From my perspective, there seems to be a bit of disparity between your portrayal of things and what I've seen so far.
First, with the current trend (at least in the U.S.) of women going for it all - the family, the career, the nice house, the stylish car, the 2.8 kids and the dog - it tends to foster the "I can do it, no matter what" attitude. That's not a bad thing; a healthy dose of self-confidence is something more of us could stand to have, in my opinion. However, it's quite easy for that "can-do" attitude to be carried over into every aspect of a woman's life.
So what's a guy to do when confronted with a woman who can handle everything? For some women (and I'm not saying that you're one of them - heck, I don't even know you) it can be perceived as an insult when a man attempts to be "chivalrous"...almost as if we're saying "you can't do that, let me do it for you".
As a result, some men just opt to take the easy way out (hey, we're lazy s.o.b.'s - at least, some of us are) and just do nothing. Using Women's Lib as an excuse, they shirk all potential responsibility and just coast.
For myself, I firmly believe that chivalry is a noble idea and should be displayed whenever possible - as long as the lady is willing for such displays to be made on her behalf.
...if she doesn't like it, I'm pretty certain that I'll hear about it.