This may not go down too well with some female users of this site, but I shall have a bash because you are asking what will make you more SEXUALLY appealing.
It sounds like you are doing all of the right things in the way you present yourself stylistically, but how do you present yourself in other ways? You say you are an economist, and from my experience, economists and financial people can come across as a bit dry. I'm not saying that you are this way (I don't know you at all) but might you be coming across as a bit buttoned up? Finance can be a pretty boring subject, so see if you can chat to people about all sorts of things. Then you will come across as interesting. (Of course, if you do this already, then keep at it).
Contrary to what was said above, clothing DOES matter. How do you dress? Do you dress provocatively? Or do you wear unfeminine 'power suits?' That does matter to men, certainly. I'm not saying dress like a prostitute, but if you can show off some more flesh (shorter skirts, low cut tops, figure-hugging outfits) then you will spark mens' imaginations more, and that is what appeal is.
Now, on to HOW you come across. I always think girls who are playful in some way are very appealing. Men aren't really too keen on girls who are prudish or cold in some way. See if you can be a bit more playful with men around you. Again, I'm not saying be a meaneater or anything like that, but a girl who is a bit tactile, playful and takes and interest in the men in her world, is VERY appealing. Trust me, we won't mind at all.
With dating, a lot of the emphasis is put on the men to do the chasing, and this can be quite a burden at times; so a girl who makes it a bit 'easier' for us, by being friendly, playful and a even a bit affectionate, is welcomed with open arms. (And don't be afraid to touch us, or give us cuddles or things like that - if you like a guy, let him know with a physical gesture. More often than not, he will appreciate it).
Now, how do you do that? You may not be used to being playful and a bit flirtatious. the answer is in developing your own self-confidence and self-appreciation first. Make a list of your positive qualities and things which are going well in your life. (Get someone to help you if you need). Answer the question; WHAT DO I LIKE ABOUT ME? Make this list as long as possible, and then once you are done, read it through to yourself. Read it through several times a day, until your qualities start becoming familiar to you. These qualities shouldn't be what you think you should be like, but what you ACTUALLY like about you. Basically, they will tell you what your own UNIQUE APPEAL is, which is what guys will like most about you.
What will happen is that all of these good thoughts will sink into your deeper mind, and register subconsciously. As you do this, your subconscience will start to 'recycle' this new 'data' as further good thoughts, good feelings about yourself, and self-confidence. (The positive kind, not the bullish and conceited kind). And when you are feeling confident and good about yourself, you come across to others as open, friendly, playful and fun to be with: all of the ways I mentioned above. You will have a real sparkle about you, and that matters just as much as what you wear.
(Maybe read through your list a couple of times before you sleep, as it will sink in more easily because the interfering conscious mind is becoming immobilised).
Body size and shape doesn't matter that much: I'll tell you this now, men like ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF BODY SIZE. Don't buy in to any of the rubbish the media writes about 'perfect' size 10's or 'male ideals,' or being 'too' fat or skinny. ANY girl can be appealing if she is coming across as positive and fun to be with.
(There is a size 20 girl in my world at the moment, who has all of the fun and playful traits above, and I think she's a beautiful ray of sunshine).
As you become more self-appreciating, two things will happen. Men will be drawn to you because they will like being with you (and they will be good-quality men as well, not prats) and you will also feel confident around them, like being with them, and feel confident about trying things with them. Don't worry about any 'girly' gestures either, because things like giggling, blushing a bit, or playing with your hair are really cute.
But the most important gesture is to smile. A girl with a genuine smile is so appealing. Just one smile can convey so many positive things, so smile at men. Right now, I am thinking about my four favourite girls at the moment: each one is playful, quirky, friendly and affectionate in some way, and each one has her own unique appeal, but each one has a lovely smile too.
In general, keep on doing what you have been doing, make a couple of subtle wardrobe changes, and work on your inner sparkle. You already have it, you can bring it out more, and when you do, you too will be a beautiful ray of sunshine.
Good luck.