ok so the guy that i like held my hand on tuesday nigt it took me by surprise really. here how it goes. i was on my way to the office and i had to pass his office and on his office there was this girl coworker and while i was passing by she called me to ask me a question. the guy that i like wasnt there he was in the hallway and was on his way to the office. anyways i was talking to the girl coworker on the doorway i knew that my crush was behind me beacuse he was touching my lower back like in the middle. he is the only one who does this. i was talking to other coworker at the office and minutes later he held my hand. my right hand, was behind the doorway so they couldnt see my hand or his. i was really nervous his hand was warm. we are not dating or anything he asked for my number on sunday night and still hasnt called me. he is shy but i have noticed that he expresses his care with his actions not words like he would kiss my head, put his arm around my shoulder, holds my hand . we havent kiss yet so im guessing its soon right? i never had a boyfriend so i dont know what this is. im a naive girl. also i would like to hold my crush hand but were we work is always busy i want to hold his hand like he did with mine. what do you guys think also do u think with the things i have told you that anytime soon would i get a kiss from him or am i reading this too much so confused