Single status?
Ted K
2007-06-29 10:29:38 UTC
So, me and my girlfriend have been dating for two months, and we've been official for four days. So, today I checked her myspace, and she hasnt changed her status, and she checks her page many times a day, so I know she had the opportunity to change it. Well, my status is changed, except my details arent visible, and today I found out from my friend, that my girlfriend was asking him why my details were hidden. So my guess is that she hasn't changed her status because she is waiting for me to change mine, and I believe that she is keeps checking my page just to see whether or not I have changed my details. So why doesnt she change her status? I know its not abig deal but im at work and im bored, thats why im asking.
Fourteen answers:
2007-06-29 10:32:26 UTC
since you got the time...CALL YOUR GF AND ASK.
miz thang
2007-06-29 10:35:18 UTC
I would not worry about her status! YOu wasting your time thinking about it. If you know you two are together, let something really happen before you worry or ask questions like that. She might just want to make sure that you are for real. I know the bored at work feeling though. You should IM somebody. I did that, and it made the time go by way fast. Good luck!
2007-06-29 10:33:49 UTC
I think you are reading into this to much. Let it go. Personally I would leave my as single until after a year with a person. It is not that big of a deal as long as her heart is with you and she sleeps with you at the end of the day. It is only a word on a web page.

What a silly game you 2 are playing with who is going to change first! Step up to the plate and change yours.
2007-06-29 10:36:38 UTC
look m8 plz grow up its myspace its not like she is running off with another guy what your going out you and need a ******* little message status to say that i dont mean to be horrible but its a simple fact if you are really and i mean really worried then speak to her dont keep it to yourself you will only make it worse
Jan the Beautiful
2007-06-29 10:43:38 UTC
Its the internet, baby. It doesnt mean anything. Its just a page on website. I understand your plight, but maybe you should talk to her about this. It may be trivial, but it seems to be a bother for you.
2007-06-29 10:33:44 UTC
If she can't see that you changed your status then she probably hasn't changed hers because she doesn't want to assume that you are okay with that. Why don't you tell her that you changed your status and ask her to change hers too.
2007-06-29 10:36:25 UTC
If you really want to worry about significant problems, i can lend you mine with great pleasure.

More seriously, never mind if she does it before you or not...

As you said your relationship is official, that's what matters.
2007-06-29 10:37:12 UTC
why ask why, it is obvious she isnt going to marry you because true love would mean erasing the my space account, you wont need it if you truly are hot for her, not just hide it,
2007-06-29 10:32:56 UTC
Wow, internet love. Ask her to change it. She what she says.
tifanie o
2007-06-29 10:33:56 UTC
Well change yours back and see how she feels about it.
Amberlee :D
2007-06-29 10:33:12 UTC
lol. i say that you make your status visible so she can see that you changed yours, then she will change hers.
Gunner For Life!
2007-06-29 10:32:41 UTC
It's just myspace. Nothing more....get over it.
2007-06-29 10:35:01 UTC
sounds like she's a slut get rid of her!!
2007-06-29 10:38:26 UTC
ask her silly.

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