How can I become more sexually appealing to men?
2016-12-31 23:30:04 UTC
I'm 24 and am an economist. I'm also graduating with an MBA in accounting this may. I am 5 ft 8 and a dress size 2. I have long black hair down to my belly button. I am good with makeup to the point where I have been requested to do makeup for other people! I get mistaken for a fashion student. I'm also a model and want to start preparing for the LSAT while working full time. I have experience in banking and want to do a beauty pageant before law school if time permits. I will also be interning at one of the largest sports arena in America in an accounting capacity with hopes of getting hired fulltime. I am also an accounting and finance administrator for a well known theatre group! I have very great skin and get compliments on it as well as my physique ;-) but I really want to be even sexier to guys! I dress very well and usually have a full face of makeup unless I'm too busy bc of over stress. Even during over stress, I still wear some makeup, but I'm never "makeup free". I get manis and pedis every 3-5 weeks and do my own eyebrows. But how can I become even sexier to men?
162 answers:
2017-01-03 21:16:19 UTC
If a woman has a nice face then she does not need makeup. Sounds like you have an ego problem, which is a big turnoff for guys. The more you try to look sexy the less appealing you will be. You might be OK for a one night stand, but that's about all. Based solely on what you have said, I would not want to go out with you. A woman who is sexy is comfortable with who she is, a trait which you do not possess.

Post a photo and we'll tell you where you're going wrong.
2017-01-02 20:23:17 UTC
1. Don't live for men, live for yourself.

2. Many men don't care about what you're wearing. And they don't care about fashion or what's in.

3. Most men don't like a full face of make-up. Where's your natural face?

4. Put on weight. You're underweight. Being healthy is way more attractive and shows that you can take care of yourself.

5. Manis and pedis are irrelevant to most men. Sure they're nice to look at, but who really cares?

6. You're only sexy if you have the confidence, but don't be conceited because that's a turn off. I sense some boasting in your question.

7. You sound like a bit of a bore. Yes you've done this and that, but that sort of information will only be appealing to some girls, not guys.

Fix these.
2017-01-03 05:05:29 UTC
1. Guys don't like a lot of makeup

2. Wear tighter clothing

3. Go to the gym

4. Quit trying to be fake

5. Get trying to act perfect

6. Quit trying to sound perfect

7. Stop pretending to be a size two

8. Don't ask dumb questions

9. Get some real friends

10. Quit trolling
2017-01-10 13:31:13 UTC
you dont need to be appealing to men, you should dress up for yourself and not anyone else 'cause you dont need to rely on someone else when you are a perfectly fine human being...

however, i get that you would like to be more attractive to others and the most attractive thing in the world is being an awesome, sweet, kind, funny, enjoyable, confident person...

having an amazing personality is extremely sugary! so is being really confident, but not overly confident to the point where youre cocky...

focus on becoming a better person and the men shall come crawling to you like flies!

goodluck :)
2017-01-03 08:16:11 UTC
To me?

1) Learn how to communicate. How an economist can claim to want help from certain people but doesn't respect those people enough to do more than a wall of text is beyond me. You've never written a report? A letter? Essay? Thesis? Dissertation? ANYTHING?!

2) Ask me again when you're a bit less selfish.....
2017-01-02 02:23:05 UTC
These answers are so sad, hilarious, but sad just ignore it except for Paul C, and ProfGene First, YOU have to understand what it means "TO BE SEXY" . Sexy is more of a personality trait, an attitude, a confidence, it is a quality you already HAVE. you just have to find it and figure out how to use it. Dressing like a Hooker will not make you SEXY although she is correct slutty is "highly effective" Try dressing like a classy secretary. Very tight pencil skirt w/ with slit up the back, silk blouse NOT buttoned just tied, your hair in a bun with glasses, on the tip of your nose and the highest pair of pumps you own. If you can balance classy and trashy that is sexy as hell, and you can take slutty to a whole new level. NOW, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, guys are TERRIFIED of you and your accomplishments and goals are very impressive YET intimidating especially to guys your age. I hope this helps you, BUT and I feel like I have the responsibility to warn you. Because of your intelligence and the desire and ability to succeed YOU WILL find your SEXY, and YOU WILL learn to master it, so THE FORCE will be very strong with you. BE CAREFUL because you could melt some poor idiots brain!! GOOD LUCK GIRL
2017-01-01 19:38:24 UTC
It sounds like you are interviewing for a job rather than trying to be appealing to a man. You need to talk about your feelings your likes and dislikes who you are as a person not a potential CEO. You need to have at least some vulnerability something that might make a man feel you need him rather that you are so self reliant and confident that you don't need anybody. I am not saying you should dumb down because there are men who like smart women and you do not want to go for one who doesn't. And you don't want to show that you are superior to a potential lover but that you might be his equal in some ways but not all ways.
john dickmon
2017-01-01 18:59:27 UTC
You don't have the time to devote to a relationship.

You need to choose what is more important to you. And yes, you can have both, but right now ain't the time (at least based on the introduction in your question)

it also seems like with all you are doing, you are not comfortable with any of it. They do call it "a job" for a reason.

I suggest you take a vacation to a quiet corner for a couple of weeks and decide what you really want to do.
2017-01-05 08:49:18 UTC
You don't need to be this sounds cliche but people like someone being who thay are instead of being another person for someone I may be Lesbian but my Girlfriend always says how original I am the fact I don't try turns her on she says it's really sexy she and probably most guys like not much makeup I'll admit people appreciate when you spend alot of time and effort for yourself like makeup but If your trying to sexuality attract go for a more natural look
2017-01-02 04:46:59 UTC
you dont NEED to be appealing to men, you should dress up for yourself and not anyone else because you dont need to rely on someone else when you are a perfectly fine human being.

however, i get that you would like to be more attractive to others and the most attractive thing in the world is being an awesome, sweet, kind, funny, enjoyable, confident person.

having an amazing personality is extremely sexy! so is being really confident, but not overly confident to the point where youre cocky.

focus on becoming a better person and the men will come crawling to you like flies!

2017-01-03 13:55:30 UTC
Apart from success and good physique, you need to have it good inside.

For example, there is a guy that liked me and he was extrimely smart and good-looking. However, he was smart for school and inteligence isn't measured by that. He was also quite boring but amazing to look at. Then I met a guy with an ugly, big nose and he wasn't great at school. But he was charming and mysterious. He was funny and kind. He made me tremble next to him and he even became attractive after I liked him inside.

Try being more funny and more charming. Not everything is about the looks. As strange as that may sound to you, it is possible for people to not even be remotely good-looking and yet have an attractiveness about them.
2017-01-02 03:55:01 UTC
You seem to focus on entirely external things as opposed to looking inside yourself. Its great to take pride in yourself with your looks, education, having various interests, etc... That being said, please forgive me for saying you seem a bit vain. You seem to be very wrapped up in your outer appearance and how attractive you look on paper, but there's WAAAAAAAYYYY more to a relationship than what college you went to, dress size, and how much makeup you wear. You want to be humble. This doesn't mean you have to have low self esteem; rather it means you can admit when you're wrong and apologize, you don't act like you're the most important person in the relationship/ world, you remember to give thanks even for the littlest things and look to be helpful whenever possible, and you're not repulsively prideful/ arrogant. You want to be relatable and be an active listener/ communicator. You and your better half should have things in common and share interests, share your thoughts and feelings whether positive or negative in a constructive manner, agree on all major issues in the relationship, and don't play guessing games if you want something or he did something you didn't like/ you're upset about something. Honestly in my experience, men, along with being attracted to my body (size 0 pants, 4'10", butt length brunette hair, pretty blue eyes, light olive skin (2Y09 Sephora Skin IQ), pretty face, works out a lot), have been attracted to my personality and interests, my balance of self- confidence and humility, and my general peaceful, non-argumentative manner. When men see qualities like that, they are more attracted to you for a serious relationship. Sure you may get a lot of guys who see you in a sexual manner first the way you're currently going, but they're not taking you seriously or respecting you. You sound like a very accomplished and attractive woman, and you shouldn't stoop to that level. You're worth a lot more than those guys, and if you get into a relationship with a guy who only sees you as a sex toy, trust me you'll leave it heartbroken because he'll just use you. Let your personality shine through and follow my advice above. Eventually a good man will be attracted to you, in part because of your beauty, but also because he sees a possible future with you because you seem like you would be fun, easygoing, and a good wife.
2017-01-07 14:48:45 UTC
you dont need to be appealing to men, you should dress up for yourself and not anyone else 'cause you dont need to rely on someone else when you are a perfectly fine human being.........

however, i get that you would like to be more attractive to others and the most attractive thing in the world is being an awesome, sweet, kind, funny, enjoyable, confident person.........

having an amazing personality is extremely sugary! so is being really confident, but not overly confident to the point where youre cocky.........

focus on becoming a better person and the men shall come crawling to you like flies!

goodluck :)
paul c
2017-01-01 13:25:22 UTC
This is probably not the answer you want to hear but the most sexy attribute you can acquire is a real happiness in who you are and what you look like. Most people don't get this until they are in their 30s. Some people never get it. If you're happy with yourself, truly 100% happy i mean, you won't be too concerned with how other people judge you and that confidence will be the sexiest thing about you.
2017-01-03 06:17:21 UTC
We don't want to see cake face ( make up) the natural look is better if u can get away with it.. Also , wear more revealing clothing and smile more to men as that's really sexy... Make sure u put out also and lick the tip of the penis first a few times before swallowing the whole sausage - we like foreplay too!! Good luck
2017-01-03 14:33:03 UTC
You remember that record "I'm too sexy for my shirt"? Cut that crap and people may find you attractive. Hang a white piece of paper on a wall and nobody will give it a second thought. Now fill it with paint and people may look at it. They are not looking at the paper, they are looking at the attractive paint. Same goes for you. If the paper had something nice of its own, people may look at it without paint. Again, same goes for you. A nice person does not come on here and ask how she can get even more males to drop to their knees in her presence. Start by letting males find you attractive without you telling them how attractive you are. Males of nearly every species are the attractive one whereas the females are very plain. Female, birds, fish, mammals are all plain jane compared to their counterparts. Your false colours and false attributes such as implants, overly red lips and false eyelashes all came out of a hand bag and although look nice, are not what males are looking for. It may get you a screw but the next morning when your mask falls off, that's the decider. I'm sure other males will agree with me.
Groove doctor
2017-01-05 23:35:53 UTC
Quite honestly, the girl I have most fancied was good looking (I'd seen girls far better looking than her that I didn't fancy as much) but had me utterly enchanted by her personality. She was quick to smile and had a way of playing along and starting jokes. She wasn't exactly funny, but she was very playful and positive. For me, it was a far more powerful drug than pure sexuality. Dangerously attractive, in fact. I think she wooed all the guys.
Gaia’s Garden
2017-01-02 06:34:45 UTC
You can quit being self absorbed and learn to pay attention to the guy. Off hand I'd say you're underweight.

Just for comparison, I'm 5 feet tall, skinny as a board (also underweight), and work at WalMart, but I have three husbands, a wife, and a sister wife.
2017-01-02 22:26:06 UTC
Hey there,

It sounds like you're very impressive. You have a lot of things going on for you, you're very inteligent, and very beautiful too.

I love girls who have a passion for something. It doesn't matter what that passion is; passion is so attractive. It seems like your real passion is fashion though. Am I wrong?

Perhaps be a bit more humble about you're achivements to guys. You can say a few, but don't put too much importance on it. If you say all these things, guys are going to think you're too good for them and leave you alone. Also, talking about yourself too much comes across as pretentious, arrogant and sometimes even bitchy. No matter what you think guys don't like girls who are full on. Try to talk about they guy as much as possible in conversations, share similar experiences and feelings about things.
Linda G
2017-01-01 20:07:22 UTC
You sound like a transgender, possibly already surgically altered trans? I'd talk to other trannies to find out what they do. If you can enter a beauty pageant as a female, you can surely get advice about looking sexy from other "females". Because naturally born females of your age attract men regardless of what they're wearing or how they do their hair and makeup.
2017-01-06 23:00:58 UTC
Everything that you used to describe yourself is sexually appealing to me, a man. I am getting horny just reading your characteristics (just joking, haha). I find smart women very sexually appealing, but sometimes perfection is unappealing to me. I like women who have imperfections. The only thing that I do find sexually unappealing from you, is your makeup. I have seen women completely change and look like an entirely different woman when they apply makeup. I feel like makeup is mask, very unappealing, at least to I.
2017-01-01 05:37:29 UTC
You said you "...dress very well..." but very well may not be very sexy. There is a reason that hookers dress the way they do, they are professional man catchers. I know women don't like to be thought of as looking like a hooker but it will do the trick every time. Some will say you will catch the wrong type of man, but not necessarily so. Some of that would depend on where you hang out. And maybe you don't have to go that far but at least start out somewhere in between "very well" and "slutty". Based on everything else you said it will work-guaranteed!
Steven Ewing
2016-12-31 23:48:35 UTC
Well, I have a life, very sexual persona, and if you would like to come down to Earth, no resume required, I am quite positive you would have a grand time, and experience, performing, and receiving many a thing you have not enjoyed, to date. Just message sometime, and get acquainted. Btw, at 24, we have that in common, and I promise practice in sexiness, and sexual expression, and exercise in the principles of orgasm, and multiple applications of same. Visit to profile welcomed.
2017-01-04 00:22:01 UTC
U don't need to look beautiful u don't need ur guys to look beautiful they could be mean or gross and dangerous but if u really want some advice

Cut ur hair to almost ur shoulders get highlights show some breast and skin wear leggings or skinny jeans wear an appealing shirt make ur make up simple but beautiful be healthy and remember ur beautiful just the way u are
2017-01-03 15:20:19 UTC
Your lucky!!! I am 5'2 and 160 lb im ugly and I get called ugly every single day I ask my self why I'm alI've I wish I were you I'm not a tractive at all I had my first boyfriend in June and it ended in july my friend showed me the text of where he used me the entire time so u should be lucky as hell JUST sayin
2017-01-01 11:28:10 UTC
Kinda seems like your bragging. Clothing doesn't matter when it comes to guys they don't care about that. So you told us that your looks are extremely good and your etc but we don't know your personality. What if your personality is selfish rude mean and not caring? That's probably a turn off for guys. Most people look for personality because personality is what truly makes you, you.
2017-01-05 04:48:46 UTC
Just be yourself the right guy will like you for who you are. Don't change so you are more appealing to men. You are perfect the way you are
2017-01-01 22:18:34 UTC
If you want a boyfriend then the best thing to do is ask a boy out. Seriously that's it. You sound very attractive but I've been asked out by unattractive women and I have said yes. My Point is that guys hate being the one's to ask someone out. So they would say yes to any girl that approached them first. Especially you from what it sounds like. Like I said from your description you sound beautiful
2017-01-02 21:07:46 UTC
I think being warm, charming, friendly, expressive - how you present with your personality and body language is key. Don't be afraid to laugh, to exclaim loudly & excitedly with wide eyes about things you love, about things you hate. Walk and move with feline grace and style. Make cute little faces, make eyes with people, do the naughty smile and wink, play with your hair a little. Act cute and be playful. As the vulnerable girl who is innocent or the sexy tigress who is fierce and formiddable. Show a beautiful, fun personality to go along with your beautiful face and body. Be versatile & have a presence, an aura of positive energy.
2017-01-03 07:42:19 UTC
"Arm candy" is not everything. I think you are overdoing it. I would be afraid to touch you for fear of wrinkling your clothing, or messing up your makeup.

All that effort you are putting into your looks is only serving to "one up" other women, and not Impressing men.

From your description, you are what men call "high mantenance".

Loose half the makeup, put on some tight Levi's.

Alleged "designer" clothing will not land you a decent man.

Edit: I know a really fat, bald man, who is 48, and he would gladly pay you handsomely to go to his 30 year high school reunion as his "date". He would enjoy making his classmates believe that you are his hot wife. He looks a bit like Shrek, but not green. His type are everywhere. You can make money off you looks that way.
Anne Campbell
2017-01-02 15:23:37 UTC
You say much about your appearance and achievements but little comes across regarding your personality. Perhaps you are too driven and seemingly self assured to let a man see you as a potential partner.

You schedule leaves little room for a relationship and your future agenda even less.
2017-01-03 03:37:40 UTC
I know you are lying because it's impossible to be an economist at 24. An economist means you have a PhD. This is such a stupid post. Quit trying to brag about your non existent successes in the internet loser.
2017-01-02 01:49:38 UTC
You don't! You are already so full of yourself you can't see straight. I wouldn't want someone like you. Sorry, but if all you are thinking about is how to be prettier and sexier, then you are missing the whole point in finding someone special.
2017-01-04 07:19:13 UTC
Uh how about get over yourself? Focus on the men instead of yourself 24/7. Deflate your head a little too while you're at it.
2017-01-16 09:59:46 UTC
we don't want to see cake face ( make up) the natural look is better if u can get away with it...... also , wear more revealing clothing and smile more to men as that's really sugary......... make sure u put out also and lick the tip of the penis first a few times before swallowing the whole sausage - we like foreplay too!! good luck
2017-01-02 07:59:32 UTC
If you want to catch a millionaire don't push too much beyond what you got, probably when you get that job or the other the men will come to you, typically will be a co-worker or your boss, but you should accept him only if he is single. Good luck.
2016-12-31 23:39:42 UTC
Stop being so full of yourself

To appeal to anyone you need to show a caring personality, and sadly that doesn't come over at all.
2017-01-02 01:33:43 UTC
Bend Over
2017-01-02 23:50:03 UTC
You sound like you're plenty appealing already to be honest. Like almost too appealing lmao! Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about.
2017-01-02 20:12:58 UTC
Men like women who looks natural
2017-01-01 18:51:50 UTC
I know what you mean, I am a space marine but women shun me, always have. Maybe don't lead with your BS qualifications, they aren't going to help you assume the bedroom position. Seriously, strong independent, intelligent women are sexy but you just seem really full of yourself and high maintenance.

(PS I know those aren't really BS qualifications, wife has studied for similar equivalent in management accounting, I couldn't even get through one paragraph of her text books).
2017-01-06 20:54:06 UTC
There are two things that can help you here, understanding what men want and how to make men desire you. I have recommended some article to some ladies with similar challenge, and it was really helpful for them. You can try them too.
2017-01-04 06:05:34 UTC
You're taking this waaay to seriously. Relax, be yourself and I'm sure you'll meet up with a great guy! Most of all, don't look for love. Let it find you instead.
2017-01-03 01:58:26 UTC
You're probably already too attractive to begin with. Being too attractive means that guys will avoid you like the plague. No point in asking a sexy woman out if she will just say NO.
2017-01-02 07:26:55 UTC
Do you get Brazilian waxes? If not this could really help, just remember to go to a good establishment that has good wax. I know a guy won't know at least for a while if you're smooth down there but maybe it will keep him coming back for more. Just saying.
2017-01-02 05:01:22 UTC
Most men like different things me I just like a girl that likes me fir who I am I don't care for much else as long as they like me but every man has a unique women in mind
2017-01-03 20:58:33 UTC
2017-01-02 03:46:38 UTC
You shouldbe meeting friends along with your activities in life. Are you smiling and friendly. Your bio here sounds self absorbed. If your so cerely interested in people, and daily praying for the right spouse to come into your life, then things will happen for you.
2017-01-06 09:53:58 UTC
you remember that record "i'm too sugary for my shirt"? cut that crap and people may find you attractive... hang a white piece of paper on a wall and nobody shall give it a second thought... now fill it with paint and people may look at it... they are not looking at the paper, they are looking at the attractive paint... same goes for you... if the paper had something nice of its own, people may look at it without paint... again, same goes for you... a nice person does not come on here and ask how she can get even more males to drop to their knees in her presence... start by letting males find you attractive without you telling them how attractive you are... males of nearly every species are the attractive one whereas the females are very plain... female, birds, fish, mammals are all plain jane compared to their counterparts... your false colours and false attributes such as implants, overly red lips and false eyelashes all came out of a hand bag and although look nice, are not what males are looking for... it may get you a screw but the next morning when your mask falls off, that's the decider... i'm sure other males shall agree with me...
2017-01-03 14:41:19 UTC
agree with the gist of most of the posted answers -youve been conned by the whole american commercialisation of beauty products and fashion. Try doing the opposite for a change and relax enjoy the company of guys and dont be afraid to show your feelings more.

2017-01-02 04:14:37 UTC
Cut your hair... take a few inches off it's too long and I think outrageously long hair is annoying and gets in the way. Change your style and put your self out there
2017-01-03 08:33:31 UTC
You should find a man who likes you for what's on the inside, not for your sex appeal.
2017-01-04 09:02:05 UTC
apart from success and good physique, you need to have it good inside...

for example, there's a guy that liked me and he was extrimely smart and good-looking... however, he was smart for school and inteligence isn't measured by that... he was also quite boring but amazing to look at... then i met a guy with an ugly, big nose and he wasn't awesome at school... but he was charming and mysterious... he was funny and kind... he made me tremble next to him and he even became attractive after i liked him inside...

try being more funny and more charming... not everything is about the looks... as strange as that may sound to you, it is possible for people to not even be remotely good-looking and yet have an attractiveness about them...
2017-01-02 08:20:19 UTC
Just be more confident and less fake with all the makeup and nailpolish. Feel free in your own skin and learn to love yourself. That is what is appealing to men.
2017-01-01 09:37:58 UTC
you said you ".........dress very well........." but very well may not be very sugary... there's a reason that hookers dress the way they do, they are professional man catchers... i know women don't like to be thought of as looking like a hooker but it shall do the trick every time... some shall say you shall catch the wrong type of man, but not necessarily so... some of that would depend on where you hang out... and maybe you don't have to go that far but at least start out somewhere in between "very well" and "slutty"... based on everything else you said it shall work-guaranteed!
2017-01-01 23:42:54 UTC
just two things;

1. get a new shorter hair cut

2. Forget that you're an economist

Good luck!
2017-01-02 08:18:44 UTC
You sound very intelligent. I think the best thing you can do is just keep on being your awesome self and love it and own it!! The right guy will come along and sweep you off your feet.

The only thing you could do is hang around guys and get to know more people
2017-01-01 23:31:07 UTC
2017-01-03 02:28:28 UTC
some men do not like a lot of make up if you can touch your face and it comes off that is too much be yourself and men will run to you
2017-01-04 00:46:04 UTC
Plastic surgery
2017-01-05 16:29:58 UTC
2017-01-04 02:25:12 UTC
Get a life lol. Seriously if you are okay with yourself (which you very well seem to be) then just continue being yourself. Stop trying to try so hard when we are all unattractive to someone out there.
2017-01-05 13:23:51 UTC
Become part owner of a bar
2017-01-03 02:43:03 UTC
You sound really, really into yourself... no offense but maybe guys realize how self-centered you are and it detracts from your beauty. Sorry if it's mean, but maybe that's something you need to work on. I could be wrong though.
Ace Shorty
2017-01-02 14:42:06 UTC
By taking all of your clothes off. Naked women are always more appealing to me.
2017-01-01 11:29:48 UTC
Are you not getting enough attention? Try talking economics, it's a big subject now.
2017-01-04 12:40:18 UTC
There's your problem. You were talking and talking about stuff. Guys don't care about that, not until they are actually dating. Just be approachable and don't play games
2017-03-03 15:08:11 UTC
I think long skirts are excellent, you're covered up with no restrictions of slacks.
2017-01-31 02:53:28 UTC
I think short skirts, coz you show off more thighs, but really no matter both should go great
2017-01-04 04:34:21 UTC
Whatever you are just makeup sample don't overlook and also dress up sample you will more sexually appealing to any men.
2017-01-01 20:17:52 UTC
You are 24 and you are addicted to makeup?!

Make up is a big turn off for me. I want to see the real person. Not the packaging.
2017-01-05 05:47:44 UTC
5' 8" size two.....try adding 3-4 dress sizes on that body for one thing
2017-01-01 16:59:10 UTC
Hire an attractive woman to stand in front of you at all times.
2017-01-01 23:41:24 UTC
2017-01-05 15:32:05 UTC
By being your beautiful self. True beauty is something you show, not something you try to fake.

Think about that

Take Care
Mai C
2017-01-05 22:57:38 UTC
You are trying too hard. Men are humans and they are not that hard to get. You just need to make sure they do not chose you, you choose them.
2017-01-03 03:14:16 UTC
Ok We have to stop being so sexy for other men

stop being sexy for every man in the world

the man just wants one girl at a time.

what are you looking at i said what I thought.
2017-01-02 21:30:57 UTC
Lay off on the make up. Make up doesn't mean anything. Real beautiful women don't beef make up.
2017-01-01 21:40:08 UTC
As conceited as you sound, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole.
2017-01-01 23:37:30 UTC
Seems like you have yourself well put together. Maybe try and make some of the moves and flirt some more.
2017-01-01 09:53:14 UTC
Yoga pants and a loose shirts that shows a strap of your under shirt on bra
Obi Wan Knievel
2017-01-03 02:42:23 UTC
Say yes next time you're asked. Problem solved.
2017-01-01 15:20:19 UTC
This may not go down too well with some female users of this site, but I shall have a bash because you are asking what will make you more SEXUALLY appealing.

It sounds like you are doing all of the right things in the way you present yourself stylistically, but how do you present yourself in other ways? You say you are an economist, and from my experience, economists and financial people can come across as a bit dry. I'm not saying that you are this way (I don't know you at all) but might you be coming across as a bit buttoned up? Finance can be a pretty boring subject, so see if you can chat to people about all sorts of things. Then you will come across as interesting. (Of course, if you do this already, then keep at it).

Contrary to what was said above, clothing DOES matter. How do you dress? Do you dress provocatively? Or do you wear unfeminine 'power suits?' That does matter to men, certainly. I'm not saying dress like a prostitute, but if you can show off some more flesh (shorter skirts, low cut tops, figure-hugging outfits) then you will spark mens' imaginations more, and that is what appeal is.

Now, on to HOW you come across. I always think girls who are playful in some way are very appealing. Men aren't really too keen on girls who are prudish or cold in some way. See if you can be a bit more playful with men around you. Again, I'm not saying be a meaneater or anything like that, but a girl who is a bit tactile, playful and takes and interest in the men in her world, is VERY appealing. Trust me, we won't mind at all.

With dating, a lot of the emphasis is put on the men to do the chasing, and this can be quite a burden at times; so a girl who makes it a bit 'easier' for us, by being friendly, playful and a even a bit affectionate, is welcomed with open arms. (And don't be afraid to touch us, or give us cuddles or things like that - if you like a guy, let him know with a physical gesture. More often than not, he will appreciate it).

Now, how do you do that? You may not be used to being playful and a bit flirtatious. the answer is in developing your own self-confidence and self-appreciation first. Make a list of your positive qualities and things which are going well in your life. (Get someone to help you if you need). Answer the question; WHAT DO I LIKE ABOUT ME? Make this list as long as possible, and then once you are done, read it through to yourself. Read it through several times a day, until your qualities start becoming familiar to you. These qualities shouldn't be what you think you should be like, but what you ACTUALLY like about you. Basically, they will tell you what your own UNIQUE APPEAL is, which is what guys will like most about you.

What will happen is that all of these good thoughts will sink into your deeper mind, and register subconsciously. As you do this, your subconscience will start to 'recycle' this new 'data' as further good thoughts, good feelings about yourself, and self-confidence. (The positive kind, not the bullish and conceited kind). And when you are feeling confident and good about yourself, you come across to others as open, friendly, playful and fun to be with: all of the ways I mentioned above. You will have a real sparkle about you, and that matters just as much as what you wear.

(Maybe read through your list a couple of times before you sleep, as it will sink in more easily because the interfering conscious mind is becoming immobilised).

Body size and shape doesn't matter that much: I'll tell you this now, men like ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF BODY SIZE. Don't buy in to any of the rubbish the media writes about 'perfect' size 10's or 'male ideals,' or being 'too' fat or skinny. ANY girl can be appealing if she is coming across as positive and fun to be with.

(There is a size 20 girl in my world at the moment, who has all of the fun and playful traits above, and I think she's a beautiful ray of sunshine).

As you become more self-appreciating, two things will happen. Men will be drawn to you because they will like being with you (and they will be good-quality men as well, not prats) and you will also feel confident around them, like being with them, and feel confident about trying things with them. Don't worry about any 'girly' gestures either, because things like giggling, blushing a bit, or playing with your hair are really cute.

But the most important gesture is to smile. A girl with a genuine smile is so appealing. Just one smile can convey so many positive things, so smile at men. Right now, I am thinking about my four favourite girls at the moment: each one is playful, quirky, friendly and affectionate in some way, and each one has her own unique appeal, but each one has a lovely smile too.

In general, keep on doing what you have been doing, make a couple of subtle wardrobe changes, and work on your inner sparkle. You already have it, you can bring it out more, and when you do, you too will be a beautiful ray of sunshine.

Good luck.
Clement Legros
2017-01-04 17:48:55 UTC
Sounds like you don't really need to do much more than you are now.
2017-01-01 16:56:12 UTC
You shouldn't aspire to be. You should find a man who loves you for the way you are.
2017-01-03 15:30:06 UTC
How can you be sexier to men? Simple. Get over yourself
2017-01-04 01:28:08 UTC
Use a good dating site.
2017-01-02 00:24:25 UTC
Dress like a s l u t and thirsty guys will come out of the woodworks. Problem solved.
Zoe Mercer
2017-01-01 10:07:24 UTC
You're probably a butterface
2017-01-02 06:34:16 UTC
Simple : swallow makeup so u can have a personality instead of focusing on your looks like if they will last for ever
♪ⓣⓗⓘⓢ Lułℓ@♭Ƴ♫
2017-01-02 00:36:23 UTC
You sound full of yourself. Just be you that's what guys want.
2017-01-05 02:05:01 UTC
Be yourself and don't stress it. The right guy for you will come around, there's one for everyone.
2017-01-02 12:58:50 UTC
Just go out. Guys will approach but just be careful.
2017-01-03 18:03:36 UTC
Treat a man like a God and he will treat you like a Goddess.
2016-12-31 23:40:38 UTC
waist level black hair will turn off 90% of men
2017-01-03 11:07:45 UTC
Just listen to me! have a nice *** and smile alot! thats it! guys will be trying to bone you left right and center!
2017-01-02 16:08:00 UTC
You forgot to mention your bra size. Also, you should post your picture, only then can I, or anyone, truly help you out.
2017-01-03 04:20:09 UTC
Look normal
2017-01-02 03:59:49 UTC
go to volunteer places and church functions fir quality men. don't just go for looks.
2017-01-02 01:30:56 UTC
You can be less of a resume, and more of a woman (being naturally yourself).
2017-01-02 12:12:21 UTC
Show off your feet
2017-01-02 02:58:03 UTC
Great hairstylist
2017-01-01 12:51:31 UTC
Stop being a bit*h and grow some balls
2017-01-03 03:53:51 UTC
Don't be easy. We think the best woman is the hardest one
2017-01-03 07:40:46 UTC
Need good body fitness.
Arian A
2017-01-02 10:58:56 UTC
Are you kidding! I finished ( wet) while reading your description. How do you say you wanna become sexier?!!!! for me, its enough.
2017-01-03 16:20:10 UTC
Hooker shoes and Buddha pants
2017-01-01 17:40:09 UTC
Try being less made up and more natural.
2017-01-01 00:30:54 UTC
wear sheer pantyhose, and dangle your shoes. it hooks men instantly. I know - I do it all the time
2017-01-02 12:27:14 UTC
Lol help me with accounting
2017-01-03 03:20:02 UTC
Get over yourself and help to be a part of the "solution".
Jason Lee
2017-01-03 00:45:57 UTC
High heels, short dress and stick your butt out when you walk.
2017-01-02 06:27:27 UTC
I don't speak of all men, but only myself; the more feminine/childlish you are the more I find it attractive, being messy, uncleaned is wat turns me on the most; make up terribly turn me off
2017-01-02 07:31:12 UTC
I suggest you stop shaving your crotch . Real men like a hairy crotch and cunnilingus.
2017-01-01 12:05:03 UTC
Black hair is ugly dye it.You sure are full of youself.Change that they might then like you.B i t c h!!
2017-01-02 05:38:41 UTC
Talk about your interests
Arron Johnson
2017-01-04 08:34:05 UTC
2017-01-01 21:55:24 UTC
Have a vagina implanted onto your face
2016-12-31 23:34:48 UTC
Change your personality. You sound ugly coming off "all that."
A simple man
2017-01-03 17:37:43 UTC
Dont! Work on you and the rest will follow
2017-01-02 04:09:40 UTC
plastic surgery
2017-01-03 05:20:53 UTC
become a stripper
2017-01-04 07:30:55 UTC
It is depend on other eye not your self different ppl different choice its depend on your destiny please write your birth details will see batter for you
2017-01-02 07:56:15 UTC
You can start by stop bragging about yourself.
2017-01-04 18:17:39 UTC
Dont know
2017-01-03 14:22:57 UTC
You had me at "24"
2017-01-01 00:17:40 UTC
sexiness comes from within..THINK ur sexy and u will be..U ever seen them fat lard women who seem to have a ton of guys liking them? its cause they know their sexy
2017-01-05 05:42:50 UTC
Don't try too hard.
2017-01-03 18:09:33 UTC
Act more slutty and be willing to "put out" more, if ya get what I mean! ;)
2017-01-03 02:14:29 UTC
Black hair means your pussy stinks like a big lip black **** colord monkey girls
2017-01-01 20:02:56 UTC
Just be yourself
2017-01-02 01:07:48 UTC
Shut up and suck d1k
2017-01-04 23:36:22 UTC
2017-01-03 14:18:30 UTC

youre all of these things and are so perfect theres only one thing left to do, u gotta get sum of dem titties my dude u feel b???
2017-01-02 09:12:58 UTC
Shove fireworks up your anus
2017-01-02 04:22:00 UTC
Be yourself
2017-01-03 23:38:52 UTC
Just go out half naked
2017-01-03 20:34:40 UTC
just be yourself not pretending ! avoid show offs
2017-01-05 03:05:48 UTC
2017-01-02 02:39:38 UTC
Too good to be true?
2017-01-01 16:56:06 UTC
just get on your knees and suck some D
2017-01-02 04:13:10 UTC
2017-01-03 19:16:12 UTC
makeup, how you dress, attitude, personality
2017-01-02 20:03:10 UTC
take this answer from a man. BE YOURSELF
2017-01-02 00:47:49 UTC
I'd **** you
2017-01-03 17:41:21 UTC
Put your boobs out
2017-01-02 01:50:58 UTC
2017-01-04 14:02:36 UTC
Be you
2017-01-02 17:33:05 UTC
Be a slut
2017-01-03 18:59:52 UTC
sexy comes from within.
2017-01-01 11:31:01 UTC
Show off your **** and ***!
2017-01-03 01:30:52 UTC
Show your ****
2017-01-02 04:12:27 UTC
be yourself
2017-01-02 05:08:49 UTC
2017-01-01 16:47:05 UTC
2017-01-02 00:12:46 UTC
Big boobs and ***
2017-01-01 04:54:13 UTC
2017-01-02 07:00:53 UTC
be you
2017-01-01 06:05:03 UTC
Be naked
2017-01-03 03:25:53 UTC
Please don't live for men
2017-01-05 02:19:33 UTC
2017-01-02 20:53:50 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.