2011-09-01 13:49:14 UTC
I had this guy messaging me and we ended up hitting it off really well, he is 34 I am 19.
We talked over texting, skype, and even the phone.
He said he was willing to give me money per month I was with him, around $5,000.
I dont have any money for college and I really liked that because It would help a ton. I also dont have a job.
So while we were talking the whole topic of sex got brought up, I told him he would have to wait a while before It happens and he said that was ok.
So one night I get a text from him saying that he would rather date me after he is don't having a sugarbaby.
So I tried to talk to him about it and he wouldn't respond, the next day I texted him and he acted like nothing changed and still wanted me.
So another night we were talking and he wanted me to send him naked pictures, i told him I didnt want to and he got mad and said I was a waist of time and told me not to contact him again.
I actually liked this guy a lot so instead of just forgetting about him the next day I sent him a naked picture of myself and we started talking again.
He told me he was going to get me all of these presents, and that I was so special and he was going to stop talking to other girls.
Well before I went to bed he asked if we could do stuff over skype, I told him no and ever since then he has been ignoring me.
So my question is what should I do?
Should I just try to forget about him?
Should I give in and do stuff with him over webcam?
Should I take revenge on him for wasting so much of my time and energy and if so how?
I dont really care to know your opinion on sd/sb relationships.
I just want advise.