2010-05-19 17:13:18 UTC
1. How old do you think we should be before we are allowed to date? (Do not say theres no age limit or never, please give me a number I need this answer to be Technical) ?
2. How many bf/gf did you have? How old are you now?
3. Do you have to feel butterflies in order to be sure that your in love?
4. Lets say you were in a relationship and you notice that your bf/gf has a lot of friends of hte opposite gender and are very close with them?
5. What do you define as cheating?
6. If/When you have a bf/gf and another person of the opposite gender flirts with you will you go along? Is is okay to just play along but have no feelings for them what-so-ever?
7. how do you know if you are over your ex?
8. Is it wrong ot still notice all the things your ex does such as "Oh hes/shes looking at me, this is so akward" or "Why do i keep seeing him/her everywhere"
9. If you had to chose between being best friends or bf/gf wha would you chose?
10. Do you believe in love?
Once again thank you for answering all these questions. I know their quite long, I really appreciate it. :)