Is it possible for 13 year old guys to be mature? :|?
2009-07-30 21:47:08 UTC
Im 13, and i have never had a boyfriend. whatever. Im a little more mature than other girls my age, so i just cant see how they can all go date some immature, perverted guys. Is it like possible at all for 13-14 year old guys to be a little mature? Or do i have to wait until i am like 16? :|
69 answers:
2009-07-30 21:49:31 UTC
2009-07-30 21:54:12 UTC
Well it is possible I was mature at 13 that's kind of why i didn't have many friends because immature people annoy me. So it is possible so keep looking its not impossible. Try some of the more quiet guys or shy. I was quiet and shy. By the way im 16 now and it gets better in high school a little more.
2009-07-30 21:58:49 UTC
Do you think 16 year old guys are mature? They're not.

You're too young to be even thinking about dating. Right now, you should be preparing for your future by succeeding in school, and when you have free time, going out with girlfriends. You shouldn't be going out with guys in a one-on-one situation, but getting to know boys within the safety of a group. The purpose of boy/girl dating is to "audition" men you might want to marry. If this sounds old-fashioned, it is -- but does being married at eighteen with a baby sound hip? That's what comes from wanting to rush everything, instead of slowing down and enjoying this important part of your life.
Sally Cat
2009-07-30 21:51:16 UTC
Yes, but they're rare of course. There was actually an 11 year old boy on TV a few years ago. I remember him so well. He was extremely intelligent for his age. He wanted to be a philosopher he said. The way he spoke seemed like an old man trapped in a little body.

The sad thing with this boy though was that he was dying from some type of disease. It was really upsetting to hear him tell everyone about his dream when he'd never be able to live up to it =(
2009-07-30 21:57:58 UTC
If you're lucky, there are 13 year old boys who are mature. If they were meant to be your bf then yea... I met my boyfriend when we were 13 and he was very mature. He treated me like a lady and was really gentle. He always listened to me and hes like those very sweet gentle guys... He wasn't those loud obnoxious ones and he usually did whatever he can to please me. He is and was also a boy with a lot of heart and emotion unlike most guys who would just make perverted jokes. He did all those things when he was 13 and still does. He wasn't as mature as a grown man and embraced childhood as well which is also something I liked about him. So, yes, it is possible. I hope you find the boy of your dreams.
2009-07-30 21:53:03 UTC
In this day in age its almost impossible to find a 13 year old guy with any sort of maturity. And most don't get better at 16 either. I fell like I'm the only one in my classes that doesn't think its funny to fart in class or crack jokes about how fat some of the people are. experience
2009-07-31 12:23:03 UTC
I met my boyfriend when we were both 13 and obviously we weren't as mature as we are now but he was pretty mature even at 13 and he NEVER EVER cheated on me throughout our 5 year relationship that's still going on. I remember even back then he was so sweet and always acted like a gentleman. We are getting married in a couple of years. Good luck to you!
2009-08-03 19:47:12 UTC
im a 13 year old boy and im pretty mature for my age i like to fool around and have fun but in a serious way u just have to wait for a mature guy they are out there trust me
anna couture ™
2009-07-30 22:05:39 UTC
Actually, it's been my experience that you'll have to wait until you're old enough to date someone over 18 if you want someone mature.. I'm dating my most mature boyfriend right now, and he's 23. I'm almost 19.

13 year old boys are terrible and while they'll mature, yes, it will take a LONG time.

Things will get better! hang in there!
2009-07-30 21:51:35 UTC
It's possible for guys to be mature. When my bf was 14 he was way more mature than the other guys in my school. All the guys wanted was sex or a gf, they didn't care about their feelings. But my bf wanted someone to love him and he found me. You just have to find the right guy.
2009-07-30 21:54:44 UTC
I am thirteen too and I've also never had a boyfriend. We have the same thoughts. Most boys are not mature at our age. I want to wait until I get into high school to date because I think that none of the boys in my school are worthy enough, honestly. Plus, I think it's stupid when people at our age date anyway, most of the time it doesn't lead to a commitment anyways.
2009-07-30 21:50:43 UTC
No, 13 year old guys are NOT mature, maybe some are more mature than others but is that really saying much? Wait until your older darlin.
2009-07-30 21:51:59 UTC
Guys are immature and jerks for a long time. I'm 16 and honestly the guys my age act like they are 6. I broke up with my first bf in Feb. after I found out he cheated on me the whole nine months we went out just because I wouldn't have sex with him.

Not all guys are immature, perverted, jerks but a lot of them are. Most of the time the nice, sweet, caring, loving, respectful guys are already taken though.
2009-07-30 21:53:24 UTC
Well you don't have to wait until your 16 . Two out of five guys in this age rank are mature. I'm lucky cause I got one mature smart guy . I bet you will to 
2009-07-30 22:00:57 UTC
hahahaha STEREOTYPES CRACK ME UP!!!! are all black people ghetto???? are all 13 year old girls annoying???? are all fat people idiots????? are all 13 year old boys immature????

the truth is the answer to all of them is no, now get up find a mature guy and get out of your "high maintenance" life style

p.s. just because a guy laughs at a joke like "that's what he said" that doesn't make him immature, that means he has a good sense of humor

plus maturity is overrated
2009-07-30 21:52:22 UTC
technically it is possible but kinda improbably im stilll waiting for the guys to mature a little and im a few years older than you, but dont worrie about it enbrace being single and have fun dont worry about getting a boyfriend, and defiantly don't settle for an immature one i made that mistake and it just starts drama
2009-07-30 21:57:29 UTC
Personally, I don't think so.

You see, For someone to become from a kid to a mature adult, there has to be a step (teenager) in between, who makes silly mistakes(which a lot of teens do).

Only through mistakes or trial and error can someone be truly become mature. Nobody is born mature in my opinion. It is teen stage where the teens get to know themselves better.

Just have fun while you can!(Your age) :) that's my advice for you!
2009-07-30 21:51:05 UTC
You'll probably have more luck when you can date guys a bit older than you are--like 18 when you're 16, etc. Some girls just get along a lot better with older guys, and there's nothing wrong with that. For now though, sorry you're stuck with the young uns!
ikdj jnwd
2009-07-30 21:51:23 UTC
Very few are. That's why I'm going to wait a couple of years for them to mature until I start dating. Yet you may get lucky and be able to snag one of them. Look a little deeper.
2009-07-30 21:50:07 UTC

They're 13.

And they will not be mature at 16 either. Try 35.
2009-07-30 21:50:11 UTC
I'm in the same situation, I'm 14 though. So far I've only had luck with guys about 15-16.
2009-07-30 21:51:49 UTC
Yes, it is possible. :)

I know this one guy who I thought was totally perverted and immature, but he showed his true colors one day by making an almost poetic speech to me. It was shocking but nice to know he wasn't really just another one of those guys.

Don't worry, you'll find a guy who's mature soon enough.
2009-07-30 21:50:46 UTC
16 ur old guys are not mature trust me. guys honestly will never be mature but will gain maturity with age. ur too young to date, it only gets u heart broken in the end =/
2009-07-30 21:49:47 UTC
no. when you are 16 the guys will be on the 13 or 14 year old level. :)

You have to wait until they get passed the stage of constantly calling each other gay... I can't remember when that was... uhm, maybe 18 or 19....
Hello Jessica;
2009-07-30 21:51:01 UTC
Of course there's no mature 13 year old kid. Wait for it.
Romeo Save Me!
2009-07-30 21:51:46 UTC
Trust me, even by the time they are 16, they're still immature!! Ha some are still like that into their early 20s, I guess you just have to learn to deal with them.
2009-08-03 13:18:12 UTC
There are a lot of us guys out there, and many of us are, or act immature. But there is still very many of us who are mature and could exceed your standards. So keep your eyes open for guys like us who are out there, we might impress you.
2009-07-30 21:51:29 UTC
wait till 16
2009-07-30 21:52:12 UTC
Not really. Unless they act like Harry potter when he was 13, which was complete bull considering his age in the book compared to daniel radcliffe's age, then sorry.
Bethany L
2009-07-30 21:50:49 UTC
Most guys never mature, to be honest. It's the sad truth. But don't worry, hon. Some guys are real gems.
2009-07-30 21:50:42 UTC
it depends on the person. im 14 and alot more mature than my 19 yr old step brother. (though so is my other step brother whos 11)
2009-07-30 21:50:54 UTC
Most are pretty immature, but it all depends on the person. there might be some mature ones out there, so keep looking (:
2009-07-30 21:50:49 UTC
i would say no even at sixteen most of us are idiots. Just depends on your definition of mature, how mature can u get at 13
2009-07-30 21:50:39 UTC
13 year old guys are not mature.

they still think farts are the funnest thing in the world and they are starting there little sick mind world. i mean go out with them or whatever it wont kill. have some fun.
2009-07-30 21:49:56 UTC
lol my boyfriends 15 and still isnt mature....

So no my boyfriend is still not but hes better at being more mature! so i would wait personally cause i was alot more mature when i was 13 then he was.
2009-07-30 21:51:20 UTC
sorry to say, but not really possible. hormones start to kick in right around there. so unless the dude has a hormone inbalence, not much maturity is going to show.
2009-07-30 21:51:06 UTC
I doubt it...I'm 19 and I still laugh when people say poop...and besides maturity is overrated...And being stuck up is different then mature
2009-07-30 21:50:02 UTC
At that age just about all the guys are the same so you will probably just have to wait.
omfgjenni :)
2009-07-30 21:51:12 UTC
im 13 too and most teenage guys mostly want sex BUT NOT ALL like the shy guys. and my Boyfriend and my guy friends
♥ G
2009-07-30 21:50:53 UTC
yeah its possible, but a LOT of guys go through phases of being jerks or being insecure or being fake..just like girls haha. so you gotta look past that or find the guys who are done with that =)
(May! =))
2009-07-30 21:51:39 UTC
Only a few.

And i mean a few as in a few.

but you will have to wait! , you will have to wait.

and wait until youre 16!?


you will have t wait until youre 30's. :p

and even so, there are still some.

ha! you are so cute though.

so cute questions. :D




2009-07-30 21:50:48 UTC
It's possible. Depends on an individuals life, and life experiences, outlook, and everything.

But, no matter how old you are, there's always more to learn and grow.
2009-07-30 21:50:40 UTC
probably gonna have to wait or just date an older guy 15 is
2009-07-30 21:50:17 UTC
not at all. actually 16 isnt all that mature either. your gonna have to wait a while.
2009-07-30 21:52:13 UTC
My philosophical answer: anything is possible sweetie! never give up.

My woman answer: NO. You have to wait untill you are 30.
2009-07-30 21:50:59 UTC
13 or 14 mature, LMAO!!!!....NO sorry boys are mentally like 3/5 years behind girls...
2009-07-30 21:53:58 UTC
of course but most of the time you don't notice them because there either geeky or cuz their mature and not into the drama scene
2009-07-30 21:52:18 UTC
pshh i see your point i know im 15 years old and boys are soo disreapectal and dumb you caint trust them bc they can lieee sooo good to where yu caint tell if they want you 4 yu are just wait till they come to you its not worth it....its not even worthh dating now dayss...
2009-07-30 21:50:38 UTC
Pretty much and that age (16) they are more perverted and want nothing back sex.
2009-07-30 21:51:12 UTC
yea it is

times have changed

at my school a quarter of the guys r mature

we dont watch cartoons

we make sure we look good

and we dont make stupid jokes
2009-07-30 21:52:16 UTC

First of all your young. Yes, just wait til' your 15. =D. If you want 16.

1- 14 is still being a kid.
2009-07-30 21:50:37 UTC
No. Just.... No. Doesn't happen. Same for girls, mind you. Just in different ways.
Dan Thelion
2009-07-30 21:50:54 UTC
no, most of guys just hit puberty so... addicted to the female anatomy to put it in simple words heh.
2009-07-30 21:50:36 UTC
Possible, but not likely.

Thirteen is too young to be "dating" anyways.
knower of all
2009-07-30 21:50:50 UTC
no you just have to deal with there immaturity and stop being a *****
2009-07-30 21:50:31 UTC
There may be a few.Just keep your eye out for them.
2009-07-30 21:51:07 UTC
let say sum are mature I doubt that you will find one that is

answer mine?
2009-07-30 21:49:52 UTC

miracles happen
2009-07-30 21:50:49 UTC
its possblie for anyone to be mature
2009-07-30 21:50:01 UTC
Some can be mature.
2009-07-30 21:51:05 UTC
ummmmmmmmmm NO
2009-07-30 21:50:07 UTC

I'm not giving you this link to answer my question; I just think my question relates a lot to yours, and answers your question.
2009-07-30 21:51:18 UTC
only if their balls have dropped.
2009-07-30 21:51:35 UTC
2009-07-30 21:52:06 UTC
2009-07-30 21:50:28 UTC
yea very possible...
2009-07-30 21:49:50 UTC
2009-07-30 21:50:28 UTC
Something to do with puberty mood swings? IDK
2009-07-30 21:49:58 UTC

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