2012-05-07 20:56:24 UTC
I gave up and changed the subject because she’s just stubborn =P
The next day N’s friend M came down (he lives near me and we don’t know each other that well, but we get along pretty well when we see each other) for N’s little brothers birthday party. After the party M took me and N to the diner for ice cream. J was working again, and N told M about her crazy theory about J liking me. So M got up and moved from next to me and sat next to N, saying that he was going to talk to J and ask him if he would “sit and talk to my friend here who thinks you’re cute”
Thankfully he didn’t exactly do that, but when J passed by N talked to him a bit and M and N kind of chatted me up and told J I thought he was cute. (They were just a little more subtle than that) and J kind of grinned (dimples and all) and shook my hand and he said “Hey, nice to meet you.” And then he told all of us he’d love to chat, but he had a table to attend so he walked away. During the whole time I didn’t say much because I was pretty much just blushing and hoping the ground would swallow me. M and N said that he was totally into me and looked nervous. I agreed that he was nervous because his hand was kind of clammy, but he could have just been embarrassed, because it was kind of awkward.
Before we left, N and M told me I better go hug him. I flat out refused, so N went over and talked to him a bit, since they know each other from school (he’s a junior) and hugged him. So she told me “Since I did it, you better do it too.”
So I went over to J and told him that my friends pretty much dared me to hug him. He smiled and said “sure, come here.” And have me a huge hug. He hugged N with one arm, but hugged me like girl friends hug each other, like two arms and a little squeeze.
In the car on the way back, M said “trust me, I’m a guy, he likes you.” By then I was convinced, but I didn’t think about it too much.
Last night N and J worked a shift together and right after N got home, she called me. She was super excited and she said that she said to J “hey, sorry about last week, it was probably awkward.” And he said something like “Nah, it was fun, don’t worry about it.”
N then told me that J’s really awesome and sweet and funny and great for me (she knows I have a terrible history with guys) and that she wrote down my number and gave it to him. She said that he unfolded the paper and when he saw what was on it he smiled really big and said something like “Thanks, i’m too chicken to have asked for this”
And N told J that he should text me sometime.
He hasn’t texted me yet, but it’s been one day and isn’t there like a 3 day rule or something like that?
Sorry this was so long, but I want to know what you guys think:
Is he interested in me?
If he is, should I get involved with someone who lives half an hour away? It’s not crazy long distance, and I go up there a few times a month, but I’m not sure.
And any other thoughts you guys have would be awesome
(oh, and in case anyone is going to say something about it, N would never lie to me)