what do you think is the reasion why you are single?
2014-12-20 02:14:12 UTC
what do you think is the reasion why you are single?
171 answers:
Sterling Archer
2014-12-20 12:44:35 UTC
If I'm being truly honest I'm pretty picky. I have what I call the Ted Mosby list (from how I met your mother) and it's all these little things that I would love my girlfriend to be and truth is it'll be almost impossible to find her. I've been changing it and I've been trying to not be so picky but I am for instance. I'm a geek so I would love my girlfriend to be a geek and also a cosplayer like me, have a few tattoos not so many that she becomes a painting but a bit, be sweet and kind and faithful, be a little on the bigger side I do like bigger girls, and also be a gamer. See what I mean? it'd be close to impossible to find her. I think that's the main reason I'm single I mean I'm not ugly (I'm not George Clooney either but I'm a good 7 or 8) I have a wonderful personality and sense of humor and am very kind and I am educated (I'm a college student currently) however I am very picky and that's the true reason why I think I'm single.
2014-12-21 16:54:46 UTC
Well, I could only guess. But

1. Not that attractive. The guys I liked, and it was many, didn't like me back. And the guys who show interest in me, I don't like. I am not physically attracted to them, and they are either slobs, thug-wannabes, or creepers.

2. Shy - Being shy is probably mortal enemy in dating. Because you're quiet, and it can be misread as snobby, uninterested, unapproachable, etc. I have had people ask me why I am mad, but I wasn't. Plus shy sometimes can may you fade into the background, being so quiet, and sometimes the people that do notice will be the predators out for an easy lay, and if you're shy, or seem to not attract much attention, some guys read it as you'll be desperate for any attention, from anyone. So shy people may attract the players and low-lives, people actively looking for an easy conquest. People who are more aggressive, or extrovert will have an easier time with dating.
Alvia Rose
2014-12-22 01:44:32 UTC
Perhaps am too choosy, I am a pretty girl in the dark hair dark eyes pale skin sense. I posses an average physic and I am nearly always polite nice sweet etc till I become comfortable then I show off my love of dark humor and satire.

Unfortunately I have the "If you are unable to keep my mind entertained for a 10 min conversation goodbye." syndrome as the greater populace bores me to tears. I like cosplay, comics, and such but I also love Sade, John Wilmot, Jonathan Swift, Moliere, Dante, Blake, Shelley, Byron, Coleridge, Poe, Machiavelli, etc.. I love to discuss history, to argue philosophy, and in the simplest terms like to be challenged mentally. Unfortunately all those I meet who could do so always get skittish when a meter away from a humanoid that produces LSH, FSH via gonads.

Really is it that hard to find a semi attractive male that will not balk at conversations about the Jungian archetypes in Star Wars and their relation to all cultural mythologies. An accent would be a much admired addition. And I prefer the eastern European look....

I am completely hopeless...

OH! It must be the glasses as that what all the movies tell us. Glasses being cock blocker even to Superman/Spiderman/etc...
2014-12-21 13:08:11 UTC
i too have several reasons that i truly believe are why:

1. im not a man-whore anymore: i used to try and get into most chicks' pants as a teenager (with luck too!), but now at 20 i feel that it is a very primitive though process, disrespectful to both the other person and specially yourself. i'd rather have sex inside a relationship coz it will actually matter. even though girls say they want someone who doesnt sleep around, i have found they also think of those people as unconfident prudes rather than experienced individuals who know what they want. buuuuut it's their loss haha.

2. height. im 5'8, which is slightly below average. i've been bodybuilding for over 2 years therefore have a pretty great physique, have a dope social life, pretty good looking if i'd say so myself haha, and truly am a great person overall, easily making friends anywhere i go etc. so take it from me, tall people still have an incredible advantage over the others no matter how much they have achieved. i believe its an evolutionary thing where the female wants the offspring to be taller coz of a good immune system etc. so yeah, i have seen instances where that plays up.

3. rarely having a mutual attraction. i tend to be attracted to good-looking girls who are socially active, ambitious/passionate about something and also genuinely good and not slutty party girls (u get the idea). im not looking for an exact replica of myself, but u do need some common ground to build a lasting relationship with somebody and most of the girls who like me do not posses qualities that i see as vital inorder for us to last more than 3 weeks, like it has so many times before haha. then again, when i DO find someone who i just "click" with, 100% of the time they're already taken coz these girls are getting rarer and rarer in today's world.

so yeah, it sucks sometimes, but im proud of who i have become over the last few years, and will continue to rock it and evolve physically,mentally and spiritually to the grave. boom!
2014-12-22 07:52:45 UTC
I'm 27, living with my parents and in between jobs so, money is really tight for me right now especially with bills and helping family out. I also wanna pursue a college education before it's too late...which also takes money...

I'm physically and personally attractive to most women and have good qualities to win a girl over....but at this point in my life, I feel that I have WAAAY more important things to worry about than trying to commit to some woman.

Relationships are hard enough already.
2014-12-22 07:31:18 UTC
I am not single right now but I was single for a long time ( 2 years ). I am just a little bit weird with that issue. When someone was flirting with me I was checking him a lot and in the end I was realizing that he wasn't my type. I wanted a specific type of man and I wasn't satisfied with anything less than what I wanted.
2014-12-21 12:58:44 UTC
I am not single right now but I was single for a long time ( 2 years ). I am just a little bit weird with that issue. When someone was flirting with me I was checking him a lot and in the end I was realizing that he wasn't my type. I wanted a specific type of man and I wasn't satisfied with anything less than what I wanted.
2014-12-22 18:24:26 UTC
One reason, being that, I am saving myself for marriage. MANY of the guys that I meet want Sex to be involved so soon, or that might be the only thing that they want, rather than to first take time to get to know the soul that I am. Some Guys think that sex isn't a big deal. I believe that sex is sacred and should be done with your spouse and your spouse only after you've married, lots of people don't believe that but I won't let anyone strip me of believing in that truth. Simply, I just haven't met the ONE...not yet, but, he's coming, God willing!
Moonage Daydream
2014-12-20 11:49:48 UTC
Because I spend my time absolutely in love with my FWB guy - as I have done for the past few years - who doesn't give a sh*t about me. I'm a decent girl; I'm not too bad on the eyes I guess, I love goofing about, don't take myself seriously, I'm loyal (I don't even suffer from PMS!!!) and although I'd love to have a nice boyfriend, I just don't think I'll get over this one guy and will probably spend the rest of my life being a fluff-brained idiot about him. But hey-ho, let's hope we get bunged in the same nursing home!
2014-12-21 11:40:45 UTC
The three main reasons why I've been single is because:

a) I wanted to wait until I was out of high school. The more mature, the better they come.

b) Men/Women nowadays aren't respecting themselves and sleeping with all of these sluts w/o protection and then complain about it later.

c) The guys I'm going for are either taken, gay, or not my type.
2014-12-20 08:10:08 UTC
Guys consider me more of a friend than a girlfriend. Even Though they have asked me multiple times "Why are you single, you are so funny, good looking and genuine". Only once it could have been something, but then he became so stiff and boring and didn't want to hang out no more. So now this autumn I have felt that there have been something different between me and a friend. He his my best friend's cousin and we three are real close friends. And it have been multiple times were only him and me have hanged out. But I feels like something has changed. And I would really be glad if it did became something. single in 18 years maybe not anymore!!
2014-12-22 00:09:25 UTC
I'm currently in a relationship but when I was single the main reason was because I just hadn't found anyone I wanted to date. When I was single I was sleeping with a few girls simultaneously but nothing romantic.
2014-12-21 01:09:23 UTC
I'm single because I am selfless. I am in love with a man I can't have. I don't think it's fair to be in love with a man and be dating somebody else. It's not fair to that person I'd be dating. I have to wait until I get over him, which I don't know when that will be, before I date somebody.
2014-12-23 00:46:02 UTC
simply i'm scared of people well maybe that is a little ridiculous what i mean is i'm scared of letting someone in, letting them see me for me and then one day they end up, up and leaving and my last boyfriend an i ended up breaking up because i couldn't give him me i couldn't let him get too close because i'm scared of becoming broken of caring too much and i don't think i can handle it. besides that i'm not really picky unless you're not blonde and blue eyed i know that sounds crazy but all my boyfriends were but honestly i'm fine if they're not i really just want a guy with a good heart that i can trust, that understands me, and that i am attracted this too much to ask for? Well i guess i'm single because i don't believe someone is going to be there forever i expect them all to leave one day so i don't open up so yeah i'm the problem.
2014-12-23 17:32:39 UTC
I'm not but I was for a while there. Having a list and being picked me helped me to pass up a bunch of losers and settle in with the right guy even though I waited to get married till I was a spinster. Now all my friends who married early or settled for less than they were worth are divorced but I am still married.
2014-12-21 00:22:02 UTC
First off I'm pretty selective. Whenever I lowered my standards, I always ended up regretting it.

Secondly, I keep very busy with work, my businesses, my hobbies, and my friends. I couldn't be happier. If a great woman comes along and wants to join me - awesome! Otherwise I'm totally thrilled to keep living my life as I am.

There are 4 women pursuing me right now. One is an ex, but then there's another girl who caught my eye but she gives me mixed signals, ugh.
2014-12-21 00:56:52 UTC
Too many people think you are a loser if you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, it's pathetic!

There are many many reasons why....

1. It costs money to date get married have kids and worry about your S.O.

I think that's one huge one.

*Sex you can get without a so called ring on your finger nowadays

*Too many beautiful choices/women for men to choose from who are slutty/easy to get with.

*I've also been burnt one too many times that it's kinda hard to try again.

*Many more... that are a bit personal...

By the way, it's "reason" not "reasion"
2014-12-21 18:39:45 UTC
I am pretty sure I am single because I have never had a boyfriend (I'm 18) and just don't know how to have a relationship. And I am scared to date because my mother is a little crazy, and I don't want to bring a boy home
2014-12-20 19:54:50 UTC
I had the chance recently but I didn't know how I felt about the guy at the time. He is very sweet and amazing but he kind of scared by what he said and did so I didn't react in the way that I normally would have if he had taken his time.
2014-12-20 12:52:30 UTC
I really want a relationship but tbh, I just haven't found Mr Right yet. I have a crush on my guy best friend but he doesn't have a crush on me but we are like brother and sister and hug all the time and he tickles me and strokes my hair and stuff but he doesn't have a crush on me, so thats out...

I guess I'm just quite shy with meeting new people and stuff so I don't know..
2014-12-20 13:45:18 UTC
Because I'm very picky when it comes to personality. I basically want to date a girl with my exactly personality. Lazy, into video games, not very social, etc. I've been asked out by a few girls, but they are the "Go out and party" types, and after dating a cheerleader for a few months, I knew that was not my kinda scene.
2014-12-21 21:11:28 UTC
I dont do well meeting people. I have a bit of social anxiety and I'm also very introverted. Having a girlfriend would require me to break down that barrier. Plus being vulnerably in love frightens me a lot.
2014-12-20 03:57:02 UTC
If you're referring as single because I'm not married, that's by choice. No one seems to know what a marriage is anymore and/or are scared of a commitment.
2014-12-21 01:31:52 UTC
I'm a loser. I'm a black guy who goes to a predominantly white university. All the white girls go after white guys or black athletes. All the black girls go after black guys who are in a fraternity or have some association with a fraternity or athletes. I'm also super busy due to having a full time job and being a full time biochemistry student.
2014-12-21 18:05:18 UTC
I can be very shy around boys I like. Even if I know a guy likes me back I'm just too shy to do anything about it. I'm having that situation right now actually.
2014-12-21 08:07:40 UTC
Because I'm a reserved person, and I don't crush on guys often. I'm quick to befriend a guy, as opposed to develop infatuation.

It doesn't matter anyway. I need to focus on my studies, not the boys.
2014-12-20 06:53:03 UTC
Because Im picky but havent bothered putting myself out there to even have the chance of meeting the kinds of men I would want to marry. Oh ya... and I may come accross as a bit psychotic.... but I'm not... just intense
2014-12-20 11:33:07 UTC
Well I think it's because I'm not really that confident when it comes to flirting with girls or playing the dating game at all, therefore I would not attract girls in the first place. Or it might be that girls think I'm obese or something.
Tayloree Emil
2014-12-22 22:25:52 UTC
I think im single because im not really attractive. Im not ugly, but I could say im average. Im 18 but look like im 16, I show love differently. Im really shy.. unattractively shy lol. And I guess guys don't like shy girls. Even when I do start talking to a guy he only wants one thing. Or I enough for him. I dk im just really messed up from a bad break up I guess you could say..
2014-12-21 13:16:58 UTC
Well,I'm not ugly but i'm also not pretty. I'm like stuck in the middle. I'm really shy and bad at comminicating with people. I have a few friends and i like someone who i can't have.
2014-12-20 15:10:59 UTC
Well I'm just not interested when I talk to most girls. The only girl that I want to associate with in that manner is the one that that I can't have.
2014-12-23 14:41:35 UTC
I can be very shy around boys I like. Even if I know a guy likes me back I'm just too shy to do anything about it. I'm having that situation right now actually.
2014-12-22 19:08:54 UTC
Oh boy, I ve wanted to share my story and now is the chance.

My crush told me I look more handsome than average boys. (in a friendly conversation).

But then, I m gr.10 and she s grade 11. Also, I m an inch shorter than my crush but she likes guys who are taller than her.. sigh* I would ask her out later but she s moving to another country in a year. I d rather not feel the huge pain later :D
2014-12-21 06:18:11 UTC
I'm very picky when it comes to men. for me, he has to look like he just stepped out of GQ magazine, really! I swear, i hate slobs, fat, bald, and hairy drunks, guys who don't bathe or shower, shave, or even know how to run a damn toothbrush around their mouths! They act like it's a lot of work to just keep up their look yet they all want a freaking Barbie dolls. get real! IF you can be picky, so can I.
William P
2014-12-22 19:34:06 UTC
Freedom and happiness preferred over domination and misery by ruining a good relationship not to mention my sex life would be a thing of the past proof positive by the married males who post on Y.A.
2014-12-23 12:32:20 UTC
I'm mostly single because I'm somewhat apathetic (in the sense of "I really want a girlfriend, but ehhhh") and I had a relationship with someone who was emotionally abusive (she threatened to kill herself several times, manipulated me, ruined relationships with friends, telling me guys were hitting on her when they weren't etc. etc.)

I don't really know much about dating, so I find it hard to find someone.
2014-12-22 05:46:26 UTC
I think its to do with the fact that every guy i meet i think about whether i can see a future with them. I'm constantly thinking does he have a good job am i attracted to him, is he a good person etc. Maybe the fact i am too picky. I also think i am too nice of a person i let people walk over me. ;-?
and I think ...
2014-12-22 21:26:09 UTC
because I choose to. I always tried to be single as long as I could because it's fun, it normally didn't last as long as I wanted it, I would somehow end up in a relationship, one longer than the last
2014-12-20 22:16:10 UTC
My choice on this. I am a very independent person & cannot imagine me living with another person that does not agree with my opinions & decisions in life. Everyone is different & to find the right person to agree with everything you do is nearly impossible. On the other hand there really is someone for everyone. mo.
2014-12-20 08:46:12 UTC
1. My standards are quite high and rare for a guy to meet :)

2. I'm not interested in an official relationship :)
2014-12-22 21:10:21 UTC
I am single because I enjoy hanging out with myself. I enjoy reading and playing sports. If I meet someone who can hang out with me and not own my every weekend then maybe he will stand a chance. Not searching for anyone in particular.
2014-12-23 13:52:10 UTC
I'm single cause I dumped my GF who I was with for 1.5 months cause she was a liar, not loyal, and not putting any effort towards the relationship.
2014-12-22 18:31:31 UTC
when I get hurt by a girl, I take too long to recover... hindering my capacity to have game. My confidence does take a toll.

im really good looking, i have a good style. But I have a baby face so I think girls want the more manlier man
2014-12-20 18:14:29 UTC
I don't wanna be tied up for now, I don't need a security, why buy the whole cow when you can buy it per kilogram or pound.
2014-12-21 00:02:35 UTC
Because I'm fifteen (nearly sixteen) with an overprotective control freak mom who only only allows her kids to date when they are old enough. By old enough, I mean 25 years old.
2014-12-20 10:09:54 UTC
I'm not out the closet and I'm not attractive not that it's important
2014-12-21 21:31:13 UTC
Because I am immature. I am 20 years old and sometimes I act younger by whining and walking away and being grumpy a lot. No one likes me for that reason. sucks.
2014-12-21 12:04:14 UTC
honestly, I am scared of commitment..especially now after I am just starting to heal and feel better from a bad breakup.

I dunno..i can be emotionally unavailable most of the time
2014-12-23 04:28:28 UTC
Because I still haven't found, what you call it? The true love? Whatever, I didn't find the right person yet.
2014-12-20 11:21:59 UTC
I am in a ltr and we have kids together and he still wont marry me. SO I would have to say because I have allowed this man to be in my life for 13 yrs without marriage.
2014-12-20 15:08:50 UTC
I think im single because i look way too young for my actual age, and im weird, however, i have tons a friends that just happen to be girls.
2014-12-20 10:10:16 UTC
Physical appearance
2014-12-23 00:18:14 UTC
Because I want to be and at the moment haven't found my sole mate
2014-12-22 01:58:49 UTC
If a person who is not able to understand the situation or any person, he/she has to stay single in life
2014-12-20 02:43:16 UTC
I'm weird and not afraid to make a fool of myself in public
2014-12-22 15:57:26 UTC
because im 2 young
Ken Milby
2014-12-22 14:42:49 UTC
Actually a few reasons, I am disabled, honest and old fashioned !
2014-12-22 13:31:54 UTC
Because I'm gay.
2014-12-22 09:31:30 UTC
i got operated and have some ugly marks on my stomach... it happened when i was in 10thstd due to intestines blockage. i have a good personality,,i believe i am pretty, witty ..i do have lot of good qualities but because of my bodily flaws i dont really go for the ones whom i like thinking that whether they would accept me with all their heart and hence i end up being single even today..!!Iinfact there is a guy whom i like a lot even he knows it but he would not reciprocate my feelings and at times i think yeah he deserves someone better. I just hope one day someday someone would love me with all they have and i wont be single anymore :)
2014-12-22 09:14:35 UTC
The social part of my brain isn't plugged in.
2014-12-22 07:38:38 UTC
Because i don't want to be in a relationship or et married
Jessica Lewis
2014-12-22 04:40:54 UTC
I'm tired of the lying and im trying of trying id rather be single so much better
2014-12-21 23:47:32 UTC
I am waiting for someone................................./
2014-12-21 23:13:49 UTC
The reason i am single because i am very picky when it comes to men. I am also a virgin and some men run when tell them this. There are also no good men in my town so that is another reason. I just haven't met the right guy and to be honest i don't think there is any more good men around so... guess i'll be single forever.
2014-12-21 18:25:24 UTC
i'm very particular about what I like. To make matters worse i'm also quite shy.
Groove doctor
2014-12-21 15:36:37 UTC
I'll be brutally honest. I can get laid. I have the skills. I'm also very content around my friends, family & fully engaged in work goals. I also think monogamy isn't natural and that there's a whole lot of invisible propaganda claiming it is that people don't realise they're often consuming.
2014-12-21 14:28:15 UTC
Much older an out of work. Not much to offer but myself . I cook very well an can keep mostly all things around the house . This is it for me.
2014-12-21 13:36:34 UTC
2014-12-21 13:36:05 UTC
I always get really nervous and shy around my crush so I don't talk to him much.
2014-12-21 11:08:27 UTC
I'm not ready for a relationship and I've made that clear.
2014-12-22 09:21:07 UTC
To be honest, I feel I'm unattractive, and I always feel I am making the wrong choices.
2014-12-22 05:20:45 UTC
either because I am an absolute *** or I'm just not relationship material
2014-12-22 03:59:26 UTC
The three main reasons why I've been single is because:

a) I wanted to wait until I was out of high school. The more mature, the better they come.

b) Men/Women nowadays aren't respecting themselves and sleeping with all of these sluts w/o protection and then complain about it later.

c) The guys I'm going for are either taken, gay, or not my type.
2014-12-22 01:06:53 UTC
I do not accept basic and preliminary Jims. It's hard to find a certified Jim. But my search will be worth it.
2014-12-21 22:15:59 UTC
the fact that I am not attractive or cool
2014-12-21 22:13:58 UTC
super picky and honestly it's just hard finding someone is this world especially nowadays.
2014-12-21 19:49:46 UTC
2014-12-21 18:15:53 UTC
im worthless
2014-12-21 17:54:40 UTC
Single is smart. marriage is dumb and expensive and loaded with tons of BS that shave years off your life.
2014-12-21 17:41:30 UTC
Being single again, I can command without any problem to keep your future's sound for your families. Mike
2014-12-21 17:20:30 UTC
1. I'm not interested in anyone at the moment to be honest.

2. I'm moving to a new city in a few months, so there's no point in dating right now.

3. I'm focusing on myself right now.

4. I'm a tad shy.
jethro tull
2014-12-21 12:50:27 UTC
Batman: Single

Spiderman: Single

Superman: Single

No one loves superheros...

This is why I am single also.
2014-12-21 11:23:25 UTC
I know the reason! I want to be able to get my life together and be able to be emotionally ready for a relationship. I've been asked, but right now my goals and future are more important.
2014-12-21 10:15:13 UTC
Because I am strong and have reasonable standards and expectations in a mature, healthy relationship. In my experience, men don't like that. I am not willing to settle for being JUST a nurse, a purse, a mommy or a playmate. Add to that the fact I am a sexual woman, and that makes me not acceptable relationship material in this culture.
Jonathan H
2014-12-21 10:13:13 UTC
Insufficient social ability.
2014-12-21 08:49:13 UTC
I have been married at the age of 19.Too young and knew nothing about commitment and marriage. Besides, it was more for security than real love. I am still trying to learn whom I am and until you can totally be comfortable with this and love yourself, you are not ready for another person to share this life with. We all have flaws but marriage is an acceptance of those flaws and a commitment to love unconditionally. It is a tall order and not for those who run at the first sign of tension. I am not at that level yet, I want the man that will be my husband to be on my team totally.
2014-12-20 22:57:28 UTC
I'm cynical about love.
2014-12-20 22:55:52 UTC
I don't go out, and I make no effort in talking with people
2014-12-20 21:42:01 UTC
I probably don't need a security agent that checks on me all the time.. Relationship can indeed eat you alive if you are not careful.
2014-12-20 16:25:30 UTC
i am too picky
2014-12-22 14:17:10 UTC
Im pretty and serious. I think the contrast throws people off. They are expecting me to be as dumb as a box of rocks... smh.
2014-12-22 09:22:16 UTC
I'm single because I have a mental ilness called Escesive obsession disorder and I shouldn't be with any girl because i get over obsessed, and it's bad for both of us.
2014-12-22 06:42:46 UTC
I really believe I'm single because i am selfish. I've had 2 wives and they are both gone because of my selfish ways.
2014-12-22 06:11:42 UTC
Came from a dysfunctional family
2014-12-22 05:44:17 UTC
'm horribly shy and I have low confidence because of my weight.
2014-12-22 02:26:08 UTC
not attractive
2014-12-22 00:57:19 UTC
Asperger's DISEASE!
2014-12-21 22:49:14 UTC
I am disabled and attend college full time. By time school is over with I just want to rest and that is not an attractive feature to women. Furthermore, since my health will further decline as I age I figure it's best I stay single that way I am not a burden to someone in the long-term.
2014-12-21 20:57:11 UTC
I know why, because I suck with girls. Girls that are just my friends I have no trouble conversing with, but a girl I like... Forget about it! I can be nice to them, and have a decent conversation, but making a move. There is either a lack of, or bad timing, or the girl does love me... In a brother-sister kinda way. No girls I like ever like me, but somehow about every girl that I don't hits on me! I just don't get it! Is there something I'm missing here. I'm like an 8 1/2, athletic, smart, and have a good sense of humor, and a ton of friends. I just don't even know.
2014-12-21 20:12:46 UTC
i choose not too because me and my ex had a baby, i soon as she had the baby she was totally changed. since then i just don't trust girls no more.
2014-12-21 17:37:51 UTC
because i like being free
2014-12-21 10:51:10 UTC
There are a number of reasons why I am single, most of them are very understandable. The biggest reason is the vaguest reason why I am still single, which really covers many of if not all of the reasons why I'm not in a relationship at the present time. The key word here is "opportunity", or more specifically, lack of opportunity. Most of the time, I am busy going to school, looking for another job and spending time on the internet. On top of that, I do love to go to my favorite music shop which is very well known in the area in which I live, called "Independent Records". When I have enough gas in my car, I'll sometimes drive to Independent Records, to browse their music collection as well as their other items. The place where I'm supposed to be employed hasn't let me work a single day since the end of October. I have gone several weeks without any work, which means that I'm not making any money. So now, I'm technically unemployed and still looking for a job. I checked my schedule at work and they don't even have me scheduled for the next two weeks!

Another time related issue is that I've been going to medical school for six weeks and just a few days ago, finished my final, which means I am now done with school until January 5th, which is when I'm supposed to go back and take the next course in my curriculum. School took up a lot of my time and it's going to take up even more time when I go back. In addition to that, I'll also be getting tutored and then I'll need time to study on top of that. I'm a little behind in my education compared to my peers. I'm 21 years old and have yet to complete even one year of college, due to the fact that I've been encountering numerous setbacks and devastating challenges in my personal life, which have interfered with my ability to accomplish much of anything as far as an education is concerned. Most people have graduated college by the time they turned 21, so I'm in the process of trying to overcome my personal issues, so that I can resume my life.

One of the only two aspects of why I'm single that has nothing to do with time is the fact that I am still struggling with my personal issues that I mentioned earlier. I don't really have my sh*t together, which is why I'm not ready for a relationship yet. If I were in a relationship right now, it probably wouldn't survive, because I'm not in a stable mindset, yet. I'm still struggling with issues of self-loathing, anger directed towards people who have hurt me and many more things that have yet to be resolved. Until I can find happiness on my own, I won't be able to have it with another person. Even though I know this, I still want a relationship more than anything in this world!

The other non-time related reason is that I am Gay. Since the majority of people are straight, it's difficult for me to find another male who is also a homosexual. When it comes to relationships, I'm not very smart. I can be a very caring, loving and generous individual, but my experience with relationships is extremely limited. I'm just like anyone else my age who is single; Every night when I go to bed, I think about who that very special someone is going to be. I wonder what they will look like, what their personality will be like, how much we will have in common and so on. I wonder if I will meet him soon or if he and I are still years apart. I wonder if I will meet him here in this town or if we will meet elsewhere. But my biggest curiosity is "Do I already know him?". Sometimes it's interesting to think about someone you already know, being "the one". I ask myself those questions every night, before I go to sleep, then I think about what my perfect life would be like and just imagining it makes me feel better about being single. The hardest part about life is seeing all of the puzzle pieces come together so slowly, even though you just wish you could see the final picture right now. I find it interesting how in the past, there were many puzzle pieces that I didn't think would fit or didn't seem to go together, yet, things just come together in the strangest of ways, sometimes.
2014-12-21 10:41:38 UTC
no confidence
2014-12-21 01:22:28 UTC
I really want a relationship but tbh, I just haven't found Mr Right yet. I have a crush on my guy best friend but he doesn't have a crush on me but we are like brother and sister and hug all the time and he tickles me and strokes my hair and stuff but he doesn't have a crush on me, so thats out...
2014-12-21 00:57:40 UTC
im waiting till a certain age

onky fuckboys come my way
2014-12-20 22:46:18 UTC
looks,personality a little bit,weight im a little bit overweight
El cabrón
2014-12-20 21:33:15 UTC
'Cos I'm an ugly bastard!
2014-12-20 16:59:51 UTC
At the moment I choose to, as its far too complicated to have a relationship in my life just now
2014-12-20 16:35:26 UTC
I am really weird
2014-12-20 15:41:36 UTC
I am picky and I more focused on myself. I actually dont feel like I need someone now. I try to know myself first and then maybe.
2014-12-22 14:31:53 UTC
Because women don't want to have any commitments.
Ms. Denise M.
2014-12-22 08:40:09 UTC
Well my husband say he left because of my mouth. My mouth ran because he cheated on me constantly, about 5 times a year I found out about, for about 10 years. Not sure about the other 15 years. How could I stay quiet when as soon as I get over a incident here comes another.
2014-12-22 01:33:43 UTC
self preference for being single for life is a matter of choices and I am one of them until I found my mystery guy.
2014-12-21 17:02:17 UTC
i don't want to have an headache....
2014-12-21 14:07:12 UTC
Hmmm, for me it's because one of my close guy friends doesn't seem to like me. All the other guys that have asked me out are either not my type physically (includes old, thugs, guys who don't want anything serious) or weren't having the same common interest in things (careers, like animals or kids, etc). So I have the option of not being single, but I'm not interested in what other guys have to offer because it is no where in what I am looking for in a guy. My close guy friend is the closest to achieving what I am looking for in a guy but his eyes are elsewhere, especially since I don't think he's really looking to be in a relationship with anyone right now. But it's ok, I just hope someday I'll meet the guy that I really like and he actually likes me back and not for just the bed lol (can't stand those types).
2014-12-21 13:40:10 UTC
2014-12-21 05:45:45 UTC
I am not single..i am in a complicated..truly complicated relationship...i am in love..but i wish if i would become single again from my i can`t take the relationship any more..i love him very much but he always hurts me like hell and i am depressed sometimes i think it would be better if i was a single one...but i can`t leave i love him very much so this is my message to all those people who are single.."ENJOY LIFE ALONE OR WITH FRIENDS..DON`T BE IN ANY RELATIONSHIP..IT WILL GIVE YOU MUCH PAIN"
2014-12-20 23:02:38 UTC
i'm a wuss
2014-12-20 22:07:42 UTC
1. i'm picky

2. girls give me mixed signals

3. i procrastinate on asking them out due to over reacting

4. repeat 1-3
2014-12-20 21:28:31 UTC
These are the reasons why people are single:

Too good looking and spoiled by all the attention so they just get ******


Lazy and uninteresting

Don't know how to communicate


Have too many kids from different fathers (maybe too much financial responsibility)

Choose to and waiting for the right one

Have everything worth giving in a relationship but are looking for something that is a fit

Havent' discovered you are gay

Disrespectful or a free spirit

Porn addict

Stupid, dumb, mean

Most guys are assholes and those guys date fifteen year olds

Perverts or pervess

Too ugly and do not take care of ones self

That girl......
2014-12-20 21:06:27 UTC
I am single because I am still very young and I'm not caught up in making sure I'm looking for or in a relationship 24/7 if i find a guy i find one but since im still in high school (my last year) I honestly cant find a guy i am intellectually attracted to so far
2014-12-20 20:40:46 UTC
Being single is a choice people make including myself. A person's life can always change, for better, or worse. Some people prefer to search, for their soul mate, and other people prefer to be single because these people have a different purpose in life.
Bad Speller
2014-12-20 20:26:58 UTC
The rezone for be single, is no woman out there for me they all big bread baskets and if I marred one of them it means I am going to be in trouble and diverse, is a lot of milk out their, all I wan, and I pay no bills at all.

Women to day know to use 50 to 100 men before are 20 years old, they going trough the schools changing 2 men a day, if any man wanes to marred one of them so be, good Luke but not me
2014-12-20 19:40:30 UTC
Because I like variety. I love kissing, hugging, touching, running my fingers down a gals side.
2014-12-20 14:37:52 UTC
No one likes me for who I am. I'm strange, like boring things like classic music, chess, and an personality that simply isn't compatible with society. Plus, I don't really know how to communicate accordingly with a person, since I never had friends back at school. So I have like 16 years experience in solitude XD..I believe I have also a naturally black aura that simply repels people around me. I go to university now and still I have no friends. It's almost the same thing as school, but less rude :P .
2014-12-22 23:44:17 UTC
Family/environment/friends(example's)/movie/series/books which make it feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel that single is MINGALLLLL one but seriously single is loneliness.....
2014-12-20 02:54:53 UTC
Time got away from me and now I'm too set in my ways.
2014-12-20 03:36:58 UTC
Time got away from me and now I'm too set in my ways.
2014-12-20 11:10:51 UTC
Because it seems to me that relationships with most women are just a waste of time and cause drama.
2014-12-20 09:06:15 UTC
women at work always ask me if I want a girlfriend its very annoying the reason why I turn them down because it wont be a relationship it will be just another mess around
2014-12-22 09:40:21 UTC
Because I don't have to spend a lot.
2014-12-22 21:28:22 UTC
2014-12-22 18:10:01 UTC
Im in my early teens

im tall

im very different

i can seem clingy

and the people around me know me pretty well, which is bad because I was really (in THAT kinda way, stupid in primary school.)

maybs one day
Loyal Pistons Fan
2014-12-22 07:23:15 UTC
She doesn't even live in the same country as me.
2014-12-22 00:47:02 UTC
Yes I am Single because I am very busy with work, my businesses, my hobbies, and my friends.
2014-12-21 13:05:07 UTC

I don't know how to approach some girl, what topics to discuss with her ... Mostly fear
2014-12-20 10:31:38 UTC
I don't even try, I don't want a relationship.
2014-12-22 20:50:26 UTC
Because I am 5'6" and Middle Eastern. Pretty simple. No girl wants that.
2014-12-21 09:04:50 UTC
Because I always like impossible guys. I think i dont like easy things.
2014-12-20 13:49:48 UTC
Relationships are a complete waste of time.
2014-12-23 09:04:13 UTC
im not single but many reasons why people are single is because they are busy with raising their child
2014-12-22 06:23:48 UTC
im not actively looking out,i have some business to finish before i go in full time dating mode
2014-12-20 02:57:16 UTC
Am fat, well at least i think thats why? Maybe its because am in high school, and boys don't know the difference between fat and hips and ***. :)
nature lover
2014-12-21 13:08:19 UTC
didnt find the 1
2014-12-20 02:27:21 UTC
Trust issues formed after failed last relationships.
2014-12-22 16:03:02 UTC
I don't understand women
2014-12-23 08:51:47 UTC
a) Too shy to approach them.

b) Picky. I have an ideal type of boyfriend.
2014-12-20 02:47:01 UTC
Because I want
2014-12-21 12:38:49 UTC
What's it too yu?
2014-12-21 15:45:10 UTC
im really shy and low in confidence with guys
2014-12-20 12:03:23 UTC
maybe because the person just wants to
2014-12-20 02:34:37 UTC
i'll take "severe self-worth issues for 600, alex."
2014-12-20 02:35:12 UTC
I have a hot bf
2014-12-20 13:35:46 UTC
Dick's too big might kill someone
2014-12-20 02:15:01 UTC
Maybe I don't go out very often? Maybe I'm not as slim as other girls? Maybe my shy personality hides the real me from guys? Idk. could be more reasons. But Meh, w/e.
2014-12-24 04:35:23 UTC
Because I suck at relationships.
2014-12-20 02:16:00 UTC
because I have a daughter
2014-12-21 21:54:26 UTC
I dont think my type finds me to be their type :(
2014-12-22 16:46:07 UTC
too busy with school
2014-12-20 13:18:44 UTC
Not good enough. Not yet.
2014-12-23 02:31:45 UTC
i'm not hahaha
2014-12-20 05:44:54 UTC
freedom and fantasy
2014-12-22 20:07:19 UTC
Because my husband died.
2014-12-22 23:00:44 UTC
2014-12-20 11:41:06 UTC
2014-12-22 18:25:22 UTC
i dont know
Bob Sacremento
2014-12-21 21:09:51 UTC
i choose to be
2014-12-22 10:36:57 UTC
2014-12-22 16:45:28 UTC
I'm transexual...
2014-12-22 17:44:50 UTC
........Because i have 7 cats..................................and 2 more patent pending.
2014-12-22 20:29:28 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.