does size really matter? guys and gals please answer.?
2010-08-28 19:52:46 UTC
when it comes to a man's you know what do you think size really matter? and if so what is a good or bad size?
Four answers:
2010-08-28 19:56:00 UTC
size matters. 6 or 7 is perfect. anything below a 5 gets a little dissapointing if you are clueless on what ur doing (but if ur good in bed, then i think ur fine). anything above 8 becomes painful.
2010-08-29 03:06:24 UTC
Yeah it does matter, but usually only if he's tiny. Or HUGE. Also, width is more important than length. But average is average for a reason, because most guys are! And average is great when it comes to this. At least for me haha.
2010-08-29 02:54:16 UTC
Somewhat. If it is too small or too huge, it matters. But as long as it is around average (5-7 inches), it's fine.
2010-08-29 02:56:18 UTC
like said in saturday night live
"girls don't care about penis size!... unless it's really big or really small!"
5 1/2-7 is about average from ages about 15 and on