kay so im 18 and a guy and i've been cheated on a lot. Well i'm a sweet guy and im pretty good looking i'm decent i'm a bit overweight but due to a weird metabolism I can't lose weight like a lot of people I can lose 3 or 4 pounds but it comes back so i'm always at war but i still try lol here's me btw http://twitpic.com/ana2ni anyhow i'm a sweet guy and a geek (I won't change my personality i'm not shallow nor desperate so if i have to change who I am 4 a girl then she needs a serious reality shallow bi** check) and I just can't get a girl and it urkes me. All these girls say they want a sweet guy who will treat them right and be there for them well.......I'M THAT GUY!!!!! but all they date is douchebag dudes who beat them and cheat and I end up lonely or with a cheater (at the time they seem geeky and sweet until they cheat on me so its kinda hard to tell lol) I'm not super picky like Ted Mosby either my only thing is that she has a wonderful personality and is a bigger girl I just love big girls ( I hate this term but bbws are what i like) which ironic since i've only dated thin girls and they are the ones who cheat, I guess i'm just scared of rejection from a big girl since i find them so gorgeous (There was one at the store today her smile lit up the whole room my heart melted thats how much i love big girls) Anyhow those are my only qualifiers thats it I just don't think i'm ever going to get my big soulmate? :( P.S a lot of people (mainly guys) say "Go out and meet people" or "Man up" but im very shy and introverted I don't open up until I get to know them and making the first move is super hard for me. Many girls are also very very shallow and won't go for me at all because i'm not "swaggy enough" (seriously though swag? really people are that dumb?) I just don't think i'll ever get my big soulmate :( is there something wrong with me that I can't get my big girl?