Why do girls give the worst dating advice?
2009-08-18 12:44:57 UTC
I hear girls on here giving the worst dating advice ever, it makes me cringe sometimes honestly. I hear this a lot, 'O JUST BE YOURSELF HAHAHA!' O yeah, if the guy asking the question is shy and nervous and boring...just being himself sounds like AMAZING ADVICE, WOW!

I also hear this a lot, 'I want a guy who is nice.' WOW, pretty much everyone can be nice to you. Can you seriously get anymore broad than this? This is almost like saying 'In my spare time, I like to have fun!' WOW, this is so insightful into what you like! THANKS!

Here's one I hear a lot to 'Be a friend first' Wow, What a GREAT IDEA! Let's go into the friend-zone right away, so we can always be friends and never have sex, what a very thoughtful idea!

Honestly, I'm sick of the advice girls give on here and dating in general, I've heard 20x better advice from players, only good advice women give regarding dating is how to dress well...that's pretty much it.

What are all your thoughts?
39 answers:
2009-08-18 13:00:24 UTC
Dude. It's time you do some learning. Women talk a different frickin' language than guys. If you listen to a girl the same way you listen to a guy, you're never going to get laid. You can have a more enlightening conversation with your lamp than you can with a girl if you don't know how to interpret what they are saying.

As people start to learn the language that the opposite sex speaks in, they get more mature. Guys gotta learn the the girl's language and girls gotta learn guy's language. Then eventually two people will get together and actually be able to communicate with each other.

Until you figure out how to talk to and listen to girls, you're never going to find bright girl that you actually like being with.

(And you girls reading through here, the same hold true for you too)
2009-08-18 12:56:56 UTC
not all women answer like that. and while you're getting flamed for your question, i do understand where you're coming from.

while it is true that most answers are enormously broad, they can back it up with more detailed instructions on what they should do. however, this can be difficult as they don't really know the person asking the question.

as far as the "be a friend first" thing, i'm sorry, but that hardly EVER works. i'm sure you're not just talking about getting some, but in most cases, after you "friend" somebody, they never leave that zone because it's normally way too awkward to start a relationship and maintain one with a friend.

sure there's a lot of generic answers in this section, but give us girls a little credit. in order to understand a woman's mind,you must get in one. at least we're offering support, no matter how good or bad it may be. and sometimes, that's all a person needs.
2009-08-18 13:01:37 UTC
You've already pinned it down but you're just not making the final leap to understand why girls give lousy advice on everything (not just dating). Basically girls are weak minded idiots who think that all problems are fixable just by talking them out. They have a side that wants to believe that they are going to meet that one "special" someone and whoever they like now must be it. This is why whenever you ask a girl about a relationship problem their only advice will be "just talk it out" or "Maybe you're not communicating". When the real advice is move on.

Think about this, how many friends do you have that you hate. I'm willing to wager none (or if you do you wouldn't call them a friend behind their back). Girls always have friends that they hate. Why? because they can't just tell someone to **** off.

And as far as meeting a girl goes, girls have no idea about this and shouldn't be expected to. Most girls hate every girl they meet so they've already shown that they have no idea how to meet girls. Moreover they haven't the slightest idea what they want even if they do meet someone. Honestly the best advice in this respect is to just be funny and friendly and don't be a pussy about it.

There that's you're answer... girls are all ****** in the head...
2009-08-18 12:52:38 UTC
Most people can't type fast enough to give really detailed and insightful answers. Also, most of the people on here are probably too young to know what they are talking about? Who knows. Sometimes you run across someone who gives good advice, and sometimes people just want to give funny and not very helpful answers. Hit or miss. I've gotten some really good advice from the questions I've asked. You must not have been so lucky.
2016-04-06 03:32:57 UTC
I'd say it's because most girls are hopeless romantics. We fall for the bad guys, which is why the guys think that to get us, you need to treat us poorly, but then through the entire relationship we have one foot out the door, but are too afraid to risk leaving and being alone bcause of the off chance that there isnt anyone better out there. This is why girls say to "wait for them" so that we can get passed our insecurities and break whatever it is that keeps us going back to the guys that hurt us. in my opinion, this isnt fair to the good guys, but can you see it from our perspective a little? In most of my personal experiences, I go to my guy friends rather then my girl friends for advice too because like you said, their answers rarely help me. HOWEVER, the guys responses either tend to be really straight forward and perverted like "Just jump the guy's bones already." ect. or they say what they think a girl would say, which defeats the purpose of why I went to them in ther first place. -_______- So with dating advice I normally just follow my own gut insticts, or mix the two advices together, and things generally turn out ok :)
2009-08-18 12:54:16 UTC
I think that you haven't heard advice from me.

How else are you going to be yourself to attract someone? You wanna be superficial and show what you have to have it disrespected and have you treated like a nobody?

And ur a guy, so how can you hate the advice of a girl's advance to you as a guy, if you want to have a girlfriend????

Players are dirty and I want to believe you are somewhat of a player yourself to have that mentality that they would know more about women, than us women ourselves.

If you don't like our advice to you, which is valid and because perhaps you can't find a girlfriend, you should just stop dating and looking and be by yourself period.

2009-08-18 12:54:57 UTC
uhh first of all girls don't give the worst advice ; maybe just the girls YOU know do.

second being shy and nervous is GAY .. no1 wants a guy who is shy & nervous -___- <--- thats my answer to you since the girl told you "be yourself"

third when a girl says they want a guy who is nice ; they can be talking about LOOKS or PERSONALITY no1 wants a guy who looks like crap or has a suckish personality

fourth uhh yeah whats so bad about being friends? if a girl says "be a friend first" its most likely she doesn't wanna have sex with you :)

oh yeahh, no girl is probably interested in you ; cause your an ASSHOLE who wants sex but CAN'T get some :)
2009-08-18 12:52:41 UTC
Girls give advice based on what they each would do in that situation. Sometimes they try to be broad but often its too broad and its not advice at all. You cant really give dating advice. The person needs to do what they think is best. Not letting everyone else tell you how to be and what to do in my opinion is the best advice ever!
2009-08-18 12:52:40 UTC
words like all are restrictive dont you think? You have to take into consideration that people on hear generally aren't answering because they care they're answering for points. You can't take one persons poor anvice then generalize it so all women have horrible advice. Obviously not everyone is good at it, and a lot of girls who say there looking for a nice guy are naive 13 year olds. And Women only know about dating from one side, we dont know exactly how you think so we do our best to tell you what we like...dont be so close minded
2009-08-18 13:10:59 UTC
OMG I finally found someone who feels like me!!! Its the worst advice that i have ever heard in my life. If you want to know about a man, ask a man. now i see why a lot of relationship don't work because you women talking to each about us but you don't know nothing about us. I know how to treat a lady because i asked a lady!!! Most men gave me stupid advice because I haven't met a man yet that completely understand a women. So his advice is unless to me!! Its the same with you women. Most of your advice is just an emotional rant with no substance!!!


Here comes the emotional women with no man!!!
2009-08-18 12:54:10 UTC
if girls on here give such crappy dating advice (according to you) then y do u bother to continue to read all it?

hmm ever think of that?

also how else do u expect a date to go well from other guys experiance? they dont no whats goin on in a girls head. y dont u just listen to the GIRLS (ha! theres an idea) who've been on dates and listen to what they want or expect. that way when it comes to u dating you wont seem like the jerk ur acting like right now...

i'm a girl and i think this is great advice. any one else agree?
2009-08-18 12:54:34 UTC
Wow! any more wows in your situation, and i think you just want some cause it sound like your a sex freak when you put friends first and never have sex, you always have to be a girls friend then get to know her more then maybe do it, but you sound like a person who doesnt know better then just sex is all you think about.....
2009-08-18 12:49:18 UTC
Well maybe you can't get a girl because you are looking for sex. And this is more of an opinion rather then advice, and I know I don't say those things to guys. So it's not all girls, and still at least they are TRYING to help, so i think you are an ungrateful sexes jackass.
2009-08-18 12:55:11 UTC
ok here is the thing girls are very different from eachother we can't give good advice because we are not simple like guys are we are complicated and hard to read.... just look at our eyes pay attention to body language very key!!!! girls like a gental man open there door very polite don't cus carry their heavy stuff. lots of eye contact. yes be your self but be confadent we are people just like you don't think of us as a goddes but as a friend..... treat us that way oh and be very intune with your emotions as as you can we like that (we know its hard but every little bit counts) make us laugh and smile don't run off on us if we freak you out give us a second chance and then see where it goes 1st dates are always the worst...
2009-08-18 12:52:56 UTC
I'm sorry your not getting good advice, but the last time I checked, this is Yahoo Answers, not Twitter, so either ask a question or go complain somewhere else.
2009-08-18 12:49:23 UTC
Everyone is different, ppl may like sum1's shyness n other wierd features, advice is advice dont take it to seriously, get a life hunn, looks like u surleeeyyyy need it

Duces :p
2009-08-18 12:54:46 UTC

i agree with you though.

people are always like... ehhh just be your self" "go for it" what do ya got to lose blah blah blah, thats not advice bean dips.

if you want advice, make sure you dont take it from the ones who give three-four words.


sorry if i got carried away
2009-08-18 12:55:09 UTC
So let me get this straight: You want a technique that totally eliminates the befriending part and go straight for the part when you receive sex?

Does SHALLOW characterize you best?
2009-08-18 12:54:47 UTC
When someone tells another to just be themselves- then the hope is that the light will shine through.

Guess not everyone can be as cool, suave and debonair as you.
2009-08-18 12:54:22 UTC
dam you're mean. if you dont appreciate what we say, i dont get it.... alot of guys are like. many who i've encountered are miserable, single men who have a hard time getting girls. so we always advise you guys to be nice to us...hello we dont want a guy who comes up randomly and tells you "you're hot" HI! creeper much! we tell you guys to BE YOURSELf... because later on we end up knowing you guys were slumb bags, seriously! and hell for the " i want a guy who is nice" she means...someone who she can feel comfortable with, soemone who is a gentlemen... good looks can also be have to impress us. Lastly, you sound like a real jerk, you dont want to be friends with a girl? jeeez, here is my question ... WHY DO GUYS HAVE SUCH PROBLEMS WITH BEING FRIENDS... it seems like if they dont get a chance, being friends is absolutely meaning less...that is what guys are seriously messed up with.

hate shy and quiet guys, they never have the nerves to say what they feel the woman always have to get it out of them ...

date you....ha you're delirious, sound like an ignorant sexist that clearly have 0 respect for woman .
Again and again.
2009-08-18 12:55:05 UTC
People, in general, are retarded.

You know what pisses me off more?

People who ask for advice, who really don't want it because they are going to do whatever they want to do and are too damn stubborn to admit that their "true love" is an asshole.
2009-08-18 12:49:22 UTC
If you want to date a woman, then you have to listen to women.

Guys think that girls are confusing, but that's because they are like you and don't listen to what we are saying.
2009-08-18 12:52:00 UTC

That is THE funniest thing i have heard all day.

Thank you.

I almost p*ssed myself.

I agree 100% with you. No need to add anything
2009-08-18 12:54:55 UTC
My thoughts, You are an idiot.

If your sick of the advice, quit asking the questions.
2009-08-18 12:50:50 UTC
thats pretty much spot on haha

girls never really like the "nice guys" anyways, sure they like the idea of having one but they dont WANT one
2009-08-18 12:55:14 UTC
2009-08-18 12:54:39 UTC
my thoughts? that you're a sexist jerk and what you just said seriously couldn't be any more sarcastic.

and it really sucks because we ARE right. is it our fault that men are the ones that need their hands to be held 24/7? no.
2009-08-18 12:53:53 UTC
lol dating advice from women. i've heard a far many lies from girls. what do they really want? washboard abs and confidence.
2009-08-18 12:53:46 UTC
it might sound bizzare to you, but honestly, we're just telling you what we want to hear. to guys it probably sounds insane and utterly useless, but that's because we're looking at the situation from two totally different perspectives.
2009-08-18 12:51:37 UTC
cuz their virgins or single and have no dating experience. + chances are if they have a bf, their bf are actual doucheabgs and just act differently around the girl then everyone else.
2009-08-18 12:53:13 UTC
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha but i agree with you. and no girls dont want you to be yourself cuz they dont even know how to be themselves half the time they are just acting out
2009-08-18 12:49:52 UTC
I think you're a little bitter, to be honest.

No wonder you aren't getting any.
2009-08-18 12:50:15 UTC
jesus dont be so ******* retarded all girls are gonna say that because thats what we all ******* want!! maybe if you listened to us, you would actually get some dates!
2009-08-18 16:59:48 UTC
lol dood if your posting questions like "how can i be a sex bomb" i dont think your fit to give advice.
2009-08-18 12:59:13 UTC


2009-08-18 12:51:24 UTC
2009-08-18 12:53:05 UTC
i think girls r full of shi*!

hahahah! n luckly im one of those just tells it to u straight!

im full of ****! n give shitty advise/cuz i kno nothing more!

2009-08-18 12:52:45 UTC
lol you're so right. Their advice is usually so silly.
2009-08-18 12:50:07 UTC
you not nice

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.