I like an mormon missionaries!!!!?
2008-01-28 00:40:23 UTC
How do you attract an mormon missionaries? What should you do to get attention from him?
I fell in love with a mormon missionaries but I don't know what to do for him to notice me. For example, the way you talk or your attitude?
Please, can anyone help me? I asked this because I really like him......

Did anyone ever be with them before? What do you think? Do they
cheat? Or are they very romantic and funny?
Thirteen answers:
2008-02-03 21:17:45 UTC
Seriously you don't really have a chance in the near future. And besides why do you want a missionary. I bet it is more the conquest. You simply want what you can't have.
2016-04-08 04:04:11 UTC
52,000 at any given time all around the world. Nope, it's true, they pay their own way. They save their money from the time they are a little kid. I'm sure in some cases their parents help some, but most if not all of it comes from them. The only exception I know of is if a would be missionary really wants to go, and is worthy to go, but for some reason (like they live in a third world country and although they've tried and their parents have tried they can't raise the money, or they've only recently converted and it's getting close to the cut off age for them) then the church will help fund their mission. I've heard in cases like this their are relatively rich people who sponsor the young person (without anyone knowing it's them), or there's a Missionary Fund that members can contribute to that helps missionaries offset costs (by either sending them, helping to send them, or keeping them in supplies of the scriptures). But they don't recieve a paycheck or anything like that. What happens is that each missionary is required to have the full amount in a bank account and the church transfers the amount they need each month into their local account. For some that means they need less (let's say in a poverty rich area of the world) but others need more (say in the States, or in Paris or London or somewhere like that) so those that need more than the average are given more, those that need less are given what they need. At least that's what I've heard. Yes, senior missionaries do have to fund their own mission 100% or they can't go. The church doesn't make money off of missionaries, and neither do the missionaries. It's done out of the goodness of their hearts - as unbelievable as that may sound. EDIT: My mistake, several have given the most recent statistical report of just over 53,000. I think someone a few answers below me gave an exact number. Way to go! Still, I was in the ballpark.
2008-01-28 08:49:33 UTC
Mormon Missionaries dont think or care about getting into a relationship, they cant fraternize in a romantic way when on a mission. They are there to do God's work. Most likely though he has someone at home, if not wait till his mission is over then go for it, but now while he is on his mission because you wont get anywhere. As to whether they are cheaters, or whatnot we cant tell you because that lies only within the person, it doesnt matter if he is a missionary he is still flawed and we dont know in what way. Sorry.
2008-01-30 19:33:26 UTC
Get his address and write to him or call him when he's done with his mission.

They have to be with their companions 24 hours a day.

They cannot date

They shouldn't flirt.

They shouldn't "hang out"

They can't go to movies

They can't listen to much music.

They have almost no free time.

In the event that they find out that you have a crush on him, and it's a problem, he'll be sent to another area.

My guess is that you like what you can't get, and that happens to be a Mormon missionary.

By the way, Mormons are taught to only date and marry other Mormons. So you might want to start by getting the lessons from them....however, if you're a single woman, they'll send the sister missionaries to teach you. 2 elders can't be together with a single women.

Note that these rules are for Missionaries, and not all Mormon members.
David T
2008-01-28 00:52:59 UTC
Mormon missionaries spend 18 months serving God in their mission, and are not permitted to make contact with the opposite sex until after their mission is fullfilled. Unless of course they are a married couple serving on a mission, but it is usually when they are a lot older.

One reason missionaries travel in pairs is so transgressions don't occur. I don't think you are attracted to this man because he's a Mormon missionary, but attracted to this man for who he is.

When he completes his mission, then if there is still feelings there for him, and if he shares the same feelings for you, then it's possible you might have a relationship.

This is another reason a lot of speculation is going around about Mormon missionaries being gay. This is just not true.
2008-01-31 13:10:06 UTC
First of all when they are on their mission, they are not to have any relationship going on. They will go home after their mission which is probably very far away. Im not sure where you are? Anyways they are raised to marry a mormon girl. Please do not convert to this group without doing much research. This church hides many of their wierd beliefs and sugar coats everything. The missionaries are taught to leave the weird things out of their teachings!! Like garments, Temple practices and the churches history!! Please take a look here...

Its basically a cult in the way it does things..
2008-01-28 00:54:48 UTC
Find out about the Mormon doctrine. A good comparison to

Christianity was done by Council Road Baptist Church in

Oklahoma City. They recorded the whole thing and would

probably send it to you at cost ( no profit, that is.) They are

very sociable, family-oriented people. As in any other group,

there is occasional indiscretion. They place a high value on

relationships outside the family as well.
2008-01-28 00:58:01 UTC
Being a misionary, they aren't suppossed to think of girls. Each guy is different (including mormons) so those questions like do they cheat and are they funny depends on the guy! Get to know him and be his friend. Maybe learn a little about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so you can understand his views in life..... Get his address, email address, phone number so you two can stay in touch, But please I beg of you, don't make any moves while he is on his mission. His mission is goal for the two years he serves.....and that is all he needs and shoulds be thinking about while serving his mission...don't distract him!
2008-01-29 07:45:42 UTC
My dear you are infatuated with him, not in love, because you have no idea how he is with money or how well he is with kids, you have no idea how he communicates, or if you even have things in common, or if he wants to have 12 kids when you only want 2, or if he will be there for you in sorrow, or if he will make you laugh or be serious all the time, you have noidea if he is a liberal or rebulican or Democrat ect, ect, ect, so you are nto in love, you have a crush, plain and simple and one you find out you HAVE TO GO TO THE TEMPLE in order to be with him or else...and the temple in tales learning a whole new theology like you have to get a new name and you must obey your husband no matter what and you have to learn these handshakes to get into heaven, I think you will rethink your crush.
2008-01-28 03:00:24 UTC
my brother is on a mission right now, and one of his companions just got done with his full 2 years. right when he got home, he started to plan for his wedding. And he met this girl when he was at the M.T.C. He didnt have a sexual relationship ofcourse, but they both fell in love at first site! I thought that was so cute! Yes defentally get his address, so you can keep talking to him. You may not be able to date of course, but at least you knwo your talking to him, and you never know where things will lead.
Kirk K
2008-01-28 00:47:47 UTC
while they are on their mission they can't think of woman that way (at least best not get caught)

after they are ussually married within a year

wait till it's over than hurry hurry
2008-01-28 00:51:48 UTC
Just ask for his home address before he leaves.

There not aloud to have sexual thoughts and such .When there on there missions.

But do get his number and address.
2008-01-28 00:49:34 UTC
there not even supposed to think about anyone while there on their mission. so it might be a waste of time, but i guess flirt with them, if they like you enough who knows, they can always repent! haha

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