2013-02-25 08:17:50 UTC
I want to take him out of my mind.. i love my husband and in no way i will ever hurt him...
But how can i make this doc go away from my mind.
In my physical examination, the way he touched, it was soft and gentle unlike doctor examination and he himself called me to tell the blood results. he asked me come back and see him(for medical condition).
Next meeting, i was already blushing and hardly could speak... In the end of session, he said" see you soon". Is it normal for doc to say "see you soon" even if you do not need to..
i emailed him some of concerns regarding health, he said he can not reply on email.. he said i should come and talk to him in person.. he could have easily reply to my questions on email. most doc does..again at the end of email he wrote " see you soon"
I am not sure if the feelings are mutual or not.. but i want to get rid of all his thoughts.. i have started paying more attention to my husband..
A part of my heart likes the attention... he is good doctor and diagnose a long disease and i don't want to lose him as a doc..