i am in a realtionship for around 2 years..n we love each otr so much...but now i moved to anothr place n i find it difficult witout seeing him and talking to him....he usd to talk to me n msg me often but now he doesnt even pick my calls...most of d time we hav fights but none affectd us..but few days bck i disturbd him durin exam tym n he dint pick my calls...now he is askin me time and space..he told me he doesnt wont to leave me but giv him time...is tis going to b brkup?? i really need himm!!...pls help me...how can i give him space?? i really love him...i now he cares me too orelse he wont msg me like "love shudlnt affect ur studies n behaviour" "be normal n talk to parents"etcc..but i cant stop talking to him?? how will i keep myslf busy?? i cant concentrate on anythin....feel like i lost my whole life..how will i get him bck? how can we survive our long distanc realtionship?
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he msgd me tat he doesnt wont to leave me but he needs sum tym n he told me he doesnt like anyotr girls...wat does he really want sum space or full brk up?? he told me he want sum tym witout communictn...how can i make myslf busy witout thinkin abt him?? pls help me coz my examz r cumin up n i dont wont to get distartcd!!...how can i get him bck? n aftr how many days shud i contatct him?? pls pls