My boyfriend has lied to me since day 1 which I should have taken as a red flag but didn’t. Throughout the whole relationship he has lied and hide so many things from me. He gets mad when I ask him where he’s going or who’s he going to be with and says I need to start trusting him. Which everytime I do try trusting him a little he just gives me another reason not to. He gets mad when I don’t attempt to trust him. Recently I caught him lying about where he was going and he didn’t have his location off. After we had talked he still told me he wouldn’t turn on his location until he sees I’m starting to trust him more. I’m telling him that I can’t begin to trust him unless he shows me I can trust him. Like having his location on or if I ask to look at his phone I could or doing things that will make me feel better in order to begin trusting him. He expects me to trust him after everything that’s happened. Am I the stupid one for thinking that he needs to start doing things to show me I can trust him before I can attempt to even trust him.