When i'm upset, why do i only feel better when i help someone else out in need?
2014-02-25 09:55:57 UTC
I can never get out of my slump unless i help someone else out. it makes me feel better when i'm making someone else happy when i can't help myself.
Six answers:
2014-02-26 18:32:44 UTC
I Also Have This Problem Too... (Except It's Not Exactly A Problem). The Reason Why You Do That Is Because It's In Your Nature To Please Others, By Doing That You Actually Please Yourself With The Satisfaction Of Knowing That Someone Has Gotten What They Needed/Wanted And It Takes The Focus Off Of Your Own Inflictions. But Be Careful Because Doing This Can Make It Hard For You To Say No Sometimes To People. In The End Its Not Exactly Bad To Help Other People With Their Problems When You Have Your Own, But One Day You're Gonna Have To Face Them.
2014-02-27 02:25:58 UTC
Well maybe its cause you simply enjoy the feeling of helping another person out. You know how it sucks to be in that state of mind, so it uplifts you in a way to know that you made a difference and helped someone out of it. That and the fact that you can get your mind off of the present issue and focus on someone else's problems.
Blue Sky
2014-02-25 10:00:53 UTC
Because it helps to distract you from what you're focusing on and helping others is always a good thing to do. It's also positive and helps to boost your self confidence.