2010-03-21 16:34:02 UTC
You always hear that guys are afraid of commitment and girls are the ones who always fall in love to fast and freak out the guy right? At least that's how it happens in movies and stuff. Well I keep having the opposite problem.
I've dated 3 guys in the past 5 months and literally every single one of them said they loved me within the first week or two. I am NOT the kind of girl that falls in love quick so when they say that I get really uncomfortable. I have only been in love once and it took 6 months for me to really know it for sure. I just don't think you can really know if you love someone or not that quickly.
How do I make guys slow down? I just wanna chill and live in the moment...i'm not looking too far into the future right now, i'm only 20.
I would love advice from a guys point of view, but girls are welcome to share advice too.
Thanks everyone.