2010-10-24 04:48:20 UTC
I tried to speak to her about her strange behaviour towardsme, but she wouldn't answer any of my questions and changed the subject. She said she doesn't want us to lose contact and that our friendship is fine.
Her best mates have tried to speak to her about her strange behaviour towards me, but she says the subject is closed and won't speak about it.
She spoke with our mutual friend recently who told her we are in touch a lot (she was surprised by this) Our mutual friend also told me that she was asking whether I asked about her at all. Our mutual friend did tell her that I get annoyed that she only gets in touch if she wants something.
We don't really contact each other anymore (she won't even say how things are with her), though she does respond if I contact her (and vise versa).
1. Does she still care seeing she asked our mutual friend whether I ask about her?
2. Why is she acting strange towards me?