Do you already talk to him?
I think if you just go up to him and ask him out, it will be weird.
Take baby steps, there's still time. Just start with a word or two, Hi or whatever, and talk a bit more each day. Just random stuff. Ask for his opinion or help with some problem. Guys love to solve problems. When he gets the idea that you're interested, hopefully he'll ask you out. (Or you can go for it too!! But it can't be the first words out of your mouth.)
Good luck.
(Edit) Maybe to start you can just give him a random, genuine compliment. "Hey, cool shirt" or something. Ice broken -- no further conversation needed for now. The next day smile and say Hi. Hey, he's your friend now, ya know, so smile and say hi. If you're shy you can even repeat the just-smile-and-hi thing for a few days. Try to talk a little. Then one day you can say something like, "hey, me and some friends are going to (wherever -- concert, movie, street party, bowling, idk), you should come. It'll be fun."
Don't sweat it, sugar. Good luck.
(Edit) I have to respectfully disagree with the girl below who writes "You only have ONE shot to do this." It's this kind of all-or-nothing thinking that will make you too nervous, the situation will be weird, and it will suck. No worries, baby. Take it easy. There's plenty of time. Yes, start talking to him NOW, but there's no need to "lay it on the line" from the start. Just get to know him a little. K?