!
2015-07-22 20:41:34 UTC
dump her whore ***
2015-07-16 09:14:13 UTC
If your looking for a steady type, then she is not the one for you. Duh
2015-08-02 02:19:19 UTC
you cant.
2015-07-28 01:19:15 UTC
dump the *****
2015-07-31 01:47:51 UTC
Dump that b i t c h.
2015-07-15 16:05:20 UTC
u cant, move on.
2015-07-24 13:44:12 UTC
2015-07-24 18:08:25 UTC
dumb the b@#$#
2015-07-14 05:53:38 UTC
wtf just get rid of her
2015-07-24 07:30:18 UTC
2015-07-16 15:19:44 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.