2013-06-04 21:52:49 UTC
She point blank told me, (and this is a summary) "I might as well be honest with you, I still love him and you aren't dating him sweetie, you're only TALKING. He isn't interested in being in a relationship right now and he wants to be single for a while so don't expect him asking you out officially any time soon! Oh and for the record, I am his best friend and I am constantly in his life and he wants me there! If you want to stay around you have to get along with me and if we don't, he will drop you where you are, whether he has feelings for me or not! And by the way, I'm not just his best friend, we are friends with benefits so yes we still have sex so if you think you can pull that card you have another thing coming! He texts me and reserves and special time every night to talk to me and if time with you interferes, he will leave you first! I am in his life and he wants me here. I'll leave if he asks me but I dare you to tell him to ask me, it will just have the opposite effect and he will dump you instead. I'm not going anywhere and you have to deal with it. Now sweetie, are you willing to deal with me? Is he really worth it to go through all this trouble?"
Well, you know I was shocked when she said this but I did ask him a couple questions about some of the things she said and well it turns out she was telling the truth! He wants her in his life and does not want to let her go despite him saying he doesn't love her that way and he admitted that they do sleep together occasionally. He said he was in a relationship with her for a long time so he wants to stay single for a while. He also said that any future girlfriend he has MUST get along with his ex.
He's a great guy! He's practically perfect, he's funny, smart, sweet. nice...but the ex baggage...what do you all think?